The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 837: balance

"Hurry up!"

这里 "Here, put defense here!"

"How much time is left for the enemy's vanguard? Is the quantitative investigation clear?"

After a few hours, the town of Blood Orchid was in chaos, and there were people from the four forces running around in a hurry.

I was in the same conference room, and dozens of senior executives convened the meeting again, but this time, each of them was filled with anxiety and anxiety.

"Can't reach the Baili Qingfeng Sovereign?"

"The Lord Baili Qingfeng has been gone for twelve days, and we have no idea where he went!"

"How many enemies are there? Is the investigation clear?"

"Although we occupied the Duchy of Blood Orchid, the rebellion of the Duchy of Blood Orchid has not stopped. We have not really grasped this country. This time the rebels of the Duchy of Blood Orchid joined forces with foreign enemies and hit us by surprise. Conte and several adults did not even have the time to organize resistance, and was defeated by the sudden arrival of the legendary strongman with absolute strength. However, we have checked the vanguard. The number is around 6,000. Because we are far away, we cannot distinguish The strength of the leader, but conservative estimates are a half-step legend. "

Hao Shen Shensheng said.

"Forty thousand troops, a legend, and an unknown number of half-step legends ... At this time, the Baili Qingfeng Sovereign was not ..."

Everyone frowned.

"Jun Zhuofan and I are now on our way to East China Island, but even if we choose the fastest plane, it will still take ten hours to get there, and the enemy's vanguard is now only left from the door of space. Over 400 kilometers, we may not be able to catch up in time. "

Baisu returns.

"I will organize a team of men and horses to interfere with their forward speed, and fight for these ten hours for the Baisu returning veterans and Jun Zhuofan's leader!"

Qi Qilian said.

"Pioneer's 6,000 troops are not the focus, the focus is on the legendary powerhouse that will be killed later. Although our four neutral organizations are several times stronger than a year ago, they face the true powerhouse ... ... we still don't have the power to fight. "

Qi Guang's tone was weak.

His words aroused resentment among some people in the crowd: "How can that be? Baili Qingfeng went to the second world again at this critical moment. There is no connection at all. What can we do?"

"It's clear that there is still the Holy Spirit raging on the Iron Empire. Can't this Baili Qingfeng go to the Second World half a month later? He just left the Iron Cave Empire's rebellion indifferent?"

Several people followed in response.

But most people didn't speak.

Because they know, it's no wonder that this thing is nothing.

"Find out the identity of these attackers!"

At this time, on the side of Xuheng, Scholar Li Li ran over and said with a grim expression: "The enemies of those who attacked us in the Bloodland Principality are from the Star Empire! They are soldiers of the Star Empire! At present we have only limited information. Knowing that when we breached the Blood Orchid Principality, Duke, the successor of the Blood Orchid, sent someone to the Star Empire to cry, and under the anger of the Star Empire, he ordered a general to lead a large army to come and preach justice for the Blood orchid.

"Empire of Stars !? It is actually an army of Star Empire !?"

Li Li's words instantly changed the face of the crowd.

As they captured the Blood Orchid Principality, they not only received various methods including the legendary heritage in the Blood Orchid Principality, but also learned a lot of relevant information about the northern border, so they knew the power of the Star Empire.

This is the master of the north!

Although the master is now dying and the sun is setting, the skinny camel is larger than the horse. Even if the status of the star empire is challenged by the six kingdoms, there is no more power to conquer the six kingdoms. Among them, some of the troops drawn out are by no means what the current four major forces can compete with.

Just like now, a legendary leader of 40,000 regular troops, this force, even if not long ago, the invasion of 10,000 beastly humans in Beihanzhou could be easily suppressed.

"Don't you say that the Star Empire is too busy taking care of itself now? How can there be power to intervene in the Duchy of Blood Orchid?"

"Yes, now many lords in the Empire of Stars are standing on their own, and they have not seen the Empire of Stars take action to suppress it. How come they sent troops to suppress it? Why?"

"Damn, the Star Empire shouldn't bother about the Bloodland Principality ..."

At the same time, the high-level officials in the field couldn't help but be appalled and appalled.

"Well, you don't have to scare yourself. I estimate that this army sent by the Empire of the Stars is also deterrent. They don't really want to fight with us. They don't have enough power to open up a world on our side At the battlefield, I estimate that as long as we can fight them back and let the people of the star empire see our power, they will naturally open and close their eyes to us as they do to the great lords who have declared their independence. "

Xuheng raised his voice at this time.

His words calmed everyone down, and after thinking for a moment, they nodded.

"Although we have laid down the Blood Orchid Principality, we have never shown enough strength. Without strength, we will naturally not be respected. In addition, the Second World has long despised our barren world. Other lords have chosen to stand on their own. They can accept it, but if we want to occupy the Duchy of the Blood Orchid, it is as if they provoked their faces, so they would attract them to the army. Xu Heng is right, as long as we show enough strength in this battle, afterwards Then they announced their continued loyalty to the empire of stars, to give them face, they will naturally retreat. "

Xun Jun Zhuo Fan followed.

"Then the point is how do we fight these enemies back? The other party has a legendary powerhouse!"

