The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 337: Concerned about the people's Austrian small creation

Regarding Ultron's question, everyone can be regarded as having a similar answer, anyway, Leon, the "helped" person, doesn't care, others care about what.


Seeing Tony and Leon talking and laughing coming over from the small table over there, everyone almost breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Sol is the most prominent.

He was really afraid that Leon and Tony would partner with him to beat him up. The big bag with Dr. Banner's face was still lying there. Can you be more cautious?


"So, can we go and kill that Ultron now?"

Sol was a little anxious and planned to skip the possible beating incident, so he directly picked up the hammer and looked at Leon.

Everyone was mentioned by Sol, and they all looked at Leon with a smile.

Have such a friend who is the most dangerous at ordinary times, and who can give people the most sense of security when there is danger, is to give people inexplicable confidence at such times.

But who could have imagined that Leon actually shook his head slightly.

"Lyon, I don't quite understand what you mean. You seemed to say that you don't care about this at all."

Tony asked with some confusion: "So you want to say that this matter was caused by us, so should we solve it?"

Leon, still shook his head.

Tony stretched his hand straight out: "Then you should tell it directly, I really can't guess it. At this time, don't go to this kind of dumb riddle."

Leon made the kind of laughter that everyone is most familiar with and least want to hear: "Hey hey... Actually, I have a more interesting idea, do you want to... Hey! Give me back all of them! Listen to me That's it, bastard!"

Everyone in the Avengers was stopped from the door by Leon's clones again.

Good guy, this time the problem seems to be more serious. There was only one Leon's body just now, and now they have to face the same a dozen mouth-splitting mental illnesses.

The American team cringed and made the first gesture of surrender in his life. He held up his hands: "Leon, there is something to discuss, everyone is a friend, there is no need to call out the clones!"

"Then are you still running?!"

The American team was the first to sit down.

The rest followed.

Um~~~This is almost the same!

Waving a look of anticipation and turning into unwilling avatars, Leon held his hands behind his back and coughed two pretendingly. The leading fan walked to the small coffee table in front of everyone, turned around, and stood still!

Seeing everyone with the same expressions as the pupils saw the head teacher, Leon said with satisfaction: "Then, let's continue with what we just said, where are we just now... Oh yes! Interesting idea! Do you want to hear~ ~……"

This time, everyone nodded and beat the drums.

Lyon was more satisfied.

It seems that I am very persuasive in terms of this affinity!

"Just now, Saul said that he would gather our strength to solve Ultron and the twins together. I did not agree. After that, Tony explained that he would separate you from the Avengers and solve yourself. I didn't nod the trouble caused. In fact, I didn't even grab the idea of ​​doing it myself.

I mean, we can make a bet, bet, who can solve the trouble of Ultron.

I am alone and bet with all of you. How is it, are you interested? "

Everyone looked at each other, completely wondering what Leon was trying to express.

In the end, Tony frowned and asked the question with a puzzled face: "Lyon, I don't think this is necessary. If you want something, or what plan you want us to cooperate with you, no matter what... As long as the plan is not something that hurts the world, I think it has to be discussed. There is no need to make any bets at all."

After hearing Tony’s words, Leon’s smile was a mystery: "Hehehe...I think it’s not that easy for you to agree to my request. It’s better to take a gamble."

Hearing what Leon said, everyone felt even more scared!

The ghost knows what incredible demands a snake disease will make!

To be reasonable, this seems to be completely unsolvable by means of giving money to eliminate disasters...

Leon loves money, but he doesn't laugh like that when he loves money! !

Some terrifying scenes and expected "bets" flashed in everyone's minds. For a while, no one spoke, but silent exchanges of eyes.

"Hey~ It's not as scary as you think. You think of me as someone, how can I do anything that embarrass you.

What made Steve go striptease~ Let Sol stop drinking for three years, let Tony stay silent for a month or something, I have never thought about these things, not at all! "

NS! You said everything! ! !

