"Are you alright? "

Hinata nodded as she slid down the lenght of the tree in her exhaustion. She had no idea what time it was, but the position of the sun let her know that it was late into the afternoon. How long had she been training with Athena? She was surprised she lasted as long as she did. Athena had to be holding back on her. She wouldn't be capable of keeping pace with her if she wasn't. She tried her best, but she couldn't beat her, not that she ever thought she could. She sighed and rested her head on her pulled up knees. She needed some water and a break.

"Water?" Athena seemed to have read her mind as a bottle of water materialized in her hand. She pressed it against Hinata's cheek, chuckling when the girl flinched at the low temperature of the liquid.

"Thank you"

Athena only nodded and sat down in front of the Hyuga. She kept her eyes on her, staring as she usually did. She tended to do it a lot. Nowadays she just does it to see the redness that would spread across Hinata's cheeks. It was an adorable sight and one she took great pŀėȧsurė in. Hinata would always avert her eyes when she was embarrassed, apparantly not having the strenght to retain eye contact. But then she would always look back. It was never for a long. A few seconds at most. The blush on her face would intensify and the smile on Athena's face would grow.

"This is fun"

"This is embarrassing"

"Is it? "Athena leaned closer, her smile still present. "How come?"

Hinata didn't bother answering. It was very clear that Athena was teasing her. Next to that she made the mistake of making eye contact. There is a reason she always looks away when Athena stares. She just can't handle it. Those amber eyes just focus on her with such an intensity that just sends the blood to her face and makes her dizzy. A look from Athena alone was enough for her to lose consciousness, so she always looks away.

"You're adorable"

Hinata looked away again, pulling her hood over her head as she leaned against the tree behind her. She sighed as she felt the heat slowly leaving her face.

"Do we start training again? "

Athena shook her head no.

"What now, then? "

Athena's eyes were on her. They were as intense as every, but slightly different. It was only to a moment, however. Athena had looked away instead staring at the clear sky.

"We relax, I suppose. There is no need to overwork ourselves" to emphasize her statement Athena fell back into the fluffy grass with a sigh. In her new position she spotted Kakashi reading Icha Icha paradise with all his focus. She chuckled. She wondered if he would be able to dodge a stone in his current state of focus.

"Please don't throw anything at Kakashi" Hinata voiced in worry as she looked between Athena and their jonin teacher. "He's enjoying himself"

"You seriously know me better than I thought" Athena said, sounding impressed.

"Oh? "Athena immediately sat up with a smile. "I didn't know you paid such close attention to me"

Hinata walked right into that one, didn't she? She shouldn't have said that at all. Why would she do that to herself?

"Your face is red" Athena pointed out.


Athena chuckled again and fell back into the grass.

"I won't tease you"

Hinata sighed in relief. She didn't know how she would've gotten herself out of that one.

"So, what did Shiroi ask you? "

And just like that the blush was back on her face. She had forgotten about the embarrassing question until that point.

"Shiroi" Athena sighed. That toad is such a bother sometimes. Her curiosity crosses borders sometimes and she must've crossed another with whatever it was she asked Hinata. Again Athena sat up. She spared a glance at Hinata who seemed to be calming down. With a nod Athena started to form the needed hand signs for her jutsu. She was going to get to the bottom of this.

With the last sign performed Athena bit her thumb and pressed her palm to the ground.

Shiroi stood before her in a burst of smoke. The ever curious toad waved with a tilt of her head.


Athena let her little friend jump into her ŀȧp before asking her question.

"What did you ask Hinata? "

Shiroi glanced at the girl, who seemed to be avoiding her eye. The toad smiled innocently.

"You should ask her"

"I already did. I don't want her to pass out again"

"I will tell your mother" Athena threatened.

"No you won't" Shiroi didn't believe it. Athena had never told on her no matter what she did.

"Fine, I won't. Just tell me what it is you asked her, please"

Shiroi seemed to think it over before jumping onto Athena's shoulder. She leaned in close and whispered her question. With each word that left her Athena kept glacig at Hinata, who was fidgeting in her place.

"So yeah" Shiroi left her shoulder on order to stand in front of her. "That's the question"

Athena took a deep breath and looked away from Hinata. She could not believe this toad.

"Why? " she asked as she rubbed a hand over her face. There was a light blush on her own cheeks as she thought about the question. The images it brought her were not welcome. "Why would you ask that, you stupid toad? "

"I am not stupid" Shiroi pouted. "It's a valid question that I wanted to know the answer to"

Athena glared.

"You're thinking about it, aren't you? "Shiroi asked smugly a she read the blush on Athena's face.

Athena let out a frustrated sigh and closed her eyes. It was a big mistake. It just made the images in her head clearer and she snapped her eyes open.

"Shiroi, I'm telling your mother" Athena said seriously. "You smug little troll, you're going to get it this time"

Shiroi only laughed loudly as she hopped away from Athena.

