Naruto was walking next to Sasuke while he kept his face in his book. It had only been a few days and he found himself outside the village again. He wondered how things would work out on this mission. It was only C rank and they were just escorting a bridge builder. The possibility of ninja attacking is slim. The chance of bandits is higher. He flipped to the next page as his mind wandered from the mission. He wanted to talk to his parents again. He had talked to them last night but he really wanted to tell them the good news, even though they most likely already know. They witness what takes place now. But still.

Athena was walking next to Kakashi. She had slowed her pace to end up near him. He gave her a curious look. She said nothing for some time. She had her eyes in her book and was searching. She could pick up chakra from a great distance and she was trying to find those famous ninja that popped out of a puddle. They didn't pass the puddle yet, however.

"This mission is a B rank in disguise " she finally said very quietly to her jonin. He raised an eyebrow and she tapped her temple in a way to remind him of her knowledge. He nodded in understanding. "We'll be attacked at some point. You'll know when, I'm just telling you"

"Why didn't you bring this up with the Hokage? " if she knew the mission was going to be far more dangerous than it seemed she should have told the old man.

"This needs to he done " is all she said. With that she walked passed her trainer and fell back in step with Hinata.

The group walked in silence. Naruto, Athena and Kakashi were occupied with their books. Sasuke was toying with his kunai while he kept on eye out. He had a feeling in his gut. Hinata had the same feeling. She was trying to find any unknown chakra as they walked. Her eyes were to the floor as she did. She'd activate her Byakugan if the feeling went on.

Kakashi glimpsed away from his book when he saw a puddle. A literal puddle in the middle of a road that had not see rain in days. How was there a puddle there? He sighed and looked to his students. Naruto had put away his book and casually stuffed his hands in his pockets. He had noticed. Sasuke held the kunai in his hand differently now. He had noticed as well. Hinata seemed alert and no longer deep in thought she glanced to Athena who put away her book.

They would be attacked soon.

Kakashi was discrete. He subtly created a clone and fled to the trees. His students noticed. The bridge builder was unaware. They would handle it. Naruto's hand was already in his pouch of Kunai. Sasuke had his in his own pouch, ready to draw a couple of shuriken. Athena remained calm as she approached the Hyuga.

"There are two" Hinata said quietly. "They're following " she had her Byakugan activated and could see them.

Athena smiled. 360 vision. This is why she loved the Byakugan so much.

"What should we do? "She asked as she deactivated her eyes.

"We wait and be on alert"

Just as those words left her lips the ninja made themselves known. They went for Kakashi. Athena was interested in their use of chains as she stood there watching. No one moved. They all realized that the Kakashi they attacked was a clone. The fact that those ninja didn't notice was amusing. The clone was ripped to pieces by the strong pull on the chains.

Not bad actually.

"One down"

They were quick. They're next target was none other than Hinata. They appeared behind her and moved to attack her. She had sensed them. They weren't as fast as Naruto or Athena. She could keep up. She trained with Athena on the daily. Her Byakugan was wordlessly activated and her vision changed, yet remained familiar. She moved on muscle memory and performed her learned technique. She hit critical chakra points in fast succession. Three palms to the ċhėst. One to the stomach and their use of chakra was practically impossible.

Athena smiled proudly when the two stumbled back from Hinata's last strike of chakra. That's what they get for underestimating her.

When the two stumbled back Naruto and Sasuke were right behind them with weapons drawn. The ninja regained themselves and commanded their chain, but it didn't budge.

Athena had her short swords stabbed into the ground through the chains and held them firmly in place.

Naruto grinned. Sasuke smirked. What could they do now? They couldn't use their chakra. And they're weapon was also no use. They both had sharp objects pressed to their backs and the wielders did not hesitate to break skin.

They fell to their knees when the boys forced their kunai into their spine with ease and forced them down. In front of them stood a neutral Athena. She got down in a crouch.

"Good job kids" Kakashi appeared near the group soon after. He was smiling under his mask. They did very well. "Hinata, you did very good. You didn't panic or forget to move. You reacted immediately and blocked off their chakra. Naruto, Sasuke good job as well, you were behind them with weapons drawn the minute Hinata was finished with them. And you Athena, you made sure they could not use their weapons so the boys could do their thing"

The team was smiling.

"Athena, question them" Kakashi instructed. He knew she knew what was going on, but she still needed to question them. While she did that he turned his gaze on the bridge builder. "Tazuna, I think there is something you're not telling us "

"Alright you two" Athena sighed and sat in front of them. She had her legs folded casually as she looked at the two. "Talk"

They scowled. Did she think they were just going to talk. It didn't matter that she was the devil's shadow.

"We'd die before we ever did such a thing"

"Aright " Athena said. She didn't look affected by them. "How should I force you? Should I cause you physical pain? Should I break you mentally? Or scar you emotionally? Take your pick"

She received no answer from them. They only glared at her with intense bloodlust rolling off them. Athena wasn't affected.

