The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 688: Withdrawal

Latest URL: "Stupid human."

Dan Hermes held up his scepter and looked at the elite human legion that was defeated by the Knights of the Dark Banner led by himself, his face full of arrogance and disdain.

Yes, it's a rout!

The four camps belong to different forces, and the so-called cooperation, solidarity, and mutual assistance cannot be discussed at all.

When everyone witnessed that the two top Xeons, Zhelin and Lu Shen, were killed and beheaded by the head of the Dark Banner Knights and deputy heads in the shortest time, using the power of the Darmes field, whether it was The black king of the steel empire Naberg, the glorious empire sun king Harris, or the golden eagle supported by the golden eagle empire and the three major Xeon strong four neutral organizations, all lost their courage to fight against the Dark Banner Knights, led by The respective troops began to flee.

Coming menacingly, hurriedly declining, Mingzhe defended himself, and performed vividly in these forces.

"Run over! Leave them!"

Dalmaz continued to order, while chasing after victory, the Dark Banner Knights completely shred the elite of the Bucks Kingdom, Jingshan, and the only church, and then turned their guns again, aiming at the Iron Empire and the White Night Group.

For a while ...

It's a storm again!

And the consequences of the evacuation of the elite forces of the major forces are more than that.

After witnessing the strength of the Dark Banner Knights members, all the cavemen seemed to be completely stimulated by the blood and courage in their hearts. He shouted and hunted down, even those disturbed cavemen who had forgotten their domination. Fear, the crazy charge of holding weapons, joined the charge of the human army, the speed of 30,000 pioneers skyrocketed.

In addition, the humans who were hunted down were each a master of level 7 or above, and they have a high status in East China, without exception, so that local cavemen hunted down these elite troops and fled to the Human Army of Chiyan. After the attack range of the battlefield, the soldiers of the Chiyan State were afraid of accidental injuries and were afraid to launch an attack. They had to ask for instructions.

By the time the order for the attack was issued, the fastest vanguard regiment had been killed a few kilometers away from the human army.


The artillery roared! Machine gun fire!

The human army aimed at the burrowing pioneer men's army, venting rain of gunfire, dense flames and explosions sounded in every corner of the battlefield.

When the human soldiers launched an indiscriminate attack, the Vanguard Corps also launched a Chenjin chariot, firing hundreds of thousands of arrow rain that can span thousands of kilometers from the chariot, covering the human army crazyly. .

At the same time, the original Dark Banner Knights who were hunting down the country suddenly came out. Nearly four hundred people were divided into four squares. One team continued to hunt under the leadership of the Knights, and the other three teams Under the leadership of the deputy regiment leader, they rushed straight towards the human army array, and the speed erupted more than two hundred kilometers per hour, several kilometers away, and they were leaped across in less than a minute.


Fighting together!

The people in the caves of Tianyu Mountain had been fighting with the human army for more than ten years. They knew the weapons of human beings very much. The Dark Banner Knights who rushed into the army front rushed towards the artillery positions.

Although the warframes of these knights and reserve knights cannot protect every position on the body like the human Chenjin battle armor, there are no dead angles at 360 degrees, but the exposed parts are not important. Shots from firearms were still not fatal.

With the help of powerful armor equipment, the three Knights of the Dark Banner easily tore up the front line, and ran across the traps and defense facilities that can only hinder ordinary humans. Artillery positions destroyed one after another.

With the fire of a large number of artillery positions, the human army's war dominance over the cavemen is gradually fading, and after the 30,000 vanguards have been thoroughly drilled into the millions of troops in the Chiyan Country, this pour quickly turned into a defeat. From rout to slaughter.

Roar, explosion, flame, stray bullet, scream ...

In just a few tens of minutes, the battlefield turned into a **** on earth.


"The twelfth armored division was annihilated! The defense zone No. 22 fell completely ..."

"A team of Thousands of Cavemen rushed into our position, asking for support, asking for support ..."

"Knights! Those knights in black armor! The tenth armored division needs air assistance!"

"Can't stop! Can't stop! We can't stop!"

The Chiyan State was established in a high-level operational command room on the outskirts of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield. Various screams and requests for help were continuously transmitted.

Su Changge and Ye Shenghui, who are in charge of army dispatch, are full of cold sweat on their foreheads.

"Why, why is this? The Steel Empire, the Shining Empire, the Golden Eagle Empire, plus the masters gathered by our top ten consortia, a total of more than 300 elite level 7 and above, how could they be defeated so quickly? With their lineup Even if there is a battle against the Cavaliers of the Crypt, how can they lose so quickly !? "

Su Changge's eyes were full of uneasiness.