"The legendary power ... is not invincible. Don't forget, legend, will be suppressed in our world. Even if they meet in the gate of space, they can only play 80% of their strength. If not in the gate of space, One hundred kilometers away, their power will continue to weaken, and on our side, there are already four half-step legends, and in the Kingdom of Shia, there is also Zhao Jiansheng, a beast with a legendary blood, and Emperor Lin Huang, and ... The real legendary bird of Tianyu Mountain! This power can only play 80% of the legendary power of the previous one ... It may not be impossible to defeat it! "

Xu Huiheng calmly analyzed.

His words finally calmed down the restless people.

"Then the next thing is to find a way to see how to move Zhao Jiansheng to take the shot, and to invite two fierce beasts, Lin Huang and Cang Ying."

"I believe they still understand the news of the cold and cold teeth. This gate of space is on the border of the Kingdom of Hea. Once the army of the Empire of Stars is killed from the gate of space, the first is the Kingdom of Hea. We will help them defend together. , They can still have a slight chance of winning. Once without our help, how can Shiya resist the invasion of a 40,000 army led by a legend, several half-step legends, and the Xeon. "

不错 "Yes, if we really ca n’t carry it, we can just walk away, but how can the Hyhians retreat? They won't be so trivial."

"But if we do this, it will be equivalent to offending Baili Qingfeng completely. At that time, the relationship that will be repaired will be completely broken. He will even regard us as a avenger and retaliate!"

Chan Xu constant Shen channel.

"Withdrawing the town of Heilan is the worst result, but if the enemy is really powerful and we can't resist it, then there is no way to do it. Will it let us die? The number of 40,000 empires is limited. If we send them When they are dragged into the sea of ​​people war, and they take advantage of their unfamiliarity with the world and their military strength, the victory rate will be much greater. "

"Hasn't Baili Qingfeng developed a new weapon for divine punishment? Why not let him take that weapon out?"

Bai Sugui said suddenly at this time.

His words made everyone's eyes bright: "Yes, this is also a powerful card for us! As long as the magic weapon of the penalty is hit, it is by no means legendary, and especially the new magic weapon is said to be more powerful. Asian side. "

学者 Scholar Li Li's eyes flickered a little: "I am afraid that Heia will not take out God's punishment weapon."

"I believe that the Hya will make the right choice. After all, the town of Blood Orchid is on the land of Hya. We also use this weapon of punishment to deal with the enemy who may bring the devastation to Hya, even after the event. Feng knew it and wouldn't say anything. "

"Well, get ready to withstand the first wave of vanguard."

Xixuheng stopped others from continuing to say, "I'll liaise with Zhao Jiansheng, Dong Shengyang who is responsible for controlling Lin Huang, and Shia."

Everyone nodded and moved quickly.

He quickly convened one by one and rushed to Xuelan Town to provide support.

After the meeting was suspended, Qi Lian quickly found Xuheng: "This time, we have a great opportunity to obtain the weapon of divine punishment ..."

Xuxu Heng's face changed: "We have managed to ease the relationship with Baili Qingfeng. If you really do that, it will be a total tearing of your face."

"Not necessarily! We also use the weapon of God's punishment to resist the invaders from the empire of stars ... And ... Although we have been trying to repair the relationship with Baili Qingfeng during this time, you have also seen the end result. Already generated, unable to break the mirror, he even began to cultivate his own power. At this rate, within ten years, he will completely shake off his dependence on us and push his own power to the stage ... "

"Did you forget the four legends that died in the hands of Baili Qingfeng in the end of the city? Or do you think that our four and a half-step legends will be more terrible than the four legends?"

Chan Xu constant Shen channel.

"Because of this, we need a weapon to deter, so that Baili Qingfeng, who has an invincible force, dare not act lightly! Otherwise, once UU reading is unhappy once , Who wants to do something to us, who can guarantee our lives? "

"Bali Qingfeng is not such a person!"

There was a hint of anger in the tone of Xu Huiheng.

"But we cannot pin our future on his character!"

Qi Qilian lowered his voice: "Don't forget the tired bones that Baili Qingfeng has risen all the way! Can you guarantee that one day we will not change like the Aurora Empire and the Mirror Mountain? Become the cornerstone of his supreme throne?"


"You should have known when you promised that the space channel of Blood Orchid Town would be formed. Baili Qingfeng and us never belonged to one person!"

Qi Qilian said.


Wuxuheng didn't speak again.

Have Baili Qingfeng belong to the same kind of people?

In essence, they are the same as the Three Holy Alliance, Aurora Empire, Jingshan and other forces, but Baili Qingfeng, he is not!

"What is balance? Balance is something both sides have!"

Qi Qilian said emphatically: "Only by mastering the weapon of divine punishment to deter each other can we maintain a true balance! Only between us and Baili Qingfeng can we truly ensure equality and nothing at all!"


Wuxuheng did not speak for a long time.

"I know what you are afraid of, you can rest assured, I will do this, anything will happen, and I will bear the consequences. You can even stop me to throw me out of sin when necessary, and calm down. Li Qingfeng's anger! "

After Qi Qilian said, she turned and left.

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