The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 897: Promote

Next, the people of Baili Qingfeng and the Golden Twelve Star Palace really looked like netizens at an ordinary party. Miao Wou-ki was a tour guide and played in the scenic spots near Xingluo City.

This play finally made everyone aware of the relationship between the other members of the Golden Zodiac and Baili Qingfeng. It is foreseeable that when they return to their families and residences, they will be affected by this relationship in the future. The weight will be significantly improved, really from a marginal person who only knows the Internet to chat on the Internet, become the main force in his home, and even grow into a real gangster-level person.

Baili Qingfeng spent three days in Star Track City, relaxed a little, and finally said goodbye to the friends, and returned to Xia Ya City.

Although the threat from the cavemen has now been lifted, the realm of wasteland is not truly peaceful.

At least the area of ​​occupied Old Guzhou, the area ruled by the Tatars, has not been fundamentally reversed, and Baili Qingfeng still has a lot of things to do.

not to mention……

The true **** of the dark, the true **** of war will find the truth of the true **** of blood and the true **** of death one day, and when they recede, they will definitely make a comeback, and the attack again will not be as hasty as the last time Maybe there will be a real incarnation of the gods coming to the heavens and heavens, and before they are consumed by the world rules of the heavens and the heavens, they will push the heavens and the heavens in a destructive and destructive way, completely breaking the human civilization of the heavens and the heavens into the dust.

"Of the three goals in my life, the two goals of eliminating the Three Holy Alliances and promoting the integration of the Aurora Empire and the Kingdom of Hea have been achieved, and now there is only the third one. The races are mainly burrows, beastly people, and tartars. Tatars live in the sea and have a small impact on human society. It is the burrows and zombies that bring trouble to the human world all the time. Humans have temporarily retreated because of the fall of the true God of Blood and the true God of Death, and the beastly man who really needs to be treated with care. "

Baili Qingfeng has a lot of information provided by the League of Alliances, and he himself has also obtained some blood temples, as well as books obtained by Tianjilou from the Duchy of Blood Orchid.

The beastly human is not only a confidant of human civilization in the world of desolation, but also the enemy of human civilization in the bimonthly world.

In the bimonthly realm, humans are not the masters of that land. The real beings that dominate the land are countless, and they are full of fierce beasts in every mountain, forest, river, river.

These fierce beasts, legendary lives, and even the beasts that possess the power of slaughtering God form a dense black mist that compresses human civilization in several large gathering places such as the Northland, Middle-earth, and South China Sea. The billions of humans in the gathering places have to rely on The gods hold up the fire of God, shining light and dispersing the black mist, so that they can reproduce.

Fortunately, fierce beasts, legendary beasts, and divine beasts, despite their large numbers and amazing fighting powers, generally do not have ethnic consciousness. They are not only fighting on their own, they are also fighting each other internally, so that human beings have room to breathe.

Unfortunately, some ferocious beasts, legendary lives, and **** beasts will gradually awaken wisdom, and evolve into intelligent creatures similar to humans—beastized humans, which continue to guide and seduce. Evolve and transform the ferocious beast, give birth to more beastly people, and eventually form a beastly human community and beastly human kingdom.

Although they will also be attacked by other beasts, legendary beasts, and beasts, they can better find the balance between themselves and the beasts, legendary beasts, and beasts. Shelter-like relationship.

The beastly humans such as the Burning Wings and the Holy Spirit of Golem, they acted on a dragon that transformed from the legendary bloodline to the blood of the beast, the King of Flames. While providing the King of Flames with power and food, they were also affected by the Flames. The king's asylum allowed the race to multiply.

Because of the special relationship between beastly humans and ferocious beasts, this enemy is more terrible than the human army threat of the Crypts and Star Empire.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng's practice could not help but be more serious and diligent.

It was half a month later.

"It's all about refining God."

Baili Qingfeng felt the spirit body shining like sixteen stars in the spiritual world, dotted with starry sky, and a smile appeared on his face.

After half a month's accumulation, he finally cultivated all sixteen spirits to the point where he was equivalent to the tenth level of refining God.

"Next, I went to the spiritual space of the immortal emperor again for sixteen to thirty-two spiritual fission. My chance coincided to condensed the core of the will, and I should have endured the spirit from sixteen to thirty-two Fission, but before that ... there is one more thing to do ... "

Baili Qingfeng received a call from Heisson, the head of the Bikini Basin Lab, last night.

His newly purchased instruments for spiritual "attribution" have all been delivered.

"Sixteen spirits, just right, I remember that the elements on the periodic table can be divided into sixteen races, that is, the seven main races, the seven sub-races, and the eighth and zeroth races."

Although there are periodic changes in the periodic table in addition to race, but ...

