Asgard's celebrations are never late.

Although the outside was still in a mess, and even the roof of the place where the banquet was held was half opened, and the huge ice sculpture of Surter could still be seen looming across the two doorposts.

But the banquet still started.

This was also the first banquet held by Asgard after Odin left.

Asgard's open-mindedness about life and death has really opened the eyes of everyone who came from the earth.


"Hey, how are they... I'm not saying it's bad, it's really good to not indulge in grief and enjoy life freely, but..."

Tony's rare speech was a little hesitant, and the poisonous tongue attribute was completely absent. He tilted his shoulders in doubt, keeping his eyes straight, leaning close to Leon who was sitting beside him, and asked in a low voice.

"...Aren't people from Asgard really not feeling sad and sad at all?

They don't have this emotion? ! "

If only Odin was the one who died, Tony could still come up with the "truth" that the king listened to slander, drinking and having fun all day long, which made people's lives unhappy, but in the battle just now, Hela once ruled Asgar for a short time. In those days of Germany, the Asgardians lost more than just a god-king.

Comrades-in-arms, teachers, relatives, friends who fought side by side...

There are not a few people who have died.

But they really entered the state so quickly, even more free and easy than this group of "bystanders" from Earth.

"What's this."

Leon was studying a strangely long fruit that looked like a bird's egg, and replied without squinting: "Asgardians generally have a long lifespan, but there is no such thing as one or two hundred years old or infancy. A setting that only exists in the book.

Like us, they are adults at the age of 20, and then start a normal life.

When I talk about a normal life, I mean going to the battlefield, participating in battles, using a big axe to cut people, beheading them, etc.

You kill me and I will kill you, life and death~ It's no surprise that I've long since seen it. And the Asgardians respect honor and respect force!

You see, that big fool. "

Leon pointed at Sol: "Do you say he has the talent to run the country? Will he lead his people to prosperity? Will he solve the law and the question of fairness?

He'll be a fart! "

"Lion! Hahahaha! Drink!" Sol raised his glass and gestured towards Leon from a distance.

He also held up the wine glass, smiled back, and Leon killed the two pounds of wine in the wine glass, Duang! He stomped on the table, wiped his mouth, and continued to complain.

"Then why is Thor always the heir to the throne of Asgard's god-king?"

"Uh... maybe because he's Odin's eldest son?"

Tony's poisonous tongue attribute finally warmed up a bit.

"There is a reason for the special code! But not all.

Asgard needs a powerful god-king. They need force, they need victory, they need everything to follow the prophecy.

The glass is empty! Give me another bucket! ! "

Oh, this thing is really a bird's-eye.

Spread the hard-to-make sand liver sauce on the egg yolk and eat it, only Lyon can do this operation.

Hiccupping, Leon continued to be his wise brother, and Brooklyn's wise man set stood tall.

"What you see is their heartless side, don't interrupt me first, they are really heartless.

That's because they believe that what the dead most want to see is the happy smiling faces of their family and friends.

They really do. And it's almost becoming a tradition. "

In the original plot, Loki used magical illusions to hide his pain after accidentally killing Frigga, which is also for this reason.

Asgardians don't like to cry, and they cry when no one is there.

"This is a true fighting nation!"

Team America on Lyon's right hand pushed the whole roast suckling pig in front of him to Lyon's empty plate, and said with emotion: "It's not that they can't be sad, they just need to be happy.

Some things go away eventually, but at least we've seen it with our own eyes. "

Captain America said, holding up the wine glass in a depressed mood, and was unexpectedly slapped on the back by Leon and almost poked his head into the wine glass.

"Ha! That's a good word! Come on, let's have a drink and a drink!

everyone! ! "

Leon stood up, raised his glass and shouted, "Today is the youngest day in the rest of my life, so let's celebrate!"

Everyone was very happy to drink, and when Leon was so instigated, they responded immediately. There were sounds of wine glasses hitting everywhere, and some people sang songs on the spot.

