The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 293: Who died first

"Sir, I'm afraid I have to tell you some bad news."

On a certain floor of a building, on a pile of messy paper files that have been turned over, cross-boned Rumlow is somewhat helplessly calling his new boss Garrett.

"According to our newsletter, Steve Rogers should be right here, but we tracked it here and found nothing, sir, I think we should have lost the whereabouts of Steve Rogers."

Although he knew that saying that would make his big boss unhappy, Rumlow had no other way. The matter was at this point. He didn't think that concealing the news or lying about it was a very effective and effective method.

Fortunately, what makes Rumlow confident is that he now has utility. At least until he finds the American team and catches him, Rumlow is sure! There will be no danger to myself.

On the contrary, after the US team is captured, it is the real crisis.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that they can't deal with Lyon, so of course something like a scapegoat will definitely be needed.

If this scapegoat has enough weight, so much the better.

Sadly, no matter how he analyzes, Rumlow finds desperately that he is the most suitable scapegoat.

This is a little bit...sorrowful and unstoppable.


Although Garrett on the phone was ready to hear a bad news, when he really heard the bad news, he was still panicked.

The U.S. team can't live, absolutely can't!

No matter what high point of public opinion and moral high ground they occupy, how abundant evidence they have, once they can't stop the US team from speaking, it will be them who will fail.

Because the US team's credit is too strong.

Everyone respects him and will believe him. If the two sides Sophia have different arguments and a dispute arises, there is almost no doubt that the US team will become the final winner.

Look at the current S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., even though they have concocted so much evidence and used so much manpower and material resources, the right time and place are in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D., but the cauldron that killed Fury is still in the United States. The deduction on the team's head is not very strict.

Garrett wanted to brainwash the Winter Soldier again, and asked him to go to the TV station as a witness to identify the American team.

The tone was not very polite and ordered Rumlow to continue to track the American team and stand by at any time. After Garrett put down the phone, he found another capable man directly.

The creator of the rules for the entire game, the former surrendered general: Agent Sitwell.

"Sir, do you have any instructions."

Standing in the high-level lobby of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Sitwell, who was in charge of commanding a group of agents to capture the US team, was still very calm when he spoke. His tone also infected Garrett, who was a little anxious in his heart, and his mentality slowed down and recovered. He asked with some confidence: "Give me good news, Sitwell, Rumlow has just lost the whereabouts of Steve Rogers."

After looking around, the atmosphere in the command center seemed a bit depressed. Everyone was staring at him involuntarily. Sitwell wondered if anyone here had mastered lip language skills. After all, this is the nest of agents. Any kind of skill, any high-level person may appear, and it is just too normal to keep one hand.

After walking a few steps outside, he came directly to the window. Sitwell took out the other cell phone in his arms and pressed it with his hand. At the same time, the call with Garrett continued.

"Sir, I do have good news for you."

Garrett was shocked: "Speak!"

As if seeing something funny, Sitwell showed a funny smile on his face, but he did not laugh, his tone was still very calm and respectful: "Although I have nothing to do with Steve News, but... I have news from another person: Natasha Romanov. Sir."

"Go tell Rumlow."

"Okay, sir."


Playing in the building boringly tearing paper with his hands, Rumlow sat blankly on the chair with his feet in a daze, blankly not knowing what he was thinking.

Garrett asked him to stand by, and he really executed the order perfectly, with his direct assault squad, guarding this building motionless.

"Agent Rumlow. Can you hear me."

Suddenly, he received a call cut in from the special line of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Command Center in his headset.

"Sitwell... sir."

Crossbones Rumlow’s expression became more vivid. He squinted slightly, and called out the familiar name like every time he cooperated on missions in the past, except that his title this time was somewhat interesting. Variety.

"Agent Rumlow, I'm afraid you called the wrong person. I'm not your chief."

Quickly extracting another meaning from Sitwell’s words, Rumlow sneered: "Ah, yes, yes, hehe...Yes, Minister John Garrett is my chief, I'm sorry... gentlemen."

For himself, Sitwell may not be regarded as a teammate, but after a long time of cooperation, he also did a lot of dirty work for Pierce together. Not a comrade-in-arms, many years of colleague relations are still a must.

But the crossbones, who thought they were definitely stronger than Sitwell, had more strength and value, did not expect that things would go to the point where they are today.

Not only did Sitwell and Leon become a master and apprentice, Pierce fell from power, and after his accidental death, the new Hydra boss came to the top, and he was able to get the job done, and he was even more reused than in the past!

On the other hand, if you don't know how to protect yourself, you may become an abandoned child at any time.

The officer and husband who made the two weird noises just now are also cross-boned under this kind of thought, with a little vent and real emotions of anger, jealousy, and unwillingness.

In Rumlow's view, no matter where things go, only from the foreseeable results, Sitwell may face much better results than his own.

It seems that he is unwilling to entangle with Rumlow too much on this very indifferently avoided this topic and said directly: "We found the defected agent Natasha Romanov's The trail, Mr. Garrett meant you should go and catch her back."

"Alive?" Rumlow also promptly terminated his "revelation of true feelings", and asked very professionally.

"Ha ha ha... That depends on your ability, Rumlow. I hope you won't die in this mission."

At the end of the call, Rumlow smiled and folded his hips.

In past missions, Sitwell also made such jokes with him, but the words now seem to be no longer just pure jokes.

It was a break in a sense.

"Look who will die first!"

Rumlow didn’t know if it was Natasha Romanoff or himself, or...Sitwell?

With a grinning smile, he called his team members, and the crossbones rushed over at the address given by Sitwell.

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