The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 868: Reunion

"Big ... big guy !?"

Less than a minute after the news was sent, there was a reply from the king of black holes in the chat window soon.

"Well? Are you there?"

"No, I just set a special sound ..."

"I heard that you are a hacker, can you break the Tianjidian Forum and control the Tianjidian?"

Baili Qingfeng said.


The king of the black hole sent an ellipsis: "Boss, you despise me too much, but that is the Heavenly Hall, the Heavenly Hall behind the Heavenly Hall contains all the top computer experts in the world."

After saying that, he added: "Unfortunately, there is no more. At the moment when the headquarters of Tianjilou was breached, with the exception of a very small number of these experts, there was no time to escape. In the realm of the man named Youying, all died. . "

"Are they civilians sacrificed?"

"Who can survive the nest collapse and their death, our wild Internet industry must go back at least ten years."

The King of Black Hole said, adding: "Even if they die, the firewall they built is not something I can crack."

"Then there is a way to control the Tianji Temple?"

"No way."

The King of Black Hole: "The military technology of the Golden Eagle Empire, the Internet technology of the Tianji Tower, and the technology of the Space Gate of the Alliance, etc., are among the top in the world, and a large part of other forces are thrown out. Unless those experts are reborn, no one will crack Got the Heavenly Palace's firewall. "

After speaking, he added another sentence: "Of course, there has been a message circulating in our circles that the forces of Tianjilou, Golden Eagle Empire, and League of Nations have mastered the world's top technology because they have had adventures. It seems that some ancient ruins have been dug up? If you can find the ancient ruins that do not know if they exist, and get the advanced technology in them, you may be able to crack the source code of Tianji Temple and master Tianji Temple. "

"Forget it, I just want to give the warriors of the world a fair and just communication platform. If the Heavenly Palace is not working, then Jianyu Jianghu will be created. Anyway, Jianyu Jianghu is also modeled after the Heavenly Hall. Are you just a technician from Jianyu Jianghu? East Shenzhou, make Jianyu Jianghu bigger? "

"Jianyu Jianghu ..."

The king of the black hole seemed to be a little moved. It took a while before he sent a message: "Boss ... the deputy moderator and moderator of the Jianyu Jianghu Forum, should you change people?"


The king of the black hole quickly sent a message, and then asked, "Doesn't the blame them?"

"Why should I blame them?"

"The gentleman sword and the East win are also members of the Tianjilou system. Not to mention the moderators of the proud sword god. Now people all over the world are scolding them ... especially the four major neutral organizations are betraying the enemy at the moment. The Kingdom of Shia was disclosed, and all the people with the four neutral organizations became the target of catharsis. The forces that had killed their loved ones by the stars of the star empire all vented their anger and hatred to them. Therefore, fortunately, Those who survive the four major neutral organizations now have to face the pursuit and encirclement of our native martial arts. "

The King of Black Hole added, "Of course, how many of these people want to go down the road, and I don't know how to benefit from the four neutral organizations. After all, such a behemoth fell down and the benefits carried by him were too great. . "

"I have a debt and a debtor. I don't think that the gentleman sword, the East wins, and the proud sword **** can control the top decisions of Tianjilou, Jiemeng, Hunters Association, and Wanjie Commercial Bank."

"I knew that the big guys were never like that!"

The king of black holes seemed relieved.

"Can you still contact the moderators of the Sword God, the Moderator of the Gentleman Sword, and the Moderator of Eastern Win?"


The King of Black Hole responded immediately: "I will contact them now, and then we will go online at a fixed time."

"Give me their contact information or address, and I'll look for them."

"Okay, but I only have the addresses of the moderator and two deputy moderators."


Baili Qingfeng replied, closing the chat window, he saw a symbol blinking constantly.

This is a group that Bai Yisheng had previously invited him to, but he has been diving since he entered the group and rarely spoke.

He clicked in at will, and soon a chat message had caught his attention.

"The four major neutral organizations have already received their due lessons. This group also has Tianji Hall as a platform for exchange of our martial arts, and we also invite everyone to speak in quality."

What attracted him was the poster.

The falling cherry blossoms listen to the rain.

The time was just three minutes ago, but her news was full of scolding, and there were some personal attacks.

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment and typed in this group: "I have no right to ask a foreigner about life and death resentment among warriors. Tianjilou, Jiemeng, Hunters Association, and Wanjie Commercial Bank must be responsible for their mistakes, but If someone falls into the ground, stirs up the wind, robs while in the fire, and hurts innocent people, once I know it, I will pursue it afterwards. "

Immediately after he said these words, a man prefixed with Wu Daozi of Qiankun Zong stunned: "Who are you, you are so suffocating, you need to be more nosy."

