The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 843: 1 not left


Seeing Youying and others leaving, Shouzhen, Baili Changkong and others were relieved and relieved.

Although Zhao Jiansheng successfully broke into the realm of legends, after all, it is a new legend. In addition to the legend, there are four half-step legends and twenty-one Xeons in addition to the legend. This force, once killed in life and death, will eventually lose absolutely It's them……

It's all right now, Youying waited for someone to retreat.

只要 As long as the legendary bird Cangyu arrives, with a legendary bird and Zhao Jiansheng two legendary lives, even if Youying and others make a comeback again, they do not need to fear of regeneration.

"Oh, this time, I'd like to see how the people of Tianjilou, Jiemeng, Hunters Association, Wanjie Commercial Bank resist revenge from Youying and others!"

Shou really sneered.

"Everything is their own choice, then any consequences must naturally be borne by them!"

It's the same with the sky.

They are not like Baili Qingfeng. They are innocent and kind. They do not see human suffering. They have come through the chaos of the early days of the Kingdom of Shia. They understand that there are some people who you do n’t let them suffer and do n’t let them bleed. They never know how to live together peacefully. How hard it came.

"The four major neutral forces may not all have the same ideas as them."

Constantine stunned, came forward.


Wu Shouzhen and Dong Shengyang's eyes fell on him.

"The reason why we were able to capture Gu Feng smoothly was that someone sent us a message, which only allowed us to do ambush beforehand. Otherwise, we must capture a quietly lurking Xeon ...."

"Someone sent a message?"

He Shouzhen said for a moment: "Can you know who it is?"

"Unable to confirm for now."

Wu Shouzhen listened and pondered, but in the end he said nothing.

Uh ...

"If Shia uses the magic weapon, it will definitely be an airdrop! We have now monitored all the transport bombers of the Kingdom of Shia. As long as they intend to use the magic weapon, we will definitely be aware of it."

In the courtyard of a border town in the Kingdom of Shia and Chiyan, Qilian, Bai Sugui, Jun Zhuofan, etc. all retired here.

The four major powers have been secretly dormant over the years. They have already laid out their industries in every corner of the world, and it is naturally easy to find a place to stay.

"At this point, God's punishment weapon is already our only choice."

Xi Baisu sighed.

"We have obtained the legendary heritage from the Bloodland Principality. With our cultivation talents, there is still a lot of hope for the legendary success in the future. If we can hold the weapon of divine punishment again ... our four forces will be infallible in the world."

Xun Jun Zhuo Fan said.

"Calculate the time. The people on Hiah's side should have met the legendary Youying from the empire of stars, right? I would like to know, without our help, why are they like the legendary Youying, the four and a half-step legend, And twenty-one Xeons. "

Qi Qilian sneered.

"It's almost ... I hope that the people on Hiah's side will not be too stubborn. They should use the magic weapon ..."

Baisu nodded.

At this time, 遁 光 came in suddenly from the outside, panicked and said, "Not good! The legendary Youying and the Kingdom of Shia have no war at all. After some contact, kill them in the direction we are in!"

"Hia and Legend Yuying are not at war !?"

Bai Sugui, Jun Zhuofan, Qilian for a moment.

In particular, Qilian stood up for the first time: "How is it possible! Our spies in the Bloodland Principality have spread the news. The order of the empire of the stars is to kill the chicken and tamarin monkeys and destroy the kingdom of Hea! Since the legendary Youying has killed all I ’m at the door of Hiah ’s house, how could I retreat at the last minute !? It must be the news! ”

"I've confirmed it repeatedly, it's true! Those of Youying are now killing us at full speed. The speed is extremely fast. We leave here quickly. If it's late, it's too late!"

Kuang Guang was anxious.

"How can this be ... how can this be?"

"Is it that the legendary bird of Hea has arrived? The legendary Youying doesn't want to branch out, so ..."

"Legend Youying can know exactly where we are ... it must have been the people of the Kingdom of Shia who betrayed us!"

Bai Sugui, Jun Zhuofan, Qilian gritted his teeth.

"What should we do now!?"

Xun Jun Zhuo Fan looked at Bai Sugui.

"Go to Charya!"

Qi Lian's face was full of fierceness, and at this time they had no choice: "The only way we can deal with the legendary Youying is to punish the weapon! The only way at this time is to go to Xia, Xia ’s two Dinghaishen needles Zhao Jiansheng Both the emperor and the emperor have already reached the northern border. Now the city of Xia is extremely empty. We just need to go to Xia and forcibly enter the laboratory of the Bikini Basin to win the magic weapon. If they transfer the magic weapon in advance, we Capture the family of Baili Qingfeng and Baili Changkong and force them to surrender their magic weapons! "

"This way, once Baili Qingfeng returns ..."

"Bai Li Qing Feng at most afterwards settles accounts, but if we can't get over it, all of us will die today!"

Qi Qilian's face was full of determination.

Xun Jun Zhuo Fan hesitated for less than three seconds and immediately said, "Go!"

He was just the moment he spoke the word, a horrible breath had already crossed the void, rolling in with incredible speed, and he had appeared dozens of kilometers away from them.

"They are coming!"

