The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 950: missile

Baili Qingfeng's eyes swept over the people present and adjusted his emotional state. It took only ten seconds before he said in a relatively gentle tone: "I am Baili Qingfeng."

"Wow wow wow!"

One sentence, a simple one can't be more simple, but it made everyone in the meeting room quietly applauded the previous second applaud at the same time.

Baili Qingfeng!

These four words have changed the heaven and earth.

Doesn't need to trace his contribution to Heavenly Wasteland in the past few years, because anyone present is well aware of Baili Qingfeng's dedication and achievements.

And these efforts and achievements are totally worthy of their warm applause for the young man in front of him.

Applause lasted for more than ten seconds before gradually subsiding.

And Baili Qingfeng on the podium also spoke again: "Thank you for taking the time to be a busy person to participate in this international parliament that is related to the future of heaven and earth. Everyone who can participate in this meeting should be I have received the information I sent to you through the Tianji Building. In the next few hundred years and thousands of years ... In the most recent one hundred years, the Tianhuang Realm and the Double Moon Realm will be integrated. From now on, the two worlds will go back and forth. There are no barriers ... even in the fastest fifty years, this phenomenon will show significant signs, such as the speed of the birth of the space channel, the opening time of the space channel is extended, the opening period of the space channel is shortened, and the construction of the space door is more convenient and many more……"

Baili Qingfeng was speaking, many people on the field kept reading through the materials that Shia had prepared for them.

The future integration of the Tianhuang Realm and the Bimonthly Realm will be irreversible. Many countries have made relevant predictions, but they do not have accurate evidence like the Tianji Building that merged the Jiemeng.

And precisely because we know that the future fusion of Tianhuang Realm and Bimonthly Realm is the general trend, and the strongness of Tianhuang Realm is associated. None of these countries can be confident that they will protect their own interests in a complex and changing situation after a hundred years, so It is only so enthusiastic about the convening of this international conference.

After all, the chaos of the legendary Youying was not far away.

With the power of legend, the other party regarded William XII of the glorious empire and the sea of ​​the Iron Empire as nothing, and broke into their palace directly to force them to cooperate with the search for Tianjilou, Jiemeng, Hunter Association, Wanjie Business and others. Whereabouts, kill them without being obedient.

Even William XII of the glorious empire and His Majesty of the Iron Empire had this kind of ending, not to mention those of the next level.

According to their understanding, although the legendary strongman has an extraordinary weight in the Northland, it is at best equivalent to the ninth-level warrior in their heavenly wasteland. Once the two worlds merge, hundreds of legends flood into the heavenly wasteland. What do the people of the Heaven and Waste Realm contend with the Double Moon Realm? Take what to protect their interests in the heaven and earth.

"The human civilization in the Heavenly Waste Realm is more prosperous and brighter than the Double Moon Realm. The wealth of the people is countless times more abundant than those in the Heavenly Wild Realm. But when it comes to combat power, the entire Heavenly Wild Realm adds up. It is not as good as one-tenth or even one-hundredth of the bimonthly boundary, not to mention that the northern territories that we are most familiar with in the bimonthly boundary are only a small part of the tip of the iceberg in the bimonthly boundary. It is a middle-earth in the center of the world, and a large number of territories that are not inferior to the northern land, or even stronger than the northern land. In this case, if the human civilization in the heaven and earth world does not want to be severely suppressed after the fusion of the two realms, it will do its best. Unity and unity will be the only way out. "

Baili Qingfeng said, reading through the information: "So, I propose that, from now on, the formation of the Tianhuang Federation, the unified scheduling of all resources in the Tianhuang Realm, the unified training of all the troops in the Tianhuang Realm, and the unified training of the top warriors in the Tianhuang Realm, Completely end the civil war in Tianhuang, and prevent our civilization in Tianhuang from consuming our limited resources, time, and energy on ourselves. "



"Olympus supports His Majesty's proposal ..."


Representatives of each country spoke one after another, and the whole meeting was incredibly harmonious.

Of course, this is because everyone had passed each other before the meeting.

"Okay, 103 countries, 29 special forces, a total of 132 votes, all pass."

Baili Qingfeng looked at this figure, with some sighs and some emotions: "I am very glad that everyone can make such wise decisions at the moment when our heavenly wasteland is in crisis. You are all heavenly wasteland and can prosper in the future. A steady hero. "

The field was very orderly and there was almost no confusion.

And Baili Qingfeng continued to enter the next issue: "For the convenience of governance, the newly established Federation of Heaven and Earth is divided into 36 districts according to the distribution of economy and population, and each district has a top consul, Under the supreme governor, there is a judge, a military leader, and a president of the martial arts association. Each ruling officer, judge, military leader, and martial arts president can enter the central parliament, that is, the 36th district One hundred and forty-four members will be elected. One of the 144 members will have a speaker and three deputy speakers. Among them, one of the three deputy speakers must be a military leader and the president of the Martial Arts Association! "

Hundreds of miles of Qingfeng read out the details of the Union of Heaven and Waste Federation.

