The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 507: Lyon's no-kill principle

Of course, Al would never have imagined that Matt had such a hand suddenly.

He had vaguely realized something before that Matt's brain was not very good, but he never imagined that his condition was so serious.

This is so special that he ran directly to the **** of death and cast the resurrection technique. This belongs!

What makes Al even more curious is why he had blown his whistle, why didn't this sick Matt get killed?



From that Matt's mouth, a puff of green smoke was exhaled.

"Hey, I deliberately ignored that little bug, I didn't expect it to be so hard.

It's not as strong as the smoke from my stove. boring. "

Al is completely stupid, he can't figure out what all this is going on.

Why did he suddenly become surrounded by captives in his own base camp...


Al turned back and looked at his boss, but just as he said half a sentence, the boss waved his hand lightly, and cut off half of his head from a dozen meters away.

Still maintaining the gesture of reaching out, his lips are moving up and down, but his body is slowly falling down, and then blood is everywhere.

This "surprise" scene is also a thorough and vivid display of the ruthless ruthlessness of that shit.

Was he stunned by Leon's shoddy performance with flaws everywhere?

Should not be.

He was just dissatisfied that his subordinates brought back such a group of people that made him angry.

Just mortals, kill and kill.


"Everyone, it's time to step back and step back."

Leon took out his lipstick and smeared a little on himself.

While doing this, Leon walked from the rear to the front.

Now at the forefront of the team is Ant-Man, and Leon doesn't want his allies to be killed on a whim.

Judging from the way that guy attacked, if he just cut Ant-Man's head, Leon might have lost a teammate.

Although he has not tried the sixth-level recovery halo and the fifth-level palm immortal art to save a person whose head has been lost in half, but as long as he thinks about it a little, Leon feels that the probability of success in this matter is It doesn't seem to be that big.


While the team was standing by and slowly retreating, Leon and Captain Marvel, who was still wearing that uniform, slowly stepped forward and directly grabbed the Sunderland who was also retreating.

"What's the matter, are you going to give up the darkness to the light and join our rebel army together?"

Leon asked him with a smile.

To say that although this Sunderland may not have a very good character, he is indeed ruthless in his actions.

The brain is also...not very smart.

He actually wanted to directly capture and subdue Leon, the most active "rebel jumper", and expand his military exploits by one more point.

Leon almost didn't react after he was held against his stomach and fired five shots.

"You are brave~!"

Holding the stupefied guy's little head, Leon turned his wrist lightly, led him around, and with a clever kick, kicked him on the buttocks and flew him to the guy on the opposite high platform.

"Your subordinate is very loyal!"

Leon shouted, but that didn't help Sunderland survive.

It was also a gentle wave of his hand, and with the help of the writing wheel, Leon could clearly see the white thread that flashed in his hand.

This guy seems to have swallowed a Spider-Man in a certain universe.

He glanced at the little spider who was still hanging in the air, even though such a lively thing happened.

The kid must have passed out.

Or the tongue is cut off. Otherwise, why don't you speak.

"You guys, it's interesting."

The guy who looked like an elf had his hands behind his back and walked down two steps very forcefully. Leon seemed to see the demeanor of Legolas his father from him.

"Wow...that's a really cool word...Brother, which hand do you usually use to hold your booger?"

"Oh, of course it's the right... You are courting death!"

The battle seemed to come a little faster and a little more urgently.

Lyon broke the process of people's decoration with one question, and it was very embarrassing, so he could only forcefully and directly remove the details.

This guy is very strong, so strong that Leon has a hard time dealing with him.

The fists came like a gust of wind and rain, and the punches were very well-organized. It seemed that he had specially trained fighting skills. He was not a guy who could only fight with powerful energy.

This level is obviously not something that can be achieved by killing a Spider-Man.

However, Leon is not a weak person now. He takes the opponent's fists one by one, and occasionally takes time to fight back.

Compared with the sneak attack of the other party's only occasional silk threads mixed in his fists and feet, Lyon has more work to do.

