The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 806: Positioning

Daytime Qi looked at the appearance of Baili Qingfeng's heart burst.

In the opening of the Tianmen Mountain space, the forces such as Jingshan, the Glorious Empire, and the Iron Empire knew that the invasion of the cavemen would not do anything, which led to the tragedy of Tianyu Mountain. They had made Baili Qingfeng dissatisfied and saw now This response from Baili Qingfeng ...

Daytime Qi quickly said: "Sovereign Qingfeng, I know what you are worried about, please rest assured, we have already inquired about the situation of the Blood Orchid Principality. There are several half-step legends and great knights in this country. How many troops can we mobilize, do our best In our calculations, there will never be any mistakes. If the Qingfeng Sovereign is not at ease, our four major forces are willing to assemble the elite and gather. Once the people of the Bloodland Principality dare to be arrogant, we will never have any mercy. "

"I want to know, when did the six thousand people in the Blood Duchy appear?"

Xi Baili Qingfeng did not look at the daylight but asked Xiao Lige.

Xiao Lige seemed to have noticed that Baili Qingfeng's mood was a bit wrong, and he quickly said, "It was twenty days ago."

"Twenty days ..."

After the end of the ancient tower, Baili Qingfeng had a little understanding of the causes and consequences of the invasion of the Principality of Blood Orchids, so he guessed that the daytime Qi and others did not eliminate these 6,000 people for twenty days: "The fan of space When is the gate completed? "

Qi Tianqi, Li Li, Yu Changqing, Xiao Lige and others looked at each other, and finally Li Li scholars said: "Fast is three or five days, and slow is eight or nine days."

After finishing speaking, he quickly added: "At present, the gate of space has been laid. Even if we destroy the 6,000 Blood Orchid Principality army here and prevent them from continuing to build, the gate of space can be opened there. It is nothing more than delaying the formation of the door of space for a month or two. If Qingfeng Sovereign is really worried that the Bloodland Principality may pose a threat, our four neutral forces are willing to bear all responsibility. "

"you guys……"

Xi Baili Qingfeng looked at the daytime Kai, Li Li, as well as several people from the Hunters Association and Wanjie Business League.

In the end, he exhaled slowly: "I hope you can really do not let these blood orchids affect half of Hea, otherwise, the cooperation ends here."

"Please be assured, Qingfeng Sovereign, we will organize people to defeat the 6,000 blood orchid principality, and at the same time build a fortification at the place of the gate of space. Regardless of whether the blood orchid principality has the ability to invade East Shenzhou, it will never be allowed. Anyone who has entered the territory of East China Island without permission. "

Kai cautiously during the day.

"Sorry, Chairman Qing Feng ..."

Xiao Lige, who was aside, wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Baili Qingfeng before saying: "You don't need to apologize."

Although Takia was a bit stronger than before, in the face of the four major neutral forces, the words spoken may not have much weight.

"Bai Louzhu, I have discussions with Bai Yuxiao and Bai Yisheng. You are my elder, so I also believe in you, and I hope you will not disappoint my trust."

Bai Qingqing Feng said, and turned to Yu Changqing: "Please Elder Yu arrange a transport plane for me."

"Just leave it to us."

Xiao Xiao Lige quickly stepped forward.

Bali Qing Feng did not force this.

He patted Cangyu, and conveyed his consciousness to this legendary creature through the magical powers, and let it move around the space gate of Tianyu Mountain.

Although the cave man named Blacktooth opposite the door of space vowed that the door of space would not cause any problems, he did not fully believe in the aliens. In addition, the double life of Cangyu's legendary life was a double insurance to truly ensure foolproof .

Qian Baili Qingfeng packed up important materials from the man in the cave and took it to Xia in person. Yu Changqing took care of the rest and transported it back by transport.

I didn't say goodbye to others, so Baili Qingfeng left in great stride, carrying the essence of true gods, the essence of legends, the flowers of moments, the crystals of clarification, and some legendary books.

I watched Baili Qingfeng leave, Li Li, Tian Qi and others looked at each other and sighed.

"Sure enough, Lord Qingfeng is very dissatisfied with letting this door of space open."

Qi Qi said during the day.

"Our world is called the barren world by the second world. Why is it called the barren world? Isn't it because our world lacks that special energy factor? Without this energy factor, even legendary life cannot be born, even in the second world. The world has achieved legends and can only be active in the gate of space. Otherwise, as time goes by, the life form will fall back and fall to a half-step legendary level. Let us open some more gates of space to enrich our world ’s special energy factors. It is also easier for everyone to break through to the legend. This is a good thing for the sake of success. It is also good for Qingfeng Sovereign, right? I don't understand why he is so exclusive. "

Li Li shook his head.

"You ca n’t say that. The door to space opens, allowing a large number of special energy factors to infuse our world. Over time, it has an environment that can break through to the realm of legend, but it also means that the legend of the second world can also be in our world Survival, if the Second World invades us again, the pressure we face will increase countless times. "

Xiao Xiao Lige said.

