The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 475: retribution

Tony Stark in this world still has doubts and doubts about Leon. Even after Leon showed complete innocence and locked his hands with chains, he still retained most of his vigilance. .

This situation continued until Leon was very "visionary", very "professional", and often got better when Tony Stark blurted out a certain concept and functionality before he thought of it.


"Wind resistance? Why do you have to overcome wind resistance? Wind resistance is your friend, Tony, there is no wind resistance. What do you use to adjust the direction, does it depend on the jet device in your palm?"

"Oh, stop chasing speed, okay, okay... I know aviation aluminum can overcome this temperature, but you can't overcome it! The iron shell is stuffy?"

"You don't have to be equipped with so many weapons. Really, your biggest problem is definitely not the weapon, but the energy in your chest. According to your fighting style, it won't last long."

"By the way, have you considered the issue of high-altitude icing?"


confidant! confidant!

Tony felt that his suspicion of this gentleman named Leon just now was a bit unreasonable and almost insulting.

How could someone with such knowledge and the same opinion as him be a bad person?

The cooperation between Tony and Lyon is getting more and more in harmony and tacit understanding.

With the help of Leon, Tony Stark took a lot of detours, almost without any obstacles and without any technical level, he directly completed all the processes of the Mark 2 armor and completed it directly.

"The next step is the debugging stage. I suggest that you control the power to 1% first, and then embed the intelligent program to assist you."

Leon, who was still tying his hands with iron chains, stood beside Tony Stark, who was neatly dressed and had already put on the battle armor that had completed the final process of painting, and made his last suggestion.

"I'm going to test the performance of the battle armor next, and I may come back later. It's twelve o'clock. Why don't we talk about you tomorrow? What do you think?"

Lyon naturally has no objection.

Believing in Tony's ingenuity is one aspect, Leon feels that the world has become interesting, and he doesn't want to leave here so soon, which is another aspect.

He agreed with his mouth: "Okay, then I'll go somewhere else in a while, just to do something, I'll come back to you tomorrow."

"Well, okay, it's settled."

Tony nodded, and then said with a tone that was so excited that he couldn't hide his heart: "Jarvis, activate the armor and enter the comprehensive data management.

The booster flight program is activated, and the energy... 4%. "

"Wait a minute……"



The rapidly activated battle armor with Tony Stark inside, directly smashed a big hole in the roof, and the smoke and smoke disappeared in the shouts that Tony couldn't tell whether it was excitement or fear.

"Alas, it seems a bit of a loss, it is destined to be eaten. Even if you hide the bowl on the air conditioner, he will fall off and land in his mouth.

Okay, after all, it is a wall that is wearing a battle armor, which is much stronger than the original. "

The hands naturally turned back, and the thumb-thick iron chain on the hands broke directly and fell to the ground.

Leon looked up and looked left and right, his footsteps were light, he floated in the air, and flew out along the big hole that Tony knocked out.


In Brooklyn, above a building that Lyon is very familiar with.

"If I hadn't been thrown into the Marvel world for no reason, then, I might be the same in that universe..."

The place where Leon is is exactly the small house he rented in that world.

And Leon Collins in this universe is now staying at home, holding Happy Water sleepily, watching the late-night show on TV.

To be honest, looking at the other self with the exact same face doing things that are completely different from him, even if Leon's heart is as big as a fight and his brain is as dense as a beehive, he still feels a little too strange. .

"Hmph, your fate is somewhat better. After all, the previous owner of my body is already dead."

I don't have the time to say hello to the "self" of this universe, to meet up, or something.

In any sense, he and that Leon Collins are not people from the same world. This meeting has absolutely no meaning and will not bring any gain to both parties.

"It's just adding trouble, why would I not do such a thing!"

Inexplicably a little angry, Leon stood in the air, watched the guy yawning and stood up, stretched his waist, turned off the TV, threw the remote control on the sofa, returned to the bedroom in the dark, and fell asleep.

Staying there in silence for a while, Leon turned around and flew to another place.

There's nothing to linger on here, and nothing to cut off or talk about.

But just to see myself in another world, curious. That's all.


presidential palace.

The tall Fisk, even when sitting in a chair, can give people a sense of oppression like a giant.

There was no one else in the office, except for the driver and some necessary guards, the people who could help him with government affairs had already left work.

Through operations and some not-so-glorious means, step by step from a gangster, to the mayor of the Big Apple, and then transformed into a president in ten years, although Fisk still remembers his criminal dream, but It has been a long time since he had done it himself, and had done something that he missed.

In a sense, he has successfully fulfilled his childhood dream of becoming the head of the world's largest criminal organization.

It is precisely because of this clear understanding that Fisk can be regarded as conscientious in this position and hard-working.


Taking a sip from the cold coffee on the table, Fisk frowned.

Just as he was about to ask someone to change a cup of coffee, he suddenly saw the delicate small clock on the table.

"It's already so late... Heh, when I was busy so late last time, it seemed like it was time to settle the last competitor...

Ha, I wonder what these do. "

Fisk got up and looked at the documents on his desk, also having a headache.

Questions about superheroes and supercriminals are getting harder to deal with, and public sentiment is getting more and more disaffected.

If this matter is not handled well, he does not know whether he will be re-elected.

Two days ago, before the blind **** and the skateboard **** had been dealt with, the swing **** and the explosion **** appeared again.

The headaches have not decreased, but they have become more and more special. Before the discussion with the think tank has been completed, a criminal who blatantly attacked the police officers appeared on the street there.

Judging from the report, this guy can not only fly, but also has extremely strong hands, and can also launch energy-type attacks. Its own defense power, or the defense power of clothes is also worth mentioning. Putting these points together, Fisk felt that this guy may be another person who is not easy to handle.