The fist came, and the elf man crossed his arms to block, and as a result, the fist reached halfway and there was a gun in his hand.

"bang! Don't be afraid! Seven steps away, the gun is fast, and within seven steps, the gun is fast and accurate!

Eat my special yang finger! "

Spirit pill!

The white silk thread was ejected from the wrist, leading the elf man to rise from the ground, and at some point, a growing icicle appeared above his head.

It hit his back with great precision and pushed the man back again. Lyon on the ground was ready to open his mouth and spit out a super big fireball!

"What's wrong with me... a sip of salt soda sprayed you to death!"

No matter how tough Spider-Man's silk is, it is definitely not fireproof. After a big fireball hit him, the elf man with smoke all over his body landed on the ground from the cloud of smoke.

Although not injured, but the eyebrows are gone.

"You! Damn!"

The elf man said ruthlessly, but his eyes were already patrolling left and right, and it looked like he was about to run away.

"The ability of the master weaver to travel the world, you are quite skilled."

Hearing Leon say the name, the elf man was obviously stunned, and even forgot to escape.

Standing up, staring at Leon closely: "Who the **** are you! How do you know this!"

Leon was reluctant to answer him.

"Shocking team, I'll leave it to you. Oh yes!"

Halfway through the words, Leon changed it to the "voice within the team" and directly used the power of the stand-in to start a spiritual dialogue.

Captain Marvel hummed, without a word of nonsense, and shot out with light in his eyes.


Leon gradually walked towards the little spider, and every step he took, his body would leave a freeze in place. That's a clone.

"Go, there's still a lot hidden in this castle."

Since there are one or two, there must be other Al, the other Sunderland, and Leon released a few clones when he was outside just now.

They turned into a mysterious turtle and a mysterious cat on the spot, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

However, no news has come back so far, and Leon is not sure that they are in a hard fight.

There was no sound at all, and 80% went somewhere to play.


The fireball and the aftermath of the fight made a mess in this hall, the pot was overturned, and the roof blew up.

"Little spider... I was still hanging here just now, why is there no one..."

When Leon was looking for it, the voice of the little spider came from the gravel under his feet: "Mr. Leon, you stepped on my hand."

"Oh yes! What the hell! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

The little spider's hands were still tied to the back waist by chains, and Leon was standing there just now.

The little spider even suspected that Mr. Lyon might have done it on purpose.

"You are very strong. I think you should be able to break this chain."

"There are many things in between, I can tell you slowly, but Mr. Lyon, can you stop stepping on me."

"Fuck! I forgot! Sorry!"

Leon jumped aside, and then carried the battle suit at the back of the little spider's neck to lift him up and help him stand on the ground.

After the little spider stood up, he was swaying, his arms tried to break free, and when he tried hard, he sat on the ground.

"Yo, isn't this Spider-Man. I haven't seen you for a few days, why did you pull it like this, isn't it...

I am sorry. I help you. I help you. "

Leon directly crushed the chain on Little Spider's wrist with his hands and helped him stand up.

"What's the matter with you? This is, it's not eating... Well, I won't ask, you can say it yourself."

The little spider sat on the ground in pain: "I don't know what's going on, I just went to patrol the block as normal yesterday, looking for something to do, and then I was found by a few people.

They seem to be waiting for me on purpose? I have no idea……

They had a lot of stuff, I got shot twice with a sedative gun and ran for a while...and then I didn't know anything. "

The little spider touched his wrist, which was empty.

"Mr. Lyon..."

The little spider looked at Leon's eyes not quite right: "They didn't come looking for you, right? Then I belonged to being implicated by you?"

With a slap, a spoon hit the little spider's head on the melon seeds.

"Jing nonsense! They came to you specially!"

"Ah?! This..."

"That one over there... crap, why did they go outside, forget it, don't care.

Anyway, there's a fool over there who wears white clothes. He's the mastermind who brought you here.

