The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 132: Bear children have bear parents (four thousand)

   calmly observed the surrounding environment.

   Nothing was observed.

Leon chose this place very casually. He was tired from flying, and felt that he was far enough, and he was a little hungry, so he dropped directly on the ground, put Banner down, set up a small stove and started to study barbecue. .

   Looking around, Banner didn't see anything that could determine the geographic location, except for sand stones or half-dead trees, but he was sure that it had nothing to do with New York, Boston, or la.

"Who are you……?"

   Banner carefully covered her mouth and asked her first question.

  His memory is still a bit chaotic, the last picture he saw before he lost consciousness in his impression, seemed to be a car falling from the sky!

   "Where is this?"

   "What about that monster!"

   "Did you save me?"

   Then, Banner, who had been covering his mouth because of a toothache, seemed to think of something, and the questions came out one after another.

   Leon did not rush, turned the steak over, laughed, and replied, "...Do you have a toothache?"


   Doesn’t hurt me, what’s that? Are you lonely?

   "Uh, indeed, it's kind of painful... Do you know what happened to me, sir."

   Banner's adaptability is also very strong. Normal people talk to Leon and can't adapt without choking for three or five times.

   "I know~"

   Leon said cheerfully: "I did it!"

   took a bite of the steak, picked up the other piece on the iron plate and stretched it forward: "Do you want to eat, friend?"


   "Uh... sorry, huh, you know, me..."

   pointed to his mouth, Banner smiled forcefully, but he responded politely to Leon.

   took out a bottle of softer fruit wine from the space, and Lyon threw it to Banner: "Aren't you asking more? I didn't answer your question. You don't seem too strange, why?"

   Instead, Leon is curious now.

   Since Banner opened his eyes, he was too calm and calm.

   Whether it is when I wake up and find that I have lost my tooth, or I am in a completely unfamiliar wilderness, in front of me is a person with a mask grilling meat. None of this caused Banner's expression to produce the kind of change that Leon wanted to see.

Including the sentence that Leon deliberately asked: Does the tooth hurt? And the initiative to admit that he had knocked out his tooth. Banner’s performance was very calm and gentle, like something that happened to someone else. And he was just a spectator.

   Leon wants to know why.

   Taking the wine bottle thrown by Leon, Banner looked at the label: "I think you shouldn't have mineral water."

   "Mineral water is really not my style."


   Maybe now is indeed a good time to drink.

   Unscrew the lid, Banner directly raised his head and took a big sip.

   Due to prolonged thirst and the wound in his mouth, Banner was actually uncomfortable with this sip of wine. It was also very loud when he coughed, but Banner still felt very good!

   After panting, Banner took another sip before saying to Leon, "May I ask your name."



   "I know who you are, and I also know the guy in your body called Hulk."


   Pressing his palm on his chest, Banner seemed to be sensing another "personality" in his body.

   "So, you beat him up and brought me here, right."

   Banner could still say this with a smile, which shows that his attitude towards Hulk should not be very amiable.

   It is clear that there is still a **** smell in his mouth, but when he thinks that Hulk has been beaten, this smile can't stop!

   "How did you know that I beat the thing in your body?"

  Are there so many smart people now? Leon felt that he didn't say anything at all.

   "It's not hard to guess~"

   Banner rubbed his cheeks painfully, and took another sip: "Didn't you say that you knocked out the tooth in my mouth."

   "...rely on this?!"

   "Is this not enough?"

   "Then what if I lie to you!"

   "Then did you lie to me."




   Leon sighed, smart people are not easy to lie!

   stood up and walked to Banner, and put the fried steak directly into his hand.

   "Ha, I'm not sure I am lucky enough to enjoy this steak now."

   Banner didn't tell a lie, he really wanted to eat, and he felt Leon’s "fighting enthusiasm" somewhat.

A man who has been in hiding for a long time amidst tension and anxiety, when faced with a steak with superior meat quality and authentic technique, which is the best time to enjoy it, his teeth are really the only shortcoming that prevents him from eating this steak. .

"I know."

   Leon replied.

