The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 979: 3 days

Holy Stardust felt like he was hit by a dragon, and his whole body was filled with torn pain. Even if the will of God is as strong as iron, this moment is still like being hit into the sky ...

Do not!

Is not like ...

it is true!

Frost God Armor itself has powerful defense, but also contains an extraordinary anti-injury effect.

Baili Qingfeng collided with electromagnetic swords ...

Of course, due to various reasons such as technology and materials, his assassination can only be called electromagnetic catapult at best, but even so, the speed increase given by electromagnetic catapult still allows him to fully use his power when he collides with Holy Stardust. Crashed, even his internal organs were smashed into powder,

Plus the anti-shock effect of the Frost God Armor after feeling the body has suffered great damage ...

The figure of Saint Stardust was not crashed, but was smashed directly.

Separation of body and will is naturally called Soul Flying Outside.


Suddenly awakened, Sheng Xingchen instantly realized his situation.

His body had collapsed in the impact just now?

If it wasn't for the demigod's condensed God's will, the flesh dissipated and could still survive for a short time, is he dead now?

Even if he didn't die, he became the second demigod who was defeated by Baili Qingfeng after the Holy Star.


There was a flash of lightning in the mind of Holy Stardust.

The armor worn by Baili Qingfeng ...

Frost God Armor! ?

One of the six artifacts of the Frost Ze Kingdom, why is the Frost God Armor second only to Frost World in the appearance of Baili Qingfeng! ?

Reminiscent of the fighting power shown by Baili Qingfeng and his own confrontation and the strength of forcibly defeating the country in the field by unknown means ...

A creepy guess came to mind!

Will ...

Sheng Xingyao and Frost Dragon were both killed by Baili Qingfeng! ?


Thought flashed, Sheng Xingchen completely lost the courage to fight against Baili Qingfeng, and his will swept to the direction of the Star City.

It is a pity that the Baili Qingfeng let the Saint Starman escape, that is because the distance between the two is too far away, and the glowing white star gravitational wave of the spiritual world manifestation cannot swallow his will, but the Holy Stardust in front of him ...


Jiuxiao thunder moved.

The holy stardust that just wanted to rush into the void was directly hit by the mystery of refining mystery, and the will of the **** was slightly shocked.

Is such a shock, the white stars are born, and the powerful binding power is like a black hole, directly pulling the will of Holy Stardust's God and throwing it into it.

"What kind of magic is this !?"

Holy Stardust shouted in horror.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Sheng Xingchen.

It's not that the family doesn't enter the door, even the content of the scream is so similar.

The mind turns, but the spirit of Jiu Xiao thunder moves without any delay.

One after another, the thunder kept bombarding down, exploding the spiritual will of Holy Stardust, and not giving him the chance to converge his will to escape the gravitational range of white stars.

"Baili Qingfeng, you really ..."

"Stop it all?"

Baili Qingfeng interrupted Sacred Stardust, and finally added a sentence: "Do you really want to die with our Star Empire !?"


Sheng Xingchen's screams seemed to be a little frozen with the words of Baili Qingfeng.

It took a while for him to say again: "Bai Li Qing Feng, we don't have to make such a difference between us, don't you want to establish diplomatic relations with our Star Empire? Agree, we agree! Sacred Star said not, our elder The Hui is the real master and arbiter of the Star Empire! "

"Veteran Association?"

Baili Qingfeng looked at Holy Stardust: "How many elders are there in the Star Empire?"

"Do n’t look at the fact that there are only four elders on the bright side of our star empire. In fact, there are still two hidden elders, Holy Saint Moon and Holy Star Song. It is also the blood of the gods in the great realm. The fighting power is not under the high-level demigods. They are the real Dinghai **** needles of the royal family of our stars. Even if you kill us, as long as these two elders are still there, you will never be able to fight us. The Star Empire ... Therefore, if you let me go, I would like to persuade our other veterans of the Star Empire to stop investigating the matter and promote the alliance between the Heavenly Waste Realm and the Star Empire!

Sheng Xingchen shouted in horror.

What awe-inspiring background of the empire of stars, occupying the northern land for thousands of years, and once served the **** of the field, such an amazing force has hidden two and a half gods?

Will he believe it?

Baili Qingfeng didn't speak, but the stars transformed by the thirty-two spirits of the spiritual world shone to the extreme. The steady flow of starlight was injected into the star that exudes white glow, which was swallowed more violently for a time. The power emanates from the blazing white stars and shatters the will of the Divine Stardust!

"Do not!"

Feeling the murderous intent and determination contained in the spirit of Baili Qingfeng, Sheng Xingchen issued a desperate scream: "Baili Qingfeng! Our Star Empire will not let you go, your heavenly wasteland, all yours Relatives, will ... "


Another thunderous thunder came, smashing the will of the holy star dust in the shout.

