The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 513: what lyon is afraid of

Where did Leon go and what he said to those people, only the parties knew.

Since then, Leon has disappeared.

No one knew where he went, and no one saw him again.

However, the world is still functioning normally without Leon.

Those who should eat, drink and drink, those who should not be rich and noble are still rich and noble, and those who should not be separated from their wives have not gone to the fate of separation.

The world just went its way, just like every day before.


noon one day.

Tony and Pepper are walking in the park.

Tony has been preparing for the perfect wedding for a long time. He quit the habit of sleeping late, quit almost all alcohol intake, and together with Little Pepper, temporarily quit all work and is no longer busy. , and no longer working all day long in the laboratory or with criminals.

Tony hasn't had a life like this, but he likes it.


"Does Leon really know where to go?"

Little Pepper still likes Lyon, and has known each other early, and Lyon's daughter Sophia always runs to Little Pepper to play with her.

Now that Tony is going to marry her, there must be Leon among the guests.

It's just that Little Pepper hasn't seen Leon for a long time, and likewise, Tony hasn't seen him for a long time since that exchange.

Even those clones disappeared one by one because of the constant death.

It's not that Tony didn't look for it carefully, but he really couldn't find it.

Those two weird little creatures are now living at home with Sophia, and Tony thinks that Sophia may know where Leon has gone.

However, the little girl may have listened to some instructions from Leon and was unwilling to answer the question about where Leon was. As soon as she asked this, the little girl ran away.


"I don't know, I even suspect that he might not be on Earth at all.

But what about him, he promised to be at our wedding, and he would show up.

I just hope now that when he comes, he can dress like a person. On the wedding day, if he really wears his outfit and a mask, he will come here. To be honest, I really dare not let him take off the mask.

What if he wears any makeup again? "

Tony still wasn't too worried about Lyon.

Although Leon's strength has reached a certain level, Tony consciously can't give an answer, but in the previous competition, he himself was completely defeated.

Even if Leon had a problem, Tony couldn't help. Leon dodged, which is the best proof.

Moreover, Leon was most afraid of death.

He was so smart and timid, reckless and cautious, he wouldn't put himself in danger easily.

"Don't worry."

Tony comforted Little Pepper and said, "When we really need our group of people, Leon won't stop talking. He's not an outsider."

"Ah, that's good. I don't know anything about your battles, but Leon is very good at fighting, right. He can always beat his opponents."

"Well. Don't worry. You're right."

Naturally, he said so, but in his heart, Tony still felt that Leon might really be in big trouble this time.

A few days ago, he was a little abnormal.

Although Leon usually looks very unreliable and often shows some symptoms like derangement, he was really wrong a few days ago.

How to say it, it's like explaining the aftermath.

"Hey, what am I thinking?"

Tony shook his head, and was about to explain to Little Pepper how powerful Leon was, when a subtle and dense sound of electric current sounded.

In front of Tony's eyes more than three meters high, an orange light coil suddenly appeared out of thin air, and it continued to expand.

"Back up."

Tony raised his hand and put it on his chest, while protecting Chili Pepper behind him.

The orange light circle quickly expanded, and the things outside the circle and inside the circle were completely different.

Outside is the sunny park meadow, and the circle is dark.

"Tony. Mr. Tony Stark."

A man wearing a cloak and a mustache stepped out of the widening aperture, slowly flew down in front of Tony, and said hello to him.

"Is it... magic, or is it that the circus can't afford lions anymore."

As soon as Tony said it, the person who came to him raised his eyebrows uncontrollably.

"Mr. Tony Stark, please come with me, I have some things to tell you, some questions to ask you, some... difficult and need your help."

"Oh, then do you have an appointment? You should at least make a phone call to confirm whether the invitation has been sent or something. I'm very busy..."


A female voice sounded, and Wanda stepped out from behind the person.

Tony didn't know who this man was, but of course he knew Wanda.

"Tony, this is the Supreme Mage of the Supreme Temple, Strange. Like you, he is also a good friend of Leon."

Supreme Temple!

Tony has also heard this term.

Lyon has said more than once that he almost became a disciple of the Supreme Master and succeeded the next Supreme Master.

Wasn't the big guy who left Leon in his garden the Supreme Mage, and the one who fought with Odin when Sol's uncle was making trouble on Earth seems to be the Supreme Mage.

"Oh, hello hello."

Tony went over to shake hands, but kept his eyes on the top of each other's heads.

He remembered that the Supreme Mage seemed to be bald...

"I'm a disciple of that mage at the beginning. Like Leon, I'm a latecomer."

Strange saw through Tony's thoughts at a glance, but he didn't blame Tony for being rude or anything. When he was a surgeon, he had heard what this famous **** Fu Erdai was like. people.

"Long story short. Mr. Tony Stark, I'm here this time for Leon's business."

Tony looked at the optical coil portal that had never been closed, and knew it.

"Peibo, you go home first, I'll be back when I go."

Of course, Pepper also knew Wanda. Their avengers came to Tony's house, and many times, Pepper served Tony who was still unable to get out of the laboratory.

After simply instructing a few words, Little Pepper watched Tony and the two walk into the portal together, and then the aperture narrowed and disappeared.


Pepper sighed.

It may be difficult for Tony to say goodbye to Iron Man completely in his life.

Thinking of this, Little Pepper turned and walked towards the home.


On the other side, Tony stepped directly across the aperture and came to a quaint attic.

Looking back, the door that I came to just now is gone.

"Not bad ability, how come Leon has never used it.