   "It turned out that when I knocked out Hulk's tooth, I was very happy in my heart. But you are so polite and honest now, and you endure the pain and don't refuse other people's kindness, this drink, I look uncomfortable!"

   He gestured for Banner to open his mouth, and Leon asked, "Do you need me to heal your mouth? The kind of teeth re-growth."

   Banner was taken aback, and replied in shock: "You are going to take me to the hospital? Oh! I see, it's the legendary black doctor! Only cash, right!"

   This Dr. Banner looked like a nerd, but he didn’t expect that he usually loves fantasy!

   "Where there are so many black doctors, I treat you, me!"

   Banner shook his head left and right, confirming that the surrounding area was still the place where the birds did not shit.

   "You? Are you here?"


   I sucked the smell of alcohol and blood in my mouth with my mouth, it hurts! !

   Banner frowned: "...Do you have anesthetic?"

   "Yes!" Leon answered naturally.

   "Total anesthesia?"


   Banner still looked uneasy: "I think..."

   Leon interrupted him directly: "Oh, don't worry, I am a legendary doctor! Magical! I have handled more patients than you have ever seen! There has never been a bad review!"

   After hearing these words, Banner was relieved.

   In fact, he guessed a little bit, Leon is definitely not an ordinary person.


   It's impossible for ordinary people to knock out Hulk's teeth, okay!

   And where he is now, how can it look like the suburbs of a big city, but a bit like the west!

   It’s not light yet, if it’s not the night of the next day, then the Lyon that brought him here is either amazingly fast or magical!

   Although Banner is a scientific worker, he is not an atheist, in other words, he is not an atheist.

  The subject he has been studying, such as gamma rays, is quite challenging today's physics! By the way, I also challenged a handful of biology!

And the short ten minutes he spent with Leon, whether it was the strange, moving mask on Leon’s face, or his ability to take things out of the "air", it all showed that Leon should indeed be A magician, at least, is also a person with special abilities.

   At this point, Banner still believes in his own judgment.

   After listening to Lyon claiming to be a senior doctor, Banner naturally thought that he was a normal person in Lyon, just like a scientist except for being a super monster that turns green when he gets angry.

   "So, you are a dentist?"

   Banner was a little relieved.

   "No, I am an orthopedic doctor."

   Banner's heart came up again.

   "Then, what you just said..."

   "It's all true."

   Heart is let go again.

   "You said you haven't received a bad review, you just haven't received a complaint or a medical lawsuit."


   Leon scratched his head: "They..."

  Think of those who were blown up by themselves, shot to death, hacked to death, and sent to experience wheelchair crutches for free. Leon pondered for a long time, and finally said in a positive tone: "Well! No one has complained about me. As for the medical lawsuit...Of course there is none!"

   Banner finally let go of his heart.

   "Come on then!"

   Banner looked like death: "Is there anything I need to do, rituals, prayers?"

   "That's a witch doctor! Those are not scientific, so you can't believe it!"

   Hearing what Leon said, Banner didn't see Leon take out any medical equipment, so he left his hands free.

   "Just close your eyes."


   "By the way, have you put your nose on it?"

   "No, what's wrong."

   "That's good, it's okay."

   "Are you really mentally prepared?"

   "Yes! I really..."

   "Eat my anesthesia!"




   exhaled, Leon said with emotion: "It's still convenient to perform surgery on the villain, and don't care about the opinions of the patients at all."

   Holding a large row in his hand, Banner, who was lying on his back, wiped his nosebleeds. Leon turned on the light of recovery, and a green light began to appear on his hands: "This preoperative communication session is so laborious!"

   said, put his hand on Banner's face.


   The second time I woke up from the darkness, it was because of the pain in my mouth.

   Banner got up quickly and reached out to touch his teeth.

   "It really grows out!"

   At this time, the sky is already bright.

   "Just, why does it still hurt?"

   Banner was still studying his teeth, and Leon came over with a rabbit from behind a big rock.

   "Yo! Wake up!"

   Although it was the tooth that was interrupted by the person in front of him, Banner was still able to distinguish the difference. Wen Yan repeatedly thanked: "Oh! Leon, thank you for curing my teeth."

   Leon was a little embarrassed, scratching his head and replied: "Well, you don't blame me..."

