"He's late" Naruto sighed as he sprawled out on one of the desk. Team 7 was the last team remaining. They had sat there and watched every other team leave. Everyone's jonin came and got them at some point. Even Iruka left to go home. Naruto was so excited to meet him and he's late. He suddenly remembered his father telling him about his habit of being late to almost everything. He was even late to Minato's wedding.

"I would be worried if he came on time " Athena said casually. She was seated behind the very last desk near a window. She had her drawing pad in hand and was constantly looking up at Hinata. "Kakashi is always late. I doubt that will ever change. If Kakashi says thirty minutes he means an hour. If he has a set time to arrive he'll arrive around one or two hours later"

"He was your teacher? How did you put up with this? You hate it when I'm late" Naruto scratched his head in remembrance of the time Athena hit him in the head for being late. She taught him to always be on time and if he planned on being late it must never be more them five minutes.

"I lived with him" Athena glanced up again. This time around Hinata had looked at her when she felt eyes on her. She blinked and like clockwork she went red in the face and looked away. Athena said nothing and continued her drawing. She took to drawing the girl often. She received permission to after all.

"You were trained since you were five? " Sasuke decided to enter the conversation seeing as he had nothing better to do. "By Kakashi the copy cat ninja and my brother. They each have a field they excel in so you must have had a taijutsu teacher"

Athena nodded.

"Was he Might Guy? "

"Yes, he's the best when it comes to taijutsu"

Sasuke said nothing after. There was one thing about Athena he knew since he was a kid. She was a prodigy. That is something Itachi said himself. She was better than Itachi was at that age. If only he could've been somewhat like her. He sighed. That's stupid. He should be his own person and prove himself to father. He was not Itachi and he didn't plan being like him. He was Sasuke Uchiha and he will become his own person. And if his father refuses to acknowledge him even then, he could care less.

"I feel like I should do something to make him pay" Naruto said to himself as he stared at the door. "Hey Athena, do you want to help me set a trap for him? "

Athena looked up from her drawing and raised an eyebrow. "What are we talking here? "

"Something simple but affective. One he won't see coming" Naruto grinned mischievously.

"Lead the way" Athena shut her drawing pad and vaulted over her current desk. "Hinata, Sasuke come help "

Sasuke shrugged and followed after the blondes. Hinata hesitated for a moment before deciding to go along. It may be a childish prank but it would show teamwork if they did it together.


Athena stood next to her teammates with a satisfied smile on her face. Naruto looked very proud as he toyed with a created paper bomb. This was more than just a prank. He giggled. Oh it was a masterpiece. If he was not praised for his work the world would be a lie. No one can beat him when it comes to traps, accept Athena, but that didn't count in his mind.

"Now we wait" Athena said as they all sat at the very front of the class and stared.

"What if he doesn't react in time? " Hinata asked as she stared ahead of her. She couldn't even see the wires they had used to keep everything in place.

"Then he gets a kunai in the face" Naruto shrugged. "But he'll react"

"He must" Sasuke said while eating his last rice ball. "I would rather we not get into trouble on the first day of being ninja"

All eyes were on the door when a hand was spotted. They fell silent as they watched the masked Kakashi slide the door open. Three of them smiled as the eraser fell on his head. He looked up and took it off his head, holding it in his hand and low enough to tug on the string it was attached to. There was a click in the distance and he looked up just in time to catch the kunai sent flying at him. He blinked. There was something attached to it.

At the sound of an explosion Naruto almost bursted into a fit of laughter. Kakashi had thrown the Kunai before it could blow up in his face but the look on his face was priceless.

"Hello Kakashi. Long time no see" Athena waved. One dark grey eye landed on her and the 26 year old sighed. He was not expecting that. At all.

"Athena" He located the invisible string and cut it. That was a bad move because instantly multiple shuriken were sent his way. He dodged them all and almost failed to notice the one stuck to the wall with another explosive tag on it.

