The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 982: sneak into

Baili Qingfeng has changed direction, only thirty kilometers away from the Star City.

At this time, even without telescope, he could clearly see the bright starlight shrouded in the Star City.

"The energy contained in it ... is very strong."

Baili Qingfeng carefully sensed a moment, sincerely said.

The entire Wanxing Divine Array is connected with the Star City.

The towers were built deeper into the ground during construction, and the geothermal energy drawn from the ground was converted into the energy of the Wanxing Divine Array, plus the energy reserves from all sides ...

"Energy shield technology, how did it come? Science fiction can't explain it at all, it can only be explained by fantasy ... It must be said that the double moon world is really a fantasy world."

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment, and felt that if he wanted to sneak into this city to assassinate ......

Seems a bit difficult.

In addition to preventing external shocks, this energy shield seems to have a 360-degree surveillance effect similar to the realm.

Of course, this monitoring effect is not to say what image can be seen, but can capture any breath living in the city of stars.

This capture starts from both sides, on the one hand is the strength of the cultivator, on the other hand it is related to the priesthood of the domain god, the domain. In other words, anyone who has become a domain has legendary cultivation practices and is stepping into After the Wanxing Divine Array will be recorded.

As long as the person in charge of the formation of the law has the heart, he can mobilize the power of the **** array to kill any recorded practitioner.

Unless the practitioner can understand the "domain" better than the domain god, otherwise ...

Xiu wants to get rid of the lock of this formation and sneak into it.

"This is the real test! Any legendary dive into it will be locked by the formation and have nothing to hide! The Star City is really cautious to the extreme!"

Baili Qingfeng looks dignified.

Know that even the Jian Jing Mirror can only display all things related to the deity, such as divinity, divine art, artifacts, etc.

From this point of view, if the Wanxing Divine Array is regarded as an artifact, this is at least a master artifact.

"The energy contained in the Wanxing Divine Array is very amazing. Once I was locked by the formation and launched an attack, even if the combination of the Golden Demon Disintegration and the Frost God Armor's defense might not be able to resist ... Very dangerous. "

Baili Qingfeng looked at the formation dozens of kilometers away.

It is impossible to forcibly break. With such a terrible formation, the consequences of a forcible break will inevitably die for a lifetime, so they can only sneak in.

And sneak in ...

That is the basic skill of an assassin.

"The detection mechanism of the Wanxing Divine Array focuses on the field and the legendary cultivation ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought about it.

For a moment, he thought of something.

When he entered the half-step star realm, his own breath seemed to disappear completely, with an extremely amazing cover effect. Although he cannot enter this state for a long time, if he can suppress his realm with the help of a hint of the half-step star realm Not a problem.

The problem in the field is solved, then the repair is left.

Since the legendary cultivation will be discovered ...

Then, he just fell below the legend.

Zhao Jiansheng's Jindan practice method details the method of condensing legends into Jindan.

"It seems feasible!"

Baili Qingfeng thought of this, and soon a cyclone spawned in his body.

With the formation of this cyclone, the spirit essence in his body was stripped and compressed at a very fast speed, and finally a Nedan was formed in the body.

As his qi and blood were quickly stripped away, his personal condition also fell rapidly, not only fell under the legend, but also looked like a pale face when he became seriously ill.

"Brother Qingfeng?"

Xiaozhu gave him a worried look.

"I'm fine."

Baili Qingfeng stood up, feeling his own weakness, with a hint of joy on his face: "It's done."

Although he looks malnourished as a whole, if he really wants to resume his cultivation, he only needs to explode Jin Dan and he can return to the peak immediately.


Baili Qingfeng was a little active, and quickly adapted to the change of his own strength from the legend.

After all, he had just been promoted to the legendary realm, and now Xiu Wei became very comfortable.

"Okay, Xiaozhu, you are hiding outside the city. Once there is danger, you will immediately activate the Jianshen Mirror, set your target, and ensure your own safety. I will leave a spirit on the Jianshen Mirror and excite it to the extreme After that, I will be able to give birth to induction, and I will run out of the Star City to save you as soon as possible. "

Baili Qingfeng asked to ask.

He was very guilty about bringing Xiaozhu into this war, but the situation in front of him was not the time for him to feel guilty.

"Well, Brother Qingfeng, I will hide it so that no one will find it."

Bailizhu focused on nodding, and she also took out the Jianshen Mirror: "Brother Qingfeng, if you are going to dive into the Star City, the Jianshen Mirror is obviously better than the kingdom of the field. You will also bring the Jianshen Mirror. go with."

"No, I have to ensure your safety and your safety, which is more important than my next dive into the Star City to assassinate the demigods of the Star Empire."

"I will hide it well."

Baili Qingfeng still shook his head.

