The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 854: Variety

Latest website: At this time, Baili Qingfeng has fully understood Titan City.

Riding a legendary bird, he descended as soon as he arrived outside the Titan City. On a small hill outside the entrance of the Titan City, there was a large ranch. Those non-noble civilian mounts were stored in the ranch.

As soon as the Baili Qingfeng arrived with Ling Ling, the coercion of the legendary beast spread out, and all the beasts in the entire ranch mourned and became trembling.

In this case, there is no need for Baili Qingfeng to greet him. A middle-aged man who looks like a manager has greeted him: "This distinguished adult, I don't know what you have to say."

At the same time he came out with a big knight-level expert sitting in the ranch.

It is just that after feeling the breath of the legendary life on Ling Ling, the big knight did not dare to say a word, just like being a little transparent behind the steward.

"Oh, I ca n’t enter the city without a lord. I plan to take this bird back, but I do n’t want to kill the meat in a while, you can take care of me.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

"A mount cannot enter the city without a lord ..."

The supervisor looked at the legendary bird falcon, and then looked at Baili Qingfeng. After all, he dared not say anything: "Yes, yes, Baozhun will help the adult feed your mount to satisfaction, and do not delay the adult rushing."

"Okay, trouble you."

Baili Qingfeng said, explained something, and left the ranch with the fearful eyes of the supervisor.

The ranch is only ten kilometers away from Titan City. Baili Qingfeng slightly accelerated, striding meteor, and soon came to the city.

Soon after arriving in the city, he seemed to notice a few peeping glances. However, there were too many people in the city, and he didn't know where the glances came from. After a glance he didn't even bother, and soon came to the place where Xiaozhu was. In the hotel.


Although another day later, when Qingli left, he accounted for the hotel delivery to his room, but Xiaozhu was not hungry.

Even when he came outside the room, he noticed that Xiaozhu was practicing the god.

"Brother Qingfeng?"

As soon as Baili Qingfeng arrived, Xiaozhu had ended his cultivation and opened his eyes.

"Well, did you eat yesterday?"

"have eaten."

"Nothing happened?"


Baili Qingfeng looked at Xiaozhu ...

Some guilt in my heart.

Because of his negligence, it took a whole day to domesticate the legendary bird, so that Xiaozhu stayed in the hotel for a day, how cruel it is for a ten-year-old girl to come.

Even though Xiaozhu didn't show any fear, Baili Qingfeng still blamed himself.

"Xiaozhu, rest assured, I will help you find your parents. Although this time it was not found, we have at least a direction. We know that your family lives in Middle-earth. At present, Middle-earth is a bit far away. People go to the cave people's world to pay attention to the opening cycle of that space channel. If that space channel can be opened, we will go immediately and go to Middle Earth. "

Baili Qingfeng said.


Xiaozhu nodded nicely: "I listen to Brother Qingfeng."

"I'll change clothes and take a bath first. I'll take you to eat delicious food in a while. We're basically done. If you want to continue to play in Titan City, we will stay, if not, we will go back. "

Baili Qingfeng said, entered the bathroom.

In order not to let Xiaozhu be aggrieved, Baili Qingfeng lived in a shabby place, such as the bathroom.

It's just that the bath is not in the shower.

Baili Qingfeng took a bath and changed clothes. Without a hair dryer, he could only let his hair dry naturally.

Counting the time, he went downstairs with a quietly cultivated little bamboo, intending to taste the food of Titan City, and went home after buying some specialties.

After all, it has been more than twenty days since it came out.

Coupled with the purchase of Chengjing spar, he happened to go back to retreat and practice hard work, turning resources into cultivation.

After the repair is up, he has the power to protect himself in the face of the incarnation of the true God, and then he can start to solve the problems of the Black Temple and Death Temple of the Iron Empire.


In the bath of Baili Qingfeng, the middle and upper levels of Titan City also caused a small area sensation.

The scene where Baili Qingfeng was hunted down by dozens of experts and left Titan City, as long as anyone with intelligence channels can know it clearly.

But now ...

One day later, he returned unharmed, and the well-informed person also inquired that he brought a legendary bird.

This weird change has attracted the attention of everyone in Titan City.

In particular, the face of the legend who saw the three deities of the six saints, the demon statue, Heiqi, and the great lord Sara, chasing Baili Qingfeng, is even more incredible.

"How did he do it? Isn't it ... Hei Qi and Sarah were so kind that they took the crystals, Zijin cards, and Jin cards from him and spared him? Impossible! One age is not More than 30 years old, he can become a half-step legendary genius in the environment such as the barren world. Will it not be for him to leave the tiger to return to the mountain? When he grows up, will he give up?

