The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 884: Thriller


Xu Ming opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but found that she couldn't make a sound at all.

God punished!

Divine punishment to destroy hundreds of kilometers!

What a terrifying power! ?

This power is by no means human.

and also……

Xun Ming stared at the cardinal who was most trusted by him, saying, "Why can't you feel the existence of their true God?"

"Does the Pope still remember the blood temple in the dry rock city on the border of the Red Ginseng country?"

Lu Jing cautiously.

"Blood Temple?"

Pu Ming's pupils suddenly shrank.

They knew exactly what happened to the Blood Temple.

Because of this, they will shrink their power during this time and reduce their sense of existence as much as possible, so as to prevent the human who claims to be the true God from focusing on them.

Now it seems……

How wise this is! ?

"Her Pope!"

曜 Ming was terrified, a voice suddenly heard outside the door.

It is Panyu the ascetic.

During this time, the Black Temple also completed several sacrifice. During the sacrifice, Panyu was given the power of the Holy Spirit by the great God of Black, and stepped into the heaven and transformed into the Holy Spirit.

"Come in."

Xun Ming calmed his thoughts.

"The great true **** lowered a shrine not long ago!"

Pan Yan said in a deep voice.

Su Ming and Que Jing suddenly became amused, respectfully listening to the appearance of the god.

"Although more than a month ago, the great Lord could not sense the existence of the true God of blood, his old opponent. At first the great Lord thought that he had formed the kingdom of God, and had already entered the kingdom of God to survive. Teller ordered the Holy Spirit to inquire News, and just three days ago, he felt that the power of the Black God was dissipated again. Numerous sacrifices and believers belonging to the Black God had performed self-sacrifice rituals. According to the information received by the Lord, the Black God ... falling! "

"The Black God has fallen !?"

The top of the two black temples of Xunming and Xunjing opened their eyes wide.

An unprecedented chill came to mind.

"Not only the black true god, the great Lord judged and investigated according to the special situation of the previous true blood god, and once again came to the conclusion that the true blood **** also fell."

"The true **** of blood has fallen !?"

Xunming and Xunjing thought of the incredible rumor they had obtained earlier, and felt that they were all weak and fell to the ground.

"It looks like you know something, is it related to this world?"

Pan Yan's face also became calm.

In fact, when he just got this shrine, he was in a different mood.

Shock! Shocked! incredible!

as well as……


After all, the barrenness of the barren world is obvious.

"According to the information held by the great Lord, the fall of the two gods, the Blood God and the Black God, should be related to this world ... At present, the Great Lord has conveyed the gods and stopped the construction of all space gates. He ordered I wait for the contraction of strength, and withdraw from the world when necessary. At the same time, I mobilize people to find out the real reason for the fall of the blood **** and the black **** ... "

"The real reason for the fall of the blood **** and the black **** ..."

Xun Ming and Xun Jing stared at each other with a flash of fear and gladness on their faces.

After a while, Wu Ming said: "If the news we get is correct, the reason is that it appears in this world, to be precise, it is a person in this world."


"Bai Li Qing Feng!"

He Ming said, adding another: "He has another identity-the true **** of nothingness!"

"The true **** of nothingness, I've heard the name, but I thought it was just an arrogant person calling himself God."

Pan Yan said in a deep voice, and at the same time, his eyes fell on Yun Ming: "But now listen to what you mean ... this real **** of nothingness ... really exists !?"

Xunming nodded: "The barren realm ... Oh, now they call themselves the land of the realm of heaven. The first secret of the land of the realm of heaven is the Temple of Death. But the mastery of this secret by the Temple of Death has only seized the opportunity, and soon, The abnormality of the death temple caused us to move. Subsequently, we and the war temple entered the venue, but ... three of our four temples entered at the same time, but there was no movement in the blood temple. This strange thing caused us Suspicion, so I asked Yun Jing, who had the most dealings with the Blood Temple, to investigate the matter, and found out ... long after we entered the hall, the ... God of Nothingness ...

Despite the apparent hostility of the sacred gods and nihilism, anyone should be in awe of the suspected existence of the god, even his black temple pope.

"His Majesty the True God has long gone deep into the kingdom of Akamatsu controlled by the Blood Temple, and in the trials of the Blood Temple and Blood Temple, the legendary Holy Spirit dead wood has erupted in a terrifying battle. The blood **** behind the call of the dead wood came, and wanted to reverse the world in one fell swoop and kill the human who was suspected of the real **** of nothingness-Baili Qingfeng, but his approach to the end himself seemed to anger the true **** of nothingness ...

