The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 698: get away

"Look for the truth! See the map for the truth! What happened on the Tianmao Mountain battlefield !?"

"I heard my mother say that there are 60,000 cavemen in Tianyu Mountain, 400 Warriors and Dominating Knights, six Xeons, a half-step legend, destroyed by the fingers of the Thunder Sect's Baili Qingfeng Sovereign. of!?"

"Thank you, people are in Aurora, just got off the plane ... I can't give an accurate answer at present, but I contacted many friends of the Aurora Empire, and they heard the most about the fact that Baili Qingfeng was the incarnation of nothingness, according to legend. The 60,000 cavemen in the battlefield of the mountain and many elite destructions were the lords of the Baili Qingfeng who could not bear the charisma of the East Shenzhou. They used their own godless power to reduce the vast divine punishment, which only made the 60,000 cavemen and many places. The caveman's master died. "

"Divine punishment? I heard it looks like a new type of bomb?"

"Do you have a brain upstairs, what kind of bomb power can be so great? If there is such a bomb, what do we martial arts do? A bomb that can make 60,000 people in the caves fly away in an instant will not be lost to any world-class force. They can be easily erased from their heads, even the Xeons have only a dead end !? From now on, Baili Qingfeng will not be the uncrowned king? "

All kinds of discussions were endless, everyone was guessing, and called on Tianjilou to give an authoritative truth.


On weekdays, there are always well-informed people. As long as there is any wind and grass moving, the Tianji Building that can get the first-hand news immediately is silent at this moment.

The entire staff of Tianji Hall seemed to disappear, without any movement.

This weird silence has stimulated everyone to explore the truth. Not only Tianji Temple, everyone is insanely asking about the truth of the Battle of Tianyu Mountain, and those forces with spies in East Shenzhou have launched them. With all the power that can be launched, countless people have flocked to East Shenzhou.



The roar of the motor echoed in the open field.

I have to say that Tianji Building is very capable. They don't know where to get a batch of radiation protection clothing. They took a car and entered this area of ​​more than 3,000 square kilometers turned into a restricted area by Baili Qingfeng.

Looking at the sight of the place as if it were scorched earth purgatory, and the corpse of a mournful and dead man in the periphery, the daylight on the car, the market constant, the soul, the light, the dragon, and others, for a long time Speechless.

Not only them, but also a large number of forces sent teams into the restricted area.

It seems that this place is not a lifeless place, but a sacred place for tourism.

The power described by Baili Qingfeng is too terrifying!

60,000 people!

Wipe out the 60,000 powerful caves directly!

Even if they don't think Baili Qingfeng will lie on this issue, and can't think of the reason why Baili Qingfeng lied, but this kind of power, without confirming with their own eyes, they are not reconciled!

Even if there is a price to pay!

Only in this way, they can calm down and think about what attitude they should use to face Shia and Baili Qingfeng.

They longed for Baili Qingfeng to exaggerate, but in fact ...

Looking at this fiery land and the amazing scope of burning, whether it is the spy of Tianjilou or other forces, they are all caught in a deep chill.

The real lethality of that weapon is better than Baili Qingfeng described ...

More terrible!

Even more horrible!

"Nearly 10,000 cave people have survived !? Here ... there are so many survivors !? I only see thousands of survivors, and it won't take long for them to completely lose their vitality ..."

Xuheng voice trembled.

"Sixty thousand people ... a whole sixty thousand elite cavemen ... was really wiped out. What would happen to such a bomb if it were dropped at our Hunters Association headquarters?"

Long Yu said.

What will happen

Neither Qiqi nor Li Li answered this topic.

It is clear!


Totally destroyed!

The hunter's association headquarters will be turned into nothingness and razed to the ground like these cavemen!

"Suddenly I don't understand. Does our martial arts ... still make sense?"

The soul looks a little lonely.

Not only him, but also Guangguang and Xuheng.

Faced with this mighty power, the warrior ...

How to resist! ?

Not to mention the Xeon, even if the legend is close, there is only one way to go.

During the day, Qi glanced at several Xeons, silent for a moment, and said heavily: "Whether for our own sake, for the lord of Baili Qingfeng, or for the millions of warriors in the world, we should all be good with him Let's talk. "


Door to space.

Because they are not too far away, and the two thousand elites who are stationed in the space channel live in the mountains, everyone sees the bright light shining at the end of the sky, and after the light, the burst rises as if it can burn the void flame.

This kind of power containing great terror, great despair, great disaster, and great destruction has deeply shocked all the cave people who witnessed this scene. Even if these cave people have dark and ugly faces, this moment is still a moment. It's white, as if losing all its blood.

"So terrible power ... terrible ..."

