The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 821: Glorious Empire

1,600 kilograms of **** gold ... "

Duanmu Rui was heartbroken.

But these blood **** steels were ultimately obtained by Baili Qingfeng. How to deal with them also depended on the thought of Baili Qingfeng. He pointed out that there is a suspicion that he is now being treated as an injustice by exchanging blood **** steel for super-class gold. Feng could not obey him.

"I know it's a bit of a loss now, but we should think better."

Baili Qingfeng said, "Although the Blood God Steel has the effect of enhancing Qi and blood, it is not significant. Its real effect is to increase the field. In other words, only by building a half-step legend in the field can they exert their maximum power. We still have a lot of blood **** steel, we also keep it, we might as well circulate them and use them to strengthen the comprehensive combat power of our world. In this way, we can be better when encountering external threats Resistance. "

"I'm afraid that other people may not be thinking about dealing with external threats when they take the armor made by Blood God Steel."

Duanmu Rui smiled bitterly in his heart, but he didn't say this, but just said, "Be careful with the chairman's arrangements."

Baili Qingfeng entered the equipment room, and several armor masters greeted him.

More than 6,000 kilograms of blood Kobelco, at present, one thousand kilograms have been beaten into battle armor, and since metals such as Blood Kobelco are rarely worn to the battlefield, the warframes created are based on Light and medium-sized warframes dominated, resulting in a total of four sets.

Of these four sets of armor, three of them are boutique ones, one of which belongs to the Storm Ripper style.

Baili Qingfeng looked at these warframes and thought for a moment. "These three sets ... two of them are based on the data of Shouzhen Senior and Zhao Jiansheng. Send them to them in a while."

"Thank you Chairman Qing Feng."

Duanmu Rui said quickly.

Shouzhen is the guardian of the Kingdom of Shia. Baili Qingfeng is willing to present a set of fine war armors to Shouzhen to enhance the fidelity of combat power, which is undoubtedly equivalent to strengthening the power of the Kingdom of Siya.

Three sets of fine blood **** steel battle armor, the remaining one collected the data of Baili Qingfeng himself.

Although this type of armor is mainly used to increase the power of the field, it also has a good effect on the strength of the practitioner's blood, especially the fine gold armor, which is enough to strengthen the strength of the blood of a Xeon to It is comparable to the half-step legend that embodies the power of life. Even if the Baili Qingfeng is a half-step legend, it can increase by 10%.

"It's just that the defense is a little weaker. Even if the armor is made of fine blood **** steel, the defense is 20% to 30% stronger than the fine Yaojin battle armor."

Baili Qingfeng has seen the data sent by the armor masters.

Such a set of armor is probably not as good as a set of ordinary black Kobelco armor, let alone a shoulder to hand with the fine black Kobelco armor.

Shaking his head, Baili Qingfeng's eyes fell on several masters. "Blood God Steel now uses 2,600 kilograms, with 3,700 kilograms remaining. These 3,700 kilograms, 300 kilograms are reserved. Spare, the rest, all turned into ordinary warframes, a total of 30 sets, two of which are boutique warframes. As for the data of these 30 people, there are 30 people left in the Void Knights. You will send someone in a while. Xinghuiyuan collect it. "

"Respectfully arranged by the chairman."

Several master armor makers quickly promised.

Although they are master-level figures from all over Shia, they are now almost exclusively serving Baili Qingfeng alone. Any loss of the armor of Baili Qingfeng and any improvements that need to be made will be handled by them.

It is also because of the existence of this team that every time the battle armor is damaged after the battle of Baili Qingfeng, it can be repaired or recast in two or three days.

"Everyone is working."

Baili Qingfeng thanked the armor masters one by one, then changed into the dark red Stormbreaker Battlegear, carrying 1,600 kilograms of Blood God Steel, and left the area.

"By the way, tell the Prime Minister Yasuo that I'm going to the Glorious Empire."

Baili Qingfeng said to Duan Murui.

Tell the prime minister of Yasuo to prepare for the plane, and also prepare the glorious empire?

Duanmu Rui nodded, "I understand."


Baili Qingfeng nodded his head, thinking, "Although the other party is talking about a week, but I find someone to trade, I naturally understand politeness. One day earlier, in case of an accident, there is room for manoeuvre. OK, I'll practice early. "

Thinking that he would not return to Xia, he set off directly carrying his own box and headed towards the glorious empire of Xiyanzhou.

In addition to Constantine, Losa, and Miro, all the people of the Void Knights of Healand have taken the essence of the legendary blood, and after one or two months they have completed the preliminary refinement of the essence of the legendary blood, they will repair it. It is not difficult to comprehensively improve to the ninth level, and one person has a set of gold armor. Even if compared to the Xeon, they can have a war power, let alone 27 of them will definitely enter the Xeon state. In conjunction with the practice of the Holy Spirit Sword Technique that can be used in conjunction, it is definitely a force that is no less than any superpower in the world.