Even threatening people are exactly the same.

From this point, we can see to what extent the power in power of the Star Empire is evil.

Fear of God is more than they are.

Soon, as the white stars swallowed the will of the Holy Stardust completely, the screaming came to an abrupt end.

Then Baili Qingfeng stretched out his imaginary hand, and two items fell into his hand.

A mirror and a crystal-like crystal.

"It seems that the unknown demigod who fled earlier used this artifact to see my position for the first time ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the mirror for a moment.

"Brother Qingfeng, according to the power of these two items, it is very likely to be the artifact of the kingdom of the stars-the mirror of the gods and the kingdom of the field."

At this time, Baili Bamboo came over.

"Xiaozhu, are you okay?"

Baili Qingfeng saw Xiaozhu's clothes seemed to be soiled and quickly asked.

"I'm fine."

Baili Bamboo shook his head, and at the same time looked at him with admiration: "Brother Qingfeng is so powerful, neither of the two gods holding two artifacts is your opponent, Brother Qingfeng."

"Huh? Kotake, do you recognize these two artifacts?"

"Well, there are descriptions of these two artifacts in the books I read."

Baili Bamboo pointed to the mirror and said, "This is a mirror for the gods. It is a probe-like artifact. It is extremely sensitive to all things related to artifacts and divinities. In addition, he has a delay and even stays in the mirror light that excites it. The effect of the opponent ... "

Speaking of what this little bamboo seemed to think of: "There are also books mentioned that this artifact can also change the person's breath and mental fluctuations through the" mirror "effect, thus achieving a perfect disguise, Even the true God cannot see through. "

"so smart."

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.

"It is very powerful. Although Jian Shenjing is not a combat artifact, it is very famous. I remember I saw a list of the value ranking of all artifacts in Northland in a book. Fourth place. "

"What about this one?"

Baili Qingfeng held up the dim crystal road.

"The kingdom of the realm ranks sixth. This is an artifact made of ruined pure Jingjing as the main material. The cultivator can melt it into the realm. The effect is to greatly strengthen the realm and transform it into an earthly realm. , Specific power ... Brother Qing Feng also saw it just now. "

Little bamboo road.

Baili Qingfeng had a little aftertaste.

The suppression and blockade effect formed by the country in this field is indeed very amazing. If it is not because he has a star force field, it is equivalent to a world backing itself. It is really caught in the country of the field. Fifty percent.

Although there is the Frost God Armor in himself, there is no need to worry about the danger, but Xiaozhu's words ...

Safety is not guaranteed.

Thinking of Xiaozhu's safety, Baili Qingfeng couldn't help but hesitate.

He really wants to return to Tianhuang Realm now to send Xiaozhu back to Xia Ya to ensure her life safety, but ...

Today, he beheaded the two star gods of the star empire, Sheng Xingyao, and the star dust, and the star empire will be mad. I am afraid that it will not take long for all the gods to fall out of the nest. , To do their best to weaken their power, and then kill them trailing on their way to the Heavenly Waste Realm, trying to kill all demigods before they reach the Heavenly Waste Realm, so as to ensure that the Heavenly Waste Realm is foolproof .

Otherwise ...

Any demi-gods killed in the world of heaven and earth ~ ~ will cause irreparable losses.

Although the war between the Heavenly Waste Realm and the Stars Empire was set off by the Stars Empire, he was forced to fight back in desperation, but ...

Now that something has happened, no matter what the result, he has to do his best to carry it.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng put away the kingdom of the field, but handed the Jianshen mirror to his hand: "Xiaozhu, you take the Jianshen mirror. Once you find that there is a deity coming, you will immediately leave to protect yourself. ... "

"Brother Qingfeng ... Are we ... can we go back?"

Bai Lizhu raised his head and asked.

"Do you want to go home?"


Bailizhu nodded: "I'm a little afraid ... it seems ... something bad is about to happen ..."


Baili Qingfeng looked at the white and pure Xiaozhu because the battle just now made it look dirty, Baili Qingfeng was very guilty in his heart.

As a family member of Xiaozhu, she could not give her the best life, but instead made her feel terrified ...

This is his incompetence.

As for letting Xiaozhu ride the gull bird by himself ...

Obviously not.

She is still so young that if something goes wrong along the way, he will blame himself for life.

"Sorry Kotake, but ... I will solve this matter as soon as possible, three days!"

Baili Qingfeng cautiously said: "Give me three days. I will use this time to find a solution to the threat of the Star Empire, and then we will go back and never come to the Star Empire again, okay?"

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