"If everyone is as fierce as the knights of the Grotto Knights, they can naturally block the frontiers of the Grotto Knights, but ... the people of the glorious empire, the golden eagle empire, and the steel empire immediately realized that the situation was not right, Run away, unwilling to fight **** in the process of blocking the Dark Banner Knights. When they ran, more than a hundred people in our top ten consortiums were unable to support themselves. Naturally, they could only choose to retreat to avoid unnecessary sacrifice ... "

Said a vice general.

"Not only the people of the three empires ran away, but the people at Tianjilou, Hunters Association, Wanjie Commercial Bank, and the League of Confederations ran away when they noticed that they were wrong ... The only person who did not run was Jingshan and the only church, but the cavemen The first thing the regiment looked at was them, and they were basically all disabled ... "

Another followed immediately.


Su Changge slammed the table angrily at an emissary from the Shining Empire: "Aren't you saying that the people in the cave opposite Tianzhuyuan are not afraid? Edo Shenzhou now has the power plus your support , Is it easy to defeat it? Why is it now a complete defeat !? "

"These Caverns are definitely not from Tianzhuyuan. We investigated very clearly that Tianzhuyuan does not have a knight of this size!"

Herald of the Shining Empire.

"But now this knighthood has appeared! There are hundreds of knights, three hundred reserve knights, and an extremely powerful army, plus a lot of sacrifices and bishops who follow them. Stimulate their psychic power and let them get stronger combat power. Their threat is no less than 400 level nine masters! How can our soldiers in the Red Flame Country stop the attack of the four hundred fully armed masters !? "


The angel of the glorious empire hesitated for a moment, after all, he could only hold back the last sentence: "The four hundred knights cannot gather together all the time, and when they are separated, they will find opportunities to break each ..."

Before he finished speaking, the mobile phone on his body rang.


The messenger said a word and quickly left the command room.

"Captain Elizabeth."

"Immediately summon Empire personnel to arrange a retreat."


The emissary stunned slightly: "Now many of us are working with the army of Chiyan Country to direct the Chiyan people to fight with the cave people. At this time, we will retreat ..."

"This is the order of Her Majesty the Sun King!"

The messenger hadn't finished speaking, Elizabeth had already yelled, "You can obey the order."

The messenger was stunned, and he did not dare to disobey, and responded quickly: "I'll arrange the retreat ... the Four Seas Group ..."

"This is the war between the East Shenzhou nations and the people of the Caves of Tianyu Mountain. It has nothing to do with our glorious empire. We are willing to take the initiative to block the frontiers of the cave people. It is the limit. The continents are desperate. "

After Elizabeth finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

The messenger of the glorious empire listened to the blind tone on the phone, hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head.

He is also just a small person, and what the big person makes is what he is entitled to violate.


Not only the people of the glorious empire are rapidly retreating, but also the people of the steel empire, the golden eagle empire, the only church, and the mirror mountain.

Even Tianjilou, Wanjie Commercial Bank, the Hunters Association, and the League of Legends did not perform better than the glorious empire, the steel empire, and other forces. After learning about the strength of the people in the caves of Tianyu Mountain, they pulled their main forces away from the battlefield. , Retreated to the back of the battlefield.

The strength of the Grotto lineup has made all the forces daunted. They must re-evaluate. It is not worth it to fill in all the forces in the elite for the door of this space.

Lost the obstruction of many top forces special operations teams, the Dark Banner Cavalry's front no longer has any power to stop ~ ~ in the direction of the horror in the hundreds of kilometers of Tiantu Mountain battlefield, anywhere, as long as There was danger, and these knights were able to support and crush them immediately.

For a time, the attacks from the cavemen were utterly overwhelming. Countless coalition forces of various countries were defeated by the counterattacks of the cavemen, with dead bodies and countless deaths and injuries.

In less than a day since the attack by the coalition forces of all countries at two o'clock in the afternoon, the Tianmao Mountain battlefield, which was hundreds of kilometers in length and breadth, was completely defeated. The Cavaliers Alliance suffered heavy losses. The direction of the Chiyan Country was completely cut through. The speed of the cavemen's breakthrough is a little less, but even so, there are nearly 10 million human coalition forces in the Tianyu Mountain battlefield, and the losers still exceed 3 million.

The rest of the army lost their courage to siege in front of the burrowing army of cavemen, and they withdrew and began to think of ways to build defenses.

While Cardinal Danmez was enjoying the fun of killing the enemy, bad news came over.

A group of 4,000 vanguards attacking the Kingdom of Shia lost contact.

Wonderful book house

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