Danzō Shimura was or is an elder of Konohagakure. As the founder and leader of Root, Danzō gained notoriety as The Darkness of the shinobi because of his frequent unsanctioned actions and his often-suspected undermining of specific Konoha personnel. Despite his decades of suspicious deeds, Danzō only ever acted in what he believed were the village's best interests. He was appointed the Sixth Hokage Candidate after Pain's ȧssault on the village. That was in Athena's honest opinion the stupidest thing anyone could ever do. To think they would deem Danzo worthy of such a title despite the suspicion that surrounds him. They truly are worthless fools. Prior to being inaugurated officially into this post, Danzō would flee the Five Kage Summit and died in battle against Sasuke Uchiha at the Samurai Bridge.

Good riddance.

Athena had that thought in mind as she watched a scene she hated most of all. She hated Danzo like everyone else who knew of his schemes, especially after he so cruelly took Shisui's eye before he could activate the mangekyo to try to persuade his clan members to avoid the plan. It hurt to watch and it must be far worse for Sasuke.

Athena chanced a look at him and found him clenching his fists so tightly his nails dug into his palms and drew blood. He looked angry beyond belief at what he was seeing. The fact that he could do nothing about it made his rage and sorrow even worse. How dare that bastard take Shisui's eye? He realized why he had such a sinking feeling when he observed the meeting between Shisui, the Hokage and the three counsel members. Danzo was there and at the mention of Shisui using his Mangekyo on the clan he reacted. He didn't like his reaction. He had a seriously bad feeling. He knew then a there that Shisui had made a mistake in revealing his secret to them. To him.

He was so close. Shisui was about to commence his plan, but he was attacked by Danzo's ANBU and soon Danzo himself. Sasuke already hated that bastard but he considered his words. Shisui's plan could and most likely would have worked but how long will things remain calm? He would only stop the coup for this instance. This one time, but it could transpire again. As long as the Uchiha exist the village is in danger of such an act. Sasuke considered this despite him not wanting to. He rembered his father's behaviour. He hates the village. As much as this version of him hates the leaf. What if he tries to pull this off again? What if it can't be avoided again? What happens then?

Was Danzo right?

Of course not. The clan did not have to die. There was no need to go that for. There were other options. There is always another way. His reality is proof of that and if something like this were to happen again, he would try to stop it. He knew what could happen now he'll do anything to prevent it. Danzo was wrong. There was no need to consider his words further. He was just a power hungry bastard that thought he knew how to use the Sharingan better than an Uchiha.

Danzo was a damn coward that knew he could not take Shisui on his own. He didn't have the guts to fight one of one.

"He took his eye" Sasuke muttered in disbelief as he watched Danzo almost effortlessly snatch out Shisui's eye. The sight sickened him. He couldn't imagine the pain of having his eye so suddenly taken from him. "How dare he take his eye? "

"Danzo is a bastard that deserves to die the most slow and painful death" Athena spoke her voice adopting a familiar dark edge.

"We have to do something " Sasuke made to move when Danzo sent his ANBU after the retreating Shisui.

"We can do nothing" Athena said as she watched sadly. "I can only observe for now. I haven't figured out how to actually involve myself"

"You can't?"

"Sadly. I've had my eyes for years, but I'm still learning about them. I frequent these blue eyes because they are very versatile and more involved with entering the mind and viewing different times amongst other things"

She frequents her blue eyes. Sasuke was quick to realize that that of course meant that Athena had another Dojustsu

"You have another"

"We'll speak of this later"

"Susanoo? "

Sasuke could hardly believe his eyes. He was relieved and amazed all at the same time. They almost had him. They almost got Shisui but then this happened. That's a susanoo. He heard of it, but he never saw one. It was amazing. He also witnessed the activation of Shisui's mangekyo. He really was amazing.

"What about the Shisui in our reality, does he have the mangekyo? "

"Yes, he does"

Amazing. No wonder he's considered the strongest Uchiha. He truly deserves the title.

But the amazing sight didn't last long. It was present just long enough for Shishui to avoid their attacks and attack them himself . It was soon gone and so was he the minute weapons were aimed at him. Sasuke grinned brightly when an impressive fireball jutsu was aimed at the ANBU.