In the end, he added again: "And outside the Central Council, there are nine other swordsmen! The swordsmen are held by the strongest warriors from all over the world, regardless of origin or ability. The swordsman is the strongest in the world of heaven and earth! The swordsman does not take any additional duties, but ... five swordsmen allow, they can be the chairman of the central parliament, and seven swordsmen agree to order the central government Parliament reorganization, if the nine swordsmen fully agree, you can temporarily take over the central parliament! "

The appearance of this agreement raised a slight argument in the field.

In fact, the main issue of the third edition of the matter mentioned by Silvia and Baili Qingfeng is this right.

Although the nine swordsmen do not hold any actual positions, they have the right to remove the chairman of the Central Assembly and order the reorganization of the Central Assembly, which is almost equivalent to mastering the sword of Shangfang.

"Your Majesty Qingfeng still insists on implementing the swordsman system?"

"Alas, Your Majesty ’s original intention is good, but regardless of the origin of the nine swordsmen, it is obviously easy to be taken advantage of, if there are strong men of the two moons coming to our Heavenly Desolation Realm, accept it As the disciples, we are the disciples and spare no effort to devote our resources and instructions, and eventually let them become the sword-slayers of the heaven-fade world, then aren't we in the heaven-fade world at the mercy of the two-moon world? "

"It can't be said, if our warrior born in Tianhuang Realm can't even grab the quota of a swordsman, then we can imagine what the situation of Tianhuang Realm has become. What will the Central Council be at that time? What's the point of saying by Shuangyuejie? "

In the voice of discussion, Bai Yisheng, who had been walking outside the conference room, hurried over and looked at Baili Qingfeng on the podium.

It took a while before he got close to Shi Yiyi and whispered: "Miss Shi, I have a message to report to Your Majesty. I wonder if you have a way ..."

"News? What news?"

"Since this morning, the satellites of our Tianji Building have failed one after another. After continuous investigation by technical staff, although these satellites have not been repaired, some of them have been able to be used normally ... If only this is the case, the satellite Some anomalies after troubleshooting have attracted our attention. We found that the original Los Angeles fleet of the Golden Eagle Empire that was cruising 2,000 kilometers away had actually approached the East Shenzhou City of Shaya less than 600 kilometers. In addition, the Golden Eagle Empire had another The distance between the two Black Hawk fleets and the Arthur ships was also shortened from 3,600 kilometers and 4,100 kilometers to 1,900 kilometers and 2,400 kilometers ...

"The three fleets of the Golden Eagle Empire are coming to Dongshenzhou at the same time?"

"Yes! Especially four minutes ago, the satellite monitoring system of our Tianji Building detected the rocket launch data, and we are currently calculating the flight orbit ..."

Speaking of this, Bai Yisheng said with a solemn face: "I have seen that although the team of messengers of the Golden Eagle Empire is huge this time, there are hardly any heavyweights coming, especially the President of the Golden Eagle Empire, who has contributed to the international conference. , Actually canceled the trip a few days before leaving, it is difficult for me not to have a bad association ... After all, the Golden Eagle Empire is the only country in our heavenly wasteland except Shia, which has the weapon of God ’s punishment. . "

The words God's Penalty Weapon finally seemed to touch Shi Yiyi. Now she nodded quickly and found the faithful not far away from her for the first time.

After conveying the guess of Bai Yisheng to Shouzhen, Shouzhen quickly separated his spirit and passed the news to Baili Qingfeng ~ ~ Baili Qingfeng on the podium couldn't help but have some surprises. I didn't see any movements, but the voice rang in the minds of Shi Yiyi and Bai Yisheng: "Golden Eagle Empire? When did this happen?"

"just now."

"I know."

Baili Qingfeng said, part of the spirit was passed to Prime Minister Yasuo: "Contact President George."

"President George?"

Although Prime Minister Yasuo was somewhat unclear, he still dialed President George's private phone as soon as possible.

For a moment, the phone was connected ...

"Dear Prime Minister Yasuo, this is Chery, Assistant to the President. It is not convenient for His Excellency the President to answer your call ..."

Prime Minister Yasuo looked at Baili Qingfeng, and Baili Qingfeng directly oscillated at the spiritual frequency to simulate special sound waves, which contained peculiar spiritual resonances, carrying a convincing power and passing through the phone. : "Hello, please call President George."

Stopped across the phone for a moment and responded quickly: "As you wish."


And hypnosis across the phone!

With a slight footsteps and door push, the voice that President George deliberately suppressed soon rang out: "Prime Minister Yasuo, help me transfer your Majesty Qingfeng immediately, quickly ..."

"His Excellency, this is Baili Qingfeng."

"Your Majesty !?"

George was stunned, and then said in a very rapid tone: "Your Majesty, there are forty-two punishment weapons launched at the three bases of the Xinghai Sea, Black Hawk, Rose, and Yasef fleet four minutes ago. Will also arrive over the city of Chaya at the same time. "

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