The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 509: Knock out your teeth!

Remember [] for a second,!

Captain Marvel finally left alone.

It's not the same thing. Leon and Captain Marvel are really not the same.

Leon knew what Captain Marvel meant, and what she wanted to do in the universe with her.

Speaking of which, it is nothing more than a matter of boundless love.

At most, go and fight Ronan the accuser, and fight a few fights with the so-called strongest sword in the universe, take revenge, and prove your strength or something.

Lyon wasn't interested at all.

Compared to those, Leon is still more interested in how to develop more of his abilities.


Cosmic rough stones have different divisions of labor, and it can be completely guessed based on the "hints" they are named after.

However, even if gems are developed to the extreme and used to the extreme, it is impossible to find another gem directly through one gem.

Otherwise, what would Thanos do with so much energy, just use the space gem that was briefly in Loki's hands at that time, and open the door to go to the location of other gems.

Later, you don't have to work so hard to find the soul gem.

However, when it comes to this, Lyon is somewhat regretful now.

Although there is a gem in his place, Leon considers himself absolutely safe.

Even if it is not safe and is taken away by Thanos, then he is probably dead at that time, and what happens later will not happen, and he is powerless to stop it.

However, as the most special one of the original cosmic stones, very few people know where the soul gem is. In Leon's cognition, it seems that only he who knows the plot well, and Thanos' adopted daughter: Kamo pulled.

"If I had killed Gamora directly...

Hmm...still not. If there is a time gem, purple sweet potato essence can still know these things. "

After thinking about it, Leon calmly gave up the idea of ​​catching up with Captain Marvel and hunting Gamora in the universe.

"The real solution is to strengthen yourself. When the purple sweet potato essence comes, it will be safer to kill him directly..."

I think so, but Leon still doesn't know how to develop his own Kryptonian blood.

This thing seems to be completely different from the bloodline of another Void Fear.

That is to eat, and to become stronger after eating. The strength is mainly reflected in the increase of four-dimensional attributes.

But this Kryptonian bloodline, although sunbathing is simple and rude. But only adding four-dimensional attributes is not in line with Leon's understanding of the Kryptonian bloodline.

After all, Dachao is truly almighty, and he can do anything except magic resistance.

With so many abilities, this should be the place where the Kryptonian bloodline is relatively strong.

If nothing else, Leon is now a representative of strong defense. Give him more time to bask in the sun and eat, and he dares to use his face to face the sentinel's heat rays.

However, this has nothing to do with ability, it is purely high defense and thick blood.

However, Dachao is not, and his blood is not enough, but he has a body of steel!

This is the ability that blood brings.

Lyon, not this. He is also resistant to beatings, but far from the level of a man of steel.

Among Dachao's many abilities, the body of steel is only the most basic one, and he has not yet developed it, so he can do it himself.

"Da Chao, it seems like little by little, after basking in the sun for more than 20 years, he began to develop his own abilities at a young age, and he has accumulated a lot.

I don't have that much time, let alone twenty years, not even two years.

If it comes sooner... it may be a relatively high number for two months. "

Sitting on the reclining chair in the courtyard, Leon was basking in the sun, carefully recalling the process of developing the abilities of the Kryptonian blood.

The heat rays were in the fight with the sentinels. Because they were too embarrassed to be swept away by the heat rays of others, they were really hurt, and this was the ability to awaken.

The frozen breath was because the seal of Hela and the matter of the flame giant Surtur were being considered at the time. Then, the frozen breath that could freeze and cool down was developed like this.

Thinking of it this way, this thing is also about taking advantage of the situation, a coincidence?

"What's up with the superhuman abilities?"

Leon took out a pen and paper from the space and began to recall the DC that he was not very familiar with.

"Super power. Well, after all, it's a big shot at hitting people with stars.

Super hearing, this thing, do you have to listen to crickets singing to develop it?

Perspective eye. Superman seems to be able to see through everything except lead and kryptonite. Hmm... I'm going to rent a house next to the women's bath.