The legend was puzzled, and even a guess emerged in his mind: "Unless ... Hei Qi and Sarah have an accident !? Impossible! Impossible! Sara, Hei Qi is a high-level legend that has been famous for many years, especially Hei Qi. Looking at the north, the prestige of the three six saints is unknown, and who does not know? Would it be planted on a small half-step legend ... "

For a moment, he seemed to think of something. When he hunted down Baili Qingfeng, Baili Qingfeng once said that there were several legends who died in his hands ...

Infer from this ...

The legend was a little afraid to think about it anymore.


He was fortunate for some reason.

Fortunately, I was dismissed by two high-level legends, Hei Qi and Sara, otherwise ...

God knows what will happen.


Compared with the legendary intelligence, Prince Lind's intelligence channels are much faster.

Even so, after reading the information handed to him by the Knights of Angele, Nanxiu and others, his face was still unacceptable: "Dead !?"


Nan Xiu nodded his head heavily, took the tea on the table, swallowed it with a big mouth, to cover up the emotional excitement, and he later said: "My people have dug out Hei Qi and Sara's corpses. It is confirmed that they cannot die anymore! "

"How did you die?"

Prince Linde couldn't help asking: "Can it be ... Is Sarah and Hei Qi nephew, which made Baili Qingfeng cheap?"

"No, their injuries were not caused by each other, but from a third person. Sara was shot and killed by dozens of swords. According to professional judgment, he should have been killed without responding. As for Hei Qi ... … Was killed in the face! Even ... the enemy was so powerful that he lost his courage! On his beheaded head, we still could see the despair that remained on his face. "

Angele's tone was heavy with speechlessness.

"Loose courage to resist ..."

Linde looked at Angele: "What kind of opponent can make Hei Qi's high-ranking legend among the three sages and six saints lose his courage to resist?"

"Masters of the same rank can never do this! At least the legendary title!"

Angele said this, with a slight tone: "Even ... demigod!"

"Demi god!"

These two words seemed to contain unparalleled strength, which shook the hearts of everyone fiercely, and instantly made the atmosphere in the room dead.

Demi god!

With the failure of the Northland gods to go to Middle-earth to conquer, there are only six deities still able to respond. Even the great Lord of the Northland and the King of the gods no longer respond to any prayers of the Holy Spirit. God The kingdom was closed, and his legendary Holy Spirit was all blown to the dust. The existence that currently stands on the top of the north is the demigod.

And now there is a demigod behind Baili Qingfeng.

"We should have thought of it."

After a while, Angele sighed longly: "Can you take out the treasures of the true gods and put them on the auction without any background? After all, this is a precious existence that hopes to form the foundation of the demigods."

"But the Baili Qingfeng came from the barren world ..."

Nan Xiu was unwilling to accept it.

"What about the barren realm? Can the barren realm come to our bimonthly realm at a weak hour, and by chance happen to be accepted as a disciple by a distinguished demigod? Do n’t forget his cultivation progress, twenty-four Legend of step! These achievements are not more than those of the three saints and six saints of the same age. "

Angele said, adding another sentence: "Moreover, I let people investigate the legendary bird he brought. According to the response of intelligence personnel, it is likely that there are thirteen legends entangled in the Qianming Mountains. One of the beasts! And four days ago, someone saw the legendary bird flying freely in the void. In other words, it took him or the people behind him to domesticate a legendary bird in only four days ... Except for demigods, I can't think of anyone who has such a big hand. "

Linde and Nanxiu stopped talking.

It took a while for Prince Linde to return to God, and his eyes fell on Lin Lin: "Sister Wang, can you live the life you want? It depends on you, as if you were a demigod ..."

Lin Lin nodded with anticipation and excitement: "Thank you Brother Wang ~ ~ I will dress up and invite Mr. Baili Qingfeng to go with me."

"Go, if you can really leave him in our Alfonso Kingdom, maybe I will have to rely on you in the future."

"Brother Wang joked, I have to thank Brother Wang for giving me this opportunity."

Lin Lin said, and soon left.

When Lin Lin left, Lindes thought for a moment, stood up, and seemed to ask himself, and also asked Angele and Nan Xiu: "Twenty-two clear crystals, this is by no means a small number, converted into God gold coins are equivalent to 13,200. If they were converted into God gold, they would be able to mint three sets of fine war armors. Is this investment ... worth it !? "

Neither Angel nor Nash dared to speak.

When it comes to such a huge sum of money, even if they are the closest ones to Prince Linde, they dare not make a decision for him.

After a long time of hesitation, Prince Linde finally had a decision: "Go to the warehouse."

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