The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 873: Advent


A pen held in the hand of Pope Xunming fell to the ground.

He looked at Yun Jing and said blankly, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I'm sober and know exactly what I'm talking about, but that's how the news came."

"No, you don't know, His Majesty the Blood God ... that's the true God!"

The sacred pope Shen said: "You don't know what a great true God means. It is a blasphemy to talk about the life and death of a great true God!"

Wu Jing smiled bitterly. When he just got the news, why wasn't it so, but ...

"I can't confirm this news, because I can't believe it myself, but this news has spread throughout the dry city of the border town of Akasam State under the blood **** ’s temple, and more than 100,000 people have witnessed the blood **** Of the sky ... and deeply felt the sorrow that originated from the heavens and the earth ... "

Wu Ming was silent.

Xun Jing is his confidant and has always acted calmly, but he has not sat in the position of cardinal like the dwellers in the lower levels, does not understand the greatness of the true God, and may even regard the true God as a kind more powerful than legend s life.


He is unlikely to make such a joke.

Over the Blood Temple, it is likely that something really happened.


The great kingdom of the black **** has not yet been completed. It is too difficult to communicate with other people in the cave world. Otherwise, he may immediately contact the temple pope in other worlds to confirm it.

"Check! I need to know the truth of this matter! The priority of this matter is more important than the establishment of the door of space and the connection to several other temples!"

"Yes, I have ordered everyone in my hand to enter the Blood Temple."

"The person in my hand is seconded to you."

Xun Ming commanded.

After speaking, he paused for a moment, with a heavy tone: "Also ... tell me, how did this news come out? Why did such a ridiculous message come out? Blood God, how could a truly great deity fall down? Who did your Majesty do !? "

"Yes ... the true **** that has been circulating in the human world ..."


He Ming shouted without hesitation: "A false god, it is just a false **** who steals the name of God! If he is really a high god, I am afraid that he has already included all the living beings of the barren world into his own. In the belief system, the kingdom of God is condensed by the power of endless faith, and even the kingdom of God has spread to every land in the barren world, instead of the true power of the true God as it is now. "

"Perhaps like the rumor says, he is the incarnation of a demon god?"

Lu Jingdao said: "According to the news circulating in the dry rock city of the Red Ginseng country, the human being incarnate by the nihil deity cannot help the dead tree of the legendary holy spirit in the blood temple. At the time, the blood god, who was a great true god, came down in person, and seemed to push everything with the mighty divine power. "

Speaking of this, his face couldn't help revealing the color of fear: "Just when the blood god, who is the great true god, personally descended, the human who was the incarnation of the illusion devil was like being irritated, and seemed to blame the blood god. Why did he end the war at mortal level! Under the anger, he also evoked the power of his true body. For a time, the void was filled with the mighty sword light, and a sword gas seemed to be across the burrow. The two worlds, the world and the deserted world, came to beheaded, and suddenly ... the blood **** fell, the kingdom of God collapsed, and the world was sad ... "


Heming seemed to be unable to hear this, and hesitated without hesitation: "I have heard from His Majesty the Great Black God when listening to the divine voice in the kingdom of God that our burrow world is located in the bimonthly and desolate realm. Beyond world barriers, how powerful are the rules of world barriers. Unless there is a living individual that is powerful enough to approach the power of the world, no matter how hard it is, it cannot be broken, and only a few ancients are powerful enough to approach a world. Deities, these deities, either fell or fell asleep during the first dusk of the gods, leaving little left. "

Speaking of this, he couldn't help sneering: "Don't you want to tell me that this **** of nothingness is an ancient **** who has gradually awakened since the gods fell asleep at dusk?"

"That's what I heard ..."

Xun Jing was a little wronged.

Xun Ming also knows that he is so capricious because he heard the shocking news that the blood **** is falling.

It took a while before he recovered his intellect as the Pope of the Black Temple.

"Where is that human?"

"We have returned to the barren realm. Not long ago we calmed down the invading forces of the Star Empire. Not surprisingly ... we are about to fight against us.

I meditated for a moment: "Order! Shrink the power of our Black Temple. The next focus should not be on expansion and sacrifice. Focus on opening the door of space ... Expansion ... First give to the Temple of Death and War. Temple, I believe they are happy to step forward to our Black Temple. "



"Xi Yanzhou, here it is."

Baili Qingfeng arrived at Xiyanzhou at more than nine in the evening.

