The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 864: core

Latest URL: "I met you the most beautiful accident ..."

This melody ...

Baili Qingfeng stopped.

Xiao Zhu stopped.

The two quietly finished listening to these half songs.


Little bamboo road.

"Then let's go and see if it works."

Baili Qingfeng said.


Xiao Zhu nodded.

The two came to the video shop together.

"What song is this?"

"This one?"

The boss immediately smiled and said, "This song has no name. It is said that a lady heard a little girl singing this song. She felt good and recorded it. The lady is of a high standard. Although she does not use professional equipment, but The sound quality is not much damaged. I didn't expect such a song to be popular all over the country. It is said that it is not only us Shia, Aurora and Chiyan Country. This song is also very popular. Would you like to buy it?

"Little girl ..."

Baili Qingfeng froze.

For a while, he seemed to be thinking.

Upon seeing this, the boss urged again: "This song sells very well, it is almost out of stock. Seeing that you are a music lover, you ca n’t miss it because of hesitation."

"I'm not hesitant."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the boss: "I just want to know, do you record this song as a disc for sale ... Is there a copyright?"

The boss froze, and then some shouted, "We also came in. Such things should go to the distribution company. Maybe the distribution company bought the copyright of the song from that little girl."

"It won't be this quality anymore."

Baili Qingfeng nodded: "I see."

He turned and left.

Bought, it is tantamount to fueling piracy, this behavior must not be condoned.

Baili Qingfeng took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Prime Minister Yasuo, giving him feedback on the problem of rampant domestic piracy.

After sending the news, Baili Qingfeng's eyes fell on the music player software on the mobile phone.

This software ...

It has been useless for a long time.

After watching for a moment, I thought about the song that should only exist in another world ...

Baili Qingfeng suddenly laughed.

"Someday my answer will be solved ..."

He snorted softly.

He is Baili Qingfeng ~ ~ Listening to songs and practicing martial arts constitute his real life.

During this period of time, he always felt like he was in a muddled life, as if he had lost his goal and was confused, and even couldn't see where he would lead in the future. In the final analysis, there was a deviation in his cognitive life.

Life in planning is two-thirds less. Can there be no deviation?

And want to get everything back ...

It's simple ...

Baili Qingfeng looked at his mobile phone, looked at the small yard in front of him, and then looked at Xiaozhu: "I have been a teacher for a while and haven't taught you to practice swords, a little incompetent, then Today, I will teach you one more swordsmanship, one swordsmanship. "

Xiaozhu looked at Baili Qingfeng, and she was keenly aware of the change in his emotions. The brother Qingfeng he knew was back again.


Xiaozhu nodded strongly.

"The true meaning of psychic swordplay lies in our heart. There is no trick and no routine in this swordplay. The ultimate meaning of his practice is a vent of the soul. The only key to practicing this swordplay is that the sword moves at will ... "

Speaking of this, Baili Qingfeng said, "In short, how to practice comfortably, you just need to treat the practice of this sword art as a enjoyment in life, it is enough ..."

After that, he himself laughed.

This practice seems a bit like Xia Ji eight exercises.

Xiaozhu didn't know why Baili Qingfeng laughed, but when she saw him, she laughed too, and her red face looked extremely cute.

"Does Bamboo like to listen to songs?"

"Brother Qingfeng likes it, I like it."

"Let's really like it. Come, let me show you the charm of music."

Baili Qingfeng said, putting his body on the ground.

They have now walked through the grove to the open space in front of their yard, so there is no need to worry about someone picking things up.

Putting down things, he turned on the music player and quickly selected one of the satisfactory songs.


Baili Qingfeng held Wushuang Sword and put out a starting sword style.

Xiaozhu has everything to learn.

"Uh ... ah ..."

"Remember, the sword moves at will, and it moves at will! Practicing swords is not a goal, but a choice of our attitude towards life!"

After speaking of Baili Qingfeng, he sword ...

Kotake followed.

"A sword flutters in a lifetime of smile and pride, a gloomy and surging smile, a sword flutters in a lifetime of smile and pride ..."

The singing sounded.

"call out!"

Sword light, sword shadow!

Baili Qingfeng and Xiaozhu both quickly issued swords.

At the beginning, it seemed that Xiaozhu couldn't let go. With each move, there seemed to be traces in each sword, but when she took a closer look at Baili Qingfeng, she found that Baili Qingfeng's sword did not have any trajectory. There is no power, sometimes it is a sword move, sometimes it is even a sword dance, and it is soft without any power ...

He almost practiced wherever he thought, and practiced wherever he was comfortable.

"The sword moves at will, and it moves at will ..."