"All the mistakes were made by me. I'll drag the legendary Youying. You walk away and go to Xia to find a way to obtain the information of the magic weapon!"

Qi Qilian stood up and rushed out.

"Qilian !?"

Xun Jun Zhuofan exclaimed.

"Come on, don't let Qilian sacrifice for nothing!"

Bian Baisu returned with pain on his face. At this moment, he had remorse to the extreme that he had not stopped Qilian and Xuheng from opening the door of the blood orchid town.

Entangled by this regret, he and Jun Zhuofan rushed out for the first time, greeting the Xeons outside and rushing to all directions.

Seems to be aware of their flight, legendary Youying's half-step legends came one after another, locked in the breath of Bai Sugui and Jun Zhuofan, and the legendary Youying carried substantial coercion, Rolling in, before anyone arrived, the majestic breath had already covered the whole world and made people suffocate.

"Legend, this is the power of the legendary powerhouse!"

The rushing white plastic hums to the brain.

The power of the legend has been overwhelmed to this extent, let alone the legendary Baili Qingfeng who has killed seven legends. Not to mention, it will only be more horrible than this legend, but such a horrible invincible powerhouse, and cooperates with them And, with their countless benefits, they have been supported and strengthened by one hand. What did they get in the end?

What He got in return was their unsatisfied desire; again and again, the ambition to dominate the world!

If Baili Qingfeng is really ambitious, if he really can't tolerate anyone, and with him the power to start an era and end an era, he will start to devour the world long ago. How can he remain indifferent, even committed to promoting the world Bu Wu! ?

It is because they sink into desire that all people feel that they are controlled by desire, and in the end ...

He also caused bitter fruit, buried in desire!

It's a pity that even if he regrets it no longer.


In the direction of the legendary Youying, Qi Lian did not hesitate to take Wanhua solution, which inspired the dismantling of the demon, like a meteor burning himself, and killed the legendary Youying fiercely.

The two confronted several times in the void. After all, the demon dismantling operation was an explosive mystery, even if it was continuously improved by the four major organizations, and he took Wanhua fluid while performing the demon dismantling operation. After several confrontations, his physical body Still reached the limit of collapse.


Along with the legendary Youying's howl, Dao Mang, who cut through the void, arrived, and fell fiercely on the sword light that Qilian resisted!

The radon gas wave burst.

Qi Qilian, like a falling meteor, fell to the ground, tearing the ground while smashing into the ground, forming a large pit with a diameter of more than six meters.


Qi Yinhong's blood spit out of his mouth.

Looking at the legendary Youying step by step towards himself, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes: "I have always been outside, strength is not all, wisdom is the only foundation for mankind to reach the top of the world. As long as there is sufficient wisdom, any All creatures can be played with in the palm of my hand, but until now I understand ... evenly matched, wisdom may be useful, but when a person is powerful enough to form an absolute advantage, the so-called conspiracy derived from wisdom Rogue is basically a trance in the tragedy. In the face of the mighty prestige of the mighty Wang Dao, perhaps it is fortunate to have a temporary advantage, but it will eventually be burned to the ashes by the royal sun. "

The legend Youying heard Qilian's words and felt faintly ...

似乎 He seems to point otherwise.

However, he didn't bother to bother: "The moment you invade the Blood Orchid Principality, you should investigate who is standing behind the Blood Orchid Principality. Even if the life and death of the Blood Orchid Principality are dismissive, but without the permission of our empire of stars, You can't help you bully! "

"Ahem ..."

Qi Lian coughed blood and stared at the legendary Youying: "The first to launch the invasion ... it was not us at all ... but the Bloodland Principality ... It was them who shot first, and it was they who established the door to space ... We At best, only after the invaders have been eliminated, then they can fight back ... There is no good or evil between the top forces ... the winner is the king ... "

"The winner is the king. It's a very good sentence. The Bloodland Principality invaded you. It was intended to lead you to a more glorious martial arts civilization, but you don't know how to do it. Besides ..."

The legendary Youying's face was proud and disdainful: "You, a barren world that can't even have a legendary life ... can't be born, what qualifications are we to call our great star empire and say the top power? Waiting for the army to arrive ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ I will teach you the correct posture of those in the barren world to kneel in order to welcome the ruler of the great star empire! "

People in the second world look at the barren land, just as people in the city look at the countryside.

"We pay for our ambitions and desires, but it doesn't mean that our world deserves it even if you step on it ... someone will correct your thinking ..."

Qi Qilian said, naturally thinking of Baili Qingfeng ...

The man they have always regarded as the enemy of the unified world!

"He will let you drop your pride and understand what equality means ..."

After saying this, he suddenly felt that they were a little sad, a little ridiculous, and even ...

There was still a hint of unexplainable pride.

This and proud pride, then compare what they do ...

How ironic is He.

How mean are they against them?

If ...

Everything happened in Xuelan Town at the beginning, how good ...

"Oh, I'm waiting. Unfortunately, you can't see this day."

As soon as the legendary Youying finished speaking, it was cut off with one stroke.


The corpses are separated!

Beheaded Qilian, the legendary Youying will use the sword in his hand: "One is not left!"

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