The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto FanFic

Chapter 56 - 56Another chapter. Rejoice!

"What the hell happened!? "

Bodies were scattered on the floor, blood pooling under them. The welcoming sight to the team as they arrived with the old man. It seems they showed up a bit too late. The poor men didn't stand the slightest chance. Tazuna was quick to check on them, questioning the one conscious man. He could hardly talk, blood spilling from his mouth every few words. Athena didn't focus on him. She knew what had happened. Instead she quickly created clones and had them heal the dying men. They were lucky to still be alive. They were lucky the group arrived when they did. She tilted her head, sensing Zabuza and Haku nearby. Seems the fight is about to start. She would very much rather they not be killed. She had uses for them and could actually protect them if they decided to work for her. She knew Gato was the only protection they had. Without him they would be killed sooner or later. If not by them then by someone else. So of course that just meant they needed to work under someone else with enough power to protect them. Why Zabuza refuses to work for her is beyond her understanding.

Maybe it's because she amost killed him.

It wasn't such a big deal. She fixed him up in the end. He should learn to let go of needless grudges.

But then again, she almost killed him a second time.

To be fair he did seriously piss her off.

Hinata let out a sigh of relief upon seeing the men alive and well after Athena healed them. The clones were quick to teleport them to a somewhat safe place. They should not get dragged into their battle. The Hyuga gripped her fists slightly and steeled her nerves. The life of a ninja is full of danger, she reminded herself. Everyday life is full of danger in this world. She could not worry about everyone, for everyone could not be saved. She would be no help if her worry for others led to her own demise.

Familiar mist started rolling in and everyone stood on guard. Athena, Hinata and Sasuke stood in formation around the bridge builder. Naruto was not with them for he had to nurse his wounds. He was lucky Hinata came to save him or he would've ended up in far more pain than he already was.

Sasuke gripped his Kunai tightly. He would not allow fear to invade him this time. He would not cower under Zabuza's killing intent. Not after he experienced said intent from Athena just a few nights ago. He was sure Zabuza's was nothing compared to her. He still shivered at the thought of it. He was still questioning whether or not that was all worth it. Was the dango worth it?

"Long time no see"

A familiar voice cut through the mist, resounding all around them. The mist thickened, making it hard to see.

"It seems you two are still with those brats. Look, the boy's shaking"

His clones appeared, surrounding them at all sides. Each already swinging their weapons. Athena couldn't help the knowing smile spreading across her face.

"Zabuza, you're mistaken" she spoke casually, her eyes on Sasuke. "I do believe he's shaking from pure excitement "

Sasuke smiled wider, his kunai spinning in his grip. He counted six. Well then. Let's see how fast he could take them out.

The clones desolved into water within seconds. Sasuke's movements had improved. In speed for one thing. He looked up, trough his bangs, grin on his face as his weapons returned to his pouch. Zabuza could not fool him anymore. Not after all the training he went through with Naruto. That boy can spam clones after clones after clones. They were all far faster and stronger than that of Zabuza. He could handle them.

Zabuza took interest. Upon their first meeting the boy was nothing to him. He was no threat. It seemed he had grown in just a few days. Impressive. His eyes went to Haku, who stood nearby.

"Seems you've got another one"

"Seems so"

Upon seeing Haku, Athena waved.

"Hello, Shadow princess"

"I must apologize for almost killing MooMoo child. He tried to harm someone very dare to me"

"I understand completely "

Zabuza's brow twitched.

"That Was the second time, you brat! "Zabuza growled, but did not dare move towards her. He would never admit it, but he was very much afraid of Athena. She almost killed him twice. He would not risk it again.

"I apologize" Athena didn't sound sorry at all. "Is there any need for us to actually fight? I know you work for Gato and all, but I'm right here. I do remember offering you two a job and protection"

"Zabuza is stubborn" Haku said as he moved forward. "So we shall collide in battle once more"

Within a second Haku was near Sasuke. The Uchiha was surprised by his speed, even as he blocked his attack with his kunai. Hell. His speed was surprising. Was he almost as fast as Naruto? No, couldn't be. The blonde never used his full speed.

Still, that was pretty impressive.

"My head" Naruto whɨnėd as he rubbed his throbbing head. Athena did a number on him. She only hit him once, but that was more than enough to immobilize him. He would've been hit again had Hinata not shown up and almost tackle Athena. Naruto pressed his palms together and bowed his head in respect.