Fortunately, Leon’s last sentence dispelled some people’s doubts: "I just hope you can promise me to let me take someone away."

"Uh... just to take someone away..."

Tony stood up and said very quietly: "Hill is from Fury, you can't..."

"Oh! Hey! Tony!"

"Hahahahaha, I'm sorry, I'm just living up the tension and embarrassment.

cough! That... Leon, we promised you. "

This sentence turned the sky over, everyone quarreled and voted unanimously to let Tony himself and Lyon make this bet.

And Tony also persuaded everyone to calm down temporarily with just one sentence.

"Well, let's listen to what Lyon's bet is before we talk."

Everyone looked at Leon again.

"Well? Well, let me ask first, what do you want me to bet on. We can discuss it. I don't even have to think about it for less than 50 yuan, and I can make a decision directly!"

As a result, everyone immediately started the situation where you look at me and I look at you.

"Um... everyone can raise one? Do you use one bet to lose all of our bets?"

Leon thought for a while and said, "I want to listen first. If it exceeds two hundred yuan, I may have to think about it for a while."


After getting together and discussing for a while, everyone sent their representative: Tony.

Lyon had expected this, and he didn't panic: "Let's talk. How much money?"

Tony gave him a blank look: "You should keep the two steel chucks in your pocket and take the bus."

After clearing his throat, Tony put forward the bet they wanted for everyone.

"If we don't know what the bet is, if we win, we unanimously decide that everyone will get a chance to ask questions. A chance to ask questions, and 100% will get answers. This, is it okay."

Leon was taken aback for a moment. The emotional group didn't need money and strength. They didn't even think about eternal youth or anything. Everyone wants Lidaxian to tell the fortune and give a word or something.

This, it seems not impossible.

Let's not talk about the question of winning or losing, just say that if you lose, Leon can completely talk nonsense based on the plot he originally understood!

Anyway, the clumsy operators either like to say good things or they like to fill up bad things directly, Leon can learn to operate it.

If not allowed...

That is knowledge changes destiny. It is the butterfly flapping its wings. That is, the old man has already cracked the calamity for you at the price of being condemned by the gods. Chenghui 200 yuan does not bargain or wipes zero. Scan the code and scan here to give you a discount next time.

"Okay. Deal. But, Tony."


"I really don't know how to regain the power, didn't I say everything when you asked me the last time..."

"You can get out of here!"

Slander me! He slandered me! !

Tony kicked out but didn't get to Lyon. The boy had already flown outside, only the voice remained.

"Then, the bet is now officially established. Just bet, who can catch Ultron first."

After speaking, Leon disappeared in a hurry. The people in the room also cheered up and began to use all kinds of power to find Ultron who had retreated into the vast sea of ​​people again.

Thor made up his mind even more, ready to look directly at his future.

Tony is going to surf the Internet world, trying to find clues.

After everyone was busy for a long time, Dr. Banner woke up.

"Ah... my neck... my waist! Oh, why does it hurt so much when someone pierced my eyes! Nose...! My nose... my goodness..."

Dr. Banner, who had just woke up, rushed into the bathroom and washed his nose.

Tony was waiting for him outside when he had two large pieces of toilet paper in his nose and his eyes were red.

"Leon started very hard..."

Dr. Banner returned Tony with a hygienic eye: "When you punched me with a big iron fist, it seemed that you were not very polite."

Tony smiled dryly and said: "That's not too much of you. I want to protect myself. Do you understand?"

Banner sighed: "I understand, why don't I understand. I... I shouldn't have caused any casualties!"

Tony nodded: "It's a blessing in disguise. If you didn't show up in time like Leon. You would indeed cause casualties. Me."

Benner lowered his head as he said, and Tony handed him a glass of wine and said, "Don't worry. It's just that some things and buildings are damaged, and some people are injured. I will pay you all the money that should be lost. Come and take a look. Here is the bill, yes, you sign here, and then..."

