The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 342: Transformation and Transformation and Transformation

The figure standing up in the smoke of gunpowder only seemed to hesitate, and then directly tossed from the place, the whole figure flew directly, slowly but smoothly over the top of everyone's heads, and slowly stagnated on the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the building. Before, quietly staring at the city lights outside the window.


He seemed to have said something, and it seemed that he didn't say anything. The people behind him didn't hear him at all, but everyone gathered around, still watching this completely new life.

"Do you know who you are."

Tony couldn't help being the first person to ask: "Are you a program, a human, or a robot."

"I... I don't know..."

The new life slowly got up, floated in the air, and turned his body around, from facing the window and facing the crowd into a state of looking straight ahead.

"I have no idea."

He repeated: "I don't know what I am. I don't think I am a robot, but I am not just a...program.

Jarvis made me complete, but it was still not enough to make me complete. And my program search tells me that my existence does not seem to be counted as a human being. "

Banner, as a strong man in the field of biological sciences, has absolute industry hegemony in this room that even Tony can't ignore. Hearing this, he immediately asked: "Then, the key point. Are you willing to admit that you are a life?"

"Of course I do."

The narration of that "thing" seemed to be smoother and more from the heart, and immediately replied: "I know the purpose of my existence and why I was born. I think this is my love and respect for life. "

Turning its head, it looked at Tony: "Oh, one more point: I am definitely not Ultron."

Tony's gaze looked at it, and it looked back at Tony without dodge in the slightest, and there was full calmness in its eyes.

After thinking for a moment, Tony took a step forward and strode forward to the front of the crowd, only after Sol.

With arms folded across his chest, Tony asked an unimportant question that seemed unrelated: "You were looking out the window just now. What did you see?"

Others will be surprised, but Tony asked calmly, and the robot opposite answered quickly: "I'm looking at the human world shaped by humans."

"how do you feel."

"Standing at a high place, as a whole, humans are doing very well."

"Do you have any ideas to destroy them?"

"No. I want to protect them."

Snapped. Tony snapped his fingers: "I think he is fine. Huh?"

Banner smashed his mouth and nodded after a long while: "At least from the current point of view, there should be no problem."

Next: "Sol?"

The US team did not answer but turned to look at Saul.

Sol directly answered the question that everyone most wants to know: "I foresee a small amount of the future from the water, no matter if what I see is right or wrong, at least, in this war, we need a faceless person. Guys.

Even this guy. "

In the end, Sol turned his head and looked back at the US team: "At least this time, I think we should believe the prophecy."

Upon hearing this, the US team still didn't make a statement, but turned its attention to Wanda.

This girl has the ability to peek into other people's memories and thoughts. Although it is only part of it, most of the people present have tasted her tricks. Therefore, this ability still has a say.

"What do you see."

Wanda's pupils were slightly enlarged. She stared directly at its face, but seemed to penetrate its exterior, staring at its heart.

"I saw... peaceful... warm... and light..."

After hearing Wanda’s words, although the US team did not directly hear any iconic adjectives, such as “safe and law-abiding”, “righteousness and kindness”, “jealous as hatred”, and helping old grandma into the bed... Ah no! It was crossing the road or something, but only from the point of view of speech, this Ultron reserve didn't seem to be a bad guy.

"Then, I won't vote against it anymore. Tony, are you sure."

Although the turning point of the US team's speech was a bit abrupt and a bit quick, Tony still reacted quickly: "Yes, I'm sure. I'm sure he will help us win the war and bet.

Moreover, it will become the key point. "

"Then I have no problem at all."

The US team once again chose to completely believe in Tony.

Tony nodded.

Brother Hammer was very happy, and threw the hammer up and down with one hand: "So you all need my help. Hahaha, without me, you are always a mess of sand. Sure enough, I am the real core of the Avengers. !"

Hawkeye watched the excitement for a long time, and then joked with Sol: "Apart from the hammer that we can't hold, what else is special about you."