"Naruto, what do you suppose I do? "

Naruto furrowed his brows in thought even though he already had something in mind.

"Emotionally, it's your speciality "

Athena slowly smiled as her eyes focused on the chunin in front of her. Naruto knew her so well.

"Emotionally it is" she said as she closed her eyes for a moment. When they opened they were blue. She was still smiling even through the shock the two displayed. "I wonder what time has done and will do to you" she said calmly as she pressed a finger to both foreheads.

Everyone else watched the two men pass out easily enough. Just a press of her finger and they were out. Non of them could see her eyes, but Naruto knew what she was up to. She was using her blue eyes. The eyes that could see the past and future. There was something else they could do. Athena never explained but tended to use it when she needed to break someone.

"What is she doing? "Hinata asked the blonde next to her.

"Oh you'll see. I don't really know what she does but it always breaks someone "

They broke like Naruto said. Their eyes snapped open once Athena pulled her finger away from them. They're eyes were filled with so many emotions. They almost looked rabid . When they met the eyes of the smiling Athena they let out a pathetic whimper and curled in on themselves. They were gripping their heads tightly and muttered incoherent words over and over. They even started rocking back and forth as if they were try to sooth themselves.


And they did. They told her everything. They were hired by Gato to make sure the bridge builder didn't make it back to the village alive. The bridge could not be constructed or it would ruin the despicable man. He made his money off of ships. The bridge would be in his way. If no ships could pass by there he would earn less money. They had been after the old man for days now, but somehow he always escaped and Gato would send more ninja after him.

"Well done, that wasn't so hard now was it? "

"Well you heard them. This mission is not what it seems"she turned a cold gaze to the old man. "Explain yourself old man"


Athena wasn't listening to anything at the moment. The old man had spilled everything and they were up to date. The mission was not suitable for genin. Did they turn back? Of course not. They could handle it. So they continued on and now they were seated in a small boat and wrapped in a thick mist. The land of waves.

The boat was small. It was crampt so certain things needed to be done so that everyone could get on. Before anything could be said Hinata was pulled into Athena's ŀȧp and that was that. No one said anything after that. That made enough space for everyone and Athena seemed happy. That was better than the sour mood she was in because of the old man.

Naturally Hinata was blushing mess and hid her face behind her turtle neck. She even pulled her hood over her head in her embarrassment. Athena had her arms wrapped around her waist and helded her securely on her ŀȧp. She was humming softly with her chin on Hinata's shoulder. Despite her embarrassment the Hyuga calmed down somewhat. She loved Athena's voice and it had been a while since she heard it. Even if she was just humming.

"Hey brat" Tazuna built up some courage apparently. He didn't dare talk to Athena for the entire trip. "Why are you so affectionate with that kid. Is she your girlfriend or something? "

Athena continued to hum while. He suddenly sprouted some balls.

"Do you have a problem with that old man? Since when did you have the balls to talk to me? "

"Respect your elders Kid"

"You lost the little respect I had when you dared insult Hinata. You're never getting that back. "

"You're too sėnsɨtɨvė " the man scoffed. The younger generation. Getting angry over the smallest of things. "I was just speaking my mind. The kid doesn't look like much"

"Looks can be deceiving. She saved your old ȧss today " Athena shot back. "And come to think of it, you put us all in danger. Those ninja were after you and needed to get rid of us first. The fact that they went after Hinata pissed me off"

The old man grumbled. "No one died"

"But you thought we would. You didn't think we were deserving of the mission the minute you saw us. What if you were right. What if we were weak genin. You would have caused the death of three children because you didn't tell the truth "

There was nothing he could say to that. He wasn't very proud of what he did. But he had no choice. He didn't have enough money to pay for a higher ranked mission.

"You're not a very pleasant kid to be around"

"You're not a very pleasant old man"

"I pity that kid right now" he said indicating Hinata.

"What are you trying to say"

"I doubt anyone would want to date you. You're personality isn't very likable"

"Your face isn't very likable " Athena shot back with a glare. Hinata could only keep quiet. There was no point in her saying anything. Besides she was very content with her situation. She couldn't find it in herself to care about whatever the old bridge builder said about her. Athena's presence was comforting.

Naruto, Kakashi and Sasuke were amused by their bickering. Athena had a genuine dislike towards the old man. That was obvious enough, but he struck a nerve. They were sure the only reason he wasn't in the water yet was because Athena had Hinata on top of her. The girl's presence was enough to ground her.

"Shut it old man" Athena said calmly. "I don't care what the hell you think of me. Hinata likes me as I am and I know she wouldn't mind being my girlfriend "

Hinata went as stiff as a board at that statement. Athena hummed curiously when she did.

"You wouldn't mind, would you? "She whispered in question.

Hinata was too embarrassed to vocally answer the question so she shook her head. Athena smiled and hummed happily. Her grip on the girl tightened slightly and she nuzzled her with a delighted chuckle.

Love suċkėd, but sometimes it was absolutely amazing.

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