The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 804: Late friend

For ten tons of ore, digging is not easy.

Moreover, how to dig out the ore to extract it into Blood Kobelco is also a problem.

Humans do not have the means to divine gold.

Bali Qingfeng thought for a moment, and finally set his sights on those people in the cave.

He stood up, strode a meteor, and soon came out of the dry rock city.

Perceived his arrival, the entire Dry Rock City became extremely tense. Soon, the black teeth that had gained an extraordinary status in the Dry Rock City were pushed out, respectfully bowing down and saluting: "Here is Your Most Faithful Servant, Black Tooth Greetings from you and sincerely hope to contribute a little to your Majesty. "

"I need you to help me excavate these minerals to make Blood God Steel."

Wu Baili Qingfeng didn't want to have any human relationship with the cave people, so he directly said: "As a reward, you can leave a hundred kilograms of blood God Steel to build a pair of armor for yourself."

I heard that they could really help the great nihilism, and the black teeth shivered with excitement: "It is my greatest honor to be able to work for the great nihilism."

Bali Qingfeng nodded.

The Blacktooth soon returned to Dry Rock City, and gathered people from the cave.

When these burrowers learned that they were going to mine the Blood God Mine for the great Void Demon, they showed similar passion to Blacktooth. They tried their best to compete for the miner qualification, and even some powerful knights went to mine. Can't help but fight.

After a long selection of black teeth, three thousand elite warriors were selected.

Almost all of these 3,000 elite warriors have the capabilities of the Warrior Warriors. Among them, the coverage rate of the small commander, the commander, and the large commander is extremely high. The dozen or so headed by them are even more powerful knights.

Has a strong repair base, 3,000 people are extremely efficient, the blood **** mine has been excavated in a day, and then the furnace of the dry rock city has been transformed.

Twenty-four days later, a total of 6,400 kilograms of Blood Kobelco was built in front of Baili Qingfeng.

Twenty-six thousand and four hundred kilograms, if all made into the style of the Storm Ripper Warframe, even if there is some loss in the casting room, a total of sixty-four sets can be produced.

Baili Qingfeng, as he said, left a hundred kilograms as a reward for black teeth. Under the ecstatic eyes of black teeth, they rejected their idea of ​​escorting along the way, sending Blood God Steel, many books, Cultivation resources were all mounted on a large chariot, and Cangyu was pulled on the way back.

As for the Cangyu belongs to birds?

Who stipulates that birds cannot pull carts.

As a legendary creature with unactivated blood of the beast, it is powerful and it is easy to pull thousands of kilograms of materials.

The chariot was pulled by Cangyu in a poor traffic environment, and the speed was naturally not faster.

Fortunately, the pressure of the legendary creatures on the small creatures is still very amazing. All the beasts and fierce beasts along the way, even the master-level fierce beasts are far away after feeling the breath emanating from Cangyu. Dodge.

Two days later, one person and one bird calmly arrived at the gate of space at Tianzhuyuan Tianmao Mountain battlefield.

"finally came back."

Qin Baili Qingfeng felt the distant spatial fluctuations tens of kilometers away, feeling sincerely.

Although the time spent in this trip to the Crypt World was a little less than he expected, the total sum of zero and zero still exceeded 20 days, mainly waiting for the transformation of the blood **** ore and the refining of the mineral into the blood **** steel. For a long time, the real battle of fighting and fighting was not long.

Fortunately, the threat of the Blood Temple was finally resolved.

The blood **** fell, two of the three legends of the blood temple died. Even if they still have such legendary antiques or two, according to the convention, why have to keep a housekeeper? Only two legends can come.

The two legends suddenly went to the barren energy environment of their barren realm, and only 10% of their strength could play 80%. Compared with the previous, he successfully broke from the Xeon to the half-step legendary realm. Let ’s give full play to our physical strengths, and in the case that the enemy ’s legend does not have the power of the Holy Spirit to reinforce them, it is still certain that they will die.

Of course, the premise is that there are no high-level legends and more powerful title legends in the Blood Temple.


Qian Baili Qingfeng was in a relaxed mood, and soon saw several figures coming quickly from the ferocious beast riding ahead.

"Sovereign Qingfeng."

A knight in front of me greeted Baili Qingfeng with an excited look.


He Baili Qingfeng nodded at him.

重力 Second world gravity is different from the barren world.

In addition to gravity, the periodic table of elements in the Second World is both lacking, so that technological products are restricted in the Second World. Although it is not impossible to create vehicles such as cars and motorcycles, on the one hand, transportation needs to be supported The road, on the other hand, is too fragile.

With this kind of mentality of entering the country, the successful high-level martial arts tend to train domestic beasts and fierce beasts as a means of travel.

舒适 The comfort of this mobility tool is naturally not comparable to that of a car, but safety and practicality are the first choices in harsh environments such as the Second World that may be threatened at any time.

"Congratulations to Qingfeng Sovereign for returning."

Constantine said respectfully.

At the same time, his eyes fell on Cangyu who pulled the chariot behind Baili Qingfeng, and his eyes couldn't help showing shock: "This kind of life coercion ... is it a legendary creature?"

"It's a legendary creature."

Bali Qingfeng nodded.

