The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 517: space defense

Wakanda at this time, it is a lively.

The front foot had just received the vain attempt to violently intrude, and only shouted after the failure. After attracting the garrison, the team of Captain America, who was full of eagerness and anxiety, was struggling.

The next second, before the words were finished, a hole opened in the sky, and six dazed acquaintances fell from it.


"team leader!"

When the fellow sees the fellow, tears well up.

The two parties directly ignored the host Black Panther in the middle. A lot of people asked about the injury, the experience, whether the other party had fought with the purple potato essence, and whether the other party had any combat reductions...

Of course, the most asked question is: Have you seen Leon?

And the scene of more than ten people shaking their heads face to face, also made the black panther on the side look a little confused.

"Lion? What happened to Leon, where did he go?"

Although it was only a one-sided relationship, it was this one-sided relationship that Leon also left a deep impression on the Black Panthers.

As a fledgling man, he changed into the invincible Zhenjin armor, but he was beaten into scum by others. Anyone would be impressed.

Everyone was chatting, and the black panther couldn't hear anything at all. He looked up at the sun, and he had been standing at the door chatting for so long.

"Everyone, everyone! Please listen to me!"

Black Panther raised his hand and said, "Anyway, let's go inside first, sit down and have a good discussion.

Moreover, among you, there are many people who need treatment. "

Except for a few ranged attackers, such as Hawkeye and Strange, all the superheroes were injured to varying degrees.

Not to mention, Vision Eye is about to get cold.

The crowd agreed with Black Panther's suggestion that they did need treatment.


Sitting on the throne, the black panther is not as calm as a young man.

However, at this moment, his face was full of sadness, and he was rubbing his forehead with his hand, and the lines on his forehead were rubbed out.

Because the key information he extracted from the news he heard just now is really not very good to make people smile.

A tyrannical cosmic robber has come to Earth.

He is a super strong guy.

He has a lot of helpers, from miscellaneous soldiers to top masters.

He came for destruction.

There are two stones with infinite power in his hand.

He came to grab the rest.

It's enough to be frustrating and hopeless.

But what really makes people unhappy is...

The general on the opposite side has already arrived, and he is personally involved in the battle. And his own strongest formation warrior, Qi Shuishu disappeared.


The black panther pinched his temples and raised his head: "...The Captain Marvel you mentioned, she is not on Earth.

Hulk, may be dragged by the enemy.

Thor, the **** of thunder, has probably died at the hands of Thanos in order to save you.

And Lyon...

Lyon knew this day would happen, right. It's just that you don't know where he is now. What is he doing, not even knowing if he is alive or dead.

This is really... a bad situation..."

The Black Panther summed up what everyone just said, and came to the conclusion that it was as bad as it was.

And sitting next to him, the superheroes on both sides of the conference table are also not very good-looking.

Among them, the expressions of Tony and the American team are full of self-blame.

Although Leon was vague and never mentioned any details about the matter accurately, there were questions about the gems, about the possible... no, the disasters that were bound to occur on Earth, about the other side. Powerful and indomitable...

Leon has shown them countless times and hinted at them countless times.

Each of them is well aware of this.

However, Lyon's own existence still affects their supervisor's judgment.

When Lyon showed almost invincible and omnipotent means, after leaving this impression in the hearts of everyone, everyone seemed to be no longer so "eager", no longer so "eager", no longer so full of fear and conscientiousness.

Leon can solve all problems, Leon can always appear in time when things get out of control, and solve problems perfectly...

He took over foes that he couldn't defeat, such as the God Slayer Gehr.

He protects the homes of his companions, such as sealing Hela.

He heals rifts in the Alliance, like the Winter Soldier thing.

He found the problem in advance, and he stabilized the rear to bring superheroes back to life. Just his name can make many guilty people take the initiative to subdue the law.

It seems that having Lyon is enough.

Everyone thinks so subconsciously.

Although Lyon has always shown an unabashed resistance, even disgust, to integrate into them, into the crowd, and into the social collective.

However, everyone is still used to such a comfortable state of Lyon in everything.

Only now did they know why Lyon was always at a distance from everything, why Lyon was always vigilant, why Lyon was always anxious and anxious.

But, now that I know, it seems a little late.


"It's not too late."

Captain America, who took off his helmet, pressed the table, stood up, glanced at everyone, looked at their eyes one by one, and said word by word, "We can't solve the crisis at hand.

However, we still do what we should do.

I believe that when you were just starting out, you must have faced difficulties that could not be solved at all.

You can sit here today and show that problems that seemed impossible to solve were finally solved.

We still have our duty to protect those gems! Buy Lyon time!

At least, by the time Leon arrives, we should be assured that he is facing a Thanos with two gems in his hand.

instead of four! "

After Captain America finished speaking, everyone could hear what he meant. The big deal was death.

The person who can sit here, the one who hasn't nearly died a few times, died defending the universe, sounds pretty good.




Tony also stood up. As a double wall of the Avengers, the US team has always represented the sensory side, while Tony represented the rational side.

The US team pays attention to personal heroism, and takes the lead, while Tony is the old mother, who specializes in checking the shortcomings and filling the gaps in the US team's decisions, formulating and providing supplements and improvements under the decision-making.

This time, too.

"The other party has a woman with a long spear and a three-jawed javelin who has chased it nearby. It is estimated that the location here will be exposed soon."

Tony glanced at the vision of Team America and "Meeting Sick": "It's not your fault.

I estimate that in a few hours, the other side will have assembled all the troops.

It's embarrassing that we don't know how many people the other party has, and since he can persuade the white-haired guy trusted by Sol and Leon, we also need to consider the possibility that the enemy has bewitched more people.

