The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 902: Go to

"Computer, mobile phone, rocket, satellite ..."

Baili Qingfeng watched this history of world development pushed by Xiaozhu ...

He still has some impressions on the book.

It was only a few months ago when Shire University was celebrating. He met President Xie in the school. The principal Xie entrusted him, it seemed that he hoped that he would never forget to go to school even when he was out of school.

It was only after he was busy hitting people in the burrows that the true gods had gone, he forgot about it, and now Xiao Zhu opened the book before he remembered it.


Baili Qingfeng looked at the description in the book and gradually ...

Feeling something abnormal.

"Does ... there are other civilizations before this world, and the level of civilization development is not low?"

Baili Qingfeng thought of the rumors about Atlantis in his world ...

After thinking for a moment, he turned the book over, and when he saw the author, he actually saw two familiar names.

Yuan Zhishi, Li Li.

"The grandfather of the quantum war **** Mu Yiyun seems to be called Yuan Zhishi, and this Li Li ... isn't it Li Li of the League of Legends?"

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment and quickly picked up the phone.

According to the description in the books, there are indeed some high-tech products in the ruins, but the advanced level of the products is more than decades in comparison with the current civilization.

Of course, this may be because everyone in Tianjilou spared no effort to analyze the technological products in the ruins, but if there is really advanced computer technology, rocket technology, satellite technology in that ruin, for his global cloth and biocomputer research and development, There should be no small help.

Soon, the call was connected.

"The landlord."

Baili Qingfeng greeted him.

The person in communication opposite was the owner of Xintianji Building, Bai Yisheng.

"Your Majesty summoned me to fear the Lord in Beihanzhou?"

"The Lord of Fear in Beihanzhou?"

Baili Qingfeng nodded: "It is one of them. I hope you can enter Beihanzhou, search for the whereabouts of those who spread fear in secret, and destroy them. I will let the Void and Void Knights assist you. Any enemies we can't fight can call me directly. "

"Thank you Your Majesty, the staff of our Tianji Building is now entering Beihanzhou. It should not be long before the hidden beastly humans can be picked up."

White wins.

"In addition to this incident, there is the ruin on the ancient island. I saw from a book that Tianjilou and Jiemeng seem to be one of the developers of that ruin. It is precisely because they got the ruins. Data, can Tianjilou have significant developments in computers, mobile phones, and satellite communications? "

"Yes, Your Majesty, our Heavenly Palace and the League of Alliance have indeed obtained a lot of data, and even the birth of the technology of space gate is related to some data in the remains.

"Send me a copy of the data you got, and ... where is the ruins in the Older Continent? I'm going to check it out."

"The main body of the ruins has been damaged, and afterwards we were still searching for a while in the ancient continent. However, it is too late to search the ancient continent and even a powerful legendary fire dragon. His Majesty intends to pass. Our Tianjilou is willing to form a professional inspection team. Take Your Majesty. "


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

He always felt that professional things had to be left to professional people.

"His Majesty, besides us, the Golden Eagle Empire has acquired more relevant technologies. The reason why the Golden Eagle Empire has developed rapidly over the years is that even as far away as Lone Star Island, it still radiates its influence to West Yanzhou, East Shenzhou, and Beihanzhou. The Nanlizhou four continents is because they have gained a lot of benefits from the ruins. Even the aircraft carrier Los, one of the country's heavyweights in their country, is made by referring to the ruins ... "

"Aircraft carrier? Wait! That ruin ... is an aircraft carrier? Isn't it a cave, mural, sinking island or something?"

"That ruin is indeed a warship similar to an aircraft carrier. In addition, it is a bit inaccurate to say that an aircraft carrier ... If you use a consistent term, you should call it an air carrier? Or ... a warship?"

"Battleship? Alien battleship?"

Baili Qingfeng was shocked.

"Speaking out, Your Majesty may be a little disbelieving, we guess ..."

Bai Yisheng was silent for a moment before he said: "This battleship may come from the bimonthly realm ..."


Baili Qingfeng thinks of the bi-monthly kingdoms in the northern countries ...

Backward health facilities, social structures, ancient production systems, casting systems ...

A medieval civilization that can only make swords and axes, can you tell me that he can build sky warships?

Baili Qingfeng was eager to say: "Although I read less books, anyway, I also got a diploma from Shire University ..."

Only for a moment, he suppressed this idea.

"Your Majesty, I know this is a little incredible, but there is only one place in the bimonthly civilization we have come across, and that is the Northland. It is not difficult to guess from the books and words circulating in the Northland that Middle-earth is more prosperous than the Northland It's much stronger, where ... is the real center of the world! It's like Xiyanzhou and Dongshenzhou in our world ... The north may be poor and backward, but the middle land ... but not necessarily ... "

White wins.

