The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 142: Maybe he is really anti-collision

Tony is not surprised to see Leon here in this situation.

He suddenly got out of business negotiations, squeezed a driver away from the race track to kill others, and pulled traffic to the organizer.

Lyon was brought with him, and it is strange that he can't find it.

However, at this time Tony realized with hindsight: Since Leon found out, then Little Pepper must have found out too...

"I want to ask you something, why are you in a daze!"

Leon interrupted Tony's thinking: "The magnetic explosive infantry, the beast trainer with the whip is here!"

Magnetic explosive infantry?

Tony leaned over and took a look from the bottom of the car. Indeed, that buddy loves to show off!

Come over after playing with flowers!

Witly walked around from the other side of the car to the position where the front of the next car collided, Tony still didn't forget to ask Leon in a low voice: "You dead cat! Then you must be killed by your enemy! Don't hurry up! Go and grab him in the cage and line up with the lion, what are you doing while hiding from me!"

Listening to Tony's words, Leon was taken aback by what he said, and the cat's face was dumbfounded.

Ah this...

How come this has become my business!

Obviously it was the conflict between your father and his father. Now that they both died, they became the offspring of those two people and continued to fight for their lives. I am just a cat watching the fun, what does it have to do with me!

A wicked smile appeared vividly on the black cat's face: "Hehehe...Tony, I dare not say to others, but that guy is definitely here for you."

As Tony watched with a puzzled expression, Leon continued "unpredictably" and said: "That is the hatred of your father's generation..."

Before Tony's shocked expression appeared, Wow! After the piercing sound of iron scraping, the rear of the car Tony drove was completely cut off by the whip wrapped in plasma!

Before he could think too much, Tony took advantage of the opponent's sideways and lowered his head to investigate, picked up half of the car door that had been knocked down on the ground, and knocked on the opponent's head fiercely.

Although this hit is very strong, the cars on this track are made of lighter high-grade materials, which have a good effect on the overall weight reduction of the car body, and it is not so easy to use to knock other people's heads.

It's also a bad thing that the car is made of this material, otherwise Tony's ordinary body, it doesn't matter whether it can be picked up and swung out.

Lost Whip was beaten heavily by Tony and backed up a few steps. It seemed a little embarrassed, but the actual damage was not much.

He smiled and shook his head, and looked at Tony who was beating his arm that was contaminated with flames. Tony, who was more embarrassed than him, smiled happily and brighter.

"Hahahahaha! Look, Stark, the thief, is about to be burned to death. Hahaha!"

Tony looked at each other without saying a word. From Leon’s reminder just now, Tony knew that the other party was likely to have any grudges with his father Howard Stark. Just now there was some suspicion. When the other party said the name was not Tony, but When Stark, Tony completely believed it.

This guy really came to trouble himself, but...

What does thief mean?

"The dead cat Lyon doesn't know where it went!" Tony had already coated all four feet of the black cat Lyon with all-purpose glue in his heart, and tied the cat stick around his neck.

Run faster than anyone else, and the cat's shadow disappeared in the blink of an eye, you are finished!

Just as he was thinking, Leon's voice reached his ears above his head: "Tony, do you need me to help you catch this circus trainer~"

Did it turn into a bee and fall on top of my head?

Tony wanted to slap himself on the head and help Leon go to the two-dimensional world to find a paper man to live.

It is impossible to ask for help if you bow your head and admit that it is impossible to ask for help.

Tony Stark, his life is not weaker than others, unless he grows green hair, he must solve it by himself!

Just as he was about to say something ironic, while his pupils were shaking, Tony saw a car approaching quickly not far away, and his heart was settled.

"No! You should take care of yourself!"

Tony was talking to the mysterious bee Leon above his head, but the whip took it for granted that Tony was talking to himself.

"Heh, thief..."

With an extremely disdainful sneer, he waved the whip and was about to hit Tony on the head.

At the critical moment, a valuable car slammed into the whip, and held him against the wall before stopping.

Lyon, who was still on Tony's head, yelled: "I said you were hit by a car sooner or later when you ran a red light!"

The window of the car opened, and an anxious face poked out from the window: "Tony! Get in the car!"

Ha, Pepper came over too.

Glancing at the "Beast Trainer" who was knocked against the wall and fainted with blood still vomiting in his mouth, Tony returned to his calmness, and became ill-formed in seconds: "Pepper, oh! I don't even know you too. Signed up for the road race!"

He glanced at Harpy in the driving seat in front of him, and continued: "Can I still bring a driver to the race! It's the president of a big company? It's different!"

Tony is free to make jokes, but Pepper doesn’t. He came up and punched you in the chest with a small fist at Tony who walked to the car window. Why do I have to scare people like this, I have never done anything bad in my life, and now I actually instruct others to drive into someone! My God..."

Tony had to keep explaining that he didn't mean anything else, except that he wanted to drive suddenly, so he didn't mean to **** her off. Two people were crying in this one, and the bodyguard, Harpy, interrupted, saying that it was his own idea to kill someone and it had nothing to do with Pepper...

The scene was messy for a while. Just now it was the midnight file of the animal trainer vs. the billionaire. It suddenly became your ruthless and unreasonable 8:30 romance file. This headache for Leon...

Lost whip, who was hit by a car, probably had a headache. He raised the blood-filled head and took a look, waving his hand is a whip!


The three people beside the car, including Tony, were all people with little combat experience, but Leon was different. He had always believed in the saying: Only a dead enemy is a qualified enemy.

As for Leon's method of confirming the death of the enemy, the head was cut off earlier, and the heart was dug out recently.

Obviously The whip-playing man didn't match either of them, so Leon has been paying attention to him and reminded Tony the first time he saw him raising his hand.

Hearing the sound, Tony reflexively stepped back and pushed Pepper smoothly.

The whip fell in front of the two people, providing Tony's luxury car with a panoramic mode for free.

"Box!" Tony shouted loudly.

"What!" Pepper screamed while covering his ears.

"Dead!" Harpy stepped on the accelerator and just stunned.

"Oh fuck! This man is so resistant to collisions!"

Lyon looked at the beast trainer who was hit by Hapy with a car, vomiting blood but still wanted to whip down again, and praised from the heart.

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