The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 817: Kill the chicken marmoset

As the Emperor of the Star Empire, Shengxinghui did not actually have much autonomy.

Anyone who knows the empire of stars knows that those who dominate this country are those who want to regain the glory of their ancestors and become the great veterans who dominate the heavens' billions of stars.

Although the major patriarchs ignored the empire most of the time, everyone had their own ideas. On the one hand, Sheng Xinghui, who was sitting on the throne, had to balance the interests of the major patriarchs and make them satisfied. On the other hand, it is necessary to properly handle domestic issues and maintain the orthodox rule of the Star Empire in the North. These years have been hard work.

If it weren't for sitting in this position, you could retain a lot of rich resources, and cultivate a strong person for yourself and for others in your vein. I am afraid that as a legendary life, he would have left the office.

For this reason, when he heard the messenger from the Duchy of Blood Orchid cry, he was very dissatisfied with those humans in the barren world.

"Foreign Minister Hong Shuo, haven't we warned them about the Lehman Principality last time? Some people are looking at them as human beings. They have the means to take it away, but they dare to treat the royal family members. Shooting with the great lord, this is already provoking the bottom line of our star empire! Really think that our star empire can't spare enough power to run out of their barren and barren world while suppressing the beasts and aliens !? "

Shengxing Hui said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, according to our understanding, the barren world does not have a unified political system. There are hundreds of countries in that world. In addition to countries, there are some huge forces that are not inferior to countries. The last time we warned those The more powerful one in the country is called the Shining Empire, and this time, the enemy appears to be from a kingdom called Shia. "

The Foreign Minister known as Hong Shuo responded respectfully.


Holy Star frowned: "I've heard the names of Glorious, Steel, Aurora, Olympus, Forest State, and the Golden Eagle Empire. Except for the population, these countries' military scale is at best equivalent to a duchy and a brilliant empire After we were warned, we were all settled down and obediently paid tribute. What country is this Shia? "

"According to our latest news, the Kingdom of Shia defeated the Aurora Empire, and the annexation of this country inspired the ambitions of the bears. In order to gain more space for development, they directly extended their hands to our Bloodland Principality."

The ambassador of the Blood Orchid said kneeling to the ground: "His Majesty, after the humans of this country invaded our Blood Orchid, we sent an elite army of hundreds of people to show their strength in our territory and use killing and force to deter us. The Principality wants to let our Bloodland Principality submit to their rule! They also captured the princess Nasha of our Principality, using this unscrupulous method to humiliate many lords. The princess has the Royal family of Adelaide. Noble blood. "

"Jadland ..."

In order to maintain their rule of the north, the empires of the stars had sealed a prince, and these princes occupied a place and formed the prototype of the kingdom.

King Arland was one of the princes who were sealed off at that time.

It was just that his kingdom had been overthrown two hundred years ago, and the Kingdom of Aland also became the Kingdom of Dawn. The new King of Dawn won the favor of a veteran with a treasure and made the veteran admit that he was right for him. The ruling power of the Kingdom of Chenxi, so the Yalande royal family fell into disintegration, and their blood was scattered. They either became big businessmen or became lords in other countries. The branch of the Bloodland Principality is still developing well.

Although the time has become extremely complicated, it is undeniable that if the princess Nasha really has the blood of the Royal Atlan, it goes back more than a dozen generations ...

They really have relatives.

"The humans in the deserted world can no longer be so noisy."

Shengxing Huisi thought for a moment, said.

Whether it is for the bloodline relationship of the eight princes of the Blood Orchid Principality or the negative influence of the barren world on the grass-roots empire, they have to do something.

"We have always ignored the barren realm. On the one hand, it is not convenient to go to the barren realm. On the other hand, the world has no value to us, but this does not mean that they are eligible to jump into our territory and do whatever they want. , If I remember correctly, the connection between the two worlds has been much easier in recent years? "

"Yes, Your Majesty, the number of space passages between the two realms has increased significantly. Only in the past ten years, the number of space passages has exceeded 169. In addition, our special department has developed space passages based on the structure of space passages. The door technology only requires the use of the skeletons of some divine creatures. With the help of the divine power fluctuations, the stability of the space channel can be enhanced, and a door of space can be forged within one month, which will permanently travel back and forth between the two places. "

An old man came out of the crowd and said.

