The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 893: Star Track City Tour

"call out!"

Star Rail outside the airport direction.

Two big, one small and three figures were moving forward at extremely fast speed.

It was Baili Qingfeng, Zhao Si and Baili Bamboo.

Seeing that the houses around them became more and more dense, Baili Qingfeng and Zhao Si in the forefront stopped slightly, waiting for Baili Bamboo, which had been a long way behind.

While waiting, Baili Qingfeng looked at Zhao Siyi a little unexpectedly: "Uncle Zhao seems to have been exercising a lot recently, and his body has become much better. He ran from Xia Ya to the star track in one breath, but it didn't seem to be laborious. appearance."

"Isn't it because I'm busy farming every day? I used to have nothing to do when I was in Star Rail, and people tend to get rusty when I'm idle. I have something to do every day in Xia Ya, and my body naturally slows down. It's getting better, and the Yuanying in my body has grown to a critical point where he can transform to Yuanshen. The vital energy reciprocates endlessly, and it is easy to run a thousand or two thousand kilometers. "

Zhao Jiansheng was a little embarrassed.

"Great, I do n’t know when I can solve the problem of lack of energy in my body, so that now I ca n’t run for 20,000 to 30,000 kilometers. If the energy cycle problem can be solved, let me run around the world of wasteland In one lap, my waist is not sore and my legs do not hurt. "

Baili Qingfeng had some envy in his eyes.

"It's amazing to run a circle around the world of desolation, really amazing!"

Zhao Jiansheng immediately gave Baili Qingfeng a thumbs up: "I'm afraid I won't reach this level in my life. Therefore, I can only work on the Yuanshen Realm. According to my recent research, the three energy of Jingqishen belong to As a whole, when the essence and blood in your body are strong enough to use God for traction, you can manifest a kind of existence similar to the incarnation outside the body, so that you can run out with a pure energy body , Plowing fields. "

After speaking, there was a smile on his face: "Energetic body is very convenient compared to flesh and blood body. It can completely ignore air resistance. I tried it. The shuttle speed can reach three times the speed of sound."

"Energetic body incarnation? Three times the speed of sound !?"

Baili Qingfeng froze.

"Yes, it should be faster in the future ... Unfortunately, I do n’t know if it is due to the lack of" God "or other reasons. It is expensive, lasts short, and the distance is very limited. At present, it can only move within two or three kilometers, and it cannot be like Too heavy objects like real people are used to catch thieves at best. Once someone steals my vegetables, I can rush to the field opposite Qingyuan Mountain with one or two breaths. "

"Surely," God "is not enough. At this time you need to be distracted to make your **** stronger!"

"You mean the next practice in the realm of legend, condensing the core of the will, and adding other beliefs while condensing the core of the will, using the auxiliary beliefs to strengthen your own main beliefs, thereby inspiring stronger spiritual and spiritual power. ? "

Zhao Si thoughtfully.

"What primary and secondary beliefs?"

"It is to strengthen your own belief with other beliefs under the condition of firm belief. As if your belief is peace, then the auxiliary belief naturally includes unity, love, kindness, etc. In order to plant a good field, the belief in my heart is life, and the auxiliary belief is breeding, growth, joy, and so on. "

"Is that so ..."

Baili Qingfeng shook his head: "Although the method is good, but it is too slow. It is better to cut off one's spirit and cut it into two parts. Naturally, there are two spirits of refining God. When the two spirits recover and reach the tenth level, they will be cut again, and then they will be four, and then after the four spirits have grown up, they will be cut and become eight. "

He smiled when he said, "I have sixteen spirits now."

"Sixteen? Sixteen times the weight of the refining god!"

Zhao Si suddenly took a breath of air.

Sixteen times the tenfold spiritual power of refining God, how strong is that?


The envy on his face lasted for a moment, and immediately became a little frowning: "I want to practice this way with you, but the core of my will has been trained, and then I must cut off my spirit It's too late. "

"Have you trained your will?"

Baili Qingfeng was slightly surprised.

"Yes, I felt the joy of a bumper harvest when my rice field was first harvested. A lot of food, a lot of farmland, and how much life can I feed? In this turbulent mood, I suddenly realized, so The core of the will is trained. "


Baili Qingfeng nodded: "The core of the will is really easy. When I first knew something like the core of the will, I felt that this level of state was simply welfare, and the results were not what I expected, and I still returned. Before reaching the realm of legend, the core of will will come out first. "

"Yeah, the core of the will is really easy to practice. It's too much to say that the welfare is too much. I didn't practice it much, and it came out."

Zhao Si agreed very much.

"Yes, I hope that in the future, there will be a little more of this kind of free giveaway, let us quickly become true gods."