I don't know what his name is, but he must be from the Morn family. This family specializes in hunting Spider-Man from all universes.

What about you Spider-Man, you have something called a spider totem on your body. I don't understand either, so just use it as your source of strength.

Simply put, you are destined mortal enemies. The Morn family, and all Spider-Man. They hunt you down and inherit the powers of that spider totem in you.

There is some universe...forgot. The Spider-Man of that universe is a veritable Spider-Man.

The spider has become an essence.

He is called the Weaver Master, and the Morun family killed him, absorbed his abilities, and then had the secret technique to travel between universes. You are the purpose of his coming to this universe.

You are so implicated by me, you can say the other way around! "

The little spider suffered two more spoons, and everyone was sobered up a lot.

"Then, let me fight him now, Mr. Leon, I..."

"You take a rest!"

It's not that Leon underestimated the little spider. As far as the historical achievements of the Morun family were concerned, except for Peter Parker in the 616 main universe who successfully fought back, the Spider-Man in each universe branch was basically swallowed.

Leon originally thought that the one he had passed through was the 616 main universe, because the Iron Man of this world, the Fisk of this world, and many things in this world were similar to the main universe he knew, but now it seems that this is not the case. .

"Look over there."

Leon pointed to the outside: "Don't look at the guy from the Morun family being beaten so badly, that's because the guy who beat him is Captain Marvel!

Still being kicked twice, Captain Marvel was full of anger.

You go, isn't that buffing the opponent? And those guys are also existences that can't be killed at all, you..."

While talking, Tony and the others ran back from outside.

As soon as they met, Leon asked curiously, "Why are you back? There's nothing left here."

Captain America spread his hands: "It was dangerous inside the house just now, but now it is dangerous outside.

Your group of clones are out there, and Carol is out there. So, we went in and took refuge. "

Captain America asked Little Spider a few words, as a greeting, and then asked Leon: "Leon, you said just now that those guys are also indestructible, what does that mean?"

Not long after returning from Asgard, that Hela over there is immortal, and the thing that can only be sealed has not been forgotten in everyone's minds. Hearing Leon's words suddenly, hearing immortality, everyone is a little sensitive.

"Oh, this. You may have guessed a little, or seen something, they are not people of this world at all.

That's not why I say they don't die, though.

Can you kill it? It's just that after killing them, they will be resurrected in their own universe. "

All members of the Morun family are reckless, and they are all afraid of death.

This is quite similar to Lyon.

However, in the early stage of Leon's struggle and growth, it was purely life-threatening, and the people of the Morun family were different.

They don't know where the machine or technology came from, and they built a lot of clones of clones. As soon as this side died, there was a clone who opened his eyes.

Brightly taking advantage of the rules of death, I don't know what the green tea **** in the cape is busy with every day, and even this is not a concern.

In the past, when the Morun family traveled through various universes, it was not that they did not suffer losses, and they died a lot.

But Renjia Leng is relying on this technology to keep the family population not decreasing, stable and strong, and reopening infinitely.

It is really a model of technology defeating plug-ins.

"Then, aren't we destined to have a fight with them in the future?"

Since the Spider-Man in this universe has not been killed, the immortal opponent will definitely make a comeback! It's just a matter of time.


This is Lyon's assessment.

"You won't kill him if you can't kill him. This will make him go back?

So was it because I drank too much fake wine in Asgard a few days ago! "

Leon was heartbroken: "Sealing technique, everyone! Sealing technique!"

Turning his head to look at Wanda in a red maid...witch costume: "How about you go to Strange to learn the magic of sealing."

Wanda nodded: "It should be... OK." that means no.

"Okay, I'll do it myself."

It happened that at this time, Captain Marvel had beaten enough outside, but she always remembered Leon's words and didn't kill anyone.


A white thing was thrown over, and it was only with a writing wheel that Leon could tell where the head was, and it was a deliberate punch on the spot!

"Eat Me: Physical Anesthesia!"

Get it! can be sealed.

(ps: The transition chapter has ended.)


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