Naruto stared at himself in the mirror. More specifically, he stared at the diamond mark on his forehead. He thought it was cool. Tsunade had taught him how to create it. He had to add a larger amount of chakra into it than she did. He was told it was the same for Athena. She had huge chakra reserves as well. The seal helped him out a lot. He gained better control of his chakra. It had been two and a half years since he started training under Tsunade. He had successfully learned how to purify his chakra and gained incredible chakra control. He was proud of it. He could heal people without fear of harming them. It made him a more versatile ninja. He had a lot under his belt.

He had the rasengan. The toad summons and the slug summons. Multiple wind style jutsu. He was skilled in Bukijutsu, although his main weapons became the special kunai his father had suggested. He was a skilled martial artist. He liked to see himself as a good strategist. He had almost perfect chakra control despite everything. He could reinforce his strength with chakra. He had Tsunade's special seal. He could use medical ninjutsu. He could manifest chakra chains. The Flying thunder god technique.

The list went on and on. The one thing he still had to conquer was the tailed beast within him. He was afraid to try anything for he feared losing control. Athena had told him she could help him and would when they had to travel on their own. For the time being he should not worry. He trusts Athena and did as suggested. He didn't think about it too much.

His father had taught him everything he knew. Once he could teach him no more his mother appeared again. He wondered why they had to show up individually to train him, but could be together after training. He didn't know and did not care. Together they would tell him a lot about their childhood a life together. They would also spar wit him, teaching him new fighting styles.

"Naruto are you ready? We'll leave without you if you take your time"

Shizune was at his door. At the question and warning, Naruto quickly pulled on his jacket and equipped his book in his pouch. He was standing in front of Shizune with a smile.

"Do you have everything? "She asked and looked around his room just in case the boy had forgotten something.

"Yes I have everything "Naruto reassured as he started to shuffle her out of his room and into the living area. Tsunade was waiting by the door with TonTon by her side.

"What took you so long Naruto? "Tsunade asked. "You always complain about us girls taking forever to get ready when you just took your time"

Naruto laughed sheepishly. "My head was in the clouds"

"Of course it was " Tsunade ruffled his already messy hair and motioned for him to step out the door. "Time to go"


Naruto adorned a happy smile as he enjoyed the ramen Shizune had ordered him. It was getting close to the night and they had just arrived in the next village. They found a bar/restaurant that served ramen and decided to stop for some food. Naruto and Shizune ate while Tsunade enjoyed the bar part of the establishment.

Ramen was Naruto's reward for doing so well in training. They always took him out to eat when he worked especially hard. They would get him anything he wanted, which is just Ramen when he could.

He had six months of training remaining. After that it was off on his own with Athena. They could choose to go do their own thing individually, but they decided against it. Athena could help him with a lot of things and he liked being around her. It was a win win in his book.

He wondered what else Tsunade could teach him. She had taught him even more wind style jutsu. He learned that she had four affinities, while he just had the one. He wanted to work on developing another. Maybe lightning or fire. They are cool.

He would have to return to the village in 18 months. He was lookimg forward to it. He was told that despite his skills being far superior to that of genin he would still have to start out as one. He didn't know exactly what time he will be going back, but Athena told him it would be some time near the ninja academy graduation tests or something along those lines.

He would be placed in a team. Most likely with kids he didn't know. It didn't matter. A ninja must be flexible and versatile. He should know how to work with anyone. Team work is important. But he was still hoping to be on the same team as Athena. It would be cool.

He wondered if the perverted Sage and Tsunade would come to the village with them. He never asked why they were never in the village, but he had a feeling it had something to do with Athena. What he wanted to know was if they'd return when it was time. It would be nice to have them there. He was really seeing them as family. Athena would like that too. They were her parents. He knew she would love to have them there with her.

"I wonder how Athena's doing "


"I live inside my own world of make-believe. Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities

I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach. Cross out the ones who heard my cries and watched me weep" Athena was lying under a tree as she suddenly heard cradles in her head and decided to sing it. The song has interesting lyrics with a beat that makes it hard not to dance.

