Athena hummed to herself as she sorted through the stack of papers in front of her. She was seated in the Hokage chair and ordering the papers for him. She had taken pity on the old man and decided to help him. She had a system she knew would make the Hokage's job easier . Besides she figured it would be a good distraction. The old man had summoned all the jonin who arrived in short time. They were having an ȧduŀt conversation and Athena decided not to be a part of it. Her time to speak would come. She found it better to let the old man explain her situation. She doesn't like repeating things even if it's for the sake of others. Plus she doubt the jonins would believe a five year old. Best they got the news from the man they respect.

As she ordered the papers her mind wandered. She found herself in a new world. So many new possibilities were now open to her. She could be a ninja. No. She will be a ninja. She's a senju. Daughter of two of the sanin. Becoming a ninja was her destiny. She needed to know to protect herself or she would be a burden to everyone around her. She was also looking forward to meeting everyone. She would like to meet Naruto. The ball of sunshine. She always admired him. He had the ability to stay optimistic even after everything the village put him through. He never gave into the temptations of the fox. He truly deserved her respect. She was sure he was smarter than he let on. His father was a genius and so was his son. Naruto is a latened genius. She knew it. All he needed was someone to guide him. Someone who would take their time to teach him. The teachers at his school obviously didn't . Iruka tried, but it was obviously not enough. A smarter Naruto would make an overpowered Naruto. Would that be good? It would be a drastic change that could effect the timeline. She shrugged it off. She'll think about it later.

She also wanted to meet Sasuke of course. He is the reason for Almost everything in the series. If he hadn't run away a lot of things would not happen. Naruto wouldn't have become as strong as he did because he never had the drive he needed. The same could be said for Sakura. And if those two never got stronger none of the genin nine would've. They got stronger because they didn't want to be left behind. What if Sasuke Never left? Athena didn't see that working out well. Everyone wouldn't have been as strong as they should.

Then there's Hinata. Someone else she wanted to meet. Hinata was probably the most bad written character in the anime. Obviously the creator had no idea how to write girls because Sakura and Ino were as bad as her. Hinata had potential. She knew it. She became the Hyuga princes for crying out loud. Athena hated the way Hinata was portrayed and treated. She was called weak because of her timid and shy nature. Disinherited because she couldn't beat her younger sister and because she lacked the drive to become the ruler. Athena thought it was all Bullshit. Hinata was just too kind. She never wanted to hurt her sister, so she lost. She has no drive to rule the clan because it's not what she wants. It's what her father wants. What the elders want. Hinata deserved much more. She deserved to be recognized for her strength and kindness. For her genius and impressive medical skills.

Athena sighed. Thinking about all those stuff got her riled up. She always got pissed thinking about Hinata being treated the way she did. The way Naruto was treated. The hate Sakura got for no reason. One of the things that pissed her off the most was Neji's death. Why did he have to die?

Because some messed up fans requested it.

She felt a hand rest on her shoulder and instinctively flinched away from the contact. She sighed when she noticed it was the old Sarutobi. He looked at her worried, but she looked away.

"I'm not comfortable with physical contact" Is all she said as she fixed the last pile of papers. She knew the old man wanted to know more, but she wasn't in the mood to talk about it. She didn't want to ever talk about it. Better not to think about it entirely.

"Would you like to introduce yourself? I already told them everything they need to know"

"Then they know my name? " She asked and the old man nodded. "Then why do I need to introduce myself? "

"I like this kid" Anko grinned.

Athena climbed out the chair she was in and bowed before the ȧduŀts.

"Athena Senju pŀėȧsurė to meet you all"

"Nice to meet you" Kurenai smiled.

Athena stared at her. More specifically she stared at the blood red eyes. They were even more mesmerizing in reality.

"I always found your eyes beautiful, seeing them in person just makes them even more so"

"Thank you"

"You are welcome, Kurenai"

"So you really do know us"

"Yes Asuma, did you not believe your father? " Athena raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Well when he said you knew us from an anime and manga you can't blame me"

"Hard to believe huh? " Athena smiled bright. "I can't even believe I'm here"

"Kakashi, Itachi and Guy"

The mentioned jonin straightened up at the mention of their name. Athena eyed the three. Kakashi looked the same. His hair was defying gravity like it was nothing. His one eye was covered by his headband and he wore a mask over the bottom of his face. He had the usual lazy posture with his hands in his pocket. The only difference was his age. He looked younger. He is younger. Seven years younger.