Superman seems to be enough to just bask in the sun, no need to eat... FUCK! What kind of jb ability is this! Cross out, cross out, cross out the whole paragraph!

Flying...somewhat useful, but not much. Although he is flying fast. But the air dance technique is still continuing to upgrade, this is unnecessary.

What else? He doesn't seem to be getting old! This development problem... I'll just live a good life.

From Superman's standpoint, the second-generation little spider won't kill his girlfriend if he has this thing..."

Leon wrote a lot of things on the paper with gestures.

Although Superman has always been the representative of omnipotence, it is a bit scary that someone like Leon who is not very familiar with superhuman abilities can write so many things, and it is still constantly being updated.

However, the more these things are written, the more and more headaches Leon has.

When will this be developed!

He still has a lot of skills to practice!

If nothing else, the writing wheel eye that I took out last time is still at the level before Erzhuzi's defection, what a shame!

Double hook jade is enough to do shit!

When he thought of this, the A4 paper that Leon had just taken out was already full.

"This is so bad, why didn't I pay attention before, I'm so industrious!

How come I still have skills that are only level 2 now! "

Holding this piece of paper, this is a symbol of Leon's strength, an instruction manual about him.

Although, there is a considerable part of the ability on this paper, he has not yet developed it.


Leon slapped his thigh, shaking his hands and legs as well.

"I can't wait for the time! Purple Sweet Potato Essence is a deadly licking dog. Although this period is far from being extremely strong, his record is really good.

Uncle Tun and Zishujing played four or five games, and they all lost. In a sense, the purple potato essence is also a godsend. "

Under Leon's own analysis, his current strength should be in a trance compared to the purple sweet potato essence. The difference is that the growth of the purple sweet potato essence's own ability has reached a bottleneck, and Leon may not be at all. There will be bottlenecks.

Dachao can live directly in the sun, paint himself with gold paint, and then come out.

However, although he has been very guarded against him, there is still a possibility that the purple sweet potato essence will find a way to enhance his ability from somewhere. The gem is born with a relationship with him.

Still gotta get stronger!

"Separation technique!"

"Wood Dun: The Art of Wood Clone!"

In the white smoke from Peng Peng's explosion, a lot of clones appeared beside Leon. The yard was almost full, and there were even a few hanging on the trees and walls.

"Come on, each person will share a cigarette and 10,000 yuan of pocket money...

Wait a minute, I don't have that much cash, a thousand bucks is fine. The rest of you go to the gang of people who sell washing powder yourself.

They like cash. "

Reaching out his hand and grabbing a black turtle from above his head, Leon circled it twice in his hand without even looking at it, and kicked it out with one kick: "The fortune teller told me that I'll be dead if I succeed. But I think that people must rely on themselves!

Go! Go save those lost lambs! Don't forget to practice your skills! Why! Don't go so fast! Gems are also divided here!

Don't forget to smoke! ! "

At the very beginning of Leon's speech, he left without listening. If he hadn't been thinking about receiving the one thousand yuan pocket money, he might have run away as soon as he showed up.

Gu Ding </span> "Mad, I don't have any respect at all, anyway, I'm also the body."

The clones have all left. There is no specific destination this time. The whole world can go anywhere. As long as someone can provide purification points and help practice skills, the clones will not choose.

The body of Leon, after looking up at the sky for a while, sat down, took out the wine and drank it.

Compared with going out to practice skills, he still has to think more about how to develop his abilities.

If all the abilities that were written on that piece of paper were developed, and the purple sweet potato essence was still there, even if the dragon fruit had become essence, Leon wouldn't pick him up!


Sometime at noon a few days later.

The sun is just right, warm and warm.

On such a sunny day, Leon would naturally not give up. He took a densely written A4 paper and sat in the center of his yard next to a table full of wine and food. .


It didn't come from flying, although Tony was a little more flamboyant, but the time when he used the armor as a talisman and wanted to wear it to sleep has passed.

People are driving seriously.