"I love everything. Fire's spreading all around my room. My world's so brigh. It's hard to breathe but that's alright


She hummed the tune to herself as she bobbed her head. She wanted to dance, but was very comfortable on the ground.

"Are you lazy today? "Shiroi was on her forhead, looking down at her.

"More or less" Athena shrugged. She didn't feel like beating her father to a pulp. She didn't feel like practicing sage mode. She did not feel like experimenting with her eye. She didn't feel like playing with the flying Thunder god technique. She didn't feel like drawing. She didn't feel like working on her yin yang release. She just wanted to lay under the tree and relax.

"Alright, hold on"

She blinked and activated her blue eyes. The blue eyes are the one with the straight tomoe. She decided to name it the Wheel of Fate or Unmei no Sharin. She didn't know what else to name it. She felt as if she should give it some name with gan at the end of it since it seems to be the trend. Sharingan. Byakugan. Rinnegan. Tenseigan. They all have gan behind them. Unmeigan didn't sound right.

With her eyes activated she could see the dark string of chakra coming from her stomach. She had promised the fox she'd get him out into the world and she pulled through. She found a way to help him.

She sat up and took hold of the string. What she had to was extract the chakra from her body while still being connected to it. Once she extracted a good amount the fox takes shape although he is small, around the size of any normal fox. To do that she would have to activate her purple eyes and restore the chakra to it's original state, being the fox. The string grew in size and as it drifted away from her stomach, while staying connected. At a certain point she let go and blinked. Purple eyes with a flower like pattern made of flames then appeared. They were dubbed the Flower of Fate or Unmei no Hana. She was content with the name for now.

"Restore and take shape"

And so the chakra did as told. It was restored to what it originally was and took the shape of a normal sized fox, with nine tails of course.

"Took you long enough"

Athena extracted chakra from her eyes and didn't even pay attention to the fox as she fell back into the grass.


"Stupid human"

"I'm the human who granted you your wish and treats you like an equal. Show some class"

"The fact that your bickering with the nine tails amazes me" Shiroi commented as she watched the two throw insults at each other. They got along just fine when they wanted to. Sometimes they just felt like arguing about nothing. Kurama usually starts it.

"The next time you deny me my freedom I'll kill you" mini Kurama threatened and Athena smirked.

"That's a big threat for a little cute guy like you" Athena teased. The little Kurama was adorable. He looked a lot like baby Kurama, which was what Athena was hoping for. She could not control what he would look like, just his size. The cute look was a bonus. Of course the fox did not like the appearance. He felt like a child and Athena loved to tease about it.

"I hate you"

Athena did not respond to the fox for a few seconds. "Why don't you go hunt down some animal? "

Kurama growled but left her side. He was in the mood for torturing some innocent rabbit. He was cooped up for too long. While he appreciated being in the outdoors, he did not like his size and appearance. He was used to being massive and malicious. Now he was small and cute.


He was not supposed to be cute. What would his siblings think of him? Shukaku would be a bastard about it and laugh. Stupid.

But then, what if Athena could grant them all the same wish and they end up just as small and cute. Who would be laughing then? He chuckled. Oh he would. He would laugh as much as he could. Especially when he saw Shukaku's face. He could already see it.

Athena could hear the fox's thoughts and chuckled. He may be a great distance away, but they were still connected. If Athena were to activate her eyes she would see a line of dark chakra connected to her stomach and going into the forest. The fox could go very far. He had a hundred mile radius. When he passes that one of them gets pulled towards the other. It depends on who's more stubborn at the moment.

"Do you think he'll bring back a dead rabbit like he did the last time? "Shiroi asked as she eyed the forest. The fox had returned with a rabbit he had mercilessly killed and dropped it in front of Athena. He did it to get back at the girl for calling him cute. He might do it again.

"He better not. That's disgusting"Athena wrinkled her nose in disgust. The fox had a interesting sense of humor.

"He's coming back already" Shiroi pointed out as she saw the fox emerge from the forest. He had something in his mouth. She had a feeling it wasn't alive

Athena watched as the fox walked up to her and put the dead animal on the ground in front of her. He was obviously smirking at her.

"You disgust me"

"It's what you get for calling me cute"

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