The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 828: Fortunately

In William XII's office, His Majesty the Emperor is now sitting with people familiar with the plan of besieging Baili Qingfeng, listening to the latest reports from the front.

At this time, a voice came suddenly and hurriedly outside the door: "Your Majesty, what a disaster!"

"What a curse !?"

"The hundred miles of Qingfeng came over!"


William XII stood up, and looked at Wensley in disbelief in disbelief: "What about the Wings of Burning? What about the Holy Spirit? And His Majesty the King of Glory and the Holy Spirit who he invited. Where's Master Xing? "

"The latest information, Burning Wings and the Holy Spirit of the Flames ... are dead."

Wensley's voice was a little dry.

"Dead to battle ..."

Two words upset the others in the conference room.

Especially the military personnel such as Harris and Elizabeth, their faces are full of disbelief: "The Burning Wing is the leader in the legendary life, and it is said that it is only half a step away from the high-end legend. Less than the power of the Holy Spirit bestowed by the **** of the flames behind them, but after all, it is also the body of the legendary Holy Spirit. With all kinds of means extraordinary people can imagine, how can such two powerful legends be defeated so quickly? Fighting dead !? "

"The battle between Baili Qingfeng, Burning Wings, and Holy Spirit was too bad for the surrounding environment. Not many close-up images have been saved, but some long-distance images can still be collected ... Here comes a valuable image. "

Wensley said, shook his head and said, "But now we are not thinking about this. After killing the burning wings and the Holy Spirit, Baili Qingfeng has already focused on His Majesty the Holy King and His Excellency, and is chasing after him. Kill them both ... "


Before Brunsley finished speaking, there was a harsh sirens from the horse outside.

Immediately after, the guards heard some anxious voices: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, a few fierce battles broke out in our capital, causing huge losses. At present, those top warriors have already come to our palace, and a few more Kilometers are going to our palace. For your safety, please follow us immediately to the evacuation facility. "

"Come to the imperial palace ... Isn't ... our plan really completely exposed? Doesn't His Royal Highness say that Baili Qingfeng has discovered the legendary beastly man, the two legendary beastly man who burned Wings and the Holy Spirit I mistakenly assassinated his assassins, so I went to deal with them? Why now ... "

William's face was full of astonishment.

"Nine times is exposed, otherwise, how would the Baili Qingfeng kill the Burning Wings and the Holy Spirit of Spirits without relentingly and re-attempt the King of Glory and Lord Zhexing again? You must know that they are both pure human beings. With our knowledge and understanding of Baili Qingfeng, as long as he doesn't provoke him, he will not rush to other people! "

Harris stood up and said, "Hurry up, let's go to the underground facilities to take refuge!"


The group no longer care about the meeting, and hurriedly walked outside the meeting.

As for mobilizing soldiers for blocking?

There's no point.

For the existence of such a level of legend, ordinary people have no use whatsoever. When the other party puts the field alone, those soldiers who are not even warriors will cut the wheat into pieces into pieces, and even delay their progress. Speed ​​can't do it.

not to mention……

It takes time to convene soldiers.

The group got out of the conference room, and had no time to go to the underground refuge facility. Heris, nicknamed the Sun King, had already found something. He looked to the end of the sky with a shock and looked at: "Good! They are coming!"

As soon as the words were finished, in the eyes of the crowd, every sword light passed through the void with an incredible speed, and the powerful Holy Spirit who had high hopes in their minds took the star hole.

The sword light that pierced through the stars even passed the distance between the battlefield and the palace. The national flag fluttering from the top of the palace was cut off. Suddenly, the flagpole was broken. under.

"Three kilometers! It's three kilometers away from the battle site!"

Heris looked at the three figures fighting at the end of the field of vision, and a heart seemed to be caught by an invisible big hand, almost losing his breathing ability.

Although he heard the brilliant record of Baili Qingfeng again and again, after beheading the Aurora Emperor, his power soared into the sky and went straight into the clouds. In the future, he set foot on Jingshan Mountain and the sword beasted legend Human invincible record.

Everyone said that he had opened up an era and ended an era, but when Heris heard it, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

Baili Qingfeng's half-step legendary cultivation is placed there, even if his record is so brilliant, it is estimated to be a coincidence, coupled with the right time and place, and then exaggerated and deified to such a point after passing on to pass.

But at this moment, watching the few crossing the sky, from a few kilometers away, cut off the terrible sword spirit of the brilliant Empire flag flagpole at the top of the palace ...

No matter how unwilling he is to face the reality, he has to admit that a scorching sun that is endlessly shining is rising, and like the sun and the sky, it will completely obscure the light of the same period of warriors.