Oh by the way, and the cloak. "

After Hawkeye's words were finished, he and Sol had no other problems, but the new life on the side peeked at Sol beside him very humanely, and then the metal on his shoulders deformed, gradually extending and swinging. ,Then……

A red cloak that was exactly the same was conjured.

Seeing this scene, Tony and the US team looked at each other and smiled, and the big rock in the bottom of his heart let go a little again.


In the night.

Hidden outside the high-rise glass curtain wall of a skyscraper in the color of the night, there is a figure weirdly "standing" in the air, standing volley in the sky, quietly watching what's happening inside the building. Judging from the situation where the figure squeezed his chin and turned his body shape from time to time, he seemed to be very interested in the things in the building.

Inside the building.

Norman Osborne is reprimanding his manager. His face was frosty and extremely indifferent.

Since the last time he was lucky enough to "recover" a life from Lyon, Norman Osborne's wish of [The First Criminal in the Big Apple City] has been half cold.

The first level fell so badly, the following dazzling and dazzling titles such as [the world's first criminal], [the best criminal in history], and [the strongest criminal in human history] are of course completely against him. no problem.

Although it was the inhalation of poisonous gas that caused brain problems. The idea of ​​"no rest without going to jail" appeared, but when the Green Devils met Lyon, he just "reversed the ancestor" and regained part of the normal way of thinking.

It is also a madman and a mental illness. In this confrontation, the Green Devils lost to Lyon not only miserably, but also left a deep psychological shadow...

Then there is such a deterrent to crime!

Because he was afraid that people with ulterior motives would drink the potion and it would become a social harm, so Leon directly chose to drink up the potion for them in advance.

What's more, it's the kind of chasing home to help!

Norman Osborne still can't forget the few experiences he was threatened by Leon, and he never dared to forget how Lyon forced himself to say thank you and sorry when he was cheated.

What a shame at all! ! !

Norman Osborne vowed to avenge himself. In addition, he had to explain it to himself and the Green Devils: he didn't dare to look for Lyon, he knew that he could only send it to him, so he should only take it out of his mind. !


Norman Osborne never entered the "Green Devils" standard laboratory, and even the weapons research and development department of the Osborne Biological Group was sold to Tony by Norman Osborne.

Norman Osborne was very clear about one thing, a twisted truth.

That is: if you don't work hard, you don't necessarily have no results, and if you work hard, you don't necessarily have results.

The former half-sentence is almost specially prepared for people who reincarnate masters, second-time reincarnation masters, and the ancestral wooden house is Jin Si Nan, who just buy a house and demolish it in a blink of an eye.

Because there are people who can have more as long as they lie down.

For example, his son, Harry Osborne, is not the best case.

It is also a member of the Osborne family.

As a father, he must forge ahead, from an ordinary small businessman all the way to the top supercapitalist. I am afraid that only Norman himself knows how much suffering has been suffered in the process.

As his son, Harry has all this from the beginning. What’s more interesting is that Harry is younger than himself, so Norman Osborne will be stronger in the foreseeable future, as long as Harry is not too stupid. Things.

The first half of the sentence was given to my son, and the second half was completely reflected on me.

As a guy destined to become a criminal, Norman Osborne can be said to do everything for his criminal career. In addition to thinking about the laughter when he successfully escaped the pursuit, Norman also worked hard. To enhance their abilities.

Then he saw Lyon.

What a brute then!

Whether people strengthen or weaken, there are some signs to follow. Only Leon is the one who originally came out of the stone book. He has been very well-behaved and ordinary for twenty years in his life, but he suddenly decided whether to wait for the takeaway or wait. The boring time of resurrecting teammates went out and killed several gang members.

He successfully started his slaughter career.

Then it became stronger and harder to be defeated, and the condition became more and more serious!

From the first time Norman discovered Leon's existence, the pursuit has continued.

Norman thought of many ways.