"Wait a minute!! How come I am so familiar with this set of procedures! This paper...this is so special that Leon brought it!!"

"Oh, you can see it! It's very convenient, right? Just separate the names of the borrower and the debtor, and then..."

Dr. Banner: Who is asking you this!

Taking the paper directly aside, Dr. Banner hardly changed the subject, and immediately asked Tony about other things as if he hadn't heard the same.

It was just a joke. Tony only found it interesting to get such a standard contract from Lyon to tease Dr. Banner. Now that we started talking about serious matters, Tony got serious.

I said everything in detail, including the gambling game.

"Then... there should be nothing wrong with me, right?"

"How not!"

Tony comforted Dr. Banner: "What is our relationship? Our comrades-in-arms! There is such a thing. Can I forget you!

rest assured! I made a special mention with Leon and asked him to bring you the gambling. You're welcome. "

Dr. Banner:...

I thank you and your family! !

But, what else can I do, bite the bullet!

Lyon is not a reasonable master.

"In other words, the content of the game is that we have to get ahead of Lyon and solve Ultron's problem?"

"Yeah. But, to be honest, we don't have much advantage. I still think that maybe Leon already knows where Ultron is now."

Dr. Banner: What's the special thing you promised to bet! !

It's too late, it's too late to regret...

Holding his hair madly, Dr. Banner asked, "What you are talking about is after I lost my mind, what about before?"

"You know everything before, don't you."

"No. At least I have no idea what happened to you at the arms dealer."

As a last resort, Tony had to reluctantly tell Banner to this story about everyone being frightened by the strength of the twins.

And while listening, Banner suddenly said, "I have an impression of that vibrating gold. At that time, everyone seemed to be guessing that he wanted to give himself a very strong and hard body, right?"

"Yeah." Tony nodded.

"Then... Does anyone know what's going on with Dr. Zhou?"


"What did you say?"

"I didn't mean that. Shocked, do you understand. Shocked! I know where Ultron is."


North Korea, the largest country in the universe.

Ultron and the twins, who were carrying a few jars of new vibrating alloy, found Dr. Zhou as expected.

The most powerful and new technology pioneer in human biomedicine, Ultron found Dr. Zhou, obviously because of her new biotechnology.

Ultron, unwilling to be just a robot, a "non-human" with a soul but no flesh and blood.

To protect the existence of all human beings, Ultron regards himself as an absolute leader, and in the mind of the paranoid Ultron, the leader must be a human being.

At least, it looks like an ordinary human.

As for the fact that Zhenjin's body is more resistant to beatings than ordinary people, is it considered superhuman...

Because I was afraid of pain, I used all my defenses.

Any questions? !

Dr. Zhou deliberately resisted, but the Ultron with the Mind Scepter in his hand obviously did not need any coercion and temptation such processes and operations.

A little bit on the chest, Dr. Zhou's eye pupils were completely dark, and after they changed back to the normal pupil color, they were only slightly blue when they looked at him.

But Dr. Zhou at this time was no different from the Hawkeye controlled by Loki.

That is surrender from the heart.

Soon, with the help of Dr. Zhou, Ultron had a new body with spiritual gems inlaid on his head.

At this time, just waiting for the consciousness to upload, Ultron won halfway.

And this time felt its life.

"You... don't seem to be a robot anymore, more like..."

"Like what." Ultron asked.

"Like a person. A...person with a soul and a heartbeat!"

With the red magic energy surging at his fingertips, Wanda took a curious look at this robot that he had never been able to visit before.

And the sight she saw in Ultron's mind made Wanda's pupils quake.

She saw that the first thing Ultron had when he had a new body was to kill their brothers and sisters!

At the same time, she also "seeed" the words in Ultron's heart.

[All super beings must die! And mankind needs a liberation, a complete resistance!

Under my leadership! 】

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