"Well, although the world is of little value to us, it is undeniable that the world will not be threatened by beasts but it is true. There was a proposal by the parliament to turn that world into a granary and they provide us with food. And we gave it some funding, but it was rejected by me for inconvenient transportation. Now it seems ... the conditions are mature, I will send people into the barren realm, on the one hand, I can continuously get food from that world, and solve the food problems in the surrounding cities. In order to train more fighters to fight, on the other hand, establish a connection with the barren world, and transform the barren world, so that if there is any thief in the barren world, we will not be completely passive. "

"Her Majesty."

Many lords harassed by the barren world sang praises.

"But before we actually transform that world, we have to do one thing to make sure that we don't have any obstacles to our next move in that world."

Sheng Xinghui said, his voice raised slightly: "Stunning Marshal."

"Your Majesty, please."

A man in his fifties looked forward, and Shen Sheng should drink.

He was one of the few people in the field who wore armor to participate in the meeting. He had a strong iron blood on him, especially the legendary coercion, and it made some ministers feel breathless.

"Choose a few suitable places to build the door of space, and the required materials are deployed by the state treasury. In addition, before the door of the space is established, in order to let people in the barren world understand what awe and what cooperation is, we need Show our strength, kill chickens and tamarins! "

Sheng Xinghui glanced at the ambassador of the Bloodland Principality: "Let's take a look at those Shia people who are in the Bloodland Principality.

"Dear my Majesty."

The puzzled Shen Sheng promised: "Subordinates will go to the Blood Orchid Principality, expel the invaders, and prepare to enter the desolate realm!"


It was ten days before the time flashed.

In these ten days, Baili Qingfeng spent only eight days practicing.

The remaining two days are in cultivation.

The reason for this result is not because he was attacked, but because of the negative effect of splitting his mind.

The two schizophrenics split into four, which had caused him pain and blood, and when the four schizophrenics split into eight, he fell into a state of unconsciousness for almost an hour.

Even if he later recovered his consciousness, he was still mentally debilitated, and after two days, he was able to recover. If there were no crystals, he would not be able to return to the peak state in two days.

"It's really hard ... deserves to be the way to become a god! I have just split into eight spirits. The shock is so great that I even have a hunch, even if it gives me enough clear crystals, my will At best, it supports me to split the eight-way spirit into the sixteen-way level, and to split the sixteen-way spirit into the thirty-two. I am afraid that I may not be able to wake up after losing consciousness ... "

Without consciousness ...

How is this different from being a vegetative?

Baili Qingfeng felt the four spirits that had finally settled down, and seemed a little bit worried.

"It seems that the next practice can only pin hope on the improvement of life forms. Although I have gathered the power of life now, it is still not a true legend. The power of life, the power of the field, and the power of the mind have not yet Perfect fit, only after the soul pulls the power of life to make a leap, reaching the level of higher life, it is estimated that it can be split into more than thirty-two spirits, as for the next sixty-four ... ... "

Baili Qingfeng calculated a little.

After the demigod split the sixty-four roads, and the sixty-four roads are split into one hundred and twenty-eight roads. It is almost impossible for life below the true god. Fortunately, the construction of the kingdom of God by the semi-god to the true **** should only be It takes ninety-nine spirits, ninety-nine, and barely the middle number between sixty-four and one hundred and twenty-eight. Although splitting to this number will be extremely dangerous, at least it has a vitality!

Besides, demigods achieve true gods, but that is a breakthrough in the realm. It is not a lifetime to die, not to bathe in blood, not to go through all kinds of hardships, and not to break and stand. How can it appear that the breakthrough in the realm of gods has not come easily?

Baili Qingfeng said he understood it very well.

"It's a pity ~ ~ The crystal clear stone is used up, and the new four spirits who want to temper to the tenfold efficiency of refining the gods will be greatly reduced ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment.

Now he is a lot stronger than before in the process of refining God. He should barely have the qualification to shake the kingdom of the true God. In this way, although he is still not the true God, he can fully descend on those Holy Spirits. Before they smashed their approach.

Besides ...

In a short time, his combat power could not be enhanced in any way, and the only method left is estimated to be too high.

Therefore, even for the first-rate gold, he had to go to Xiyanzhou.

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng took out his mobile phone and called the Prime Minister Yasuo: "Please help me make an appointment for William XII of the Glorious Empire. I want to make a deal with him."

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