The Unrivaled Divine Emperor

Chapter 1176 Reaching the Summit

"So fast, Chen Fan is too fast!"

"Yes, he has now reached the 990th step, and there are only the last nine steps to the top."

"I don't know if this is the only test. If so, he will be the first to reach the top and enter the temple, which will give him an advantage over everyone else. I'm afraid we can only drink the soup he left behind."

"No, I have to speed up. There are only so many treasures and opportunities. If we go too late, I'm afraid we won't even have soup to drink."

"Speed ​​up? It's useless. It's okay to maintain this speed. If you want to speed up, you'll be courting death."

Below, everyone has no intention of competing with Chen Fan.

If there are only a dozen steps left, they can still grit their teeth and catch up.

But if there are more than a hundred steps left, it's not something that can be done by gritting their teeth.

Chen Fan is in no mood to guess what those people behind him are thinking at this moment.

He stood at the 990th step, and felt the pressure on his body, as if a continent was pressing on him, bending his waist.

This pressure was so terrifying that even breathing became difficult.



Chen Fan took a deep breath, sweating like rain.

His legs were weak, and he might even kneel on the stairs if he was not careful.

Chen Fan did not dare to grit his teeth and take a step, but stopped where he was, slowly adapting to this terrifying pressure.

After about two incense sticks of time, Chen Fan slowly straightened his waist, and barely adapted to the pressure on his body.



The whole world seemed to tremble suddenly, and Chen Fan's waist, which had been straightened, was bent again in an instant, and his whole body was shaking violently.

"Get up!"

Chen Fan's veins popped out, his eyes bulged, he gritted his teeth and lifted his other foot up, landing on the 991st step.

The people below were speechless when they saw this scene.

Chen Fan was able to ride away in a hurry, which shows his physical fitness.

However, at this time, Chen Fan had a hard time stepping on a step, so you can imagine how terrifying the pressure from above was.

"My God, even Chen Fan has such a hard time stepping onto the first step, so we have no hope?"

"You can't say that. Here, the higher the cultivation level and the stronger the person, the greater the pressure they face. Compared with Chen Fan, we are far behind. When we get there, the pressure we have to bear will naturally be much smaller than Chen Fan."

"But even so, we don't have the ability to bear it like Chen Fan. In this case, even if there is no such terrible pressure, can we definitely hold on?"

"Hehe, you have no confidence before you even get to that step. I don't think you can reach the top at all."

"Damn it, you actually cursed me that I can't reach the top. You and I are irreconcilable. Look at my palm."

Everyone's expressions were different, and some even had disputes and started fighting directly.

First step.

Second step.

Third step.

Chen Fan walked very slowly.

It took him half an hour to step onto the third step and reach the 993rd step. Compared with the previous speed, it was a far cry from the previous speed.

There is no other way.

The further you advance, the greater the pressure.

At this point, the pressure can be described as terrifying.

After 995 steps, Chen Fan's bones creaked and his body trembled constantly.


Chen Fan's breathing was like a bellows, his chest rose and fell violently, heavy and long.


At this moment, every step he took was extremely difficult.

"Humph, if I can't even pass this test, how can I knock on the immortal gate and go to the Phoenix Ancient Realm to bring my senior sister back? This pressure can't stop me!"

Chen Fan's eyes were firm.

There was nothing else in his eyes, only a few steps left.

Time, under this climb, became extremely slow.

Under the huge pressure, Chen Fan's mind became a little muddled, but he had a firm belief that never wavered.

Go forward!

Go forward!

Walk all the steps!

Walk to the end of the stairs!


Chen Fan kept moving forward, forward.

Although every step was extremely difficult, he was still moving forward.

I don't know how long it took.


At a certain moment, when Chen Fan's footsteps fell, his mind suddenly roared.


He only felt his body lighten, and the terrifying force pressing on his body disappeared in an instant. The Qigong Zhenyuan in Dantian also started to work at this moment and flowed through his body.

In an instant, all the fatigue in his body receded like a tide.


Chen Fan's mind suddenly became clear, and he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

"This... I reached the top!"

Chen Fan was surprised.

Before, he had forgotten it, and there was only one thought, that is, to move forward.

Unexpectedly, under this circumstance, he reached the top.

"I didn't expect that after passing the test, there would be such a benefit."

Chen Fan felt that his whole person had completed a sublimation from the inside out.

The mind became purer, the will became stronger, and even the circulation of the true energy in the body was greatly improved compared to before, and it was extremely smooth.

"He reached the top! He reached the top!"

"You don't need to tell us, we all saw it!"

"Why not me? Why not me?"

The people below were all excited when they saw Chen Fan reach the top of the ladder.

Chen Fan rested for a moment, and then under the gaze of countless eyes, his palm slowly pushed towards the gate of the temple.

However, at the moment when Chen Fan touched the gate, a clear light flashed, and then Chen Fan's figure disappeared.



"The clear light just now..."

"Could it be that he has been sent to the temple?"

When everyone saw this scene, their eyes were fixed.

Then, their hearts beat violently, and they gave rise to an inexplicable power, and they climbed up again.


Confused, like a sea of ​​white clouds and mist.

The whole world was completely covered in white mist, and the end could not be seen at a glance. Moreover, the visibility was very low, and at most one could see through dozens of meters. In the depths, it was all white.

Chen Fan opened his eyes and was shocked.

"What is this place?"

Chen Fan's first reaction was to look around.

"I was just about to push the door, and then a force..."

Chen Fan calmed himself down, thinking back to what happened just now, and murmured: "Could it be that I am already in the palace? That staircase is just the first test, is this the second test?"

Chen Fan's heart was beating violently.

I thought that after pushing open the door of the palace and entering the palace, there would be good things waiting for me, but I didn't expect it to be the case.

It seems that the test is not over.

At this time, a melodious voice sounded.

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