The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 848: competition


Sarah, who was bidding for the fourth clear crystal, suddenly stood up and looked towards the back of the auction with a stunned look: "Good terrifying coercion, such coercion ... Divine power !? Divine power crystal !? Divine blood! Or the essence of the true **** !? Or ... the artifact !? "

"It's the essence of God!"

Raising the price to the 640 **** gold coins, the night **** shrine Tian Tianfeng, who had planned to give up the auction, also followed closely. As the **** son, he immediately recognized the origin of such a divine object. His entire body trembled slightly: "The essence of the true god! The essence of the true god! This is the true **** essence that is expected to shape a demigod out of nowhere! I was fortunate to have experienced the special fluctuations contained in the essence of the true **** and would never admit it ! "

"There is a true essence in the Yasselin Chamber of Commerce !?"

Frost Wings of the Frost King's royal family also widened their eyes.

Although the essence of the true **** can only help people to form the foundation of the demigod, and even the future of the true **** is hopeless, for all the living beings in the northern region, the demigod has been their lifelong pursuit.

Because the gods led an elite expedition several decades ago, and the entire army was annihilated, the semi-gods in the entire northern region have been numbered. Under these special circumstances, a demi-god can already open a kingdom with his own power.

Even in the shining period of the gods, the demigod still belongs to the top existence after the gods. In the world today, the weight is not inferior to a legend.

If you can get a copy of the essence of the true **** ...

"No! Not long ago, I noticed that someone was watching us in secret and seemed to have the intention of monitoring. Now I want to come, there are people who want to swallow the essence of this **** in private and deliberately let us stare at us for prevention We stop there. "

Ashen Wing seemed to think of something, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"I just seemed to see Prince Linde of Alfonso's Kingdom going inside the auction. Wouldn't it be the one who wants to swallow the essence of God alone?"

"Auction bids, fair competition, the Yasselin Chamber of Commerce is so shameless! It's shameless! In any case, I won't wait and see the essence of the true God in your hands!"

The goddess of the night temple shook up the sky wind directly. Regardless of the opening auction event, the legendary realm was excited and rolled straight to the rear.

"The essence of the true God, who has the virtue, who dares to move!"

He Qi, the demon of the three sages, followed closely.

Uh ...

看看 "Look, how much real power and pure blood is the essence of true gods?"

In the backyard of the auction hall, after Bai Li Qingfeng inspired the essence of the true blood god, he looked at the flashing fluorescent light and patted his chest proudly: "I act with great credibility and never say any false lies. , Outsiders gave me the nickname 'words and believes in the hundred miles of Qingfeng', the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, everyone trusts me to give me this title, and my words and deeds naturally deserve everyone's trust in me! "

"I ... I ... ly ..."

Ya Selyn looked at this still inspired light, and felt the mighty power that pervaded the entire auction site. What she wanted to say, in the end, was out of grace, and those words still did not speak.

"The essence of the true god! It is the essence of the true god, and it is still the best quality of the true god! The formation time is less than one year !?"

Linde was trembling all over his body, and then he seemed to think of something, and quickly said: "Quickly, put away the essence of the true **** ... we need the royal family for as much as possible ..."

Ya Catherine, a stimulant, did not hesitate to cover the box containing the essence of the true God, and the God of Heaven dissipated ...

But she ...

I was still a step slower.


With the door suddenly opened, the first shot of the night temple **** son rolled sky wind rushed in from the outside for the first time: "The essence of true God !? The key is the best quality of genuine God !? These treasures for auction, you Alfonso royal family want to swallow. ? Have you ever asked if we promised? "

不错 "Yes, the Yasselin Chamber of Commerce really has a channel. It can actually get this kind of treasure. Hurry up and put it up for auction."

"Secretly swallowing auction items, is the Yasserring Chamber of Commerce going to smash its own signboard?"

He Sara, Frostwing, and Hei Qi followed closely behind.

Everyone's eyes looked at the glorious essence of Bai Li Qing Feng's hand.

President Yasselin looked at the menacing crowd and was about to say something, but Baili Qingfeng was a little happy to say: "Okay, I also hope that the essence of this true **** can sell for a good price, and the extra money is just available Come and continue buying crystals. "


As soon as Qing Baili opened his mouth, everyone's eyes fell on him: "This is your thing?"


"Do you want to clear the crystal? There are not many others in our night temple. The clear crystal is really not a few. I would like to exchange forty crystals in your hand for the essence of the true god!"

"Forty !!"

Qian Baili Qingfeng's eyes brightened.

"Forty clear crystals want to redeem one of the finest true **** essence? Yours, Mr. Tianfeng, is here to pick up the bargain, I would like to buy this true **** essence for 40 thousand gold coins! The market price of clear crystal is only six You can buy sixty or seventy clear crystals from the top and bottom of the hundred gods gold coins.