Baili Qingfeng listened, and I didn't know how to refute.

Suddenly, he thought of his origin ...

After thinking for a moment, he re-introduced: "Maybe ... there is another world in the world similar to the world of heaven ..."

"Another world that resembles the world of heaven and waste?"

"Okay, arrange now, we will go to Shangguzhou as soon as possible to see if we can find any useful information."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Yes, we will mobilize the fleet."

Bai Yisheng promised and hung up.

When the call was hung up, Baili Qingfeng sorted out the information shock brought by the history of world development.

Northland, Middle-earth, Aircraft Mothership ...

"Brother Qingfeng?"

Bailizhu called out in doubt.

"I'm fine."

Baili Qingfeng touched Xiaozhu's head.

"Maybe ... when returning from the Old Island, I have to go to the Star Empire again. On the one hand, I can learn some information about Middle-earth from the Star Empire. aspect……"

He himself was also curious about Middle-earth.


Traveling to the empire of stars is equivalent to stepping into the bimonthly realm, and once entering the bimonthly realm ...

The immortal emperor will be a threshold that he cannot avoid.

From the end of the true blood **** and the true **** of death, we can see that immortality ...

It is indeed a little stronger than the common deities.

Although he has solved the energy problem of the golden demon's disintegration, he is still inferior to the mighty divine power emanating from the true blood **** and true death god.

Even the true **** of blood and the true **** of death can't hold the immortal Emperor's sword Qi shot in the air, and he probably has the same result ...

"Why is this immortal emperor getting more and more violent? This was obviously not the case before."

Baili Qingfeng was helpless.

For a moment, he calmed down.

Shi Yiyi helped his teacher Tianya go to his birthday. He also planned to say hello to her after Shi Yi came back, but now ...

"Brother Qingfeng, are you leaving again?"

Baili bamboo seemed to feel something, looked up at Baili Qingfeng.

"Yes, I have to deal with something."


Bailizhu was a little bit reluctant, but he nodded cleverly: "Brother Qingfeng, go to your business, I will work hard, and soon, I can help you."

Baili Qingfeng looked at Baili Bamboo.

In three months, her cultivation has not changed much, and it is still equivalent to the sixth-level God of War. At this stage, the practitioner must go through the quenching process to prepare for the future into the realm of Xeon.

In terms of refining the gods, with the continuous cultivation of Chengjing spar, she broke through again and has reached the realm of Nine Caves of the refining god. According to this trend, as long as the clarification spar continues, it will be half a year, and one year slow , Her promotion of the realm of gods to the top ten saints, will come to fruition.

"I will wait for Xiaozhu to grow into my left arm and right arm."

Baili Qingfeng touched Xiaozhu's soft hair, then took her downstairs, out of the yard, and came to Zhao Jiansheng's residence not far away.

"Little brother? Baby Xiaozhu is here too."

Zhao Si sensed the arrival of the two, and walked out with a smile: "Come and come, I cooked mung bean porridge, and I also made fan packs and meat packs, and ate together."

"Uncle Zhao, I have to go to Shangguzhou, Xiaozhu, please help me look at it."

"No problem, no problem, give it to me."

Zhao Si looked at Bailizhu with a smile, as if looking at his granddaughter.

After greeting Xiaozhu, he said again: "It seems that there is a legendary fire dragon in Shangguzhou? You need to be careful."

"I know."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Soon, he went back to his yard and removed his suit of Stormstealer armor.

Different from the previous armor made by Yaojin and Blood God Steel, this time the armor is made by the most defensive Black Kobelco. Such a set of fine armor can be worn by even a Xeon. Running on the battlefield without a legendary town ~ ~ was worn by Baili Qingfeng, which even brought his extraordinary defensive advantage to the extreme.

Putting on the armor, Baili Qingfeng went downstairs.

When he set off on a run, his body couldn't help but pause. He glanced at the courtyard behind him and sighed: "At this moment, I finally understand what the big man's day-to-day management means. This is not the case, just from the training ground When he came back, he ran to Xuelan Town without stopping. In Xuelan Town, he couldn't even drink a sip of water, and ran home again. After arriving home, he wanted to rest for a while, and the ruins of the ancient continent came up again ... "

This is a real day-to-day event.

However, the elimination of the legendary fire dragon on the ancient island is one of his plans. This trip to the ancient island can only be said to advance the original plan.

"The hardship today is for a better peace tomorrow."

Baili Qingfeng secretly cheered himself, then turned away.

Wonderful book house

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