"But people must look forward. The martial arts world is always developing. It cannot be because the opening of the door of space attracts special energy factors to increase the energy level of our world. It may lead to the advent of legendary rivals. Then the emperor Qingfeng joined in. The sword rain rivers and lakes created by Bai Yuxiao, the son of Bai Louzhu, don't want to create a society where everyone is like a dragon? But now he seems to want to die halfway, isn't it ... because he is now standing at the top of the martial arts world, he wants to ... "

A nine-level peak powerhouse of the Hunter Hunter Association said.

"Chong Luo, stop!"

The 9th-level powerful man didn't finish talking, but he was interrupted sharply during the day: "How brave is the Qingfeng Sovereign? Can you stigmatize it? Never have such an idea in the future."

"I just talk."

The ninth heavenly man named Chong Luo said aloud.

好 "Well, we will immediately call on the troops and defeat the army from the Bloodland Principality!"

启 Qi Suran Road during the day.

"I'll go now."

Li Li nodded.

The others also nodded and left quickly.

After Li Li, Li Qiqi, Zhong Luo, Xiao Lige, and others left, Yu Changqing also took a few people around to walk towards the door of the space.

On the way, Xue Tong behind Yu Changqing sighed, "There are so many right people."

Yu Changqing knew what he was referring to, but didn't know how to respond.

After a while, he said, "Under the pressure of the external environment, these forces have been closely united around the Qingfeng Sovereign, but now, Tianjilou, Jiemeng, Wantong Commercial Bank, and Hunters Association have been born. Two half-step legends, the Xeon has reached an astonishing nineteen people. This power cannot be matched by Olympus, the country of the forest, the steel empire, the sole church, and the Golden Eagle empire, plus these four forces At that time, it reached the critical point of the super power. During this time, the constraints were lost, and then it broke out through the power of the Qingfeng Sovereign ... Anyone that does not count on the power of Xeon, the scale is not inferior to that year. Mirror Mountain, the only church, the gate of heaven. "

"Elder, do you mean ..."

"No, don't think about it."

Qi Yu Changqing shook his head: "In fact, this situation has a lot to do with Qingfeng Sovereign himself."

"What is this Qingfeng Sovereign? At present, Hia can have such an excellent environment. The four neutral forces can develop without any restrictions, all thanks to the Qingfeng Sovereign ..."

"There is a saying that is good, Sheng Mien, Dou Mi Chou, I now use this word to describe the four neutral forces may be a little too much, but if you look closely, you will find a problem. That is, he is only responsible for the work, not responsible for the end. In the three holy places in Chia, there is a hundred-mile sky master to help. As the second grandfather, the sky master is extremely attentive to him, so naturally there is no need to worry about any trouble, even afterwards. In the case of the Aurora Empire, Prime Minister Yasuo and His Honorary were present, and there was nothing wrong, but now ... "

Yu Changqing smiled bitterly: "The lord of Fengfeng has stirred the world, let alone the lord of the sky, and even Prime Minister Yasuo and His Excellency Shouzhen can't afford to end up, so the responsible person has become the four major neutral forces ... ... "

同 Xue Tong listened, faintly understood Yu Changqing's meaning.

"If you are a person, you have selfishness. If you are a person, you have desire. The Sovereign Lord has his own faith. The goal is the same as that of Qingfeng Sovereign. In addition, he and Qingfeng are grandchildren. The selfish desire is covered by the elders’ care for the younger ones. The prime minister of Yasuo and his true predecessors spent their lives for the growth of the Kingdom of Shia, and they were regarded as unselfish in some respects. In addition, the affairs of the Aurora Empire kept them busy, and the disadvantages of some things have not been suppressed, but the four major neutral forces ... ... "

Yu Changqing sighed: "They and Qingfeng Sovereign have limited relations ~ ~ they are not at all like-minded. Even Qingfeng Sovereign was just an investment target for them. Since it is an investment, naturally they should enjoy the return, only However, this investment goal is developing too fast, and has the qualification to sit with them, and even later to distribute benefits. However, it is undeniable that for them, they and Qingfeng Sovereign are only a combination of interests. The interests are the same and they are naturally close. Once there are differences of interest ... "

"Since the elder understands why he didn't explain to Qingfeng Sovereign?"

"It doesn't make sense, the key to this matter lies in the Qingfeng Sovereign himself."

"Mr. Qingfeng himself?"

"Yes, he must admit his failures and mistakes!"

"Failure, error !?"

同 Xue Tong's face looked stunned: "Where did the Master Qingfeng fail and what was wrong? In today's world, what can't he do? And who can make him admit it?"



"he himself!"

Yu Changqing's tone carried a trace of cruelty: "All of this can only be changed by the Qingfeng Sovereign himself! And to change all of this, he must recognize his mistake in positioning himself! Recognize the past failures and re-know a new one, And give yourself a new position-some things, even if he doesn't want to do it, he doesn't want to do it, but when he is in this environment, he has to do it! Otherwise, no matter how hard he works, it will be futile and even will Let the situation worsen! ".

"What will he do?"

"He must destroy his original heart with his own hands!"

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