"Legendary creature, living legendary creature!"

"So horrifying coercion, standing in front of this legendary creature, I had the feeling that when my twelve years old, my father pulled me to face a fierce beast forcibly ... It seems that it only needs to move its paw slightly Can easily tear me into pieces. "

"Sovereign Qingfeng had previously domesticated a half-step legendary creature with legendary blood, but now ... it's true that even true legendary creatures can be domesticated? My gosh!"

The high-ranking warrior behind Konstantin looked at Cang Chen's body that was ten meters long, one by one, terrified.


Qi Baili Qingfeng's eyes glanced at everyone, and he actually saw an acquaintance among them.


I looked at this familiar face Baili Qingfeng with surprise and joy.

And Miro ...

I noticed that Baili Qingfeng's gaze was a little dodging.

For a moment, he seemed to think of something, and finally sighed secretly, and approached respectfully and said, "I've seen the Lord Qingfeng."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, Miro, my friend, haven't seen you in a long time. How have you been recently?"

Bali Qingfeng looked at Mi Luo, really happy.

"Very well, I ..."

At this time, Baili Qingfeng seemed to find something: "Ah, you haven't reached Heaven and Earth?"


Miro instinctively wants to vomit. Do you think everyone is as wicked as you, and in his twenties he has cultivated to the point where he can cut the legend?

Considering the celestial cloud-like identity between the two, he finally suppressed this idea: "I ... I came to Tianyu Mountain to guard the gate of space, and I wanted to use the gate of space to hedge the two worlds. The changed vitality tries to understand the mystery of the unity of heaven and man ... "

哦 "Oh, it's really hard to understand the unity of heaven and man."

Baili Qingfeng nodded in deep conviction: "Although I practiced the unity of heaven and man, my unity of heaven and man was given away for free when I practiced another method. It was a gift, not my own practice. Come out, if I really let myself cultivate, I'm afraid I won't be able to comprehend it. "

"Two ... two or three years ..."

Mi Mi Luo looked at Baili Qingfeng, a little confused ...

Have you realized that Heaven and Man are one in two or three years?

慢 Is it slow to break from the eighth peak Zhenxian to the ninth heavenly man in two or three years?

"But I believe that with Miro's talent, the integration of heaven and human will definitely not hold you back. Even the door of the Xeon can give you time to break through easily."

Baili Qingfeng Road.

After listening to this, Mi Milo calmed his mind slightly and quickly said: "The Qingfeng Sovereign has passed the prize. I am not worthy of such a talent in front of Qingfeng Sovereign's amazing achievements."

Although he has now extinguished his comparison with Baili Qingfeng, he still has some pride in his heart.

At the age of twenty-six, the eighth-level peak is expected to realize the unity of heaven and man before the age of thirty, and step into the realm of nine-level heaven and man.

In East Shenzhou, in addition to Baili Qingfeng, who else can have such brilliant achievements! ?

"I'm nothing. I may have a little talent. Maybe today's achievements are mainly due to luck. Coupled with chance, I have a no-load contract, and I dare to fight myself. I am lucky every time. "If you can do the same as me, your achievement is probably above me."

"Luck, inheritance, and luck have died ..."

Mi Mi Luo heard the envy of Baili Qingfeng.

The good luck and heritage of the people are really important, if they can also have opportunities like Baili Qingfeng.

I dare not say that shoulder-to-shoulder qingfeng opens a legendary era and ends a legendary era, but how can I get a half-step legend?

"I will work hard!"

Miro was slightly inspired by a little fighting spirit.

"Well, come on, you are the incarnation of God, Miro, God. I used to think it was just a legend of nothingness, but this time the trip to the Blood Temple ~ ~ I really saw it, it is very powerful, it is equivalent One of the legendary Holy Spirits of their subordinates almost let me plant it. If it were not because I consumed him without the power of the Holy Spirit, I would not be able to stand in front of you and speak to you. "

"Holy ... Holy Spirit !?"

"Legendary Holy Spirit !?"

Miro and Constantine felt their breath suffocate.

Due to the chaos in Xiyanzhou, the **** of death transformed the two holy spirits, causing people to know nothing about the holy spirit, legend, and legendary holy spirit.

Holy Spirit ...

That is the equivalent of a legendary existence!

Although the Holy Spirit is known as the weakest legend, the strong legend is limited by life forms, and only 10% of the power in the deserted world can play 80%, but the Holy Spirit does not have this effect. In other words, the Holy Spirit and the legend belong to the deserted world. The same grade.

传奇 And the legendary Holy Spirit, that is far more powerful than the Holy Spirit, a legendary Holy Spirit can meet the ordinary Holy Spirit, and can even be a enemy!

现在 Now, the Baili Qingfeng Sovereign is actually strong enough to compete with the legendary Holy Spirit! ?

"Master ... Master ... how about the last legendary Holy Spirit ..."

Miro asked carefully.

"Naturally dead."


Miro's eyes widened suddenly, his blood rose, his face flushed.

"Yes, how can I go home with peace without solving the problem of the Blood Temple?"

Bai Qingfeng said this and waved his hand: "Okay, I'm in a hurry to go back, so I'll leave first, and talk again the other day."

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