Mark the elements of the sixteen races first, and then say the other ...

Take it easy!

If his spirit is strong enough to support the fission of sixty-four to one hundred and twenty-eight, the existing 114 elemental attributes on the periodic table of elements can exist in dependence on his spirit.

Even if it has not been confirmed by the people in this world, but the eight elements that exist in another world, the remaining fourteen spirits are completely sufficient.


When Baili Qingfeng planned to run a bikini lab, he sensed something and went downstairs.

Downstairs, Shi Yiyi is drawing.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng come down, she suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Baili Qingfeng stopped in place.

After half a minute, Shi Yiyi said, "Yes."

"You are ..."

"Building the foundation for the practice of refining God and spiritual practice."

Teacher Yiyidao.

"The practice of refining God and spiritual practice?"

"Yes, I heard what Xiaozhu said, it makes sense, plus I personally want to find a life hobby, so I chose to paint."

Shi Yiyi said, turning the drawing board and saying, "I'm painting the living room environment. How do you like it?"

"good looking."

Baili Qingfeng nodded seriously.

Shi Yiyi's paintings are really good. At least he doesn't think there is any difference from those so-called masterpieces on TV. Anyway, they look quite real. People buy.

"Is it."

Shi Yiyi was a little happy.

At this time, the voice of the second grandfather Baili Changkong came from outside the door.

Baili Qingfeng just came downstairs because of the arrival of the four people of Baili Sky, Baili Skywalk, Shouzhen and Shoujian.

"Qing Feng."

"Second Grandpa, Shouzhen Senior."

Baili Qingfeng said a word, and Shi Yiyi quickly put away the drawing board and other things, and set aside to make tea.

"Go out and watch, don't let people in."

Baili Changkong said to Baili Tianxing and Shoujian.

After the two went out, he told Baili Qingfeng: "I hear you plan to fully promote the three yuan fortune, six yuan fortune, and nine yuan fortune?"

This time they came here specifically for this matter.


Baili Qingfeng nodded: "Now you also feel the situation in the world of Heaven and Famine, and the communication with the bimonthly world is getting closer. Did you see the information I sent you not long ago? According to the data of the League, there will be no gap between the two worlds as soon as a hundred years and a slow millennium. Due to the bi-monthly backwashing of the energy of the heavenly world, the concentration of the vitality in the heavenly world will not even reach the bimonthly world I ’m afraid it ’s not too bad. I ’m afraid that it ’s not only legends that can come to our world. Even demigods, even true gods ... may come in person. ”

Speaking of his tone, he thought of the death **** who almost shuttled from the door of space: "Now, the true **** can also come to our world, but the duration is shorter than the legend. The restrictions are even greater. "

Baili Changkong and Shouzhen nodded sternly.

"In this case, it is really a good choice to strengthen the power of Shia and Shenzhou, but ... will it be too fast? We did not discuss the promotion of the ternary fortune in Shia and the military department first. Yuan Zao Hua Ji is promoted in the Thunder Sect and the Void Temple, why now ... "

"I have now developed a method that restricts practitioners from spreading these exercises."

Baili Qingfeng said.

It is not difficult to practice the Star Catalog and Starlight Catalogue. After one month of training, some members of the Void Knights have been improved into the Star Catalog and Starlight Catalog.

And these two exercises are just as he guessed, the load on him is not as great as expected.

It is as if without the use of weapons, an army of 10,000 people cannot compare with the strength of one person and one hundred people.

Although the astral world he incarnates currently has only sixteen pillars of spiritual light, even if a thousand refining gods regenerate the stars and rebel at the same time, no ripple can be caused in his astral world.

This is still true of the tenfold spiritual saints of refining the gods, let alone the practitioners below the tenfold refining gods.

As long as he is given enough time, he can kill a million war-level powerful men.

And one million war level ...

The power of all countries in the world cannot reach this number together ~ ~ Has a method developed to stop its spread? "

"Yes! Those who practice the Gods above ten levels practice the Atlas of the Stars, those who practice the Gods below the tenth level practice the Catalogue of the Planetary Light, and those who want to practice the ternary fortune-making, the six-element fortune-making, and the nine-element fortune-making must first Only two ideas of refining the gods can be practiced. "

Baili Qingfeng said, taking out the star catalog and star catalog.

"Now that you have a solution, just as you said, I'll let Yasuo and Aloff promote these two ideas."

Keep the truth.

However, Baili Changkong didn't reply. Experienced, he planned to practice first to see if it was useful. Will there be any serious side effects, and it is not too late to talk about promotion after eliminating possible problems.


(The problem of the periodic table of the element is between different worlds and different ages, so it is not written according to the standard of 118 types.)

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