So, we have to increase our troops! "

Turning his head and carefully tapping the number of people on the conference table, Tony said, "Strange, there should be other mages who can use portals in your temple."

Doctor Strange nodded: "However, their fighting ability may not be enough...

Oh. I understand. "

Doctor Strange said, "Say the name, say the location."

Tony first reported Loki's name. Asgard has superpowers per capita. Even the masons can dominate one side. If they can get hundreds of new troops from Asgard, it will definitely resist the enemy. offense helps a lot.

But soon, Tony remembered about Sol.

Thor came to Leon so eagerly, it is estimated that Asgard may have...

Abandoning the beautiful fantasy of being able to get reinforcements from Asgard, Tony said the names and approximate locations of Quicksilver, Ant-Man, Hulk, Rhodes, Falcon and others in turn.

After that, Captain America added the name of the Winter Soldier, Spider-Man added the name of the second-generation Green Goblin, and Doctor Doom added the name of the Fantastic Four. In addition, there were Daredevil, Blade, and Doctor Octopus. And the two pets in Lyon, and their owner: Sophia...

In this way, there are still quite a lot of people on our side.

Doctor Strange wrote down the names and approximate locations of these people one by one, entered and exited from the portal again and again, gathered the magicians under the Supreme Temple from all over the world, and issued orders to them to find these people at the same time.

Although sometimes as soon as the door is opened, there will be a bunch of enemies across the door, but overall, the work is going very smoothly, including Dr. Banner, who has become a normal human being who is not known for his life and death, has been brought come over.

Our own personnel continued to grow, but the sights we saw from the constantly opening doors still made everyone secretly tremble in their hearts.

There are too many people on the other side.

Why are they everywhere!


When finally no one could be found, the rich nature of Black Panther as Marvel's first dog owner was completely exposed.

He replaced everyone who might be equipped with a weapon of the same type with a similar model made of Zhenjin.

Even Doctor Doom was promised to supply him with a vibranium mask in the future.

Of course, the premise is that everyone has to survive.


At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, after everyone had been waiting for more than an hour, as the siren sounded over Wakanda, the enemy finally found this place.

The brigade followed the black panther and walked to the grass outside the palace.

Across a faint layer of energy that enveloped the entire Wakanda Palace, the two sides stopped to confront each other.

"Tony, I don't seem to see the purple guy you mentioned here."

Captain America was still standing in the front row. He took a closer look at the enemies in the distance, and saw only a few familiar enemies, the little man with his hands floating in the air, and the one with the cumbersome mechanical pickaxe. Big guys can also match what Tony and the others said.

It's just that Team America didn't see the tall man with silver hair and another strong purple man with golden armor.

"I have no idea."

Tony shook his head: "The winner of the battle is actually neither them nor us.

The other party's purpose is the gem, and now there are only four gems whose whereabouts are known, and one of them is in Leon's hands.

Leon may have walked away from the cosmos with the gem, which is also a way to prevent the other party from slaughtering the entire universe, and the two disappeared guys are likely to go to Leon.

Of course, there is another gem, and it doesn't necessarily fall into anyone's hands..."

Tony's guess is extremely reasonable, and Captain America knows that, as Tony said: the focus of the war is on the ownership of those stones.

And the outcome of the war depends on whether the general of the other side comes back first, or the general of one's own arrives first.

When everyone was on guard and ready to attack at any time, the other party was different from the miscellaneous soldiers at first glance. They were obviously cadres. They had already commanded the miscellaneous soldiers under them and began to attack Wakanda's energy shield regardless of life and death.

One after another, four-legged monsters that were even more scribbled than aliens rushed to Wakanda’s energy shields. The shields filled with electricity and heat burned directly on their bodies, cutting off their flesh. Even if a lucky enemy passes through the energy shield, it is the end of the shot. After roaring and crawling on the ground for a certain distance, he quickly falls to the ground and can't get up again. Only the terrifying corpse that is burned is left. of smoking.

And behind it, the next alien soldier rushed in, repeating the process, and collapsed beside the senior.

Then the next one, the next one...


A large number of miscellaneous soldiers are still charging the protective cover, and the air is full of burnt smell, which makes people feel sick.

Inside the protective cover, the corpses of the alien soldiers were dark and piled up into a hill, and the hill was still increasing.

Outside, another huge spaceship landed in the woods. Not long after, new soldiers ran wildly from the woods in the distance. The number was more than the soldiers who arrived here at the beginning.


"Your Majesty the King..."

The female captain of the Wakanda Guard, with a shaved head and a high-tech cold weapon, walked up to the black panther and said softly: "Those guys are using these low-level miscellaneous soldiers to consume our protective shield, if the shield is broken, or It was invaded by multiple points...

Our troops can't handle it. By that time, they were the ones who surrounded us. "

"Yeah. Let's lift the defense line of this unit in front."

The captain of the guard looked up at her king, then bowed his head back, relaying the Panther's order.

At this time, the subjects of the Black Panther also shouted the battle cry of the ancient ancestors.

"Stand up~ la~!"

Panther shouted The soldiers changed their defensive formation to attack formation.

At this time, the protective cover in front of them was opened, and the enemy's miscellaneous soldiers ran like wild dogs running wild, and the distance between the two sides was shortening rapidly.

The hands are crossed on the chest, which is the fighting ceremony of Wakanda warriors. On the face of the black panther, the Zhenjin battle suit quickly covered it completely, forming a black panther head.

Black Panther shouted: "I see the security!"

Take the lead, rush out!

Beside him, all the superheroes and the subjects of the Black Panther rushed out and flew into the sky.

The battle to defend the universe begins!


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