The Unrivaled Divine Emperor

Chapter 1205 First 2/4

"Look, Chen Fan is climbing up again!"

Chen Fan, who was at the point of failure, suddenly moved again and continued to climb up, which immediately triggered the emotions of countless people.

"My God, how is this possible? He just... just about to fail, how could he suddenly get rid of the illusion and continue to climb up?"

"You mean he cheated?"

"Impossible! This is the Immortal Gate Assessment, who dares to cheat? Although Chen Fan is not weak, he is nothing in front of the Immortal Gate. If he cheats, he will definitely not be able to hide it from the eyes of the Immortal Gate."

"That's right! From this point of view, there is only one explanation. Chen Fan's will broke through just now, became stronger, and destroyed the illusion, so he continued to move forward."

"Yes, that's right! This will is great. Although the ladder is a test, it is also an opportunity to temper my will. "

"If I had known this, I should have gritted my teeth and participated in the assessment. Even if I failed at this level, it would have tempered my will."

"Yes, the first level of the Immortal Knocking Conference is to test the will. Naturally, there is a purpose in it. Unfortunately, we didn't understand it before. Now that we have turned a corner, there is no chance. "

"Let alone other things, I wonder how far Chen Fan's will can go if it breaks through in the battle?"

"Just keep watching and you will know."

As Chen Fan continued to move forward, countless people were talking about it.

"Damn it! Damn it! How is it possible? How can this little bastard continue to move forward? I don't believe it, I don't believe it! It must be that the Immortal Envoy Yuhua secretly used some means. It's unfair, absolutely unfair!"

The happy smile on Beishan Hong's face in the Sun and Moon Sect turned into a hideous one at this moment, twisted like a demon, and roared wildly at Chen Fan's back.

I thought Chen Fan was about to fail, but I never expected that he would recover at the last moment, which made him feel disappointed. He really couldn't accept it.

"Shut up!"

Beishan Ling shouted coldly, shaking Beishan Hong's soul.

Beishan Hong's words just now can be said to be questioning the Immortal Envoy of Yuhua, questioning the Immortal Sect of Yuhua, and even more seriously, slandering the Immortal Sect of Yuhua.

At this moment, would the Immortal Envoy of Yuhua dare to help Chen Fan?

Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that it is impossible!

This is an assessment hosted by the Immortal Sect of Yuhua, not the Immortal Envoy of Yuhua.

If Beishan Hong offended the Immortal Envoy of Yuhua because of these words, his future days in the Sun and Moon Sect would definitely not be easy.


Xuan Shitong saw Chen Fan continue to climb up, and the tight string broke instantly, as if he was exhausted, and he let out a long breath: "This damn guy is simply torturing us to death, making us worry here for nothing."

Demon King Xuan Ting said in a deep voice: "That can't be said. Xiaofan's situation just now should have been on the verge of sinking, but obviously at the last moment, his will broke through."

Chen Zhengqing, Nangong Yue and others all breathed a sigh of relief.


On the ladder of will, Chen Fan continued to move forward.

Sixty-seventh floor.

Sixty-nineth floor.

Seventy-second floor.

Seventy-seventh floor.


The dark prison that trapped his consciousness was violently shaken under his sharper will knife, as if it was about to fall and was about to be completely split open, and could no longer imprison his consciousness.

The light shining into the darkness became more and more, and brighter and brighter.

It was as if, with Chen Fan as the center, the light spread out in a circle around, dispelling the darkness.

"Break, break, break!"

Chen Fan's will became more and more determined. He broke through the dark prison and shattered the illusions.

He kept going up, surpassing one person after another.

If he was in the upper middle level before, then now he is in the upper level. There are only a dozen people ahead of him.

These ten people are all close to 500 years old. They have experienced many hardships and have strong wills. They can resist all kinds of temptations. There is no sign of stopping and they are still trying to climb up.

As a pursuer, Chen Fan is constantly catching up and surpassing these people.

On the 83rd floor, he surpassed one person.

On the 85th floor, he surpassed two people.

On the 86th floor, he surpassed one person.

The light in Chen Fan's heart is getting brighter and brighter, as if it is about to shine into the real world.

Although the new black fog will continue to merge into his body and affect him with each step, this influence has not become more serious due to the increase of black fog.

On the contrary, Chen Fan's will is getting stronger and stronger, and the influence of illusions is getting smaller and smaller.

The light in his heart will shine into the real world.

Ninetieth floor.

There are only three people left ahead of Chen Fan.

These three people are all great legends, experienced the wind and flowers, and their will is as strong as a rock. Illusions can't affect them at all.

At this time, countless eyes followed Chen Fan's back, step by step, and witnessed Chen Fan's continuous upward movement, surpassing one strong man after another.

"Ninetieth floor. My God, since Chen Fan's will has a breakthrough on the sixty-sixth step, it is like a god's help. Illusions have no effect on him at all. Later, he moved faster and faster, surpassing those ahead of him one by one, and now he is in fourth place."

"I think the three people ahead of him will soon be surpassed by him."

"I'm wondering if Chen Fan's will has broken the illusion and is no longer invaded by the illusion. He is now completely awake."

"Hiss, don't tell me, there is really such a possibility."

Countless people are speculating and discussing.

But Chen Fan did not stop, and continued to move forward and surpass.

At the 95th step, Chen Fan surpassed the last person.

At this time, his mind was bright, the dark prison completely collapsed, and the light shone into reality.

His consciousness was completely awakened at this moment.

He broke the test of the ladder of will and broke the dark prison.


When the Immortal Envoy saw this scene, his pupils shrank, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Good, good, he actually broke the dark prison, the light shone into reality, and his consciousness was out of the illusion. There is nothing that can stop him."

The Immortal Envoy murmured to himself, very satisfied.

Chen Fan, really did not disappoint him.

Chen Fan regained consciousness, and the illusions in front of him disappeared. Even though the black fog continued to merge into his body, it could not affect him at all.

He looked at the immortal gate in front of him. There were still four steps left, within reach.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Fan took four steps in a row.


On the ninety-ninth step, Chen Fan's figure appeared there. As long as he wanted, he could step into the immortal gate in one step.

At this time, countless eyes were all focused on Chen Fan, and their hearts seemed to stop beating. They stared at Chen Fan's figure without blinking, as if they were afraid of missing the moment when Chen Fan stepped into the immortal gate.

At this time, Chen Fan moved.

He took a step and stepped directly into the immortal gate that was closed by one-fifth.

Almost at the moment he stepped into the immortal gate, a magnificent voice sounded in his ears.

"Chen Fan, passed the will ladder assessment, the first person in Tianwu Continent, rewarded immortal fate, ten feet!"

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