"I'm sending you back"

"Fine, go ahead " Shiroi stopped and sat where she was. "I have no regrets"

"I'm still telling your mother" Athena mumbled as she sent the toad back home. With her gone she turned to Hinata with an apologetic smile. "I apologize for that troublesome toad. I didn't think she would ask you such a thing"

Before Hinata could answer there came a shout followed by Naruto running out of the forest laughing like a maniac. Athena watched as he climbed a tree, still laughing like crazy.


"What did he do? "Hinata wondered.

"Something stupid" Athena sighed.

"Why so angry? " Naruto laughed as he jumped from branch to branch. "It's a useful jutsu and it was funny"

"It is not! It was not! I'm going to kill you! "

"Don't worry so much you make a beautiful girl! "

It was then Athena realized what Naruto had done. He must've let Sasuke copy the sėxy jutsu. That idiot. Why does he still use that? Although she had to admit it was a great distraction. She was not speaking from experience. Not at all.

"What does he mean by that? " Hinata asked. "What did Naruto do? "

"Sexy jutsu"

"Sexy jutsu? "

"Yeah it's something he came up with when he was training with my father. He uses it to transform into a nȧkėd girl"

Hinata blinked and stared at Athena just to make sure she was serious.

"Wh-why? "

"He was with my dad at the time. I'm not surprised. My dad is a major pervert" Athena informed as she watched Sasuke tackle Naruto to the ground. The two wrestled with each other while arguing. It was more of Sasuke yelling at Naruto than an actual argument.


Athena nodded and looked back to Hinata, who had her eyes on the boys. Shiroi's question was still in her head and she looked away when the images returned. She is such a pervert. Her father seriously rubbed off on her.

"We are twelve years old" she muttered to herself. "Do not be a pervert. You are better than this"

The next time she sees her father she's going to smack him upside the head.

"Cut it out you two" Kakashi had to intervene when their wrestling started to involve jutsu. He sighed as he pulled them apart and prayed to whatever God out there that they did not attack him.

Naruto was laughing while Sasuke huffed. He glared at the blonde, but he could not keep up his annoyance. He looked away, trying to hide the smile spreading across his face.

"Is that a smile I see? "Naruto teased. "Look at that. I guess you're not angry anymore"

"Your just lucky" Sasuke turned away. "Don't teach me jutsu like that"

"Fine" Naruto shrugged. "One day you'll see. It will come in handy"

"Whatever you say"

"Do you know that jutsu too? "Hinata suddenly asked Athena.

Athena bit the inside of her cheek at the question. "Yeah I do, but I don't use it. I just know how to perform it because I'm always with Naruto and he wanted to teach it to me"


"Yeah" Athena pushed her bangs out of her face.

"Maybe you should teach her the jutsu" came Kurama's voice as he appeared near the two. "It'll be very easy. You just have to discard a few articles of clo-"

He couldn't finish because Athena was quick to throw him again

"I told you to stop! "



"Nothing" Athena was quick to dismiss any questions Hinata may have. "It was nothing important. He is not important. Do not listen to anything he says"

"Okay? " Hinata didn't know why Athena didn't want her listening to Kurama. He's been nice enough.

"If he comes back with that nonesense I'll beat his ȧss"


Hinata was enjoying a cinnamon roll as she watched Naruto and Sasuke practically inhale their food. Why were they eating so fast? Was it a competition? It seemed that way. Why were they competing? What was the point of it? If they were not carefull they would choke.

"You'll choke" Hinata said quietly as the two boys continued their fast paced eating. They didn't seem to hear her. Hinata's brows furrowed with worry as they continued. They really will choke. "Athena they'll choke" Hinata said, tugging on Athena's sleeve.

The blonde glanced at the worried Hyuga before looking at the boys.

"Would you two eat normally" Athena said to the two.

They stopped for a moment to look at her.

"We need to fill up for the night. We're training later" Naruto said with a mouthful of food. He then turned to Tsunami. "You're a great cook, by the way"

The woman smiled. "Thank you, you're very kind"

"As Naruto said, we're training tonight " Sasuke had the decency to swallow his food before speaking. "We'll return in the morning. So we need to be filled "

"That's useless. You'll vomit"

"No we won't" Naruto disagreed and went back to inhaling his food. Sasuke was right behind him

Athena felt Hinata's grip on her sleeve tighten in her worry and the girl glared at the boys.

"Stop eating so quickly" Athena ordered and the boys froze.


"No buts. You'll choke and that's worrying Hinata"

Both boys looked at the Hyuga, only now noticing her worry. They frowned and bowed their heads.

"We're sorry for worrying you" they apologized. They then smiled and ate their food normally. "It won't happen again"

Athena nodded with a satisfied smile. The grip on her sleeve lessened as Hinata's worry faded. The coy girl sighed in relief at the boy's change of pace.

"Done! "Both boys abruptly stood once they finished their food. "We'll be back in the morning to guard the bridge builder"

They had their eyes on Kakashi, not leaving until they got his permission. The man sighed and waved them off.

"Knock yourselves out"

"Thanks Kakashi" Naruto grinned while Sasuke nodded. The two were quick to leave the house. "See you tomorrow "

"Seriously, those two" Kakashi went back to reading his book.

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