Again Naruto bursted out in laughter. The kunai was throw out the window just in time but the second that went off another paper bomb exploded right under him. He was so distracted with everything being sent at him that he failed to notice what was right under his feet. It did help that Athena installed an invisible seal on it so it was only visible to them.

"Who did this? "Kakashi asked as he dusted himself off. The tag was not a strong explosive. He was practically unscathed . He made sure to double check his surroundings before moving.

"We did" Naruto said proudly. "I came up with the idea"

"I um... I supplied the wires and some kunai and helped Athena create the seals for the bombs" Hinata said meekly.

"I helped Naruto put everything in it's place" Sasuke said with an unreadable expression.

"And as Hinata just informed I created the bombs. I also supplied the rest of the kunai and shuriken and it was also me who placed that invisible bomb on the ground "

Kakashi sighed but smiled under his mask. Teamwork. They worked together to set him up as a team. It pulled through very well, he was impressed.

"I see, very good" Kakashi complimented. "We meet on the roof"


And so the group of four found themselves on the roof facing their Jonin. Athena had retrieved her drawing pad again and Naruto was reading the gutsy ninja while he tried to let Sasuke read it. Hinata was eating some cinnamon roll Athena had given her. Apparently she still had some in her lunch box.

"Alright, it's pretty established that we don't know each other besides Athena and I. So this will be the time for introduction" Kakashi explained from his spot on the railing. If he leaned far enough back he would fall. Athena was wondering if she could tip him over. It would be amusing. She was still salty about all the times he teleported her without warning.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first? "Naruto asked.

"I suppose" Kakashi seemed deep in thought. "Well my name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes are not very important . Dreams for the future..... I haven't really thought about it. As for hobbies, well I have a lot of those"

The four just stared at him blankly for a moment.

"You suck" Naruto said. "All you told us was your name"

"That was my introduction"

Athena sighed. "He likes to read Icha Icha paradise because he can't get himself a girlfriend. He dislikes those who prioritize a mission over their friends because they are the worst of scum. His dreams for the future is not for me to share. His hobbies are an interesting bunch but he is obsessed with the Icha Icha series "

Kakashi stared Athena down after she so easily exposed him. She met his gaze with the usual calm in her eyes. Kakashi noted that she had changed but at the same time remained the same. He would have find time to have a chat later.

"You read Icha Icha too? On what book are you? Have you read them all? What do you think about the main character? "Naruto threw questions at him and Kakashi was actually shocked and a bit jealous to find that Naruto had all the books. And they were signed.

"That book is not for kids, and how is yours signed? "

"Oh Athena got me them" Naruto said happily. "Her dad wrote it, I think you know that. Did you know that she helped write them? Specifically the scenes with woman"

Again Kakashi looked to the amused Athena. She had helped write the book he was so fascinated with?

"You know I have every part of the series on me and they're all signed. These are special for they have my drawings of each women in them"

Kakashi widened his one visible eye. She had the special collection. There are only 40 of them out on the world and they are expensive. He had never come across one.

"How do I know you're telling the truth? "he knew how deceptive Athena could be.

Athena smiled very sweetly as she retrieved one of her scrolls and added the needed amount of chakra. There they were. All four books of the Icha Icha series. Athena handed him one and he was delighted to find it signed on the very first page. He flipped through it until he found the first glorious drawing. He looked back up at Athena who looked very amused. She drew this?

"You drew this? "


"You know what, I won't say anything about this" Kakashi said. The books are obviously rated R and yet these twelve year olds have them. And one of them even co-wrote the books along with added some very ėrȯtɨċ drawings to the mix.

"May I have them? "

Athena nodded and shuffled all the books over to her jonin. Kakashi looked at her with raised eyebrow. He thought she would want something in return but she only smiled.

"I'll collect when I'm ready"

He didn't like the sound of that.

He cleared his throat when he put the books away. Hinata was the only one in the group that seemed confused as to what had just taken place. She looked to Athena for guidance and only got a pat on the head.