"and then?"

"Someone sees the Excalibur, some people see the Holy Light, some people listen to the immortality, some people sing the Supreme ... and then the world and the world are sad, all things mourn for a great fall ..."

Xu Ming said, taking a deep breath: "Perhaps at that time ... the blood **** had fallen."

As he said, he looked at Panyu with a heavy voice: "Bali Qingfeng, who claims to be the incarnation of the true god, summoned the true **** body of the true god, exerted devastating punishment, slammed and killed, and interpreted the fall of God."

"Nothingness ..."

"And this time the Black God fell, the same is true! Three days ago, the true **** of nothingness Baili Qingfeng penetrated into the core of the gate of space controlled by the Temple of Death, and Hei Mukai, Garuda, Naluo, etc. of the Temple of Death. At the outbreak of the war, Bailiqing ’s front was like a bamboo shattering, smashing all the high-rises of the Temple of Death. At the critical moment, the Holy Spirit Galounda held a sacrifice to call the death of the true God ... and then ... everything ended again! Nothingness and destruction devoured everything. "

Pan Yan heard what He Ming said and felt cold all over his body.

"It may be a coincidence, but twice?"

There was a hint of creepiness in the voice of Wu Ming: "That is two great gods! Two great gods have covered the entire cave world since our birth!"

Wu Jing murmured to himself: "We did not believe before, how could there be a reincarnation of such a desolate and barren world, or an incarnation to walk in such a world, but now it has been confirmed that believers in this world can indeed The true God behind them provides power, so everything is explained! "

"The purpose of this true **** is this world!"

Gong Jing and Gong Ming looked at each other and suddenly felt that they had guessed the truth of the matter.

The true **** of nothingness must have understood this early, so he deployed the incarnation of Baili Qingfeng to grow it, form a temple of nothingness, and continuously expand his influence.

After more than ten years of operation, it is almost time to harvest. The Black Temple, the Blood Temple, the Death Temple, and the War Temple have just jumped out at this time, who will not hit you?

The fallen blood **** and death **** are the best examples.

"We are tantamount to breaking into the realm of another true god's faith ... No wonder, this true **** of nothingness would be so fierce! He just packed the **** of blood a while ago, and just packed the **** of death, so then ... ... "

Xunming's eyes fell on Panyu.

Pan Yan also thought of this, and when he looked tight, he immediately said, "Gather the information you have, let's pray to the great black god!"

After speaking, he exhaled a long breath: "In addition, summon our soldiers, move towards the door of space, and prepare to exit this world ..."

The black god, the blood god, the war god, and the death **** are all gods belonging to the same level. Since the true **** of nothingness has killed the blood **** and death god, he has killed the black **** and war god.

The lesson from the past is right in front of them, and they can't help but not plan for the worst.

"This **** of nothingness ..."

Too cruel.

Xunming thought of the end of the two true gods and the two temples, and could not help but feel a sense of sorrow for the dead rabbits and foxes.


The black **** felt the fear, and gradually began to shrink his power and retreat toward the door of space, as did the temple of war.

Although they didn't notice the abnormality as early as the Pope of the Hades, but ...

The Temple of Death was defeated, and more than half of the soldiers were annihilated. This horrible casualty and destruction still completely frightened them.

They didn't know exactly what happened, they also wisely chose to shrink the line of defense.

Without the barriers of the Crypts, the Void Knights, the Void Legion, and the coalition forces of the Iron Empire and the Glorious Empire were almost unimpeded along the way.

Occasionally, when encountering a team of cavemen, there is no courage to continue fighting. When they are rushed by the people of the Void Legion, they are easily defeated.

Less than half a day later, the vanguard team headed by the Void Knights has arrived in the Sol Peak area ...

To be precise, it is Lake Sol.


As soon as I arrived at Sol Lake, the sensory Constantine immediately noticed: "So rich energy! This ... This energy richness ~ ~ is far below even the second world !?"

"I also feel that practicing here can greatly stimulate the digestion of the legendary blood essence in my body for up to ten days. No, as long as three days, I can break through to the state of the Xeon."

"What happened here? Why is the energy so rich?"

Luo Sha, Silvia and others were surprised.

"You carefully sense energy fluctuations ... it seems ... that energy is being dissipated outwards and absorbed by an object ..."

Miro suddenly said.

Constantine and others heard Miro's words, and quickly captured this energy wave. Following this energy wave, he looked very closely. At the position of Sol Lake near the center, he saw a whisper of energy faintly. .

In the center of the vortex of energy, a figure was sitting quietly, diligently repairing.

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