The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 934: Wear out

"No will can deprive life of its right to live! If life loses its meaning of existence, no matter how strong a human being is, it will only be a useless shell!"

The will of the eternal **** is constantly oscillating.

Although he did not launch an attack, but under the influence of his will, the cells in his entire body seemed to rebel at the same time. The feeling was that patients with cancer in the later stages of the disease had exploded at a rate of ten to one hundred times.

Although Baili Qingfeng can continuously put these proliferating cells into the golden demon disintegration into energy, but ...

Nothing can be seen in a short time, but if this proliferation lasts for ten days and eight days, once the cell growth exhausts his vitality in the body, there is still only a dead end waiting for him!

"No! You can't go on like this, I have to reverse the situation!"

Baili Qingfeng's body was turbulent and punched out. With the big earthquake and the howling wind, the hundreds of meters of space in front of him were completely detonated and scattered again, almost turning into a vacuum!



The **** of longevity is like a wind, and like a cluster of fire.

Human fists can break the wind and break the flames, but they cannot be completely eliminated.

The thinking in Baili Qingfeng's mind quickly moved: "The core of the true God is the will, the body of the **** is only the carrier of the will, but it is not the only carrier like human beings. Their will also originates from the believers ... just like the sacred fly Swords, losing the body of the gods to them is like refining the Holy One without the flying sword, which may make them no longer have effective physical killing means, but they can still use the mystery of refining to kill the enemy's spiritual will ... "

Thinking of this, he stopped suddenly.


Will is the union of spirit and soul.

The true will of God is indeed stronger than the legendary will. In front of the true will of the god, the legendary will is like a small flame in front of the water, being killed by gram, but this does not mean that the flame can't help the water ...

When the flame is so huge that it hangs in the sky like a scorching sun and is directly projected on the ground, the high temperature and flames emitted are by no means capable of being extinguished by any current.

Not to mention the water flow, even the rivers and the sea can give you a scene to burn the sky to cook the sea.

Who can destroy a star with water?

"So, the same legendary will and legendary spirit may not be able to fight against the true will of the true god, but as long as the number of legendary will and legendary spirit is large enough, it may not be possible to touch the true will of the true god!"

After reading this, Baili Qingfeng stood up again, pulling his right hand, and when the **** of longevity rolled again, he punched out!

"Useless, how do mortals understand the greatness of the true God ..."

Faced with such attacks, the God of Eternal Life is not afraid.


The air burst!

The body of this true **** condensed was punched again with a tear in the void.

It's just different from the last time. In the moment when the body of the long-lived **** was blasted and his will was lost, in the astral world transformed by the spirit world of Baili Qingfeng, thirty bright stars and two slightly dimmed stars were simultaneously Shine, gathering all the energy into a star in the center containing terrifying high-energy particles.

With this infusion of power, a horrible innate demon seems to have been born from the stars. He was born in the sky, holding a thunder, scrolling through the storm, and blasting away at the will of Changsheng's true god.

Refining Mystery-Jiuxiao Thunder Move!


Thunder broke!

The will of Longevity True God was bombarded by Baili Qingfeng's refining mystery, and it turned out to be a slight meal, and there seemed to be a small amount of oblivion.


Only a moment later, the wills belonging to the true God of Longevity once again converged, and the annihilation of a very small part of the will was restored at an extremely fast speed.

By the time Baili Qingfeng once again formed the second mystery of Jiuxiao Thunder, his damage to his will seemed to have been restored.

At least it looks like this ...

"Use the mystery of refining against the true will of God? How ridiculous this is!"

The will of the Longevity True God continues to spread, impacting the spirit of Baili Qingfeng: "Mortal people, succumb to the longest desire of life, and wait for all things to grow!"

"The power of faith?"

Baili Qingfeng ignored the struggle of the eternal **** of life, he felt the strength of the strength of the mysterious technique Jiu Xiaolei moving, and frowned.

After all, there is an attack interval for refining mysticism, and then for a short time, the longevity true **** has reunited the lost willpower.

In other words ... his attack power is not as fast as the opponent's recovery speed.

"There must be continuous output!"

Baili Qingfeng quickly realized this.

Seeing the true God of Longevity still chattering in his ears, he once again punched the body condensed by Long True God, and then all the power in the astral world was concentrated on the neutron star served by thirty-two stars.


Under the huge spiritual support far beyond the imagination of any legend, this star, which only exists in the astral world, suddenly appeared, suspended above the Bailiqing front.

At the moment it manifested, a powerful and incomparable terror "gravity" swept through, forming a huge vortex against the spirit of all things at once.

The will of the Longevity True God has been scattered. The will of the carrier has not yet had time to re-consolidate. The neutron star ’s horror “gravity” directed at the spirit, soul, and will has been rolled into his body. Point into the neutron star, and then crushed by the terrible degenerate pressure and gravitation on the neutron star.

