The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 477: do you regret

Following his own clone who was unwilling to tell the truth, Leon flew out of the city, flew over the suburbs, and finally flew out of the city with three points of anticipation, three points of vigilance, three points of doubt, and one point of gloating for unknown reasons. flew out of the continent.

"Where the **** is this going! Aren't we really going to the cave!"

If Tony is now wearing this armor and is caught in the cave, and according to the previous plot, if this is also taken away by Obadeh, the devil will create an oversized "Iron Overlord", Tony that It's definitely going to be a pain.

Moreover, if it is really in a cave, it might be life-threatening!

"Oh, the main body is trouble, a person can have so many clones, and there are so many superimposed words.

Look at my expression, does it look like there is danger? "

That being said, it is true.

If Tony is really in danger, although he is not the Tony of their world, his clone will not die.

Since Tony was not in danger, Leon was somewhat relieved and waited with peace of mind to watch the joke... Ah no, he was waiting for the truth to be revealed.


Soon, Chen Qi followed the clone and came to a...


This island is so far away that it is completely separated from the mainland.

In such a lonely place overseas, why did Tony come here!

Looking at the clone, Leon asked with a little doubt: "Are you sure, Tony is here? I haven't seen any dangers and enemies on this island?"

The clone didn't speak, just smiled and waved his hand, pointing to the island below: "Go and see for yourself, it's guaranteed to be interesting, and it's guaranteed to be pleasantly surprised!"

What the fuck? It's pretty mysterious!

Leon landed slowly, three or four meters above the ground, and slowly searched the small island. Sure enough, he quickly found Mr. Tony Stark, who was wearing a battle armor but no visor, with a frowning face.

What makes Leon puzzled is that there is only Tony himself here. no one else.

So where is the enemy? !

Before Leon went out, he showed up to stop Tony, and he found something that wasn't quite right.

Tony... who seems to be talking to? !


"No, I don't eat beans..."

"Tony Stark, I have all your information here. You drank pea soup at the banquet twelve days ago, and last year..."

"Okay! Can't I eat it..."

"I really love you and I will take care of you Tony, please give me some time to prove myself"

"You... I... ugh... Code Fake! What the **** is this..."

"Do you treat love so perfunctory?"

"This is not a perfunctory thing! This...Fuck! I can't talk to you about this!"


Leon, who got closer, did hear Tony's voice clearly, and he really heard another voice.


"Is there anyone who can protect my eyes now? I have the Eye of True Vision and the Eye of Blood, and I can see ghosts!

Why can't I see who Tony is talking to? ! "

In Leon's eyes, Tony, who was wearing a battle armor and was busy cooking beans in a stone pot reluctantly, was the only one speaking.

And the person who was talking to him, Leon not only couldn't hear men and women, but also couldn't see where the people were at all.


The expression under the mask became a little more serious, this invisible guy may still be a master...

Leon was about to do something to rescue Tony. When he gestured with the invisible master, he stretched out his hands. He was just about to freeze the whole area with ice. , gently patted his shoulder.

"Ontology, what are you doing!"

Leon frowned, what else can I do, save people!

"You...hahaha! You just have too many tricks, and your mind is too straight. Sure enough, with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

You are too good at fighting, so you want to use force to solve anything you encounter.

Ontology, didn't you realize that there is no enemy here at all~~"

fuck! The Riddler Gets Off the Island!

Leon pinched out his fingerprints, and gestured to disintegrate all the clones, read their memories directly, and do it in one step.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you it's okay!

cough! That... the secret is in the sound, you just... be nice! I said it directly, I said it directly is not enough! "

Clone, of course, understand the ontology.

Seeing that Leon really wanted to squeeze the handprint to dissolve the clone, he quickly pulled Leon and pointed to Tony who was still reluctantly avoiding the bean soup sent by his hand. , Haha... I said beside him, there is a talking thing hanging on him!

You see, that thing is feeding him soup. It's really...hahaha...enviable love...

Hahahahaha! "


Leon was a little dazed.

He turned back and pulled the weeds away, looking at Tony who was "talking to himself" over there again, thinking about what he had just heard Tony and that person say, thinking about the almost explicit prompts his avatar gave him, his eyes became brighter and brighter. , the mouth opened wider.

"You mean..."

"That's right!"

The avatar was overjoyed, full of the joy of watching the fun and not taking it too seriously: "Talking to Tony, wooing him...

It's his armor! "

What the hell!

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Leon's neck was shocked with double chins.

The intelligent life in this special armor, it has become fine!


Tony's mouth was full of bitterness when he drank bean soup that was so vegan that he could no longer be vegan, without even the slightest taste of salt.

What the **** is this!

Originally, with the help of Leon, Tony completed all the designs of the battle armor, and he took a lot less to play. When the battle armor was released in advance, he was not overjoyed.

Wearing this armor, Tony is in the sky and into the sea again. This feeling makes Tony, who is a super rich man, but always an ordinary human, has a sense of enjoyment beyond the level of life.

When flying over a small island, Tony stopped, wearing a battle armor, leaning on the stones by the sea, blowing the wind, and enjoying the breathtakingly beautiful and breathtaking view of the rising red sun.

While rejoicing, Tony held up his visor, looked at the coating on it and said to himself, "It's a pity that I'm always alone. It would be great if someone could share such joy..."

But soon, Tony came out of this emotion, put on his visor, Tony put his hands behind his head again, and said cheerfully to himself: "Ha, what about him, I have you. That's it. When I die, I want you to be with me in my coffin. Hahahaha!"

I don't know if it was because of Tony's own "spirit" that moved God, or in other words, was punished by God.

Not long after Tony said this, his armor...

It's so alive!