"I would like to preserve your innocence "

She was confused as to what Athena was trying to say for a moment.

"Let's move on. I introduced myself and now it's your turn" Kakashi was back to his laid back self. "You, Go"

Naruto grinned happily and nodded. "Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki at your service. I like ramen, it doesn't matter what type. I also like to read especially the Pervy sage's books. I also like Athena's cooking. She's the best. Also I like my team. You guys are cool. What I don't like is those who call me a monster because of what I hold within. I also don't like bullies. My hobbies are training with Athena, reading and trying out different types of ramen. I also meditate often so I can talk to my mom and dad in my mind. It's pretty cool to kind of have them around. My dream for the future is to one day become the Hokage and make everyone take back their words " Naruto had a small smile on his face as he said the last part. "I also want to make my parents proud and show them that their sacrifice was not in vain"

There was silence. Athena had paused in her drawing for a moment. She suddenly remembered what she had asked of her god father. She's still working on it. She glanced at Naruto for a moment. She'll make sure it works.

Kakashi was staring at Naruto. He finally took the moment to take in his appearance. He looked just like his father with the sidebangs. It was probably his intention. Minato trained and guided him. Now it was his turn to do the same for his son.

He would not fail.

"You, Uchiha"

Sasuke stared down at the ground for a moment. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. My likes include my mother, big brother and recently the team I find myself in. My dislikes consists of those who do not see or acknowledge me because I didn't graduate as young as my brother. I'm not sure what my hobbies are. My dream for the future is to prove myself to my father by becoming my own person. I won't try to be like my brother. I lived in his shadow long enough"

Athena was right in ȧssuming that Sasuke struggled when it came to proving himself. His clan doesn't see him as Sasuke. To them he is the brother of the prodigy. Expectations were high. They expected him to be a genius as well. They expected another Itachi.

Especially his father.

He had trouble with his father. That is something Kakashi picked up on. Maybe they're similar in more ways than he thought. He was curious to see how he would turn out. He would have to make sure he stayed on the right path.


"Um... "Hinata fidgeted with her fingers as she refused to meet anyone's eyes. "M-my n-name is Hinata Hyuga. I um.. I like cinnamon rolls, my family and friends. I don't l-like shrimp or crab. My hobby is to press flowers. My dream for the future is to gain the acknowledgement of my clan. I want to become a strong shinobi to prove those who doubted me wrong"

There was more to it than that. She wanted to be strong to make Athena proud. She was the one person to believe in her since the very beginning. She couldn't disappoint her.

Kakashi was curious. He was aware of how close the girls were as children. Athena was staring at Hinata with a soft smile before returning to her drawing. She seemed happy about something.

"And now Athena, present yourself"

Athena looked up from her drawing again and smiled slightly. "Athena Senju. My likes are drawing, singing, writing, reading, training I suppose. As for the people I like, I would like to say that they are all present at the moment. I also obviously like my mother and father. The old man can be a bit of a pushover sometimes but I like the old man. There's my past trainers as well. What I absolutely do not like is to be overlooked because I am a child. Another thing I absolutely hate is to see those I care about in pain. It doesn't matter what type of pain it is, if I find out that it was caused by some lowlife, someone will die. I suppose my hobby is drawing seeing as it's the one thing I do often. As for my dream for the future, well I just want to prevent as much death as possible and change the fate this world has been cursed with. I want to help those I care about achieve their own dreams as well. When Naruto becomes the Hokage I plan on being his trusty advisor to make sure he doesn't do anything idiotic. "

Naruto grinned happily at that. He wouldn't have it any other way.

"I see, you all have interesting and unique personalities. "Kakashi said calmly. "It was nice meeting you. It's good to know you're not a bunch idiotic wannabe ninja"

"Wow, so inspiring " Sasuke said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"This was it for today. Tomorrow you are tested as Ninja. We meet at training ground seven at five am sharp. Skip breakfast or you'll mos likely throw up"

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