The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 819: Great Sword

Buzz! "

The figure of Bailizhu shuddered slightly, with a little pain on his cute little face.

"Xiaozhu !?"

Realizing this, Baili Qingfeng did not hesitate to stop the execution of the magical powers.

However, when he really wanted to suspend the divine magic, a backlash of spirit suddenly burst out along the divine magic, accompanied by scenes of scattered memories.


Endless flames!

A terrifying volcano was detonated by the mighty force, releasing the power to destroy everything.

The sky and the earth were all swallowed up by magma and burned by flames.

Also swallowed is a towering castle standing under the volcano.

"call out!"

The screen turns!

Thousands of horses gallop!

A well-armored knight group was leading hundreds of knights to flee the volcano in the opposite direction at an extremely fast speed, seemingly far away from the land of destruction.

But at this moment, in the void, there seemed to be a horrible shadow hanging down. This shadow was like a mountain, like a star. The shadow that had just been cast had already blocked the sun and the volcanic eruptions in the sky ...

At the last moment, Baili Qingfeng saw clearly ...

That's a sword!

A horrible giant sword that is unknown for thousands of meters!

This huge sword is like a meteor falling down over nine days. The friction between the blade and the air caused a fierce roar and gas explosion, and a fiery flame was fired. It aimed at the hundreds of knights who were fleeing madly ...


The earth tears!

Destroying all the shock waves swept the dust, scattered all around, destroying all the pictures ...

Even through just observing this memory picture, Baili Qingfeng can clearly feel the great terror, catastrophe, despair, and destruction in the picture!

"not good!"

Perceived her own phoenix backwash, if you allow this backwash to continue, you will definitely suffer extreme trauma, even if the consciousness disappears and become a vegetative.

After reading this, Baili Qingfeng took the initiative and cut off the induction between himself and this spirit, which is almost equivalent to breaking his arm!

Even if he splits his mind again and again during this period of time, one, two, two, four, and eighth, he is quite experienced in the pain of mental breakdown, but this pain still makes him look pale, and he moans involuntarily. .

Fortunately, as Baili Qingfeng personally took on all the counterattacks, Bailizhu's heart was shaken violently and calmed down.

But even so, she couldn't support her consciousness under the kind of shock, and passed out.

Baili Qingfeng endured the pain of mental backsweeping, carefully inspected the condition of Bailizhu, and felt relieved only when she realized that her body had fallen into a self-protective instinct just because the impact on her mind was too heavy. Tone.

"Huh, okay."

Baili Qingfeng said, rubbing his brows.

The pain of backwashing is not good.

Fortunately, he has taken spiritual backlash as a part of his practice over the years. The number of spiritual backlashes he encountered has not been 1,000 or 800. Although the pain caused by broken arm survival is uncomfortable, it is estimated that he can rest for a while Come back.

"Those pictures ..."

Baili Qingfeng massaged the eyebrows in this way, alleviating the pain in the brain, while thinking about the scenes he saw: "Is it Xiaozhu's memory?"

These memories are vague and obscure ...

Obviously it is the deepest hidden in Xiao Zhu's memory.

Or simply she was severely impacted, causing her heart to be closed and forgetting these horror pictures beyond her age limit.

For a time, Baili Qingfeng looked at Xiaozhu's gaze a little bit distressed.

He stepped forward, picked up thy bamboo, and walked into the room.

Inside the room, Shi Yiyizheng and Yu Caiwei chatted and saw Baili Qingfeng holding the Baili bamboo. Shi Yiyi was a little stunned and quickly asked: "What happened to Xiaofeng, Xiaozhu?"

"There were some surprises in the psychic."

Baili Qingfeng said a little tired.

"Spiritual ..."

Shi Yiyi and Yu Caiwei both turned pale.

As one of the popular mysteries of refining, they understand the characteristics of supernatural powers. Once such secrets have an accident ...

"Xiaozhu is okay, he just fainted. It should be a good rest."

Baili Qingfeng seemed to guess their thoughts and added a word.

Shi Yiyi listened to the worries on his face and dissipated: "That's good ... Qing Feng, your face is a bit wrong, are you all right?"

"I'm okay, I recovered in an hour or two."

"Qing Feng, aren't you all the ten most spiritual sages of refining the gods now? Why are there accidents when using the magical powers?"

Shi Yiyi was a little puzzled.

"Xiaozhu is too small, and his mental state has not yet stabilized ... then ... my understanding of supernaturalism is too simple."

Baili Qingfeng said.

There is only one true mysticism of mysticism, the Thunder Staff.

In addition to the Staff of Thunder, the remaining Great Soul Break, Thor's Staff, Jiuxiao Thunder, and Triplet all have a poor level of proficiency, let alone the use of magical powers that have rarely been used.

Like mysticism and mystery, refining mysticism also requires more practice to become proficient.