It's harder to deal with than the guys mentioned earlier.

"Being the president is more tiring than being a gang leader..."

Walking to the large floor-to-ceiling window, Fisk stared at the night view outside the window and muttered to himself.

"Then go back and continue to be a big brother~"

Suddenly, someone appeared in front of Fisk, stood outside the window, and answered his "question".

In the end, he was a doer who came out of the blood and fire. Fisk did not panic in the face of this sudden situation.

Only his pupils shrank slightly, and then he calmly stepped back and left in front of the double-layer thickened bulletproof glass window.

He knew the face outside, and the wanted sketch of his face description was on the desk behind him.

Walking slowly to the table, Fisk's eyes were fixed on the weird guy outside the window the whole time.

"You shouldn't be here. Not only are you unable to leave now, but this crime is enough to detain you until the end of the world."

Saying these words to the window with a smile on his face, Fisk thought he would wait for a picture that suddenly disappeared, or an enemy that slowly turned into smoke.

Unexpectedly, things did not go in that direction.

The guy in the hat, bent down and took off his hat, gave him a gentleman's salute.

His face turned cold, and Fisk wasn't used to it, and he didn't like the situation where this kind of thing was out of his control.

Still staring at the guy outside, Fisk reached out and pressed a spot on the table.

He is an ordinary person now, a president, of course it is impossible to do everything by himself.

"such a pity……"

Fisk's hand pressed down.

Then he touched the other hand.

"What a pity? Can you tell me?"

He turned back sharply and supported his elbows, elbowing in the direction of the voice.

But his strength was only halfway through, and his elbow was tightly clasped.

"I just want to ask you a question, I don't want to answer it. There's no need to be so violent."

Someone pushed him on the back, and Fisk jumped out like he was hit by a car, almost falling to the ground.

Standing still, Fisk looked back.

Another guy with a hat and a mask on his face is facing him, taking off his hat and saluting.

He hurriedly turned his head to look outside, and the person outside the window didn't disappear, he was still standing there, greeting him.

" two?!"

Fisk asked in shock.


A familiar voice sounded from behind him: "We are three."

He turned around and swept his fist, and his fist was caught directly without any accident.

Behind him, three identical "replicas" were standing behind him, bringing hands grabbing his wrists, taking off their hats, and saluting.

"You...! You...!"

That's three! ?

Isn't that five!

After taking a few steps back, Fisk did not stop until he was against the wall.

Looking up at the top of his head, Fisk pretended to be calm and said, "You should know who I am."

"Of course, oops~ Otherwise, why would I come to you~ You old-fashioned swallow, I hate it!"

One of the mysterious men sat in his seat, put his feet on the table, picked up the document and looked at it.

"Yo, I know all of these guys. I didn't expect, I didn't expect that one day I would actually get together with these guys!"

Reaching out to make a fist, release it, then make it again, Fisk repeats the simple action.

He was ready to do it himself.

Until now, Fisk didn't know why there were so many people in his office all of a sudden.

Windows, intact.

The door, also intact.

The whole house is normal, but under normal circumstances, these strange guys shouldn't be in this room!

Calling people in is not very reliable.

Since these guys can get into this office by some unknown means, then Fisk can assume that the security personnel outside are completely unable to help him.

run away?


The windows are specially made so that RPGs can resist them, and Fisk doesn't think he can knock them open.

The direction of the door was beside those guys, and Fisk didn't think he could run away.

damn it! Why wasn't there an extra emergency call device left when it was built here?

Even if you dig a tunnel, get a trap or something!

God **** it! !

With his hands clenched, although Fisker's attacks were blocked by the opponent just now, at least in terms of combat, Fisker is always confident.


There are a lot of people on the other side.

"What do you guys want to do here?"

Show the enemy's weakness. It's called tactics!

"Ah, wait a minute, I've finished reading this."

Fisk: ? ? ?

"Hahaha, I'm teasing you. You look at you, and you're still anxious. Who do you show such a long face to?"

The guy threw the document on the table, put his hands behind his head, kicked the table leisurely, and said flickeringly, "Wilson, Fisk, Jinbian, your names, I still compare Love Kim and the name.

Does your wife still open a gallery now, what's your strategist's name, the one with glasses, is he married? You didn't give me any news, and I'm not good at being polite.

What happened to Bullseye, dead? What about Erica?

You can't do this either, I don't know if I ask three questions. I didn't tell you how much that Bullseye did for you back then..."

This strange guy shook out all the things he used to be as a president.

Every time he uttered a name, Fisker's expression turned pale.

These things... no one should know about it...

"... Isn't Mrs. Gao also... eh? Is Mrs. Gao still alive?"

Fisk said solemnly, "I don't know Mrs. Gao! What are you trying to do!"

Leon stood up: "I want you to do two things for me."


"Well, I knew you didn't... eh? What the hell! How did you agree!"

The weirdo looked surprised: "You agreed with a special code, how can I beat you!"

Fisk:  …

"I said, we don't seem to have any reason to beat him, right?"

"No, he's the president, he's broken, it's too slow to find someone else to do things."

"Ask Ha, can't we... can't cure him?"



"I got a big weed!"

"Let me come, let me come!"

A weirdo stood and walked towards Fisk.

"Give you a chance, hit me first. If I hide, that kid over there will die."

With a punch, Fisk slammed him in the face without hesitation.

The other side, nothing happened.

"Hey, it's my turn..."

Bang. pain. gosh. black. bang.

"Okay, it can be cured now. The main body! Come on."

Leon came over and sighed.

What are you doing wrong, you have to do this, you will be punished.


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