Enhance his own weapons and equipment, enhance his overall strength, including wanting to steal Tony's research results, and even admit his lack of strength in the bottom of his heart, and turn to find teammates to increase his strength through alliances.

It can be said that everything that should be done has been done.

However, wood is useful.

One comes to give away, and the two die together.

Norman still failed.

Therefore, after Norman waited for a few days in despair and suspicion, after arriving in Lyon and threatening himself again, he wanted to understand one thing.

No matter when, as long as Leon is alive, he cannot become a powerful, frightening criminal.

The more successful, the more interested Leon is. Norman had already seen clearly, he was raising Gu.

As far as the stupid "Gu worms" in this entire city are concerned, they die sooner or later, and they will die anyway and must be harvested.

It is precisely because of this that Norman chose not to do what Lyon wanted him to do.

Anyway, Lao Tzu is a family company that specializes in biopharmaceutical research. It depends on the family's generation after generation, and it will kill you! ! !

Norman's abacus is good, but it's a pity.

As that sentence says, sometimes, hard work is not necessarily useful.


After beating his subordinates and chasing him away from his office, Norman took a few deep breaths and wiggled his fingers slightly. It was obvious that he wanted to smoke a cigarette.

However, he didn't know what it was for. Maybe he just wanted to live a few more years. Norman didn't light a cigarette for himself, but got up and went to a small table beside him and poured himself a glass of...water.

Ruthless people are ruthless everywhere.

Brandy vodka, it's over after quitting.

"...Lyryon of Dutt's mother..."

Norman murmured bitterly.

It seems that he is not out of his own heart, and really wants to quit smoking and drinking.


"To live, to live longer, you really work hard."

Who--? ! ! !

Norman seemed to have an answer in the flash, but he was still simply reluctant to believe it.

Holding the wine glass, the water in the glass shook waves, Norman Osborne slowly turned around, and a wrinkled ugly dry smile squeezed out of his thin face: "...Long time no see, Mr. Lyon."

When I turned around, in the office where I was alone, a man with a face mask was sitting on the guest chair.

What is special is the special Lyon!

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I saw you, Brother Norman, where have you been committing a crime recently?"

"Hey, how can I fool around? There are too many newcomers in these days, it's not easy to get ahead. I haven't shot for a long time."

"Ouch! Why bother."

"He... Change the evil to the good."

"Hahaha, that won't work."

After hitting this sentence, Norman finally couldn't walk away from the routine. Hearing this, he was half serious and half courteous. He said: "Then... what do you mean..."

Leon chuckled, and quickly sat down next to Norman Osborne from the other side of the stool. He smiled and put his arms around his neck, and said softly: "I a criminal again. I don't know. Do you agree. Or agree."

Damn it!

Don’t have such a long reverberation when you speak with special code, OK!

Norman Osborne swallowed, and carefully took a sip from the glass.

"Then I can..."

"can not."

"I would like to know……"

"You don't want to know."

"Then I can start from..."

"Don't ask, ask is sure to do."


"It's okay, ah! Just ask if you want to ask! Knowing everything is endless!"


"Do you have any other questions you want to ask."

"I do not have."

Snapped! Leon clapped his hands, but didn't catch it, and accidentally hit Norman with a spoon.

"Oh, sorry, sorry! That... welcome to join us. Our goal is: [Avengers clean up!]"

Norman was shocked: "You are finally sick enough to do something to your friend?!!!"

"What are you talking about~"

Leon waved his hand: "I'm not going to attack I want to cheat you...Ah no, oh! I didn't want to cheat anyone, why are you so annoying to ask.

If you ask again, let you cut off your children and grandchildren~"

Understood. Leave it alone.

Somehow, Norman Osborn wanted to laugh a little.

Because he didn't know who Lyon was going to pit, but he knew that that person would definitely be worse than himself.

It's so miserable...


"Don't laugh, laughter is guilty."


Under Norman's leadership, the two once again entered the laboratory where Norman turned into the Green Goblin.



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