The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 850: Reappeared

Latest website: He stopped for less than five minutes, and a legend has appeared behind him.

"Hoo ... finally ... hoo ... finally caught up with me ..."

The legendary man stared at Baili Qingfeng, panting in his mouth, but his face was full of inspiration.

"You still have the power to fight again?"

"Oh, although ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the point of exhaustion ... it's too much, but it's not a matter of slaying two or three and a half steps ... no matter ..."

"I tell you, I have not only slain a legend in your hand, you go, don't bury my life in vain."


After a look of this legend, his eyes looked at Baili Qingfeng: "Northland has no more than ten legendary legends, who are half-step legends. Each of these ten is a famous figure, and These characters do not include your number one ... And I have inquired, you are from the barren barren world of martial arts, what top heritage can be in the barren world, what kind of talented people can you cultivate ... "

"What I said is true, I ..."

Baili Qingfeng was a little anxious. Why didn't this person understand what people were asking for?

But before he finished speaking, he seemed to sense something and suddenly looked up.


Lord-level birds actually appeared in the void!

Not one, but three!

The three birds apparently came from different parties. When they saw Baili Qingfeng, two of them rushed down, but one bird seemed to clearly see the identity of the other two, and they retreated in silence.

"and also?"

Baili Qingfeng's face changed and he had to turn around and rush towards Qianming Mountain.

"Is Baili Qingfeng right? You can't run away, hand over the crystals and gold coins of your body, and then tell us where your essence of the true **** comes from, and we can give you a happy, otherwise, today Teach you to live without death. "

A bird's voice came over.

It's not someone who speaks, but Sarah, the great lord and high-end legend!

"High-level legend, didn't go after Earl Saitama?"

The breathless legend also changed his face.

"Oh ... Frost and Volcano wind chased Earl Qiyushan, but they didn't know that the reason why Earl Qiyushan rushed from the empire of stars to the kingdom of Alfonso because he heard the **** of the night temple Volley The wind appeared here, so I brought a master, wanted to set a trap, and killed the wind, the essence of the true **** was only an accidental harvest for him. At present, it is not only Alfonso Kingdom's mystery that travels with Earl of Saitama Juggernaut, and the titled strong from the empire of stars, the infinite fist flame burns the sky! "

A voice from another bird is just another strong man in the high-end legend, and also the three-six-six-sage demon-heiqi.

Previously, the legendary powerhouse had to give up because he saw these two high-level legends personally come forward to hunt down Baili Qingfeng.

"The Kingdom of Alfonso and the Empire of the Stars ..."

The legend's face changed slightly.

"Well, go wherever you come."

Hei Qi said, got off the lord-level bird.

There are countless fierce beasts in Qianming Mountains, and there are not many legendary birds. If he dares to ride a bird into Qianming Mountains, once he is besieged by several legendary birds, even if he is a high-end legend, his situation will be extremely dangerous.

In the face of Hei Qi's reprimand, although this legend is unwilling, it still retreats.

He knew very well that once he dared not retreat, Hei Qi and Sara would definitely kill him first.

No matter how good the spar crystals are, and how many **** coins are, they are not as good as their own lives.

"This kid runs really fast."

Hei Qi watched Baili Qingfeng rushing into the Qianming Mountains and sneered.

"It's mainly that we lost time to Count Saitama ... It's a pity that the wind is blowing, this time it's less ferocious."

Sara smiled lightly.

"The two legends are guarding the essence of the true god. I dare not think about it, but dozens of crystals and nearly 20,000 gold coins are also an amazing wealth ... I do n’t know that Lord Hei Qi wants How to divide? "

"Catch this Baili Qingfeng first and then say that this person can come up with the essence of true gods, fearing that there is a great opportunity to come. Although it is only a half-step legend, we still capture him first and then compete for these items by means. The winner is not too late, so as not to capsize the gutter. "

"It should be so."

Sara nodded.

The two immediately chased away towards Baili Qingfeng.

In addition to the existence of many ferocious beasts and legendary birds, the Qianming Mountains is also famous for its treacherous terrain and high mountains.

Rushing through this mountain with complicated terrain, from time to time, you have to be careful of fierce beast attacks, even the physical strength and energy consumption of the legendary powerhouse are very amazing.

The three of them chased and fled, and it was an hour soon.

An hour later, Baili Qingfeng was still alive and well, but Sarah and Hei Qi were already feeling bad.

Especially when the two men chased Baili Qingfeng, they also scored their spirits to prevent each other from suddenly attacking, which increased their energy consumption.

"Damn, this Baili Qingfeng is really weird and amazing in speed. Chongshan does not say that it is as flat as the ground. It also has extraordinary endurance. With the armor close to it, it scares the beast and can not escape, but we chase it out. Hurrying, not ready, and being careful to be attacked by the horrified beast from time to time ... Physical energy is far above him ... If you continue this way, I am afraid he will be thrown away! "

Hei Qi gritted his teeth.