After another two pounds of wine, Leon quenched his thirst a little, pointed at the people who were singing in twos and threes, arms around their shoulders and dangling their bodies, and turned to look at Tony: "Look, do you understand this time?"

Tony raised his glass and took a sip with a smile.


Asgardians have endless banquets, which is related to their long lifespan, and their joy of victory after battle and their love for wine.

Everyone from the earth is obviously not able to adapt to this rhythm. How can anyone fall asleep drunk the night before, wake up the next day and go directly to the banquet hall, but they don't respond to anything, and they drink too much for this kind of banquet!


Three days had passed since Hela was defeated.

Perhaps Asgard's wine cellar is the strongest and most well-placed place. Even with Leon and Thor, the supply of wine has never been interrupted.

After drinking it for three days, Leon didn't think about anything. On the evening of the third day, he took a glass of wine and walked slowly outside the banquet hall, all the way to the lawn.

There was a pyramid there, where Hela was imprisoned.

In the banquet hall, Captain America stood by the terrace, stroking the railing, watching Leon walk into the distance.

"You don't have to worry about that, he never did anything wrong, did he."

Tony came over and stood beside Team America.

Captain America smiled and shook his head: "Of course I'm not worried about this, I'm just a little curious how he will deal with that Hela."

"Who knows."

Tony shrugged and spread his hands: "This doesn't seem to be a problem we can handle. At most, if Lyon has not solved it, we can go and help him. Of course, there will be a fee."

"Hahahaha! Yes, charges! Leon, this kid, cheated me a lot of money."

"He even wants to pit you, a poor bastard?!"

"Although it's uncomfortable to be called a pauper, but since it's you, it doesn't matter. There are few people in front of you who are not paupers."

"No, no one is not a pauper."

"Lyon said there was a duck richer than you."


"Yeah, and a bat? Seems to be."

Tony and Captain America chatted and returned to the banquet hall. They couldn't solve Leon's problem. It was useless to worry about it. The great thing was that Leon had a problem. Come to them for help, and they just went straight to it.

Of course, there is a fee.


Captain America and Tony walked back on one side, while Loki and Thor were in front of the railing on the other side, also looking at Leon in the distance.

Loki squinted his eyes and glanced at Sol as if holding back a smile: "What's the matter, do you have any ideas?"

Sol raised his glass and took a sip: "I don't have any idea, I just think... ah..."

"What do you think?" Loki pointed to the wound on his chest: "Do you think the two of us were beaten hard enough? I almost died, brother."

Thor smiled apologetically: "Sorry, I shouldn't insist that the Asgardians solve this matter themselves."

Looking back at the joyous scene in the banquet hall, where the coexistence of laughter and singing, Saul's face was not very good: "If this battle does not have Leon, there is no Captain Marvel, and there is no big yellow mouse, maybe... "

"Nothing is possible."

Loki pointed to Leon in the distance: "Do you think that even if you don't want them to come, he won't come?

It's impossible to think about such a thing at all. "

"But if I'm wrong..."

"Then Asgard will change to another **** king."

Loki made a little joke: "After all, we are Asgardians. We are not afraid of death, are we?"

Oh, that's right.

The two brothers smiled at each other and said nothing.


In the distance, Leon had already walked to the front of the pyramid.

Like a few days ago, sit on the ground and put the wine glass in front of you.

"How are you thinking. Before you answer me, I will only remind you once: I will definitely take one answer away. And only one answer.

No matter what, I won't look back, and I won't come again. So, think clearly. Think clearly, and then answer me. "

A minute later, Leon said, "Then, now I'll ask for my answer."

First a sigh.


I've been thinking about what you said. "

"Hmm, then what?"

"...You're not afraid of me going out, just backhand... don't you care?"

Leon nodded indifferently: "You may not know, after all, you haven't been with your two younger brothers.

They were both ready to die at any moment, and they knew what I was here for.

It's just that they believe me. Then, I don't care, I think if you want to fight again, I can fight.

You remember. When they beat you before, I wasn't there~~

Stop talking so much. What do you think, tell me. I said, I just want an answer. "


Hela in the seal gritted her teeth: "...I hope to be freed from the seal! I promise..."


