Jiraiya was scared and impressed at the same time. In front of him Athena was effortlessly holding a massive toad statue over her head in one hand. She was looking up at it curiously as if she was wondering how she was pulling such a feat. Jiraiya was scared because he had been teasing Athena for some time and she made it very clear to him that she had no problem hurting him. So he was praying her annoyance and anger towards him had faded enough for her not to decide on throwing that statue at him. He was impressed and proud because apparently Athena's chakra was practically all natural energy. The percentage was high. He didn't know how such a thing happened or how he didn't notice but Shima and Fukashaku told him it was so. She naturally possessed natural energy and as such she could enter sage mode if she trained enough. 

Her sage mode would not be linked to the toads or any animal. He wondered how that would work out. What would her sage mode even look like. Maybe it's linked to the elements. Maybe she was unconsciously collecting natural energy for all those years. It was coming from the earth without the help of toad oil. So maybe it was elemental. There's that and the fact that she possessed all five elements. 

And what is this about her having yin yang release without the rinnegan. Are they saying she could pull of feats one could if they had the rinnegan? Is that what they're trying to say? Could she do things Hagoromo could. Could she actually create a living creature. 

That is interesting. 

And the title given to her. The unknown goddess. 

"My daughter is a goddess" he grinned happily. 


The unknown goddess with the knowledge of past, present and future. The one to determine life and death.  The one to determine the outcome of the future. The one to control the beasts. The one to unify. The one with the eyes that could see it all. 

The one who watched over the brothers. 

The brothers. What did the old toad mean by that. Who were the brothers? Indra and Asura? Their reincarnations? He didn't know. 

He did know that Athena had big part to play I future events. 

It had been decided that most of her training would be taking place on Mount Myōboku. They would be teaching her how to utilize her natural energy and enter sage mode. She was also given a contract to sign. Apparently she could be promised to multiple animal summonings. 

As Jiraiya watched her he suddenly realized why she was so strong despite being so small. He was starting to think she was reinforcing her strenght with chakra like her mother. It was more or less the same thing with natural energy. 

Athena had put the statue down and fell into a seated position. Shima and Fukashaku were still present on her shoulder. They were bickering about some little thing. Athena took amusement in it. The two seemed to like their spot on her shoulders so she let them be. They were causing no harm and their bickering was interesting. 

Athena tuned them out and began to run her mind as she usually did. A lot has been brought to her knowledge and she needed to think things through. She started with chakra and what it is exactly. 

Normal chakra is made up of both yin and yang. In other words it is made up of spiritual and physical energy. The combination of these two things together is what grant ninja the ability to mold their chakra into a physical form. The balance between the two is essential for chakra to take form. If the two are imbalanced in a bad way one cannot perform a jutsu. It fails. Once chakra is properly balanced, when yin a yang are perfectly balanced, one uses hand signs to mold the chakra and perform a jutsu. 

She moved on to natural energy or senjutsu. 

Nature energy or natural energy is energy gathered from the environment around the user. If the user can obsorb this energy then balance it with their physical and spiritual energy they achieve sage mode and can use senjutsu techniques. 

Senjutsu is powerful but the drawbacks are just as deadly. If the user cannot balance the nature energy with the yin and yang energy they will turn to stone and inevitably perish. The risk is worth it though. Senjutsu gives one sensing abilities as well as extremely enhanced speed, strenght and durability. It also acts as a counter to truth seeker orbs since it cannot be canceled out by their properties. 

She wondered if her natural energy is the reason Inoichi could not access her mind. It was plausible. 

"You said my chakra is very close to natural energy, what exactly does that entail? " Athena interrupted the bickering elderly toads to ask her question  

"It means that your chakra is almost all natural. It seems that you either unconsciously collected natural energy over the years and also automatically balanced it with your yin and yang" Shima explained 

"Or you were somehow born with natural energy and as such it was only natural you were capable of balancing things out" Fukashaku said. 

"So I can use Senjutsu? "

"With trainin, yes"

"That's why I'll be spending most of my time here"

"Correct " Shima nodded. "We'll be helping you. We'll also try to help with your yin and yang release"

"Yes, you won't need the boy to teach you anything " Fukashaku  mused. 

"Hey! She's my daughter, I'll teach her everything I know. You don't get to hog her for yourself. She's my little goddess! " Jiraiya exclaimed dramatically. As he lifted the two toads off his daughter's shoulder. The action  earned him two tongues to the face, causing him to drop the toads who swiftly reclaimed their place on Athena's shoulders. 

"Stupid old toads" Jiraiya grumbled. 

"You're being overdramatic " Athena sighed. 


Athena found herself sitting on one  of the toad statues. She was calm an breathing steadily. There was something she needed to confirm and she needed time to herself to do so. The married toads had respected that and left, making sure she knew they would return. She was amused by the fact that they really favored her. 

Athena took a deep breath and got to work. She had not forgotten what had happened when she was at the Yamanaka compound. For a very short amount of time she saw the world differently. When she blinked it was gone. She didn't know what it was but she had a theory and she needed it to be confirmed. She started to believe even more in her theory when Gamamaru had said she was the one with eyes that could see it all. 

She released another breath as she started to gather chakra behind her eyes. She did so slowly and steadily. She didn't know what pushing too much chakra to her eyes would do. She kept her eyes open to determine when she would need to stop. 