Last night, Lyon received a call from Tony. He said that he was coming today, and he had something to say to Lyon. Lyon asked on the phone for a long time and didn't ask, and Tony had to say it face to face.

"Why are you drinking again?"

Tony came and sat at the table beside Leon.

"Every time you come here, you are drinking, although I know your wine has extra magical effects, but you are really not afraid of breaking your brain when you drink like this.

Wait a moment! You must be in a state of drinking and ruining your brain by now!

Lyon, wine is not a good thing after all. Well, you give me all the wine you have saved, and I will help you to deal with it harmlessly. "

Naturally, Tony's mouth couldn't hear any normal polite words.

No matter how close or far the relationship is, this person will not delay the loss of his mouth.

"Look what you're saying."

Lyon directly lifted the wine bottle: "Is this wine?

No, this is not wine, this is a warm river, it is the muddy water that once flowed, it is a good medicine in the gloomy days, it is a trivial thing that fell into the belly, and it is also a future full of tears.

The history of mankind is the history of wine culture. "

After speaking, Leon took out two bottles of wine from the space and pushed them to Tony's side.

He can now grow a lot of four-dimensionality by basking in the sun every day. The energy that this wine can provide him is no longer in the eyes of Leon.

The special effects are left. As for the increase in physical strength, the increase in life recovery speed, etc., they are all given away.

Thinking like this, Leon took out two more bottles of stock and pushed them over together.

"I can't give you all of them, Captain America should also give them some to drink.

Come on, come on, let's talk about it this time. No, I'm going to put on a suit and get a lawyer here. Let's be more formal? "

"Oh, that's useless."

Tony happily held the four bottles of wine in front of him. He said casually, "I'm here to tell you that in a while, I should be getting married to Chili Pepper.

I am here to solemnly invite you to my wedding. "


"Wedding, what are you doing with such a big reaction?"

Leon looked at Tony, serious and serious.

In the movies of the previous life, none of the people in the Avengers had a good end.

Even the Captain America, which seems to have a perfect ending, was forcibly fooled by the screenwriter. It is still the original world of the self through time and space. , live yourself as a bug.

Just to reassure the audience.

Wanda has died of his brother and his lover, and has already gone a bit in the direction of madness.

Thor died of his brother and almost all his subjects, and he became a fat mansion with beer flowing in his veins, what a terrible word.

Widow sister, sacrifice.

And the surviving Hawkeye bears a nightmare of murder, living in eternal pain, watching the death of his former comrades in arms, the pain is painful.


Tony is probably the most heartbroken one for fans.

Just a little bit.

Just a little bit! !

Just a little bit, he was able to live the stable life he had finally come to, with a wife he loved and loved, and a lovely and lively daughter.

Just a little bit.

He fell at the last moment and traded his life for victory in the war.

When Leon first saw the movie, he was also very sad.

Tony died, leaving only one daughter.

If this daughter is bullied at school, it may really be a worldwide problem.

After all, everyone in this world owes him.


"Lion? Leon! What are you doing, I can't use so much!"

Leon stared at Tony for a long time, and Tony was stunned. After Leon came back to his senses, he started to move things out of the space without saying a word, all kinds of wine in beautiful small bottles. A bunch of them pushed towards him.

"Leon, that's enough! I'm not asking you to contract drinks for the wedding.

Ha, I've already thought about it, when I get married and have children, I won't be a superhero, nor will I be a president, I..."

"Ah ah ah! Aba Aba Aba I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen!!"

Leon promptly stopped Tony from planting a flag on himself.

Tony didn't think much about He thought that Leon was simply sick again.

Isn't this a normal operation?

"By the way, by the way, you seem to be very busy recently.

I know those are your clones, but why are you suddenly so active? "

Lyon is noncommittal: "It's fun."

"Ha! I do have a funny thing!"

Tony said mysteriously: "I developed a new armor!

Are you interested, have a fight with me and test the performance of the armor. "

Yo, you are really floating, little Tony.


Hit you hard! Save yourself as a hero!


Leon stood up immediately.

Today, I have to knock your teeth out!

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