"Yes" Sasuke breathed in relief once it was clear Shisui had won this battle.

He had thought that Shisui had managed to pull that off by himself, but turns out his brother had come to his rescue.

"I thought you were on a mission" Shisui said weakly, still managing a smile for his best friend and now savior.

"Glad you did"

Sasuke nodded to that statement. He didn't think Shisui would've made it out, now that he knew he had little strenght remaining.

"Itachi always comes through in a clucth" Athena said with a smile. "I knew he would arrive, but I was really nervous for a moment"

Sasuke again nodded. He knew how she felt.

And suddenly the scenery changed. Sasuke wad getting used to it by now and was not as affected. They were on another cliff overlooking a waterfall. Or was it the same as the last?

"The foundation is involved" Shisui informed, his voice weary. "Unfortunately there seems to be no way of stopping the Uchiha coup"

Those are not the words Sasuke wished to hear. Surely Shisui had another plan up his sleeve.

"If internal warfare breaks out in the leaf, neighboring countries will invade and war will begin" he continued. "I was planning to use Kotoamatsukami to stop the coup but Danzo took my right eye. He didn't believe in what I was trying to do and he will do anything to protect the leaf. They'll probably come for my left eye too"

Danzo, protect the village? Sasuke could almost scoff . His ideals were extreme and cruel. To think he would result to this in the name of the leaf.

Sasuke almost winced when Shisui removed his own eye. How is it that he makes it look so easy and painless? Sasuke knew it had to hurt. It was hard to watch but he did not look away. He continued to watch as Shisui handed his eye to the conflicted Itachi.

"But I... " Itachi trailed off as he eyed his closed hand. Before he could continue Shisui interrupted him.

Sasuke did not have the greatest of feelings about what was about to happen next.

"That is not the only thing I need to give you. Im going to give you a new power as well. " he paused for a moment. Sasuke could feel the dramatic affect and would think it ridiculous if the moment wasn't so delicate. "The Mangekyo Sharingan"

"I hate this part" Athena sighed as she leaned against a tree. It always made her cry. Apparently not seeing this for years didn't make things better. It still had an impact on her.

"He can't" Sasuke took a step forward. "He.. "

"Shisui, you can't.. " Itachi seemed to be thinking the same as his brother at the moment.

"Im not going to last long anyway. Take it as a gift. My dying wish"

"He can't "

He couldn't. He couldn't be planning what Sasuke thought. He seriously couldn't. But as he watched he realized how useless his hope was at the moment. As Shisui placed his hand on Itachi's shoulder. As he spoke fond words. As he smiled. Sasuke knew what was coming and it brought a terrible feeling. He may not have known Shisui as long as his brother but he was fairly close to him. He saw him as a second brother and he actually trained him every now and again. Watching him now. He couldn't stand to even think about what he was about to do.

But at the sane time he knew it had to be done.

"From now on you may be forced to walk down a long, dark path. One that is filled with pain and suffering." Shisui said sounding apologetic. "I have to apologize that I can't be with you through it all. Still, you must not falter from your path. Keep moving forward as a leaf ninja. I believe in you. That is why I'm able to ask you to carry my will"

Athena sighed and closed her eyes, not letting herself continue to watch, but she listened. She heard Sasuke repeatedly curse under his breath. She could understand his pain somewhat. She never really met Shisui but she didn't like to see him go through this. She doubt anyone did. As much as it saddened her, it must be my Worse for Sasuke.

It most likely was.

He wanted to do something but he couldn't. This was another reality. One he could not interfere in. He was powerless. All he can do is watch. And even if he could do something, what kind of difference would it make? He wasn't strong enough to deal with this. He would be killed. This is the world he lives in. This is what could have been. How close where they to this reality? How close was this possibility?

He felt the tears at the back of his eyes when Shisui stepped off the cliff. He almost ran towards him, but remembered how useless it would be. He could do nothing. As much as the tears stung he could not cry. They would not leave him. It was painful. Even more so when his gut continued to nag at him. This was not the end.

He had a feeling that what he was experiencing was only the beginning.

And so the scenery changed again and the atmosphere was suffocating.

Is this the fate of an Uchiha? To suffer? To be hated and feared? To be filled with hatred and sorrow? Was this what they were meant for?

Is this the world he could've been trapped in?

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