The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 971: Fight hard


Looking at the two demigods who killed themselves at full speed, Baili Qingfeng had to regret the idea of ​​ending his own battle.

Demi god……

Cannot be beaten.

Had to use the special environment of the misty mountains to hide, and then wait for the opportunity to assassinate.

Nianli so far, Baili Qingfeng pulled back suddenly.

"Retreat? Is it possible to retreat, Divine Art. Star Devour."

Sheng Xingyao put his hands together, and the starlight that swept the body of Bailiqingfeng turned into a huge vortex, forming a powerful engulfing force, pulling his body crazy, making his body in the retreat. pause.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Frost Dragon slammed into the air, his right hand was shocked, and a spear had been assassinated by lightning.

Is still in the void, spearing a dragon, a terrifying roar of horror!

"Tianlong Yin!"

Long Yin spread, the powerful will contained in the sound waves rolled toward the Baili Qingfeng, and there was actually a tendency to completely suppress his core of will to immovable bullets.

The will of God in the magic!

However, Bai Li Qingfeng had already been suppressed by this will when dealing with Yan Yuan's sword Cheng Yan. At the moment, the deity in the magical art exhibited by this demigod is stronger than the will in the deity of Chengyan. ,but……

This is all about.

After all, the fear of the Lord of God, the eternal God, and the immortal Divine Emperor will not have not confronted him.

Moreover, the core of the will cannot bear the will of the gods contained in their divine arts, he can continue to change into spirit, anyway, his spirit is strong, the quality is not good, the quantity comes together.


A powerful spirit instantly poured into the body, controlling every key position of his own, and quickly dispelling the interference caused by the stagnation of will.

At the same time, the rest of the spiritual power exploded at the same time, and the small universe cultivation technique was operated to the extreme, making his whole person escape into the mysterious state of the star realm in one fell swoop.

Not only that, when Baili Qingfeng flew back, the sword in his hand was assassinated by lightning, and a brilliant golden light bloomed instantly ...

"I'm already preventing your magic!"

Facing Baili Qingfeng's counterattack, Frost Dragon screamed and his robe burst, revealing a set of armor inside.

This set of armor seems to be made of crystal, full of crystal clear.

When the golden sword light of Baili Qingfeng hit his armor, he was reflected one by one by these mirror-like crystal brilliances.

"Frost God Armor! Frost God Armor, one of the six artifacts of the Frost Kingdom, was actually brought out !?"

"This is the top **** armor that can reflect almost all long-range attacks!"

"The Frost Ze Kingdom not only let the demigod Frost Dragon personally face Fu Baili Qingfeng, but also let him carry this divine armor ... What kind of competition do we have for these combinations?"

The surviving legends such as Zuo Qiuyun looked at this set of armor, and their faces showed bitterness at the same time.

Not only Zuo Qiuyun, but also the star of Sheng Xingyao beside him was a little dignified.

No wonder the Frostland Kingdom dares to let a demigod infiltrate the outer periphery of the Star City with Frost God Armor. Unless several demigods join forces, even in a dangerous situation, Frost Dragon can also defend against the horror of Frost God Armor And the characteristics of the long-range rebound to kill the encirclement.

"Sacred Art · Starlight Festival!"

While the Baili Qingfeng counterattacked the Frost Dragon, a star phantom emerged behind the Holy Star, and endless starlight bloomed from this star, aiming at the Baili Qingfeng to wash away.

These stars flew almost at the speed of light and were almost incredible. Although the golden flames on his body could only be suppressed when washing the body of hundreds of miles of Qingfeng, but when each star light rolled over his body, his core of volition was subject to A little shock, so that the increase of the will on the flesh is getting smaller and smaller.

If he hardly uses the core of will to control the normal operation of the body, the entire core of will will be defeated in this series of erosion.

"The high-level legend's will is much worse than the demigod's already transformed will ... If it were not for me now that I was controlling myself mentally, if the core of will collapses, I am afraid it will become a lamb to be slaughtered ..."

Baili Qingfeng said that it seemed to think of something.

The biggest difference between Demigod and Legend is that their will has cultivated to the peak and completed a new transformation, which can be integrated into every corner of the flesh to control their own body accurately, even if the broken arm is reborn.

And when he permeated his spirit into every corner of the body, the effect seemed to be no worse than the precise control of the body by the demigod ...

This thought continued in his mind for a moment, and Baili Qingfeng quickly turned his attention to the constellation of stars that was still blazing away at his holy star.

"It is worthy of being a demigod, and every powerful existence that has survived for hundreds of years has a lot of overwhelming means. It is really a luxury to want to defeat a demigod without paying a price."


The air waves burst!

The ground with a radius of several meters with the base of Baili Qingfeng sinking fiercely, a circle of shock wave instantly overturned the soil layer within ten meters.

Under this impulsive force, his figure resembled a cannonball that tore the sky, attacking Shengxing Yao!

not only!

While he was attacking the holy star, the stars realm excited.