In the logistics department, he has been transferred from a wise man to a sacrifice, and by his own efforts and merits, he has been promoted to worship the long black teeth of the sacrifice.

There was a creepy fear in my heart for no reason.

This fear ...

Only in the blood axe Horde city that was destroyed by the destroyed knight.

"What happened!"

Blacktooth muttered to himself, and for a moment, he added in amazement: "Something bad happened."

After this idea was derived, for a long time, no matter what he did, he seemed very unconscious.

For a moment, there was a sudden commotion outside.

As Blacktooth went out, many high-rises in the cave who were watching the gate of space ran in one direction.

When Blacktooth came to the place where everyone rushed to, he saw a dark body with many parts of his body like a rotten, extremely grungy caveman.

At first glance, Blacktooth was unrecognizable, but after a while, he seemed to recognize the man, and couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Archbishop Sandauman!"

This dying, as if the cave man might be killed at any moment ...

It is actually the most noble existence of Tianzhuyuan, representing the archbishop Shaduoman of the Blood Temple! ?

"It's over, it's over, it's over ..."

Shaduoman yelled wildly, his voice full of weakness and desolation.

"What's going on, Archbishop Shadowman, what happened?"

The chief commander guarding the gate of space asked quickly.

"Divine punishment! Divine punishment!"

As if Shaduoman thought of something, he shouted in horror: "The divine punishment from the **** of nothingness!"

"Divine punishment?"

The leader immediately opened his eyes.


Black Tooth moved, and during this time he collected a lot of information about the human world, and he is no stranger to "the true **** of nothingness": "Destroy the knight !?"

"It's him, it's him, it's him, the wings of death, the death knell of the last days, the origin of fear, the nightmare of night ... we broke into the kingdom of the evil god, and this incarnation of the evil **** with the power of the vastness descended and let everything turn into Nothingness punishment! At that moment, the never-extinguishing sun illuminates the sky, the flames that ignited all burned the sky, the darkness that shielded everything brought desperate destruction ... all dead, 60,000 elite heroes The soldiers, the Knights of the Dark Banner, the teachers ... all of them died ... the sacrifices are screaming, the soldiers are mourning, the ground is burning, and the sky is raining black, like a nightmare that never wakes up ... "

Satoman's spirit collapsed, his words incoherent, and his words were full of fear of the gods, and fear of the punishment.

Even with the big commander, the surrounding commanders, and the small commanders, they seemed to feel a cold heartfelt.

The moment every caveman is born will be taught to fear the gods!

Therefore, when they listened to Sanduoman's description of the vastness and horror of divine punishment, they seemed to feel the same, each one turning pale and shivering.

"Divine punishment ... Divine punishment ..."

Archbishop Shadowman suddenly returned to Qingming like a flash of light, staring at the Grand Commander with his eyes wide open, staring at the black tooth sacrificer behind the Grand Commander: "Go back! Take the soldiers back ... don't come again, never Step into this world again, and never step into this kingdom of evil gods ... forever ... "

With that said, the will he had persisted from the battlefield to the present day seemed to be vented, and the expression of embarrassment and fear on his face suddenly solidified ...

The breath of life drifted away from him.

"Ethereal God ... Destroy the Knight ... Evil God Incarnation ... Evil God Kingdom ..."

The great commander looked at Archbishop Shadowman, who had lost his vitality, and looked at the thick smoke that had not yet dissipated at the end of the sky, and finally the fear in his eyes could not be contained.

He trembled suddenly and ordered: "Go back! Go back! Let's go back! This is the kingdom of God, we offend the true **** ... even if it is only an evil **** ... that must also bear the wrath of the evil **** ... cardinal, archbishop, dark The Knights of the Banner, and those warriors are the best examples ... no matter how powerful a caveman cannot be against a true evil god! "

"Go home, let's go home! This is not our world!"

"I'd rather go with the ferocious beast than with the long night, rather than step into this land again!"

The other commanders and little commanders ~ ~ are also shouting uneasily.

Soon, the people in these caves had packed up their rude salutes and ran towards the door of space.

The fleeing crowd naturally also included the Blacktooth Rite.

He looked back, glanced at Archbishop Shadowman's dark body, and looked at the cloud of death that had not yet dissipated at the end of the sky, and seemed to be burning this scene deeply in his heart.

"Destroy the knight, the true **** of nothingness ... is this your **** name ... take control of nothingness, and possess the great divine power to turn everything into nothingness? Terrible, terrifying! I will tell all cavemen, never step into this world Half step ... "

With a mutter in his mouth, he turned around and followed the escape-like cavemen to disappear into the door of space.


(There is also a change in the Silver League. Although the time is very tight at the opening of the annual meeting, this chapter must be added anyway.)

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