Baili Qingfeng said, and Shi Yi took Xiaozhu to her room, helped her take off her coat, and covered her with a quilt.


Without waiting for Baili Qingfeng to leave, he seemed to feel something, and his eyes fell on Baili Bamboo.

It stands to reason that it should be lethargic for more than ten hours. At least a few hours of slender bamboo eyelashes trembled and actually woke up.

When she woke up, her eyes had fallen on Baili Qingfeng and Shi Yiyi, and there was a mist of water in the jewel-like eyes: "Brother Qingfeng, Sister Yiyi, my parents are gone ..."

Baili Qingfeng and Shi Yiyi looked at each other. When Baili Qingfeng picked up Baili Bamboo, they had speculated that Baili Bamboo's family must have suffered. Now it seems ...

"It's okay, it's okay, I believe that uncles, aunts, and auspicious people have their own appearances, and they will definitely be fine ..."

Baili Qingfeng said that there were flashes of hundreds of knights fleeing across the kilometer sword in his mind. If Xiaozhu's parents were really in those hundreds of knights ...

No dregs left?

But of course he could not say these cruel words, but quickly comforted: "You and us, we are your closest loved ones."

"Xiaozhu, don't be afraid, we will always be with you."

Shi Yiyi sat next to the bed, holding Xiaozhu's hand.

Water mist flowed in the eyes of Bailizhu, and tears flowed down her white cheeks, wet the pillow with Pikachu's pattern: "Brother Qingfeng ... I want to find my parents ..."

Baili Qingfeng froze.

He faced Bailizhu's eyes. During this time, he really regarded Bailizhu as his loved one. In the face of such a request, he could not bear to refuse: "Okay, let's go and wait for me to shine The Empire is back and I will take you to find your uncle and aunt. "

He already had a picture of that volcano in his mind, and that volcano had also experienced a large-scale eruption. These are the best clues.

Not to mention……

That terrible sword!

He never believed that the excalibur membership that contained such terrorist forces was unknown.

Baili Qingfeng and Shi Yiyi accompanied Xiaozhu after a conversation and let her rest.

"Qing Feng, take a break, too."

"I'm fine."

Baili Qingfeng said.

Go to the Second World to help Barry Bamboo to find her parents who have probably died out ...

It may take some time.

Fortunately, the issue of both the Blood Temple and the Blood Orchid Principality on East Shenzhou has been successfully resolved, and the only potential danger is the steel empire rebelled by the cavemen in Xiyanzhou.

However, the people of the Grottoes of the Iron Empire will not be able to make trouble in East Shenzhou for a short while. It is like the ancient continent, obviously a legendary fire dragon is lurking, and even a large number of dragon descendants have been developed. I didn't see it tossing away or anything.

Therefore, even if he really goes to the Second World with Xiaozhu, as long as he can return within one or two months, he doesn't have to worry about the situation out of control.

not to mention……

Baili Qingfeng slightly sensed the small galaxy composed of four stars cultivated from the catalog of stars ...

In a month or two, the starlight should come out.

Then ...

His Void Knights are ready.

"I'll go out."

Baili Qingfeng said to the teacher Yiyi.

"Qing Feng ..."

Shi Yiyi looked at Baili Qingfeng and seemed to want him to stop, so he didn't have to be so busy, but for a moment, she didn't say these words ...

Man, career-oriented, she should support it.

Wasn't she gradually attracted by Baili Qingfeng because of this?


"It's all right."


Baili Qingfeng nodded, went upstairs, raised a box, went out of the yard, crossed Qingyuan Mountain, and soon came to Xinghui Garden on the other side of Qingyuan Mountain.

As a member of the Void Knights, everyone in Xinghuiyuan is no stranger to Baili Qingfeng.

The moment he appeared in Xinghuiyuan, the whole Xinghuiyuan suddenly shook.

In less than ten minutes, in a conference room in Xinghui Court, the 30 members of the Void Knights reserve team that had been carefully selected had completed the assembly ~ ~ 30 people, repaired for The levels are different, but even the weakest ones have reached the sixth level, and four of them are the nine strongest.

For the thirty men selected by Baili Qingfeng, the rest of the Void Knights are actually somewhat dissatisfied, especially those who are in the ninth level.

But Baili Qingfeng's prestige at this moment is as high as the sky, and the invincible strength of the sword cut legend is a deterrent to the world. Even if they have complaints in their hearts, they dare not expose them, otherwise it will be more than just eliminating them.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng's eyes swept across hundreds of people, and everyone's eyes were full of respect and fieryness.

Especially some of the acquaintances, such as Miro, the incarnation of God, still have the same look, making him slightly unnatural.

But these people ...

It will be the prototype of his Void Knights! The foundation of guarding Shenzhou in the future to ensure that their world is no longer threatened by outsiders!

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