The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 954: calm

"I know."

Baili Bamboo nodded heavily and looked at the fireworks 300 kilometers away, holding Baili Qingfeng's hand tightly.

"Boo! Boo! Boo!"

Electro-optic lasing.

Baili Qingfeng quickly shot another six flying swords, and named three frigates, two cruisers and one supply ship.

"When you break through to the tenth point of refining the gods, you can try to learn the skills of" Wang Yuanshu ", but to really display the electromagnetic swordsmanship, I'm afraid I still have to learn my holy spirit eternal distraction Row."

Baili Qingfeng Road.

However, considering that Immortal Divine Emperor and he are no longer friends, it is a bit bad to use the name of the Holy Spirit Eternal Life Law, and I added one more time: "This is my original method, called Divine Art, which is ... ordinary people. It seems that you can't practice it. "

"I will try my best."

Baili Bamboo's cute little face is full of seriousness.

Divine Divine Skills are not low on spirit, even those high-level legends who have built up the core of will can only divide their spirits into two and four, and may also lead to bad results ...

However, considering that Xiaozhu had cultivated the power of the soul shortly after he stepped into cultivation, he later revealed a hint of will. It is estimated that the process of one point two and two points four is not difficult, and the next four points are eight points. , 8:16 can only be judged according to the situation.

"Okay, it's over."

Baili Qingfeng said loudly.

Baili Bamboo looked at the gorgeous flames that rushed into the void three hundred kilometers away again: "Brother Qingfeng, when I grow up, I will help you shoot these bad guys ..."

"Haha, I wrote it down, and I will leave it to you in the future."

Baili Qingfeng said with a smile.

He carefully taught Baili Bamboo, and indeed hoped that when he withdrew from the martial arts world in the future, she could stand up to protect him and maintain the stability and order of Tianhuang Realm. It is naturally best for Xiaozhu to have this idea.

Baili Bamboo watched Baili Qingfeng smiling, and his face also showed a smile.

Although she did not know what Baili Qingfeng thought of, but he was happy, she would also be happy.


The two quickly fell back to the ground.

At this time, the presidents and kings of many countries also learned from their own channels about the drastic change in the Golden Eagle Empire and the main reason why they were attacked.

When they learned that the chaos in the presidential palace was repressed, everyone was relieved, and they were full of awe to the attack that can withstand the nearly national power of the Golden Eagle Empire with one person.

The manufacture of punishment weapons is not an easy task.

Although the Golden Eagle Empire has amazing scientific and technological strength and abundant resource funds, due to limited time, a total of sixty punishment weapons have been accumulated. Some of these weapons were directly launched, and the other part was used as a second wave of offensive. Carried by the Los Fleet in the hands of the Beasts.

Sixty weapons of God ’s punishment fired forty-two in one breath. The air defense forces of Tianjilou and the Kingdom of Shia could only stop sixteen, and the remaining twenty-six were attacked by Bailiqingfeng. One-person sniping, this power of human power over the country, really made everyone realize the weight of Baili Qingfeng, and even subverted people's understanding of martial arts practitioners.

No matter how strong the martial arts used to be, even the strongest ones could only be used for assassination and beheadings at best. If a first-class power is determined to die with the strongest, without the intervention of external forces, it will eventually It is definitely the Xeon who cannot sustain it, not the entire country.

This is why even the most prestigious forces such as the Gates of Heaven, Mirror Mountain, and the One Church cannot match the international prestige of the Iron Empire, the Golden Eagle Empire, and the Glorious Empire.

But from now on, the conclusion that the warriors can't fight a country and can't fight millions of modern troops will become history, and a completely new era will be opened in an era that belongs to the Baili Qingfeng.

As soon as the Baili Qingfeng fell, another vice-president Owen, who came to attend the meeting, quickly went forward and explained: "Your Majesty, our Golden Eagle Empire has absolutely no enemies with the world. It means setting off a world war. It means beasts ... The veterans occupied the presidential palace ... "

Baili Qingfeng did not reply, but glanced at Bai Yisheng.

When Bai Yisheng nodded, he said: "We have already spoken with Zhao Jiansheng and President George just now. The main responsibility for this matter is really not yours."

"Thank you for your kindness and understanding."

Irving suddenly let go of a dangling heart, and at the same time said: "Your Majesty, in order to show our Golden Eagle Empire's support and sincerity for the Heavenly Waste Federation, our Golden Eagle Empire will share all the science and technology and application knowledge of people's livelihood, and we will Open up a large number of patents that are conducive to people's livelihood, so as to promote the development of countries' economic level and technological level ... "

Although the presidential palace was occupied by the beasts, although the Golden Eagle Empire did not take the blame, it was a fact that their protection was unfavorable and it almost made a big mistake. In this case, if the Golden Eagle Empire does not want to be excluded from the skyland Federation in the future, it must Decided.