Slowly the world around her began to change. She smiled as she paid attention to every change. Everything gained a colored aura around it. She didn't know what it meant but the more chakra she focused to her eyes the more she started to see. The aura's strung out from their places in the form of thin threads that connected themselves to her. 

She wondered. 

She touched the string connected to her neighboring toad statue. 

She saw more. A young man. Maybe around twenty years or so. Athena didn't care too much about his appearance. She just focused on what he did or was trying to do. He was also contracted to the toads. Apparently he tried to gather nature energy on his own. He used the oil to ȧssist. Athena saw the whole process. She saw him slowly turn into a toad of incredible size. Try as he might he could not stop the inevitable. He soon turned to stone and has been that way for years. 

Athena blinked as the vision faded. Did she just see the past of that statue? 

"Well that was interesting " 

She was still seeing the aura's around everything. Everything has a past. Everything had a future. Could she see them all? 

She touched another string. It displayed a young red toad. Very small. She was nothing but a child. She was hopping around on her own. The area she was in looked familiar. Was it the near the statues? 

It was. The frog was soon looking up at the statues and decided to climb one. 

Hold on. 

"Ah" Athena continued to stare down. "Did I just see this happening before it happened? "

The frog finally made it to the top and came face to face with Athena. They stared at each other for some time. 

"Hello"the young toad waved. "What are you doing up here? "

"I could ask you the same thing". 

"I asked first"

"Fair enough" Athena shrugged. "I'm testing something out"

"What are you testing out and why are your eyes so weird? "

Athena blinked. Her eyes. They changed? "What do they look like? "

"Deep purple. No, wait it changed color. It's now blue. That's cool, it just changes color " The frog was smiling. "Your pupils are the same. Before you had weird flame like things around them now you have straight tomoes connecting the outline of your pupil the end of your iris. They're intricate and cool"

"Ah, I see" Athena stopped sending chakra to her eyes. When she blinked her eyes were back to golden amber. "Thanks "Athena stood. So she had tomoes. A sharingan feature. She wasn't happy with that. She realized that her eyes were different but she didn't like the fact that it had similar features to the sharingan. At least she had straight tomoe's and blue eyes. She sighed. And at least she could see the times of everything around her. She doubt that's all she could do. She'd have to work on that. 

"Who are you anyway? "She asked the frog next to her. 

"Shiroi, who are you? "


"Nice to meet you. What's with your eye? "

"I don't know" Athena shrugged and motioned for Shiroi to climb up on her shoulder. "I'm learning a lot about myself these pass few days. I'm working on figuring things out" 

Athena proceeded to effortlessly jump off the statue and go off to find her father. She wanted to spar with the man. 

"Where are you going? "

"Wherever my father is" 

"Is he that perverted ninja that always comes here? "

"Yeah, that's him"

"He managed to score a girl? "

Athena snickered. "Miraculously"

Athena slid to a stop by a nearby lake where she spotted her father working on his novel. 

"Dad, let's spar" she pulled him by the collar and dragged him off. "I want to test something out"

Jiraiya sighed and put away his work in progress. He let himself be carried away by his daughter. He had folded his arms and legs and waited patiently. He had looked up to find Shiroi staring at him. He raised an eyebrow. 

"Who's your friend? "


"Hello" Shiroi greeted. "What were you writing? "

"My novel"

"What's it about? "

"Romance amongst other things"

"Can a I read it? "

"Its not for kids"

"Do you really peek on women In the hotspring? "


"You shouldn't be proud of that" Athena said as she dumped her father in the grass 

"You're not suited to have a daughter" Shiroi said bluntly as she jumped off Athena and sat under a tree. 

"What does that mean? "Jiraiya questioned the toad. 

"Leave her be dad" Athena waved the situation off. "Although I do see her point"

"What? "

"Don't worry about it" Athena stood opposite the man and motioned for him to charge her. "Let's spar"

The second Jiraiya made his move towards her Athena channeled chakra to her eyes. Again her vision was filled with colors surrounding everything. She focused on her father. His aura was fire red. Athena wondered if it was because of his chakra affinity. She did remember his natural element being fire. 

Athena took on her own fighting stance and kept her eyes focused on Jiraiya. She was curious. She didn't move as she only focused on her approaching father. 

And then it happened. It looked like an after image of her father. It had split off from him and made it's own movement. He was coming off straight forward. He was probably testing her. The after image type Jiraiya came to her with a fist raised. His body favored the right. 

She smiled when the image went as soon as it came. Her father proceeded to make the very same movements. 

She had literally saw it coming and sidestepped him. She saw his thread of aura or what ever it was and gripped it. 

Jiraiya was a bit shocked to see Athena's eyes change. Why were her eyes suddenly blue? It was like the last time. The only difference being that it was purple before. As Jiraiya stumbled forward after missing Athena he felt an odd sensation. It was in his gut. It felt as if someone was grasping his chakra. It made his entire body weaken and he collapsed to the ground. 

Athena had watched the scene and raised an eyebrow. Her father seemed to have lost all strenght. She let go of his string. Jiraiya pushed himself back up and looked confused. 

"What the hell? "

"Thanks for being my test subject. I also apologize for doing that to you"

"You don't sound sorry"

Athena smiled and fixed her hair. 

"At least I apologized"

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