Tony suddenly lost the control of the battle armor, and the intelligent program that assisted him in manipulating the armor: Jarvis, completely silent, replaced by a new intelligent program, or...

A new battle armor!

Then came Tony's disaster.

He, surrounded by his own armor...


By way of "love".


Being loved by a pair of metal armors, especially the armors made by yourself!

Tony felt that his three views were all shattered.

How could such a thing happen to him!

Try rebooting, shutting down, writing a virus intrusion, or even letting the Warframe self-program to destroy itself, Tony tried everything he could.

Totally useless.

The armor has completely escaped his control, leaving him on this island.

There is no way for the whole person to escape the "kidnapping" of the armor, let alone call someone or transmit any information.

Those functions, unfortunately, are all on the armor.

The heartbroken Tony completely gave up solving this problem through scientific and physical methods, and instead took the humanistic route, trying to save himself through persuasion and reasoning.

This conversation made Tony's heart even colder.

His armor told him that he wanted to live with him on this island forever.

Fuck—aooooo—! !

Tony almost collapsed!

What kind of virus is this, so fierce! Not only destroying the body, but also destroying the spirit!

That night, Tony went on a hunger strike to threaten his "suiter" and let him put himself back.

As a result, his armor took him to a place on the island overnight, and found a plant with a hollow straw. He told Tony in detail how to use this thing to make liquid food for him to prolong his life. plan.

Ok. You are so won! Your whole family has won! !


On the deserted island, Tony started a new round of "struggle", this time, he followed another "genre".

"Well, look, I'm your creator. From this point of view, we can't fall in love. I'm your father!"

With only one head exposed, Tony's hands and feet were doing other things, which looked very awkward.

A peaceful mechanical synth sounded from the armor: "It's not like that. According to Honey's description of behaviorism, and Maslow and Festinger in..."

"Okay, okay, okay! You win, you win again."

Tony always forgets that what he is facing at this time is an intelligent life who can connect to the Internet and understand all the theoretical knowledge of ancient and modern China and foreign countries.

Debate, how could he possibly win.


It must be the guy named Leon!

It must be something he did, and what virus was planted in my armor without me noticing!

It must be so!

Tony took the idea even more firmly. Because it was the only reason he could imagine at this time.

Grinning his teeth bitterly, Tony really wanted to grab the starting point with his hands and drop it to relieve his anger, but now he can't even do such a simple thing.

Because his hand is in the robotic arm of the armor, and the robotic arm of the armor is moving a log.

It's going to build a house...

It's going to build a house!

It's play real!



The bottom of his heart was completely cold, and Tony, who was about to cry, heard a burst of intermittent laughter.

It sounds like it's very hard to hold back.

Turning his head to the back with great effort, Tony's neck hurt so much that he saw Leon, who was bending over and covering his stomach...

There was another Leon who was kneeling on the ground and beating the ground, the third Leon who covered his mouth and stomped his feet, and the fourth Leon who turned around and wiped his tears.

And a fifth Lyon who was recording with his phone.

Seeing that he was looking back at him, the guy holding the phone actually raised his head and waved to him.


Tony thinks to himself as a very civilized man who pays great attention to gentlemanly manners.

But at this moment, there are countless swear words hidden in his mouth, starting with F, S, D, B, all of them.

"He seems to have spotted us."

"More than that, I feel like he's scolding us"

"Is that still filming?"

"We're shooting here, go out and talk to him, Ontology"

"Why me, you... well, it doesn't matter who goes..."


"Hey! Tony, what a coincidence. You're here too... in love, hahahahahaha!"

When Leon walked out of the grass, he still pretended to be decent, but he didn't hold back when he said the first sentence.

Now that Tony discovered Leon, and even he came out by himself, of course, the armor also discovered Leon.

He let go of the wood and turned to face Leon. The armor was wrapped around Tony, and he stretched out his palm to face Leon. The light in the palm of his hand flickered, and if there was a disagreement, he meant to fight directly.

"Ah? This is... I'm here to eat... No! I'm here to follow the party! How can you..."


A head-on palm thunder struck Leon's face firmly.


Tony didn't know what Leon was capable of, but this time, Leon's suspicions were completely cleared.

They greeted them directly on the face as soon as they met, and the two of them were definitely not in the same group.

"Oh, don't be so violent."

With this level of attack, it is of course impossible to cause any effective damage to Leon.

Reaching out to disperse the smoke, Leon held a red envelope made from a cigarette case and still stood there.

"I'll go with 200. Let's have a drink to celebrate later. What. Sister-in-law, do you drink or drink engine oil?"

The hidden visor behind the armor was directly buckled on the head of Tony who was about to speak, and he flew with him.

"You can't just leave without saying a word if you're too young! You don't take me as a person, so it's a little disrespectful."

Appearing directly in front of the flying armor, Leon clenched his fists righteously: "Sister-in-law, offended!"

A finger poked at the back of the armor's neck, and the visor's eyes flickered, gradually turning into darkness.


Carrying the armor and Tony inside, he put them on the ground.

The two did not speak for a long time.

Lifting the mask, Leon lit a cigarette for himself.

"Also...give me one..."

Two men smoked in Sometimes, what they perceive is not nicotine and tar, but certain emotions, certain feelings.

"Do you regret it?"

Leon looked at the ground and asked in a deep voice.

Tony was silent for a long time, threw the cigarette on the ground, looked at the burning cigarette **** and returned: "... regret what?".

Leon took a deep breath and exhaled like a dragon: "Regret...

I didn't make the chest of the battle armor up and create an organ...

What the hell! What are you beating me for!

Yangshazi... I'm fighting back! "

(Ps: Tony's armor fell in love with him, the original plot of the comics.)


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