Leon interrupted Hela's guarantee: "Your guarantee is actually not worth a penny. Besides, it doesn't matter.

Now that the answer is there, where are you going to go, let's talk about it first, Asgard, you can't stay.

Earth, that's impossible. You don't like Earth anyway. Earthlings don't like you either. "

Hela was silent for a long time and gave an answer.

"Fuck! You're serious!"

Leon didn't expect Hela to be so crazy... brainy.

"Well, it's quite suitable for your crazy personality. That's fine!"

Leon got up and walked back with the wine.


Hela shouted: "What do you mean!"

Leon looked back innocently: "I just told you some secret knowledge, and asked your opinion, but I didn't say that I would let you out! The banquet is still being held, I just drank too much and came out to blow air."

Hela: "You shameless villain! I want to kill you...!"

"Hahahaha! Just kidding! Just kidding~"

Leon waved his hands meanly: "How can I drink too much. I drink so much all the time!"

Hela fell completely silent, probably because she was hurt, and she no longer believed or loved.

"Do not worry."

Leon, who had gone far away, stopped again, turned his back and said, "I will let you out. I will let you out tomorrow."

After speaking, Leon kept talking about how exciting it was to dress, and returned to the banquet hall with an empty wine glass.


the next day.

The banquet is still going on.

Leon did not make up, wore light clothes, and came to Hela's tomb again... the seal.

"I'm on time."

Hela didn't speak, as if she wanted to keep her last dignity and prove that she didn't ask Leon to let him out.

Who knew that Leon didn't take the usual path at all. He didn't hear a response, so he turned around and walked out.

"Wait a moment!"

Helaqi's teeth were itchy, but he had to stop Leon.

"Wait a minute. I figured it out,'re on time."

"Hey~~~! That's right~ I clean up those useless things...  

Shouhe! ! "

Because of the task of sealing Hela, Shouhe smelled the fragrance, watched the excitement, and listened to all kinds of happy singing at the banquet. He waited here for five days! !

Five days!

Didn't eat a single bite! !

Hearing Leon calling his name at this moment, he couldn't wait to lift the seal, and he simply greeted Leon, which Leon did not understand clearly, and rushed into the banquet hall with a gust of wind.

On the ground, the pieces of wood that bound Hela shattered, and between the shadows of ink, the disheveled Hela stood in front of Leon, holding her chin and clenching her fists, looking at Leon with bad eyes, as if she was thinking about how Which mouth is the same...

"Want to fight? Do you want me to take out the knife?"

Leon asked, Hela closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and loosened her fist.

"I don't want to fight you now."

Turning his head, he saw everyone in the banquet hall from behind Leon's shoulder. In Hela's eyes, there seemed to be a little nostalgia, a little... reluctance?

"I can't bear it? Do you still want to fight for the King of God?"


Hela smiled disdainfully: "How can I like what Odin gave up!"

Well, you're right, I don't know who's fighting for the first two days...

"I'll come back to you, Leon."

"Don't talk like that, you...hey! You're in such a hurry to leave! Why don't you leave a phone call or something! Hey! The door is over there!"

Hela is a happy person. Of course, it may be that she simply doesn't want to see Leon. She faintly said a word, turned around and flew away, walking happily.

"Ah... I hope those people can speak more politely when they see this eldest sister. She is not as easy to talk as I am."


At this point, in a donut in the sky.

An ugly b with no nose, although ugly b, but very elegantly walked to the end of the passage, to the high steps.

"Salute to you, great king."

Then he shook his head.

"That woman is not dead. Also, she seems to meet us unexpectedly."

"Avoid her. Go back."

Ugly B nodded and turned to leave.

After a while, he hurried back again: "She seems to have found us! She is flying over here!"

boom--! !

The ship was hit hard.


said the man in the shadow.

(Ps: This chapter is a bit difficult to write, and the writing is a bit stuck. There is one chapter today, and two more tomorrow.)

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