With this power, plus Zhao Jiansheng, who is in charge of sitting in the city of Xia, and Lin Huang who guards the gate of Thunder Zongshan, as well as the true gods who possess the fine gold armor and have taken the essence of true gods ...

Shea is now truly capable of dealing with all dangers.

This is the reason why Baili Qingfeng left safely.

Out of Shia, Baili Qingfeng ran all the way, even carrying a box of 1,600 kilograms, and some daily necessities such as toothpaste, towels, mineral water, changing clothes, and the average speed still reached 800 kilometers per hour. .

On the way, he made every effort to inspire the heaven and earth, taking the heaven and earth as the foundation to understand the mystery of the stars.

As early as when he returned to the barren realm, he discovered that the practice of stardom in the barren realm was easier than in the second world.

In the second world, it was difficult for him to fit together and integrate the world. The energy flow and magnetic field activity in that world were much more intense than in the deserted world, but in the deserted world this difficulty was greatly reduced.

It's a pity that he has been involved in various things in the recent period of time. Otherwise, he would like to buy more books about the magnetic field of the stars. The practice of the small universe is second.


at the same time.

Within the Glorious Empire, His Majesty William XII, King of Glorious, Star Picker, Golden Dragon, Wensley, Heris, Elizabeth, and the Holy Spirit of Golems invited to participate in the ambush. , The legendary life burning wings and nine people gathered together.

In front of them was an expanded map with several locations marked in detail.

"The Prime Minister Yasuo has called and submitted the flight to confirm the schedule of Baili Qingfeng!"

"We made a total of three hands to prepare for them to land at Froth Airport. When we met him, we would use the latest type of toxin. This toxin is colorless and tasteless, even if it has an impact on the life of high legends. Li Qingfeng has not transformed into a legendary life, no matter how hard it is, he can't completely ignore it! "

Elizabeth said.

"Second-hand preparation is to prevent him from escaping!"

Wensley took the word and pointed to a tunnel. "This is the Gini Mountain Tunnel, with a total length of 4.2 kilometers. We hired a dedicated blasting master. It took four days and four nights. The blasting point, when his vehicle enters the tunnel, will detonate the tunnel. At that time, hundreds of millions of tons of rock and stone will be cracked down. Even if he has great ability, he will not be able to escape from the tunnel for a while. "

"Without speed, Baili Qingfeng is equivalent to having our arm broken."

Glorious Holy Road.

Although he didn't seem to take Baili Qingfeng to his heart, but an opponent who had beheaded and killed the legendary beastly man, no matter how disdainful he was, he still attached great importance to him.

He has already turned over all the information of Baili Qingfeng more than ten times, and he is well aware of the speed, physical strength, and defense characteristics of Baili Qingfeng.

"The third-hand preparation is Bai Li Qingfeng's companion."

Dragon Nest's Jinlong said, "The companion of Baili Qingfeng is Holy Ocarlo, an old predecessor who is over 100 years old and is the pinnacle of the spiritual holy. His presence can completely blind Bailiqing. Feng's sense of crisis! And, at the last moment, he will detonate a neurotoxin bomb carried on his body with the belief that the country is dedicated, giving you a great opportunity to kill and kill Baili Qingfeng! "

"it is good!"

The glorious King ’s heavy shot on the table "three-handed preparation is enough to completely disintegrate all the resistance forces of Baili Qingfeng, plus our four legends ambush in the tunnel, giving him the final fatal blow, even if he Bailiqing Feng has great ability and can only die today! "

William XII on the side looked at the arrangement of several people. Although he was still a little bit embarrassed against Baili Qingfeng in his heart, he had to admit that in the face of such a killing, anyone would have difficulty flying.

"Now, everything is ready, only waiting for Baili Qingfeng to step into the territory of our glorious empire!"


At this time, Baili Qingfeng did not know that the brilliant empire had set up the stage, and waited for his protagonist to play.

With the intention of not letting the other party wait for a long time ~ ~ he ran all the way for more than ten hours, without even having time to rest halfway and not even drinking a sip of water.

When he returned to God, it seemed ...

Already in the territory of the glorious empire.

"Wait a minute, this time I seem to be on an official visit ... If it is an official visit ... I remember that it usually follows the process. According to the progress on TV, I have to send someone to meet at the airport first, as if There will also be a red carpet, and children in elementary schools will be asked to send little red flowers and the like ... "

The running Baili Qingfeng shook his head and couldn't help but stop.

He looked up, looking at the magnificent, historical city with a lot of classical buildings in front of him ...

Ok! ?

Has he arrived at the glorious empire capital?

List of chapters with high-speed text and hand-to-hand enemies

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