"Can God plant a lot of fields?"

Zhao Si asked.

"It might work."

Baili Qingfeng said: "In my impression, the kingdom of God should be a space similar to Dongtian. It belongs to the private assets of the practitioners, and they can grow whatever they want."

"Then we need to cheer on, and get to the realm of true God as soon as possible."

Zhao Sidao.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

At this time, Bailizhu ran over panting.

Only when she strode forward with the meteor striding forward, Baili Qingfeng obviously felt a strange power on Xiaozhu.

This kind of power seems to exist in the form of swordsmanship, sword power, or heaven and man, but it is different from swordsmanship, sword power, and heaven and man, but it is close to the heaven and human realm of Baili Qingfeng.

With this force bursting out of her, the air resistance seemed to be torn apart in two strokes, splitting in half, making it clear that she was the only **** of war, and the speed when running was actually faster than the explosion of the real land fairy. Favorably.

Although she looked a little tired, she was full of joy on her face: "Finally catch up with Brother Qingfeng and Grandpa Zhao."

"Xiaozhu, what is this ... something like a sword-like spirit?"

Baili Qingfeng asked curiously.

"What swords are strong?"

"That's when you run wild."


Bailizhu quickly said: "I always wanted to help Brother Qingfeng to achieve the goal of world peace. It turned out that Brother Qingfeng and Grandpa Zhao were running slowly and waiting for me intentionally. I still could n’t keep up, so I was in a hurry, I just wanted to run faster and faster, to catch up with Brother Qingfeng and Grandpa Zhao, but when people are too fast, the external environment will become a burden, so I want to run them Splitting it up, that kind of momentum eventually emerged. "

"So, how did you split them?"

"Uh ... that's ..."

Bailizhu thought for a moment, it seemed to be organizing the language. After a while, she said: "Our primary school teacher taught me, the shortest line between the two points, and I have also read Brother Qingfeng's book on your bookshelf, the world can use Points, lines, faces, three-dimensional faces, and flowing faces. We find the shortest two points between these points, lines, faces, three-dimensional faces, and flowing faces, and then split them. The past is fine. "

Baili Qingfeng heard it for a moment, but she didn't understand it.


Xiao Zhu just said, that was taught by her elementary school teacher.

If at this time he says he doesn't understand ...

What is the face of senior students at Charles University?

You know, not long ago, the Director of the University of Shire has delivered his diploma to him. Would anyone else suspect that he had obtained a fake diploma if he couldn't figure out even a primary school subject?

"Oh I see."

Baili Qingfeng nodded, and at the same time gave Xiaozhu a praised gaze: "Train hard, practice hard."

"Well, I will try to catch up with Brother Qingfeng and Grandpa Zhao."

"Xiaozhu is such a good boy."

Zhao Si looked at Bailizhu, his eyes were full of likes: "If you do n’t know how to come and ask me, although I ca n’t reach the clever brother of Qingfeng, I stay at home most of the time. There are a lot of delicious things in Grandpa's house, and those local products will be tasted by you. "

"Thank you Grandpa Zhao."

Thyroid bamboo gave a sweet reply.

"Yiyi's flight should have already arrived. She might have waited a long time. We will go in advance."

Baili Qingfeng said, together with Zhao Jiansheng and Baili Bamboo, headed for the airport arrival exit.

Before reaching the entrance, Baili Qingfeng had seen distantly wearing a lilac dress, dragging a large suitcase, and the teacher full of girl charm came to the direction outside the airport. The youthful and beautiful image attracted along the way. A lot of people's eyes.

She had a mobile phone in her hand and seemed to be trying to call Baili Qingfeng.


Baili Qingfeng shouted.

"Qing Feng, Uncle Zhao, Xiao Zhu."

Seeing the three men who seemed to be in the dust, Shi Yiyi replied happily and walked over.

"It looks like I'm just here."

"It's mainly because I'm too slow, otherwise we would be able to wait for Sister Yiyi in advance at the airport."

Thymus was a little annoyed.

"Xiaozhu is so small ~ ~ It is really amazing to be able to run so far."

Shi Yiyi praised sincerely, and at the same time she gave Baili Qingfeng a wink.

Xiao Zhu, who was only eleven, was so hard-hearted that she really ran so far.

"Okay, let's go on to the city. I remember the Starry Sky Building?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Let's take a taxi."

Shi Yiyi proposed.

At this time, among the several luxury cars gathered hundreds of meters away, a streamlined sports car emerged from the crowd, blasting the sky-throttle throttle from one side.

A young man with a pair of sunglasses in the car, looking up and down, greeted Shi Yiyi with a smile and said, "Where is this lady going? The people in Xingdao City are the most hospitable and hospitable. Will I take you for a ride?"

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