Seeing this scene, if Xiao Zhu realizes it, her sword has become eclectic and eclectic.

"It is said that the world is old, the whole life is long, the mountains are high, justice is not falling, and the world is a hero. There is no trick to win ..."

Wind and dust!

Fallen leaves ...

Practicing, Xiaozhu seemed to find this kind of swordsmanship in general, with a small smile on his face, and swordplay became even more chaotic.

She suddenly glanced at Baili Qingfeng ...

His mind seemed completely attracted by his free, open-mindedness, and then ...

The sword moves at will ...

Her sword pointed at Baili Qingfeng ...

"A sword flutters a lifetime and smiles proudly ..."

"Hahaha, good swordsmanship."

Baili Qingfeng laughed loudly, his sword trembling, and a sword stabbed by Baili bamboo slammed into a crisp sound of gold and iron intersecting.

"The hero ’s liver and gallbladder look at each other, the children of the rivers and lakes are getting less and less, the heart is still there, and the people are gone.

Soon, Xiaozhu seemed to feel the difference of this sword training method, the sword skill became more free, natural and casual.

The swords of the two men did not carry any earth-shattering power. The speed of the swords was slow and swift, and they collided again. During the collision, the figures continued to stagger, and there was a lingering starburst lingering in the void.

"Heart is still there, people go, look back, look back at a storm ..."


Sword stop!

Baili Qingfeng's figure gradually stopped.

Beside him, he just confronted him with a sword, and the staggered Baili bamboo also stopped her body shape. She slightly tilted her head and looked at Baili Qingfeng who seemed to realize what she had. Very seriously ...


"The heart of the soul."

Baili Qingfeng, standing in place, whispered to himself.

No one explained to him, and no one explained to him that when he felt the changes in the spiritual world, he naturally had a kind of enlightenment.

Although his spirit is divided into eight, five of the eight spirits have been tempered to the equivalent of the tenfold peak, and even the sixth is promoted to the ninefold cave in the process of continuous refinement Virtual, but ...

No matter how much his spirit is, the eight spirits are still eight spirits.

If you have to talk about the realm, his spiritual realm can only be regarded as the tenfold spirituality of the Eight Paths, not the eleventh level of the Spirits.

But now, with Baili Qingfeng's happy knot, he really recognized his heart, and his spiritual world suddenly condensed a will.

This will portrays the belief in his life, and continues to emit the fiery brilliance derived from the belief ...

This glory is not strong.

But it is like a star, constantly attracting the eight spirits, pulling the power of the eight spirits into the light, turning it into the nourishment of the light, making its light more shining and eye-catching.

And it is precisely because of the existence of this core of belief that the eight spirits are no longer like the eight practitioners of the eight refining gods, but are truly connected as a whole!

If we say that he used spiritual power previously, it is only equivalent to the eight masters of the ten refining gods shooting at the same time.

So now ...

As long as the core of his will can withstand it, it is equivalent to superimposing the power of the eight masters of refining gods on one person, so that one person has the power of eight people!

"It turns out that this is the true core of the will ..."

Baili Qingfeng said.

Looking at the core of this newly derived will, Baili Qingfeng seemed to be immersed in it and difficult to extricate himself.

For a moment, he seemed to think of something. The next moment, the star catalogue was working.

Eight stars, five bright and three dark, have been condensed in his star catalog. The eight stars are running on their own and become invisible into a small galaxy, but this galaxy does not have a core, so that the eight are almost Nothing to do.

But with the transformation of his will at this moment, his heart moved, and the center of the eight stars seemed to suddenly light up a star.

This star absorbed the power of eight stars and quickly became extremely strong, and soon grew into a behemoth, emitting endless light and heat!

"The stars' orbits have their own rules ..."

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment ~ ~ I suddenly thought of the data of the solar system and the eight planets. In the next moment, the star emitting bright light and heat began to grow, adjusting its volume, and The size and brightness of the eight planets also changed under the regulation of stars. Soon, a brand new galaxy was formed.

Unlike the previous rudimentary galaxy, when this galaxy was formed, the starlight among the nine stars seemed to form some strange resonance, and an invisible ripple rippled around it.

Just like the solar system, the diameter seems to be only thirty astronomical units, but its gravitational waves can reach beyond two light years.

Moreover, without human control, this galaxy can still operate autonomously, continuously spreading gravitational waves and electromagnetic waves in a circle, and transmitting them toward the farther starry sky, announcing its birth and existence.

"It looks much more comfortable, the starlight is on, it's quite bright, and my catalogue of stars should be regarded as a starting point."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud.

Wonderful book house

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