   "Huh? Blame you, how come! Why do you blame you?"


At first, he smiled heartily for a while, then sat on the small bench and said unintentionally while dealing with the rabbit: "Oh, it’s okay, I just accidentally exerted a little force to make your teeth grow slightly bigger. It’s a bit, it’s a bit irregular, it doesn’t affect it! Hahahaha...Eh, do you eat rabbits?"

   licked the newly grown teeth with his tongue, was a bit big, and it was really not neat...

   "It's okay, just bring braces in the future. Do you eat rabbits?"

   Thank you for reminding me! ! ! !


   What else can I do? Just braces.

   "I don't want to eat rabbit, what about that steak? I want to eat that steak."

   Leon was busy dealing with the rabbit, without turning his head: "I have the steak."

   turned around after speaking, "Do you eat rabbits?"



   The first breakfast in the morning, Banner was surrounded by carelessly, under the morning wind blowing in the wasteland and the morning sun, eating stir-fried rabbit meat.

   is served with rice wine from Lyon.

  【Closed bottle wine】

   Effect: Invigorate blood and expel cold, relieve greasiness and remove fishy.

   Grade: White

  Quality: Normal

   Remarks: Stay in the world for a long time and read the world.

   Really don't say it!

   It's the first time I ate rabbits, and it was also the first time Banner drank rice wine. It was a bit addictive!

   Satiated with alcohol and rice, Banner hiccups, a little embarrassed to put down the last bone.

   "What are your plans in the future."

   Leon picked his teeth and asked casually.

  Hulk also seemed a little confused, because he really didn't know where he should go and what he could do.

   Go back and continue to be the chief scientist of the military?

   If I want to go back, I will definitely be able to go back. Maybe it's still the original unit, but my main job in the past was to do research, and now I go back and I might have been researched.

   Then, hide for a while?

   It's easy to say!

   Don't think about it, I must be in a state of being hunted now, and the decent channels are definitely not good, and I can only do it if I want to hide.

   But the problem is that it takes money to engage in the wrong way.

   The last time I walked fast, I used my own savings, this time.

   digs out his pocket.

   Sorry, these pants have no pockets.

   You ask why you don’t dig out other pockets, hehe, all your belongings now have such a pair of pants!

   Looking up at Leon, Banner smiled.

   "I don't know where I should go, what to do, do you have any suggestions~"


  ? ? ? ? ! ! ! don't play cards according to the routine!

   Normal is not what it should be, you are kind to me, then selflessly help, and then just when I was lost, "unintentionally" proposed a feasible place, and then...

   Then there is then!

   You are so good, I don’t know what to say!

   "Not as good as..."

   still has its own purpose! Banner saw Leon pretending to be inattentive and replied: "Why don't you find a place to put your teeth on first?"


   "...that's not in a hurry, I think, we should find a place to hide's more important!"

   "Ah!" Leon suddenly realized!

   Then, he expressed his opinion: "Banna, Hulk is not your enemy."

  ? ? ? !

   Your span is too big!

  Aren’t we still talking about braces!

   Lyon didn’t care about that, and continued: "You have always hated Hulk, and feel that it has ruined your life and brought your life to the abyss, right."

   Banner closed his mouth when he heard these nodded silently.


   Leon was particularly interested, and tilted his head: "Do you know that there is a creature called a bear child."

   "I don't understand what you said..."

"The bear child is not qualified to be a parent. He happens to be a parent, but as a parent, he will not discipline the child. He will only push the responsibility to the society, work, time, and the group of parents who have a bad life. Educated children."

   After swallowing, Banner squeezed a word from his stagnant throat: "You mean..."


   Leon decisively: "Banna is the bear kid. And you."

  Leon leaned out half of his body, and his eyes under the mask looked straight at Banner: "You are the one. You didn't educate the bear children well, but blamed him on the parents who made you messy."


   Leon called Banner's name, making him lower his head unconsciously, then raised it again, looking into his own eyes.

   "You, created Hulk. Right."

   (Ps: Give me the tickets, the big guys have enough tickets, not bad, I am different! A ticket can also let me climb a few! →_→)



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