Sarah, who was a big lord, said roughly.

"This little brother obviously wants to buy enough crystals to conserve the spirit. Fortunately, after the spirit is forced to a sufficient degree, it will stimulate the soul from the inside out to prepare for the breakthrough of the legendary realm in the future! The crystal clear stone is no better than the Night Temple, but thirty pieces are still there! In addition to the crystal clear stone, we also want to prepare a resource for you to break through the legendary life, the value will not be less than thirty thousand gold coins ! "

Frostwing of the Frost Gui Kingdom followed closely.

"Qing Feng, please sell this essence of true **** to me, the price of our Alfonso royal family will definitely be higher than their price!"

Prince Linde immediately turned his eyes to Baili Qingfeng and said sincerely.

"Brother Qingfeng, don't be fooled by him. I think we still follow the rules. The one with the highest price wins. If you trade privately, God knows how much they will push the price down, and you only have half a legend. Cultivate, in case they take the lead, and there is no other person to check and balance, you are afraid that the sky should not be called, the ground is not working. "

Frost Wing quickly stopped.

"Qing Feng, we have been quite happy these days, please believe our reputation, our price will definitely be higher than others ..."

王子 Prince Linde hurriedly.

"Hahaha, higher than everyone else? Then if I give out a million **** gold coins! Would you like to pay 1.1 million **** gold coins?"

The sky wind laughed loudly.


Prince Linde was a little angry.

But in the face of the night gods such as Juan Tianfeng, he is not easy to attack.

Night Temple stands behind the Iron Curtain Kingdom. This country is one of the six kingdoms openly rebelling. The night **** behind the Night Temple is also one of the six true gods who will still respond to believers.

Xi Baili Qingfeng watched the crowd's reaction, faintly aware of a problem.

这份 The true essence of his hand ...

He is more precious than he thought.

In his previous view, wasn't there a lot of true gods in the north? A true **** points out the essence of the true god, isn't it a lot?

It seems that this is not the case?

Are those true gods one by one very stingy, can't bear to create the essence of true gods?

"Brother Qingfeng, the essence of this true **** in your hand is of astonishing value. The longer you drag on the time, the greater the variables. An accident can even cause the demon to crook and win. Is the best choice. "

At this time, the sky wind said again: "As long as you sell the essence of the true **** to me, I can not only give you forty crystals, thirty thousand gold coins, but also **** you from Titan City in person to ensure your Security, what do you think? "

There are forty clear crystals and thirty thousand gold coins. You can buy the remaining nineteen clear crystals. Baili Qingfeng is quite satisfied.

Just when he was about to nod, Prince Linde, who had talked with President Yasselin for a moment, said again: "Qing Feng, there are 22 clear crystals in our royal family, these 22 clear crystals There are 19 stones in the chamber of commerce, forty-one in total, which can be counted to you. In addition, we would like to take out thirty thousand **** gold coins as compensation, and I can promise you to give you the title of nobility of the court count! "

The imperial court aristocracy generally refers to the aristocracy who only has the title of aristocracy and no territory, but because this status is only valid in the kingdom of Alfonso, it is far from being comparable to the real lord class.

"Qing Feng ~ ~ The forces behind them may come up with dozens of crystals, but they all have to contact the forces behind them. Once and again, it takes at least half a month. For half a month, God knows how much variables there will be, but if you trade with us, as long as one hour, forty-one crystal stones and thirty thousand gold coins will be sent to you! "

王子 Prince Linde said, reminding carefully: "A bird in the forest is worse than a bird in hand."

After being aware that the essence of the true **** is far beyond his expected value, Bai Baiqing Feng has realized that he has taken the essence of the true **** out of his own hands and it is a bit reckless.

I heard Prince Linde's words, and during this time he was quite happy with Prince Linde and others. Now he nodded: "Okay, I agree ..."

"Wait a minute."

At this time, the Earl of Saitama from the stars empire came over and smiled and said, "The Lord of the Great Northern Territory, His Majesty the King of Gods once said that God's gold coins will become the strongest in the northern circulation Currency, for this purpose, His Majesty the King has established a temple, and his temple has become the largest wealth institution in the North. As long as you have a relationship, there are enough **** gold coins, and any items will be delivered to you by the temple as soon as possible. , And I just happen to be one of the people who can use the special services of the temple because of the 100,000 gold coins in the temple. I just contacted the temple and estimated the maximum capacity of the temple ... "

伯 The count looked at Baili Qingfeng: "Sixty clear crystal stones! Three thousand **** gold coins! If you want, we will pick up the goods in the temple right away!"

:. :

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