The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 134: Almost, it's time

Very witty, he didn't discuss the tension issue with Leon Cat.

Tony knows very well that Lyon must be full of nonsense at this time, and there is not a single useful word.

Leon could not explain to Tony, Tony could only comfort himself: Magic, it's all magic!

Tony was curious about another thing.

"So, you took him away in the end?"

Tony has a plan in his heart, although it is only a rudimentary form, but Mr. Tony Stark, who knows and acts as one, of course has a plan and will execute it without hesitation.

"Yeah, you can't throw him where he was picked up and sliced ​​by someone."

Lyon is also very helpless. If anyone takes Banner away and wants to do something bad, they are considered capable of doing it. I was afraid that when the scalpel was cut down, how could the person on the operating table start to turn green?

Hulk Duo killed a few people, and then it was Banner who was sad.

No matter how it counts, it doesn't make a profit.

Leon thought for a while, but he heard Tony's overtones, he couldn't help but laughed and asked: "Why, our great scientist also wants to cut another great scientist to research and study~?"

Tonino shrugged Xiao Erlian: "Oh! I still like my house, and I don't want to move so quickly." After speaking, he left a thread behind.


Tony walked to the place next to the armrest of the sofa where Leon Cat Lyon was lying on his stomach, and asked seriously, "Do you know that green guy."

The black cat Leon dangled his tail and kept his eyes open: "Are you talking about the shit-green one or the grass-green one?"


"...The one who is alive!"

"Oh, you said Hulk!"

Tony was a little shocked: "It... does he have his own name? Or is it the nickname you gave to others."

Lyon still didn't bother to open his eyes, although his current physical and mental attributes were so high that it would be okay to stay up all day, but the beating last night was indeed a bit tired. So now he is very lazy, "He can only call Hulk and Hulk, so I just call him that."

Opened his right eye and looked at Tony sitting next to him: "At this point in time, I should be the person who knows Hulk best."

Tony always hears Lyon say "now", "for now", "this point in time". He knows that Lyon seems to know a lot of things, and he also knows that Lyon should be able to do something like mind reading or prophecy. Tony’s magic, this, Tony himself experienced.

Therefore, when he hears certain information that Leon always unconsciously and unintentionally reveals, Tony does not take it as a joke.

On the contrary, Tony has always attached great importance to certain small details revealed by Leon's words that he did not notice. From some other performances, Tony got more useful information.

For example, Lyon always unconsciously divides the future into several time periods, and each time period has obvious and vague signs to talk about separation.

Tony's guess is that Leon knows something that may or is destined to happen, good or bad.

But he didn't know when that happened.

Lyon always has an inexplicable standpoint towards certain people and certain things. Such as natural closeness to oneself, and natural rejection of a certain organization.

Tony is a very smart person, these are the details that he has noticed himself, and Leon may not care about it.

There is the most important point.

Leon always seemed very anxious.

Although he has always been a careless and insane appearance, and he is crazy about nonsense all day long, Tony knows that everything Leon does has a strong purpose, and there are very few mistakes.

He is always very anxious, always worried about running out of time, and always living with a kind of fear, like...

It's like being forced to run fast by something.

Tony has reason to suspect that the thing that forced Leon to run should be some terrible force!

Some kind of terrible force that is destined to catch up with him, almost irresistible!


If Lyon can really read minds, he will now applaud Tony from the bottom of his heart.

Because Tony's guess is not entirely correct, but the key points are actually right.

Leon was indeed chased by something.

It was a certain purple sweet potato essence with colorful gold gloves!

Indiscriminate attacks covering the entire universe! There is no escape, no escape.

Leon really didn't want to bet on the 50% probability.

In order not to die so unclear and worthless, Leon has been exhausted, constantly wanting to become stronger.


Hearing Leon said that he knew the big green monster called "Hulk" well, Tony considered the words and hesitated and said, "If, I mean if, um...Is there a possibility that Hulk can become a helper for the righteous side? ?"

have to!

Hulk is still a villain in Tony's eyes!

But I can’t blame Tony, everyone thinks so.

Whose superhero will fight a crime and demolish all buildings!

Furthermore, since Hulk appeared in front of the masses until now, the only one that seemed to be a street fight against hatred to protect innocent people was actually more like a kind of personal grievance.

In the eyes of ordinary people, maybe they can still make up the plot of two big green-skinned monsters fighting for another green-skinned female. (No mistake!)

Isn't this happening every day in nature~

With a toothy yawn, Lyon, the black cat, arched up like a normal cat, stretched his waist, and went back to his original place.

Still closing his eyes, he still replied listlessly: "I probably know what you are thinking."

Tony is not surprised by such a statement.

Xuanmao Leon continued: "Hulk never wanted to, and would never be a bad person, what should I say..."

Mysterious Cat Leon tilted his head: "Oh! Yes! He is like a frog and a good friend of our humans! Hahahahaha!"

What is this metaphor? !

Although both are green, although the meaning is very clear, although...

It sounds strange anyway!

Tony can only say that this is the style of Lyon!

After asking his own question and getting the answer he wanted, Tony instantly broke away from the wise and deep character and turned into a smasher again.

"After you sent him away, why didn't you go home to send Sophia to school? Why did you come to me. Want to eat Polygonum matatum?"

An extremely humane reward for Tony: "Cat's Eye" [You are very dumb]. Mysterious Cat Leon said, "Sophia has already gone to school by herself at this time, so I don't need me!"

Tony pondered: ", is it still for Mutianling? Wait, I'll go..."

"Battle suit! Battle suit! Battle suit!"

Mysterious cat Leon instantly exploded his even his claws were exposed.

"Five days of the promise! Five days later, five days later, five days later! Five days later! It will be a month soon!"

Tony smiled and patted his forehead, and ran to get Leon's box.

After getting the battle uniform in the beautiful black box, Lyon, the mysterious cat, installed it in the space, leaving Tony with a "hello" look. Before Tony's flying foot was about to mention his cat's ass, he turned into a mysterious The bee disappeared into the sky.

And after the missed Tony disappeared in Lyon, he put away his playful look, stared at the sky for a long while, and silently glanced back at his underground studio.

"It's almost time..."

(Ps: It's almost the end of the month. Don't hide and tuck the ticket if you have it. Bring it!)

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