Sarah is also aware of this problem. They have two high-end legends, and they have a tendency to catch up to hundreds of miles!

If it wasn't for his refined secrets, and repeatedly confirmed that Baili Qingfeng was indeed a half-step legend, he would have thought he was posing as a high-level legend.

"Can't go on like this ... try to anger him!"

Sara Road.

Although Hei Qi and his face were inconsistent, they agreed on the goal of capturing Baili Qingfeng. He nodded and yelled, "Bali Qingfeng, you can escape for a while, you can't escape forever, we Knowing that you are from the desolate realm, strong men like you in the desolate realm are afraid to have stood on top of the world, and they have opened up extraordinary forces! Even if you have escaped our pursuit, we will kill into the desolate realm. , Uproot the forces and sects that belong to you, and kill all those who are related to you. Therefore, you'd better hand over the crystals and **** gold coins immediately, I can promise you, never Hurt your life! Otherwise, all your relatives and friends will die because of you! "

As soon as Hei Qi said this, the figure of Baili Qingfeng running forward couldn't help it.


Seeing this scene, Hei Qi and Sara suddenly lighted up.

"It's a future thing to enter the barren world, but there is one thing right now. I remember you came with a little girl. Hey, what a cute little girl, I like it very tightly. Since You're running now, and you don't want it, then leave it to me, I will take good care of her, hahaha ... "

The Baili Qingfeng in front suddenly stopped his figure.

"What's wrong with this world ..."

For a long time, Baili Qingfeng has heard people say that the class nature and cruelty of the second world are better than their barren world.

But he has been in the Second World for so long, and what he has seen is that there are indeed classes, and they are still very strict, but if people are living in the depths of the water, it is difficult to extricate themselves, but it is a bit overdone.

At least the people he saw, although the living environment was a bit harsh, did not reach the phenomenon of people killing randomly.

But it seems ...

He was wrong.

This familiar line, this familiar tone, this kind of mind-like mentality ...

It is exactly the same as those of the Sun Gate and the Three Holy Alliance martial arts he encountered when he was in Shia.

At this moment, he seemed to have figured out something suddenly.

"It turns out, wrong, it's not our barren world ..."

Close to Zhu Zhe, black to Mo!

The martial arts began a brand new martial arts era by studying the second world. It is also because of learning the martial arts in this world that gradually the warriors from all over the world have also been transmitted by the people of this world. People's full view of life, values, and world view, thus embarked on the path of hatred.

If it wasn't for his coming to find a way to persuade them bitterly, and then move to tell them the core values ​​of socialism and the importance of world peace for them, I am afraid they will go further and further on this evil path Far away, until the end of all disasters, leading the entire barren world to destruction.

"The source ... is found ..."

All faults, all darkness, all sins, all come from the bi-monthly world!

It is precisely because the two worlds are connected that the Pandora's Box is opened, and the entire world is defiled!

Except for this reason, he couldn't explain why the two men behind them even had a threatening tone and content!

"Sin Beast!"

Baili Qingfeng suddenly screamed, his body suddenly turned, the next moment, the spirit broke out, leveraging the magnetic field of the stars in the realm of heaven and man, and instantly entered the half-step mystery of the realm of stars ...


Wushuang sword unsheathed!

Dismantling of the golden demon, open!


"Come here!"

Seeing Baili Qingfeng not only escaping, but also turned around and sword, Hei Qi and Sarah were really shocked and happy!

Especially Sarah, the fastest speed broke out in the first time, as if a streamer was suddenly killing Baili Qingfeng. Before anyone arrived, the legendary field had already been suppressed first: "Haha, I will capture this person first. Something is mine ... "


Sara hasn't finished speaking, the sword is full of anger!

More than a dozen sword lights bloomed instantly on the Baili Qingfeng. Each sword light was intertwined with a bright golden flame, like a golden streamer across the sky!

Do not!

It's not like the golden streamers across the sky!

This is light!

Star Assassination ~ ~ Melt sword gas into the sky and use the rotation of the magnetic field of the stars to shoot and kill the enemy. The larger the stars, the faster the magnetic field rotates, and the more amazing the speed of the sword gas!

The bimonthly boundary that requires Baili Qingfeng to consume nearly two spirits at the same time to pry the magnetic field is significantly larger than the barren boundary. The speed of the sword gas ...


These sword qi ...

It is electricity, it is light, it is the only brilliance shining in the world!

A look of surprise inspired the smile on Sara's face that had been smashed by the field before it had time to fully bloom. More than a dozen swords of light with a trembling sound that surpassed the sound, ran through his body like a storm ...

Like the original wing of burning, countless identical light overlaps and interweaves, making the world seem to have only one sound left.

"Hmm ..."

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