"There is no snowflake innocent under the avalanche. The people of the four major neutral organizations are going to kill them. Those who helped and helped behind the four major neutral organizations should not be spared. Whoever stops me is against our Taiyumen and against me. Tai Yumen is the enemy, there is no pardon to kill! "

Immediately, a person prefixed by Shao Hua, the master of Tai Yumen and Shaomen, followed.

"Yes, the benefits they used to rely on the four neutral organizations now have to spit out all of us!"

Immediately another person named Taiyin Zongyue would follow up and send a message.

But this person's message was sent just a moment later, two messages popped up in the chat interface, and Qian Daozong Wu Daozi and Tai Yumen Shaohua Shao Hua withdrew the messages.

Immediately afterwards, the two sent a picture one by one: "Welcome the arrival of ordinary passersby!"

Not only them, the news in the group seemed to swipe the screen at once, and the news of "commemorating the arrival of ordinary passers-by" came out.

This scene made the Taiyin Zongyue in a small town villa in Xiyanzhou tens of thousands of kilometers away from the Kingdom of Xia.

He glanced at the name of the person who was talking just now, and it was really ordinary, he was called "Thunderzong ordinary passerby". As an old man in the water group for many years, he remembered very well, and hardly ever saw this account.

"What is this operation? Also, is this screen swiping? Isn't management the favorite to do permissions before? Not coming out to manage it?"

Yue really typed something so unknown.

But before he planned to bring out the only surviving Aite in the group's six managements, a flash of messages flashed in his buddy list, followed by a voice chat, and Shengsheng interrupted his typing steps.

The month when the voice was connected was really angry: "Shao Hua? Why are you ..."

"You are going to die! Withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw your words immediately!"

Yue Zhen had not spoken yet, and Shao Hua had hurriedly yelled from inside.

"Withdraw? I'm not following you and Wu Daozi ..."

"Hurry up!"

Shao Hua shouted.

Yuezhen saw that Shao Hua didn't look like a joke, and asked when he pulled up the news: "Who is this person, can it be a Xeon boss? Doesn't it mean that there is no Xeon in our group?"

"Xeon? What is Xeon ?! Didn't you look at his name prefix with long eyes!"

Shao Hua was agitated.

"Thunder Zong? This is the spokesperson for Thunder Zong? We are all the top two generations of world-class forces. Even if some of the ninth-class powerhouses have to give us face, Thunder Zong has nothing to do except that big man. Master. "

Yuezhen hurriedly dragged the news while joking: "Should you tell me that this 'Thunderzong ordinary passerby' is the big brother?"


The master of Tai Yumen Shaomen in the voice was soon silent.

And before he had time to speak, there seemed to be a faint sound coming across the voice, accompanied by a shivering rage: "Junk! Good courage! Who made you hit us too Yu The guise of the door is deceiving and cheating !? Kill without amnesty !? You are against the sky! From now on, I am too Yumen without such a disciple! "

"Dad, I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong, I go ... oh!"

The voice of Shao Hua, the master of Tai Yumen, was soon heard in his voice. Then, with a violent collision, the voice stopped abruptly.


Yuezhen felt something was wrong. She turned her hands up in her chat history and speeded up.

But because the news in the group was refreshed too quickly, his hand shook, and the news bounced back to the bottom.

Below, all kinds of news are still refreshing, but the greeting has changed slightly: "Welcome to His Majesty the True God!"

"Thank you, Lord Baili Qingfeng, for your guidance!"

Seeing these two messages, Yuezhen first froze, and then, as if the brain was being bombarded by a hammer, "buzzed" and almost lost her ability to think.

"The conqueror of the Aurora Empire, the sole **** of the nihil temple, the reincarnation of the nihil god, the chairman of the Sixth Union Joint Committee of the Knights League, the Destroyer of the Mirror Mountain, the Terminator of the Legendary Age, the Deputy Sovereign of the Thunder Sect ...?

After finally realizing this identity, Yuezhen felt dark before her eyes and fell to the computer.


"You're welcome, please continue, I won't bother you, but please remember not to hurt innocent people."

Baili Qingfeng sent a message to the group again, and then closed the information window.

At this time, the message in his chat software friend list sounded.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at it, it was the falling cherry that listened to the rain.

"March Li, thank you."

"No need to thank ~ ~ Baili Qingfeng added:" You still just call me by name. "

Luoying heard the rain for ten seconds, and then sent a message: "Yes, Lord Qingfeng."


Although not meeting, Baili Qingfeng could clearly feel the restraint of falling cherry blossoms and listening to the rain from the lines in these words.

After a while he resounded: "Counting the time, we haven't seen each other in the Golden Zodiac for a long time except when it was first established. If we have time, we will meet again in Star Track City one month later. "

"Mr. Qingfeng called us to a party !?"


"Okay, I'll be there."

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