However, he had to admit that Bai Lizhu was really good. Jian Shen Mirror had the prophet who enemies at the same time can also cover himself. With the cover of Jian Shen Mirror, he sneaked into the Star City and the palace of the Star Empire. Minute.

And ...

"With the Wanxing Divine Array present, if I break out of legendary combat power, it is easy to be targeted by the Wanxing Divine Array, and the kingdom of the domain needs the strength of the domain to exert its power ... It is not very easy to use ... On the contrary, if I left the realm of the field on Xiaozhu's side. When the realm of the realm is activated, it is equivalent to opening up an above-ground **** kingdom .... It ’s God without knowing ... "

Baili Qingfeng thought of this, and took out the kingdom of the field directly: "I can take away the mirror of the god, but you can stay in the kingdom of the field, and I will activate this artifact in a moment, forming a miniature field of about ten meters. , I will come after the artifact effect of the Divine Kingdom has disappeared. "

"But Brother Qingfeng, if there is no country in the field, your strength will be very affected ..."

Baili Qingfeng said with a smile: "My most powerful method is not to fight the enemy head-on, but to lurch quietly, approach the opponent, suddenly shoot the sword, and kill with one blow! Don't forget my nickname An assassin! Only the wrong name, not the wrong title! They were dead the moment they saw me, so I did n’t have to use the power of the kingdom of the field to confront them. "


"Of course, let's talk about it again, with Ten Thousand Gods Array present, I would not dare to exert the power of the field, so the country of the field is the safest place for you to shelter you."

Baili Qingfeng said, take out the country of the field, and then directly inspire it.


A piece of ground stretched out and shrouded Baili bamboo.

"Okay, you are waiting for me here, don't run around, you know."

Baili Qingfeng touched Xiaozhu's little head and said.

"Knowing Qingfeng's brother."

Baili Bamboo nodded.


Baili Qingfeng responded.

Although he was a little uneasy about the safety of Xiaozhu, in order to be able to complete the task of assassinating the twelve demi-gods of the Stars Empire in one day, Baili Qingfeng did not allow himself to delay any more, and stood up immediately and went to the Star City.

In addition to the way of entering the city by flying birds directly to the tall towers, there are naturally gates on all sides of the city.

After all, not everyone has the ability to domesticate high-level birds.

Baili Qingfeng disguised his own breath by using the Jianshen Mirror, and then walked silently toward a tall city gate with the flow of people.

Fortunately, although the Ten Thousand Stars Array rose up, the Star City couldn't stop going in and out, and there were many people coming back and forth at the door, not even increasing the number of soldiers guarding the door.

Actually, Baili Qingfeng can understand.

Zhongxing City has a population of more than 40 million people. If it is completely blocked, the huge daily consumption will soon bring down the entire city.

As for not adding soldier guards ...


In this case, Baili Qingfeng entered the Star City and was interrogated for a period of time, and soon received a bronze medal to enter the city pool.

"It's coming in."

Baili Qingfeng said, and also looked up at the bright starlight condensed from the towers above.

Those starlights are just ordinary starlights for ordinary people, but for the extremely sensitive Bailiqingfeng, every starlight seems to contain suffocating terror power. Once these starlights are transformed into attacks and bombarded, With just one blow, the demigod's body will be wiped out.

"The next step is to sneak into the palace ..."

Baili Qingfeng quietly approached towards the palace, UU reading www.uukanshu. In a corner of an alley near the palace, he took out the Jianshen Mirror, and quickly saw the red dots with different lights on it.

"This kind of red refers to artifacts, and divine power. This is a demigod? There is also a luminous demigod that should be a high-level demigod. The second brightest red dot is from the Wanxing Divine Array. Array of Wanjie Crystal, do you want to steal the Wanjie Crystal first, and break the Wanxing Divine Array ... forget it ... first assassinate the most powerful demigod. Then, Wanjie Crystal is a dead thing, and ca n’t go ... … "

Baili Qingfeng thought about it, then stared at Jian Shen Mirror for a few times: "Strange, there is no true **** in the Star Empire?"

Similar to the ancient forces such as the Star Empire, it was simply unreasonable for the former Northern Overlord to not suddenly appear a true god.

After a while, Baili Qingfeng secretly guessed that the power of the true **** may be too strong, and the Jianshen mirror could not be displayed.

Now that I have figured out where there are artifacts, half-artifacts, half-gods, and even divine fluctuations ...

Then it will be simple.

Baili Qingfeng deliberately avoided the exploration site with artifacts and magic techniques, and quietly infiltrated into the palace.

And leaning on Jian Shen mirror to cover his own breath, he quickly came to the brightest demigod.

It is an old man who is adjusting his spirit and spirit to get ready.

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