Wanda, aren't you also a magician, and you can't use this? "

Wanda smiled and shook his head: "This is the white magic of the Supreme Mage, my magic, Leon told me, should be called Chaos Magic, which is different.

As for Leon, he can't do magic. "

Although Leon often uses some abilities similar to magic, it is definitely not magic, and Wanda can be sure of this.


"Please come with me."

Strange took Tony to a more spacious conference room.

After the two sides sat down, Strange explained his purpose bluntly.

"Lyon visited once a few days ago.

He said a lot of inexplicable things and also mentioned you to me.

However, what he said was strange and difficult to understand, but that was not the point, the point was that he seemed to care about it. "

Strange said, with his hands in handprints, and slowly pulled away from his chest to the sides. Tony clearly saw that the pendant hanging on Strange's chest emitted a green light, and then slowly rotated, Deformed, revealing a small stone inside that seems to be beating and vibrating constantly.

"This is the Eye of Agamotto, and this inside is the Time Stone.

There are six such gems in the universe. Each one contains unparalleled powerful energy.

You should have seen some other gems. "

As he said that, he moved his hand, and some phantoms appeared in the air. That was the scene when the Chitarians invaded, and in the center of the phantom was Loki standing on the roof of the Stark Building.

"The one in that scepter is the mind gem among the six gems. And the one in the cosmic cube is the space gem."

Tony said, "I know what you said, remember, I was a participant in that war, and Leon told me this.

Then, what did Leon say? "

Strange and Wanda looked at each other, he stood up, slowly moved the phantom with his hands, making it constantly changing patterns, and at the same time explained: "You should have heard, Thanos Name it."


Tony felt a little familiar, but still couldn't remember.

Strange continued: "Lyon had inadvertently said this man's name.

However, in his mouth, this person often appears under the other two code names.

Purple potato essence. Thanos. "

"Oh~!! I heard it!"

If you want to say purple sweet potato essence, I don't know.

Strange continued: "The name Leon said was a bit familiar to me at the time, and it felt like I had seen it somewhere.

This time, his unusual behavior reminded me of the name again.

After that, I suddenly thought that I had seen this name in the notes left by the last Supreme Mage, that is, my teacher Gu Yi.

Yesterday, I flipped through the full record.

This Thanos is a terrifying World Destroyer! "

Next, Strange gave a detailed account of the names and functions of the six gems, as well as the records about Thanos that he had seen in the ancient notebook.

And Tony finally knew that the purple potato essence that Leon had been talking about was such a terrible guy.


"That is to say, the person behind the one who instructed Loki to invade the earth last time and almost succeeded is this Thanos?

And now, he wants to come over in person? "

Strange nodded: "Judging from Leon's reaction, I think that's what happened."

Pointing to Wanda, Strange continued: "Wanda told me that you are the person who knows and is familiar with Lyon the most, and is also a very smart person.

So, I came to you to analyze with you whether Lyon's performance really means this.

Moreover, I have a conjecture that I would like to confirm with you. "


Tony sat in the chair and thought silently for a long time.

"Does anyone else know about this? Well... that doesn't matter anymore.

Thanos... Leon was indeed always afraid and looking forward to something happening.

Because he seemed to have always known that it was destined to happen.

Leon was terrified. Until the last time I saw him, he was still a little pessimistic.

Now it seems that he may really be worried about this purple sweet potato essence.

This guy must be terrifyingly powerful.

By the way, you just said, is there any problem to confirm with me? "

The two were almost certain that what Leon was worried about was definitely this Thanos.

Then, Leon's disappearance may be to stop this guy in advance.

In this way, Thanos may really come to Earth!

"Actually, that's three questions. There's just one answer.

As I said just now, my teacher's notes said that Thanos is a world destroyer who will bring disasters to the entire universe.

However, the strange thing is that my teacher had tried to kill him early, but stopped for some unspecified reason.

In this way, Thanos' strength will at least not exceed my teacher's.

This is rather strange. From what I know about Lyon, his current strength may not lose too much to my teacher, and it is even possible to surpass him.

Moreover, Leon has helpers, you avengers, and people from our Supreme Temple. It seems that he does not need to be afraid and afraid of that Thanos.

This is the first question.


With such a level of Thanos, how could he have that strength to cause a disaster that affected the entire universe. Since he is here now, it means that there is no problem with the timing.


Why, why did he come to earth. "

Tony looked at Strange and said, "Actually, you already have an answer, right?"

Looking down, looking at the glowing stone on Strange's chest, Tony continued, "You said just now, what are the effects of those six stones?"

Strange repeated it, equally calmly: "Mind. Power. Space. Time. Soul. And, reality."

"...Based on strength, with the soul as the bottom, the desire of the constant mind, at the same time, affects the entire space of the universe, changing the reality..."

If Leon was here, I would definitely applaud these two.

What Thanos can do without collecting all six gems is not that the power of one gem is not enough, but that all six gems with different divisions of labor must be present.

This is the principle of raw stone utilization.

Tony, the moment he saw the effect of these rough stones, he thought of this.


After Tony finished Strange was also silent. After studying all day yesterday, he came to the same answer.


Wanda was about to say something, when suddenly there was a loud noise outside, and then they heard all kinds of terrified screams on the street.

Tony and Strange, who were also bowing their heads, looked at each other and stood up at the same time.

Outside, something seems to have happened.

------off topic-----

Hahaha! Gu Yi had the idea of ​​killing purple sweet potato essence, which I wrote before.


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