When Irving vowed his promises, Bai Yisheng also got close to Baili Qingfeng: "We have the latest news that the Black Hawk Fleet and the Yasef Fleet have returned, and although these two fleets also have beasts, but Because there are no weapons of God's punishment, there are not many survivors, only a few dozen. After a fierce battle, those survivors were killed or expelled into the sea. "

"What about the capital of the Golden Eagle Empire?"

"With the presence of Zhao Jiansheng, the situation has stabilized."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Zhao Jiansheng's talent is overflowing. Before that, he didn't spend much time on cultivation, but he still cultivated to be the first strongest person in Dongshenzhou under the polish of time. Later, his continuous communication and exchanges with Zhao Jiansheng inspired Zhao Jiansheng's inspiration, so that Zhao Jiansheng Repairs to step into the fast lane for promotion, and now ...

Impressed by the increasingly significant situation in the Tianhuang Realm, Zhao Jiansheng has already taken the initiative to ask for cultivation and devoted his energy to cultivation.

It is conceivable that in this case, Zhao Jiansheng will inevitably give them a big surprise when they next meet.

"Uncle Zhao is so savvy, shouldn't he become golden Zhao uncle after some hard training?"

Thinking about this, Baili Qingfeng couldn't help but feel a hurry again.

It seems that cultivation matters should not be too lax.

Like the recent half-month after he returned from the Golden Eagle Empire, he was either shopping with Shiyiyi and Xiaozhu, or sleeping at home to read a book, and the time for cultivation decreased from sixteen hours at its peak to less than four hours.

And in these four hours, most of them are still instructing Xiaozhu's practice ...

"Your Majesty, look at this meeting ..."

At this time, Prime Minister Yasuo gathered up and asked for instructions.

"How are your emotions? Do you want to temporarily adjourn the meeting?"

"This is not necessary."

Prime Minister Yasuo smiled: "In fact, everyone's confidence has risen unprecedentedly, and he has witnessed His Majesty's easy interception of 26 weapons of God's penalty at twelve times the speed of sound. There is no need to worry about any danger in the place. "

"Is that so?"

Baili Qingfeng saw this, he asked tentatively: "Then ... continue?"

"it is good."

As said by Prime Minister Yasuo, he quickly greeted the presidents and kings of the countries and re-entered the large conference room.

When Baili Qingfeng stood in front of everyone again, it was obvious that everyone in the conference room looked at him.

Early hearing nothing is never as real as seeing.

Everyone can scream to fight against the enemy to build merits before the war, but when the war comes, people will find that the pain and parting caused by the killing and blood are so unbearable.

"Sorry, there was a little accident just now. Everyone should know that forty-two punishment weapons shot at us ... Fortunately, it has been successfully resolved."

Baili Qingfeng said loudly.

Is just ...

His slightly humorous speech that wanted to ease everyone's tension obviously did not cause everyone's laughter.

Everyone seems to be thinking about a problem ...

Forty-two punishment weapons came ...

Is a small accident?

What was that big accident?

Is the True God Invasion of the Double Moon Realm?

"Cough ... then our meeting will continue, following the agenda just now, let me carefully read out the responsibilities and obligations after the establishment of the Tianhuang Federation ..."

Baili Qingfeng said, his eyes fell on the material in front of him ...

Actually ...

Dozens of pages! ?

Read this one by one, UU reading www. Isn't an hour?

Who prepared the information?

Baili Qingfeng looked at it, silent for a moment, and finally said: "I'll make a long story short, the formation of the Union of Heaven and Famine is to exist for the purpose of confronting the integration of the two-moon world, and to fight the integration of the two-moon world, we want to start Start in all aspects, one military, two martial artists, three economy, four population ... "

He simply read out these materials, and compressed a dozen pages of content into less than five minutes of speech. At the end, he said again: "In addition, I also intend to add an additional proposal ... If we are in the future Wars and conflicts really broke out with the two-moon world, no matter whether we win or not, as long as the flames of war are burned in our Heavenly Wild Federation, our Heavenly Wild Federation will pay a price and sacrifice ... Therefore, I feel that we have to resist the war outside the world . "

Bai Yisheng, Shuzheng, Yasuo and others heard Baili Qingfeng's words and could not help but glance at each other ...

It seems that the information they gave did not have this part. .

"Therefore, I suggest that a professional team should be formed to travel between the Double Moon Realm and the Heaven and Earth Realm to find a key point where the two worlds are most closely integrated. All the powerful in the Heavenly Waste Realm can resist all the invasions and all dangers of the Double Moon Realm. This city also bears the responsibility of the Heavenly Waste Realm and the Double Moon Realm. The heaven and wasteland will be registered in this city. Those who enter our heaven and wasteland without registration will be regarded as an invasion! "

Baili Qingfeng said this with a tone: "Intruder, kill without amnesty!"

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