The true **** of longevity thought that the manifestation of this neutron star was only a more powerful mysterious refining technique of Baili Qingfeng. With the formation of the neutron star, he continued to pull his will into the star, which was then crushed by the gravity of the star Because of the finely divided composition, he could no longer return to his control, and he finally got a little dignified.

"What mystery is this!"

Longevity True God's will quickly began to condense, and confronted the neutron star transformed by the power of Baili Qingfeng's astral force.

He did not wait for his will to condense and form, to integrate the power into one, Baili Qingfeng already punched in the past.

Without the carrier, the longevity true God's will is like the rootless duckweed, which floats and drifts further and further away.

And because of the existence of the neutron star, which is manifested by the power of the astral sphere, those distant wills that lose control will be captured by the neutron star and eventually put into the neutron star.

"not good!"

After struggling for a while, and still unable to get rid of the horrible gravitational pull of the neutron star, the God of Longevity finally realized the crisis and the will was boiling to the extreme.

Unfortunately, no matter how he controls his own will, if he loses the carrier, he is like a star that has lost its gravity and the electron layer has begun to escape. The original energy and matter were swallowed up by the neutron star around him, until he became weaker and weaker. .

"Damn! This is definitely not mysticism! Divine! This is divine! And it is a higher-order divine!"

Longevity true God is struggling violently, and gradually loses the kind of high above his will, and treats humans like ants, but for the first time there is an emotion called "panic".


Baili Qingfeng noticed that the will of the God of Longevity was gradually weakened, and the spiritual power in the thirty-two stars was no longer retained. He spared no effort to devote himself to the neutron star. At one time, the neutron star, which was completely simulated by the spirit, even worse. It is so white that it even emits a faint blue color, and the devouring of the longevity true God's will is getting faster and faster.

This kind of feeling like being trapped in a swamp can only watch him step into death little by little, which makes the longevity true god's will shake more intensely: "Are you a man or a **** !?"

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of the gravitation devoured by the neutron star of Baili Qingfeng at all, he gritted his teeth, and immediately discarded a large number of escape wills captured by the neutron star's gravity. All his energy was concentrated in one place, and he immediately pulled out.

Tail off for survival!

At this moment, he only had to choose to survive!

"Human ... I admit that I underestimated you ... but ..."

Escaping the neutron star transformed by the spirit of Baili Qingfeng, what the longevity true **** has to say, but waiting for him, it is the mystery of refining mystery-Jiuxiao Thunder Movement!

It is not difficult to separate the thirty-two spirits from one to perform mysticism.


Suddenly, without a carrier, the long-lived true **** with a scattered will was blown into shock again.

And when he finally managed to stabilize his will, the neutron star manifested by Baili Qingfeng included him again.


The "fright" in the spiritual fluctuations of Longevity True God finally became clear: "What the **** are you !?"

Baili Qingfeng felt the longevity true God's will to resist the fading, finally relieved a little, and had the energy to reply: "I am just an ordinary martial artist who has practiced martial arts for less than five years!"

"Ordinary warriors who have practiced martial arts for less than five years ..."

Longevity True God responded with "Are you kidding me?"

He was struggling violently, but the neutron star transformed by Baili Qingfeng was composed of thirty-two spirits equivalent to the tenfold spirit of refining the gods. No matter how hard he tried, he could not escape this restraint.

"If I still have a **** body, and using the **** body as a carrier, it is equivalent to a warrior standing on the ground, and there is a support point for strength. Why fear such a strange method that manifests the spirit by magnifying the magic?"

A trace of remorse emerged from the longevity true God's heart.

The core of the true **** is the will ~ ~ It can have a **** body and the destruction of the **** body. The influence on a true **** is too great after all!

If it wasn't because he underestimated the Baili Qingfeng, when the body of the **** was destroyed, he temporarily avoided the frontier, and waited for a new body of God to condense again to deal with why the Baili Qingfeng fell into this end?

"That weapon ... was fired from that country called the Golden Eagle? Did they have betrayed the great Lord !?"

This thought flashed through the mind of the **** of longevity.

Seeing that the situation was irretrievable, his fierce struggle gradually subsided, and his will stared at Baili Qingfeng: "Human, you can't kill me, my will and my soul have been dedicated to the great Lord, and have been in the form of the Holy Spirit for a long time. Extinction survives in the kingdom of the Lord, even if you completely annihilate my will at this moment, I will still be reborn with the will that remains in the kingdom of the Lord ... someday in the future, you will not have this again Good luck. "

As soon as the words were finished, his residual will burst into a blast, and a gap was ripped from the neutron star's gravitational force transformed by the spirit of Baili Qingfeng, carrying a message and dissipating between heaven and earth.

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