For a time, it seemed that the power of the entire double moon realm covered his body. The kind of star magnetic field that does not know how many times stronger than the heaven and earth realm seems to be an ancient prehistoric beast, even if Baili Qingfeng only borrowed it. The tip of the iceberg of his power to push his body, still makes him extremely fast ...


The sound waves explode!

Even though the double moon realm is several times higher than the gravity of the earth, his figure is still breaking the sound barrier at this moment!

Is performing a divine art to wash the core of the will of the Baili Qingfeng with stars, and he instantly sensed that a terror crisis erupted in front of him.

"this is!?"

Sheng Xingyao did not hesitate to retreat, all the starlights on his body flashed madly, and burst out in an instant, forming a bright light that covered the strong sun, and the bright light contained the mysterious power of confused perception.

"Sun Boxing?"

Baili Qingfeng's pupil shrank.

His spirit was inspired to the extreme.

The Sun Boxing is actually an application of light. Light belongs to a special wave. As long as you can adjust the human eye pupil's perception of this light, you can easily filter these lights.

Is like a polarization mechanism.

In this way, the bright light that was almost blind in the vision of Baili Qingfeng almost dissipated for most of his life, and his eyes locked the figure of Shengxing Yao again.

Greeted him ...

Is a knife light!

Let's take advantage of the star's brilliance!

The knife is coming, and the sharpness contained in the knife light has already come, especially the runes flashing from the blade, which contain the sharpness of tearing the void.

"Half artifact !? Sharp artifact half artifact !?"


The body of Baili Qingfeng, who had just obtained his vision, shook again. The precise control of the star field by Star Realm made him seem to be moved by an invisible force.

The kind of power transformation that almost violates the laws of physics is enough to tear his body if it is replaced by ordinary creatures. Even if Baili Qingfeng has refined a lot of first-class gold during this time, he still feels overwhelmed.

The Star Force Field of the Double Moon Realm ......


"Good speed!"

Seeing Baili Qingfeng avoiding himself with a knife, Sheng Xingyao looked dignified.

When he came to read the information of Baili Qingfeng in detail, he couldn't think that besides defense, recovery and physical strength, his speed was so strange.

"Must control his speed!"

Sheng Xingyao did not hesitate to raise his left hand, and the bright starlight condensed on his hand again, forming a vortex that had appeared at the beginning. The vortex exuded an amazing power of attraction. The Bailiqing Feng was just avoided by a knife. This suction pull, there is a delusion of thinking, consciousness to be pulled out of the flesh.

"This is the demigod ..."

Baili Qingfeng's figure flashed.

After some confrontation, he clearly felt the difference between Demigod and Legend.

The power of demigods has not increased in quality compared to high-level legends, but ...

Possesses the will of God and permeates the will of God into every cell of themselves. They have too much control over themselves.

This kind of magic that can be called absolute control makes them almost no delay in the operation of their own power.

In other words, under the condition of energy, they can burst their strongest attacks at any time, changing thousands of means, and the connection between divine art and divine art is not cooled in any way.

This feeling……

Is more difficult than fighting ten high-level legends at the same time.


Sheng Xingyao ignored the thought of Baili Qingfeng, and condensed a black hole-like vortex of starlight. His virtual hand pressed, and the starlight was already swallowed down at him. As it grows larger, the force of pulling and swallowing is also climbing sharply.

Didn't wait for Baili Qingfeng to come out from this devouring force range, a wave of shocking dragon sounds sounded nine skies!


The spear broke!

Frost Dragon's gun carries a soul-piercing follow-up to kill ~ ~ boom! "

The big shock!

Baili Qingfeng flashed again with the help of the power of the stars, and the sword in his hand swept the Frost Dragon with incredible speed.


Fire burst!

The moment when the sword of Baili Qingfeng was cut on the frost **** armor, it seemed to trigger the anti-shock effect of the frost **** armor, and finally ...

Not only failed to tear the Frost God Armor, but the sword made of the red **** steel in his hand instead cracked under the shock and exploded into debris ...

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shuanglong held his left hand and punched, and the majestic blood turned into a terrifying force, which struck Baili Qingfeng's body fiercely, and the explosive force made him fly down dozens of people. Meter!

"it is good!"

Not waiting for the Baili Qingfeng to land, Sheng Xingyao strode the meteor, and hurriedly met the Baili Qingfeng who was hit by the Frost Dragon. The sword with terror and sharpness in his hand was cut down by lightning!


Void concussion!

The tip of Baili Qingfeng in mid-air was a little bit on the ground, and the stars were excited. The figure seemed to be blessed by the invisible force, and it was incredible to get out of the starlight of Saint Star Yao.

"Damn, this weird speed ... If we don't check and balance, he is already invincible!"

Sheng Xingyao's face sank.

"According to the data, his recovery is very amazing, not for a long time!"

Shuanglong followed closely: "There is also a little girl walking with him. In such a short time, she cannot be hidden far away. Pulling her out to force him to fight, I do n’t believe that Baili Qingfeng can watch it all. Watch her die! "

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