It took him almost thirteen hours from breakfast at 8:30 in the morning to 9:20 in the evening.

The last time he visited Xiyanzhou when he set foot on Jingshan Mountain, at that time the nationals of every country in Xiyanzhou were filled with self-confidence, wealth, and the pride of the people in the center of the world.

But now ...

At less than 9:30, 90% of the shops on the city street where Baili Qingfeng arrived are closed. There are no pedestrians on the street. Occasionally there are so few, and there is something to do. Reluctant to stay outside, no longer enjoy prosperity on their faces, but worry about the future and uneasiness about the unknown.

Baili Qingfeng took the mobile phone out of the "pocket" of the Storm Ripper's Battlegear, which was dedicated to small items, opened the map, and expanded the map.

As a western Yanzhou with hundreds of countries and hundreds of top forces, not only the area reaches an unbelievable area of ​​340 million square kilometers, but its population has reached one third of the world's population, reaching 103 million. !!

But at this moment on this map, the vast territory of 340 million square kilometers has fallen to 84 million square kilometers in less than three months, and the number of humans trapped in the disaster zone has reached horror. More than 1.63 billion.

This is the area directly occupied.

The number of areas that have fallen into the threat of the cavemen is even larger, reaching 106 million square kilometers, and the population within the scope of the cavemen threat is also 2.44 billion!

The city where Baili Qingfeng is now located is one of the cities close to the enemy-occupied area, but it is a country with a national strength no less favourable than that of the Bucks Kingdom, which is the third largest city in the Aden Commonwealth.

"84 million square kilometers ... If you change to the upper world, it is equivalent to more than half of the land area."

Baili Qingfeng retracted the phone.

The area of ​​the occupied area is too large, and the accuracy of the satellite is not enough to figure out how many burrow people there are. In this case ...

Beheading tactics are not very easy to use.

"Going directly to the door of space, the enemy should also understand that the door of space is the most important thing. As long as I attack their door of space, when they can't defend, they will naturally assemble experts from all directions, which can reduce They destroyed Xi Yanzhou. "

Baili Qingfeng had a plan in mind.

Recalling the location of the nearest door to space shown on the map, he took a step and ran again.

This time he ran for less than a hundred kilometers. He had already found more than thirty cavemen in a small town.

Since this area was just counted as an occupied area and was breached less than a day ago, he could even see with his own eyes more than thirty cavemen who used a personal class as a sacrifice and sacrificed their own deities. , It is directly used as food.

The whole town is shrouded in a thick **** smell, and the dark blood stains are flooding every corner of the town.

"Interracial ..."

This scene flashed cold light in the eyes of Baili Qingfeng.


Jianguang whistled.

He hardly slowed down, and Wushuang Sword had whistled out of his hand.

The core of the will shone brilliantly, the spirit of the eleventh spirit of refining God swept out, and shot into the town with the sword mang wrapped in a pair of swords, as if a stream of light passed through those cave people in his body. At the same time as he was gradually away from the town, more than 30 people in the caves in the town had been left and assassinated.

"My current spirit is several times stronger than the previous one. It can be used for all purposes and can be equipped with a flying sword made of eight handles of Red Kobelco. As far as the body is concerned, the eight swords fly together. Into my killing area. "

Three kilometers!

With Baili Qingfeng condensing the core of his will and instilling the eight spirits in it, after breaking through to the eleventh level of the true refining god, his effective sword assassination range has reached three kilometers.

It is worthy of a sentence of three kilometers away, take the first class!

In four hours, the Baili Qingfeng penetrated 1,600 kilometers. During the period, the number of burrowers who had been killed had exceeded four digits. The closer to the direction of the space gate, the greater the probability of encountering burrowers. Once, he even met more than three hundred cavemen in a human city.

But despite killing so many cavemen, he didn't feel any joy in his heart.

Although when people from the caves came to attack ~ ~ many countries that were warned were organizing their personnel to retreat at full speed and flee in all directions, but ...

If Xiyanzhou faces the fall, where can these people flee even if they flee?

Besides ...

As the center of the world, Xiyanzhou has a large population base.

Along the way, he found pits with 100,000 people buried in four places. Humans in these pits were no exception. They were forcibly sacrificed by cavemen to please their gods.

The cruelty of racial war is vividly interpreted at this moment.

"The Temple of Death ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the door of the death temple space with only 300 kilometers left here on the mobile phone map, and his pace was a step faster.

Wonderful book house

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