"Walk! Go!"

Heris shouted.

At this moment, he didn't even care about William XII's life and death, took the lead to leave the team, broke out the speed of his Xeon, and ran away in the other direction at the fastest speed.

William XII and others did their best to escape from here as fast as possible.


Their speed is far worse than Baili Qingfeng and the glorious Holy King who flees.

When they had just escaped from the conference room and had no time to go to the underground fortress, the two hundred li Qingfeng and the glorious King had already killed over the palace.


In order to save William XII, Baili Qingfeng made every effort to inspire the golden sword and the disintegration of the demon!



In front of the main hall of the Glorious Empire Palace, it seemed as if a heavy thermobaric bomb had been detonated.

The violent collision shocked to the extreme high-frequency air pressure like smashing space, forming a violent shock wave sweeping all around at 0.011 seconds, all buildings with a radius of tens of meters in front of this shock wave were like sand sculptures that had been hit by a tsunami. Swept smash.

The entire palace seemed to have suffered a violent earthquake. The shock wave formed by the explosion swept hundreds of meters away. Even if the glass of some buildings was shattered to a distance of 200 meters, as for those precious antiques and porcelain, the damage was even more severe. Countless, the economic losses caused are inestimable.

Looking at this horrible destructive power and lethality, just a hundred meters away, William XII, Elizabeth, Wenlais, and others who were quite embarrassed by the shock waves of smoke and dust were all icy and deterred. In the place, do not dare to move.

Looking at the Baili Qingfeng, which was filled with smoke and smoke from the ruins, one by one seemed to have lost the ability to speak.

The Baili Qingfeng in the smoke and dust also slowly stood up, patted the contaminated dust on the body, and saw that it was reduced to a corpse, and the glorious Holy King who was gone for half of his body was full of ruthless judgment. : "Collusion with beastly humans is anti-human! Anti-humans, die!"


William XII was stiff for a while.

Baili Qingfeng's words were like the death knell of the last days, and it seemed that he would immediately ring the fate of his death.

In the haze of William XII's heart, thinking that he was fleeing, Baili Qingfeng's voice sounded again: "Sorry, Her Majesty William, broke your palace, but just to make sure that these collusions are not animalized. The anti-humans have harmed Your Majesty your safety. I have to do everything in my power to stop them. I ca n’t stop them at all. This will cause such great damage. I hope Her Majesty will understand. "

Baili Qingfeng's voice was apologetic.

However, the meaning revealed in the discourse was to let William XII, Elizabeth, Wensley and others have a heart like a falling ice cave, and spring was in full bloom.

William XII, Elizabeth, Wensley and others glanced at each other very quickly.

Baili Qingfeng didn't know their siege plan!

Just as Lucius reported, Baili Qingfeng discovered the identity of the legendary beasts of Burning Wings and the Wraith Spirit, thinking that they were going to assassinate themselves, so they shot and killed the two legendary beasts.

As for why the two great human beings, the King of Glory and the Star Picker, were also taken to the fish pond ...

It is estimated that the actions of the two of them to rescue the burning wings and the Holy Spirit of Golem were regarded by Baili Qingfeng as humans collaborating with beastly humans, just as he said ...

To be punished with crimes against humanity!

Suddenly, the three understood their situation at the same time, and then a smile was squeezed out from William XII's almost rigid face: "Understand! Understand! We can understand it very much! Thank you Chairman Baili Qingfeng for his help We slaughtered two legendary beastly assassins, and also found two human legends lurking in our glorious empire. We want to subvert our glorious empire. If there is no Chairman Baili Qingfeng appearing in time, we are afraid at this time. They are already more ferocious and less fertile. With such kindness, all of us in the glorious empire will keep in mind! "

"Helpfulness is one of the basic virtues of human beings ~ ~ Moreover, the two of us are also trading partners. You are in danger. Naturally, I can't ignore you.

Baili Qingfeng said humblely.

William XII quickly smiled and nodded: "Yes, yes, we are very clear about Chairman Baili Qingfeng's behavior, that is a model of human morality!"

"It's an award. These are all things I should do. Don't say that those who want to hurt Her Majesty are beastly humans. Even if there is any human who colludes with the beastly humans, I will never let it go easily, even if they are The legend of mankind equivalent to the top combat power, or the emperor who ruled a super empire, once I knew that they had a slight collusion with aliens, I would not be soft-hearted ... eh? What happened to your Majesty William? "


(When it comes to sword swallowing the world, I can see it in the wind. The most impressed heroine is Bingrou, from the Sleeping Moon Demon Record. The name Yunrou is based on Bingrou.)

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