Guy was the same as well. Dressed in his famous green spandex. He had weights on both arms legs and around his waist. His hair that all known glimmering bowl cut and his bushy brows were a sight to behold. Athena almost snickered looking at them. He caught her looking and flashed his toothy smile that flashed brightly as he held a thumbs up. Yup, same Guy she's used too, just younger.

And lastly Itachi. He was but a child. Must be around twelve or thirteen. He looks older than his age. He had lines by his eyes obvious sign of stress. His eyes cool as she thought they would be. His hair had the fabulous Uchiha swag. He dressed in dark colors and his clan symbol was proudly on his back.

"The three of you will be in charge of training Athena until her parents return" The old man said taking a smoke from his pipe. "Kakashi she will be staying with you during this time"

"As you wish" Kakashi bowed slightly.


Kakashi was walking through the village. He sighed as he stared at the sky. How did he end up being a baby sitter? He had better things to do than watch a five year old. He was never all that enthusiastic about kids. They were loud and annoying. They would throw a tantrum when they didn't get what they want. Now he was tasked with watching over one and training her. A five year old. Was she not too young to be traine? The Hokage tasked him with the job so he would have to pull through. Training a five year old could be a lot of work. How should he even approach it? Would he have to teach her about chakra and jutsu? He was told that she had lots of knowledge of this world, but how much is a lot? Does she know about him? About his past? His team? About his friends? He would have to ask.

He felt a tug on his pants and looked down. Golden amber eyes we're staring up at him. He looked at the child. Her eyes in particular. It didn't hold that childish innocence most children have. No. It held something else. He couldn't figure it out though. Was it sorrow? Depression? Need? He couldn't tell. It wasn't a very positive emotion though. He had observed her in the Hokage office. She seemed very cheerful and happy, but at the same time... Something was bothering her. She lived another life he was told. She lived fifteen years of it. He wondered what she went through. What happened to fill her eyes with such emotion.

"Can we get some ramen?"

She was hungry , huh? Kakashi looked up and found they were standing right in front of Ichiraku. He looked back at her and she was staring at the building, a glimmer in her eyes. He raised an eyebrow.

"Fine, come on"

She smiled as she followed him. There it was again. That cheerfulness. She can be very cheerful even when something is or was bothering her.

Kakashi watched her climb onto a stool. She struggled a bit, but managed. She was beaming with excitement as she ordered a miso ramen with extra pork. Kakashi noticed the blonde next to her. He was eating while trying to make himself  as small as possible. Athena noticed him too. She turned towards him , a smile on her face

"Hi there"

The blonde looked up. He looked at her confused. Kakashi leaned against a close wall watching the children interact.


"Are you talking to me? " He questioned, a bit shaky.

"Yes, I am" Athena smiled a friendly smile. She would be his friend. No matter what she would be his friend. He went through a lot and having someone by his side at a young age would be great. "I'm Athena Senju, what's your name? "

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm gonna be Hokage someday. Believe it! "

Athena stared at him. She still had a smile on her face. The smile spread once he said his famous words. She loved it. He was radiating so much energy that it was hard not to believe his words. Of course she believed him. She watched him grow up and achieve those dreams.

"I believe it"

"You -you do? "

"Yup" Athena nodded. "I do. You will become Hokage one day and I Athena Senju believe you"

"Really? " Naruto looked on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, from this day onward I am your friend, no I am your sister and as your sister I will watch over you and do anything in my power to help you achieve your goals, believe it! "

Naruto couldn't describe what he was feeling. It was new to him. He made a friend? No a sister . That's what she said. She said she would be his sister. She said she would help him become Hokage. She believed him.

Naruto felt tears stinging at the back of his eyes. No one had ever been this nice to him. They hated him. They would glare at him whenever he walked down the street. Kids would bully him, calling him a monster. He wasn't allowed in any stores. He was even kicked out of the orphanage. No one liked him. No one wanted to talk to him. He was a monster.

Why was he a monster?

He didn't know. He didn't know what he did. Why was he given the title of a monster. He never did anything.

"Are you ok? "

He looked into those golden amber eyes in front of him. They were filled with worry. Worry and something else. Something familiar. He knew that look in her eyes. The same one in his. The same thing he went through everyday. She felt the same. He could see it.

"You too? " He asked. He wiped his eyes. He wasn't going to cry. "You're lonely too"

Athena flinched at the statement and looked away from him. He frowned. Did he do something wrong? He hoped not. He didn't want to lose the one person that talked to him normally. He didn't care if they just met.

"I'm sorry" He quickly apologized.

"It's ok" Athena smiled sadly. "I guess we can always recognize one of our own, huh? "


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