"I thank whatever god out there for blessing this world with Hinata Hyuga. She is truly an angel and I shall offer her cinnamon rolls as a form of my thanks and worship. Thank you, all mighty gods for my angelic protector and savior. I shall forever be grateful for her existance "

He finished his prayer and went back to nursing his head. The wound had been healed, but the pain was still very much present. He sighed and stood from his futon. He stared out the window, sensing the chakra of his team along With the chakra of Zabuza and Haku.

"Sasuke can take him" he said those words with confidence.

He continued to stare, watching to see if anyone approached the house. He did not just stay back to fix himself up. He had a feeling Tsunami and Inari would be needing him. Athena seemed to agree with him, all the more reason for him to stick around. He was sure his team could handle MooMoo child. Hopefully Athena succeeds in recruiting them as she has been trying to do for some time.

He turned to walk away, finally sensing chakra approaching. Just two people. Lowly bandits if he had to guess. As he reached the stairs he heard the breaking of wood and knew the two decided to completely ignore the door. What's the point of a door if you just ignore it? Use the damn door. Reaching the bottom of the stairs he casually walked into the room holding all the commotion. He spotted Inari crying in a corner. He stopped.

"Are you really just going to sit there and cry, while these bastards threaten your mother? "

Inari was startled by his voice and abruptly turned around. He almost flinched at the look being aimed at him. Naruto didn't look very happy.

"I can't do anything" the words left him in a sob. "I-I'm just a weak little boy, what can I do? "He felt terrible. He didn't want to die. He couldn't do anything at all. His body would not move.

Naruto didn't wait for his reply. He just turned away and stalked towards the bastards trying to take Tsunami.

"What do I care anyway? After all, I don't know anything" he mumbled as he revealed himself to the bandits. Before they could even try to warn him they each had a kunai in the ċhėst. The shock on their faces was all they could muster as they fell to their knees and coughed up an amount of blood. Black sandals came into their vision as Naruto stood before them.

They both grunted in pain as a hand tugged on their hair and forced their Faces into the wooden floor.


They hesitated, but the next words that left Naruto's mouth made tearful cries of apologies leave their mouths.

"Or I'll use that sword to see how many times I can chop up your limbs"


The sound of metal against metal rung out as Sasuke and Haku clashed. Sasuke was surprised by his speed, but quickly righted himself. He was not as fast as Naruto, therefore he will not lose in the battle of speeds. He was faster than him.

Haku moved again and Sasuke met him. He saw his every movement. He was not faster than him, he repeated. He smiled. Naturally. After all, no one is faster than the Orange flash. Naruto is the only one he is allowed to lose to when it comes to speed. And Athena of course. He would not disappoint the blondes by letting Haku outpace him.

"So can you"

"Yes, we seem to be equals at the moment" Haku observed, but knew he could not match his own. No. The only ones capable of that are the siblings. "That changes now"

The boy didn't bother explaining as he started to form handsigns with his one free hand. Sasuke blinked, but was not very surprised. Naruto had showed off the ability just the day before. He bragged about his father being "totally awesome".

The signs stopped and his jutsu was activated. Sasuke was wary. He had no clue what Haku was doing. Suddenly the water around them shot up around him in the form of needles.


Focus. He needed to focus. He could get out.

The water needles descended on him, surrounding him. Surely crushing him

Haku widened his eyes under the mask.

"He's gone" No sooner had those words left his mouth and he was dodging shuriken. He landed a distance away, having to dodge another. He almost stumbled back in his surprise. Taking two steps back, he froze.

It looks like Naruto actually pulled through with his training. Athena was actually impressed with her brother and Sasuke. He was doing far better than originally. And he hasn't used his Sharingan yet.

Ducking away from the Uchiha, Haku twisted his body and brought his leg down. Sasuke slipped away, his movement faster. He twisted the kunai in his hand as he rotated on his right foot , connecting his kunai to the ANBU mask the boy wore.

Zabuza was surprised when Haku was actually hit and sent flying. He was actually bleeding. The kunai had cracked the mask, breaking flesh as well.

"Would you look at that" Athena smirked.

"It seems you underestimated Sasuke" Kakashi chuckled. "let me introduce you to my team"

"Athena Senju, the Shadow Princess and the true authority figure of this team"

It seems Kakashi really has given up.

"Hinata Hyuga, our Hyuga princess as Athena liked to say and mostly likely our guardian angel"

Hinata blushed at the nickname she was given.

"Sasuke Uchiha. A prodigy in the making and the one slowly losing his grip on his logic and sanity"

True. Very true.

"And Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki" Kakashi sighed.

"The Orange flash and the future Hokage! "Naruto grinned as he appeared on the bridge. "Believe it!"

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