The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 252: Completely divorced

"Sol, you..."

The first to speak is still the anxious US team.

However, he could not finish the rest of the words. In fact, there is really no need to say anything.

The facts are there, it is already obvious.

In the battle between Odin and the giant snake ahead, the air waves and aftermaths alone were enough to destroy the building and collapse the ground.

The U.S. team even had to hold back in order to control themselves not to cover their ears.

Not only because of the sharp and piercing sound made by the two great gods' weapons when they collided, but also because of the constant roar of the giant snake, resounding through the sky.

It is really foul language, which is endless.

Unfortunately, over and over again, the main theme has always been such a few words.


"Odin--! Despicable villain!"

"I am the king of Asgard!"

"Thief! Sinner! Hypocrite!"

Although the voice is loud and the shouting is quite frequent, the "harm" to Odin is really minimal, or even directly negligible.

After all, if Odin is really a hypocrite and villain, as the giant snake said, how could such a few words hurt such a person.

It wasn't Yue Buqun, he was afraid that people would know.

The giant snake can only hurt people with incompetent and furious words, and it hasn't hurt people yet.

This is not the case with Odin.

Although he didn't say a few words during the whole battle, the Eternal Gun in Odin's hand was not shown for others.

Almost every scolding of the giant snake will be accompanied by a puff of black blood.

That was the wound caused by Odin's spear stabbing the giant snake's body.

In front of many superheroes on the earth, it is almost invincible. Even Sol gave birth to the thought of resignation, and the giant snake that also made Lyon slip away. At this time, facing Odin, there was almost no force to fight back, just He was hit by Odin's precise and cold spear time and time again.

The body of the giant snake is dripping with black blood, and Odin is.

The giant snake couldn't even leave any wounds on his god-king brother.

The battle is almost a crushing situation.

Is the giant snake weak?

The American team and Tony would definitely not think that way, neither would Sol nor Lyon.

However, he still couldn't beat Odin.

It's simple, Odin is stronger. Strong, making the giant snake a little desperate.

"Ah--! You... villain!"

The giant snake swung his big axe frantically, and the turbulent divine power rushed the ground into deep ravines.

His forehead was violent with blue veins, his beard and hair were stretched, he had no reservations, and he even performed superbly under the blessing of anger.

However, in the face of absolute strength suppression, it still seemed so weak.

Every time he scolded, it was accompanied by a shot out of Odin's expressionless face.

Every time a gun is shot, it will directly pierce the giant snake's supernatural shield, swing away his giant axe, and leave a new wound on his body.

Odin, he should be able to kill the giant snake directly, but he doesn't, he just keeps making new wounds on the giant snake, just like...

"My father... he's playing with giant snakes. He's here, laughing at him! Humiliating him!"

Sol's words made the American team and Tony and others who came to participate in the battle involuntarily pursed their lips and clenched their fists.

Even if it is so powerful, it will naturally be...played and ridiculed.

They knew that Sol did not lie. It's not that they can't see the scene of the battle.

It's just that this discovery is more desperate for the US team and Tony and others than facing the giant snake.

It was completely different from the previous Zetaric invasion. At that time, everyone faced nothing more than ugly aliens and larger bugs.

We can win! Moreover, we know how to achieve victory.

Everyone knows this and believes it firmly.

Everyone is thinking about how to win beautifully, how to win the war with the least cost, and how to save more lives while winning the war.

And this time.

The forefoot giant snake has just taught how to be a man, and even the strongest of the Avengers, Thor, has no power to fight back.

Lyon, the wise man, the great prophet, and the omnipotent, also directly told them: If you can't fight, you can't win, that's not a battle we can participate in.

Even Lyon actually made a shot by himself, showing a powerful strength that no one had ever seen before.

The results of it?

Didn't escape away slippery!

But it is such a powerful giant snake, such a desperately powerful existence, at this moment, it is actually...

The role played by someone? !

Really until this moment, the US team and Tony really realized Lyon's mood.

Only then did he truly empathize, and understood why Leon is always so eager, so scared, and then dismissive.

They have not forgotten what Lyon once said.

[Our enemies are all over the universe, from the distant interstellar famine to the entire timeline. The past, the future. Everywhere! 】

And Tony, who has always had a sense of crisis and especially likes to think a lot, even more keenly thinks of the word "the edge of the universe" that Leon said.

Odin, maybe not an enemy, now.

However, the place where Odin is, should not be too far from the earth.

"...Isn't even such a powerful guy a real threat... Leon, what kind of existence does the guy you fear exist..."

Hearing Tony's mumbling, the US team turned around and asked: "Tony, who did you just say?"

Tony shook his head: "Nothing, just thought of something."

It doesn't help to say it, it's just that there is one more person who is powerless and has a headache.

Perhaps this is why Lyon is always at odds with everyone, unwilling to join any group or team, and always keeps a distance and a sense of active alienation from everyone!

At this moment, Tony felt that he seemed to understand Lyon better.

He always showed a keen foresight about everything, but he was unwilling to actively share these things with anyone.

That's what Lyon thinks.

Putting all the things, all the worries and pains on his shoulders alone, looking around, no one can share with him.


Tony sighed: "Perhaps because of this, he was forced into that neurotic look!"

Saying that other American teams don't know, and talking about words like neurotic, the American team knows who Tony is talking about.

Who else besides Lyon!

Just looking at Tony's feeling very ecstatic, the US team also didn't bother Actually, the US team didn't think so.

They came here with bold words to participate in the war on behalf of the people of the earth, only to find that it was a battlefield that was completely involved and not entered, and even the aftermath of the battle might have killed them.

The air waves around the battlefield alone made it difficult for them to move, let alone join in.

To put it ugly, even if they have the courage to die, they have the courage to sacrifice themselves, but they always have to consider an indisputable fact.

Although Odin may not care about this, even if they do join in now, they are nothing more than stupidly giving Odin trouble.

Such a thing really makes no sense.

At this time, the US team reminiscent of Leon's calmness before, saying that he didn't want to come over, and simply admitted that he couldn't have any impact on the battle.

The US team also had to admit.

"Lyon, he is indeed a very clever wise man!"

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